Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014


The world recent lost a beautiful soul at the passing of Maya Angelou. She

once said “The ship of my life may or may not be sailing on calm and

amiable seas. The challenging days of my existence may or may not be

bright and promising. Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I

maintain an attitude of gratitude.  If I insist on being pessimistic, there is

always tomorrow.  Today I am blessed.”
How remarkable to live a life in the blessings!  God made the same promise

to Abram as He established the Nation of Israel in Genesis 12:2 when he

said, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and

make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them

that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee.”

I encourage you today to live your life blessing others through the power of

Almighty God!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. My wife and I enjoy going to antique malls and shows where you see different collections of items from previous generations. I always look at some of the most beautiful furniture and glassware and wonder when it was purchased originally? Was it a gift from a loved one or maybe the owner had to save for month’s to purchase it?
The stories of these items will really never be known I guess and neither will the stories of the items that we treasure. Jesus said for us not to store up a lot of “stuff” for ourselves here on earth because things can be stolen, broken and even sold off. Instead he said to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven where they will last for eternity.

I hope that today you will add one more piece to your heavenly storehouse. Maybe you will share a good word with a friend or do a kind deed for someone in need. I realize that those simple acts of kindness don’t seem that impressive but on that great day in God’s Kingdom your mansion will be filled with treasures that you placed there.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Good Morning: One day in a Bible class, the professor had a huge dartboard

drawn on the wall and lots of darts laying to the side. He told his students

to draw a picture of someone whom they disliked or someone who had

made them angry on the dart board.

The students had a grand old time throwing darts at the pictures they had

made. When they stopped, the professor pulled the dartboard down, and

there was a mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covering his

face. He quoted Matthew 25:40: "In as much as you have done it to the least

of these my brothers, you have done it to me."

What a powerful lesson those students learned that day. When we hurt

others, talk about others, injure others in any way, we are also hurting Jesus.

Let's remember that today and build each other up instead of tearing each

other down. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with

glory and majesty! Psalm 8:5

Are you too hard on yourself? Do you set your expectations too high? Do

you feel like you can’t do anything right?  Do you have poor I-sight?

Remember, your identity isn’t about what you do but who you are. You are

one of God’s children; created by Him with a specific purpose in mind.

When we see ourselves through His eyes, “I can’t do anything right,”

becomes “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Philippians 4:13.

God is greater than our shyness, our fears of inadequacy and rejection. He

desires for us to reach out to others in His name. We may not see the big

picture yet, but He is preparing to change the world through us.

To fully be sold out to God means we must discard our feelings of

insecurity and memories of past failures. We are part of the family of God

created to play a role in a holy future and God does not make mistakes.

Maybe we do not measure up to our self-imposed standards. Maybe we feel

like our daily performances are beyond pity. God doesn’t care about that, he

loves and treasures us, because He made us He has plans for us that are

beyond our imagination. If only we will trust him, love Him. Remember,

He gave His life for something precious… us!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014


Good Morning.
Do you remember the story of Joshua? When he fought the battle at Jericho,

he was given some unusual instructions by God in how to win the battle of

Jericho. You see Jericho had a big thick wall surrounding it. They first had

to break through that wall. God told Joshua to march around the city for 7

days. The priests were to go first, blowing their horns; then the Ark of the

Covenant carrying the 10 Commandments; then the soldiers. At the end of

the 7 days, they were all to shout.

Joshua didn’t question God’s strange instructions. He did it just as God told

him to do. And the walls came tumbling down. What can we learn from this

in the world we live in today? It is this: Even the impossible is possible

when we trust God. Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. At the beginning of last month, our country celebrated July 4th and commemorated all those who gave of themselves so that we may enjoy freedom. It reminded us that freedom comes with a price. Freedom without Discipline is Destructive.

This also is the same way with the freedom found in Christ. We are free from our burdens and given rest from our labors, because Jesus has opened up a way to all people through His Sacrifice. In the Bible, we are told in Acts 13 that God does something unexpected at Antioch; He granted freedom to all people to hear and receive His word. They responded by forfeiting themselves over to God.

Irish missionary Columbanus once wrote, “Seek then the highest wisdom, not by argument in words but by the perfection of your life; not by speech but by the faith that comes from simplicity of heart.” This, dear friends, is our response to God’s offering of Freedom. So, what about you? How will you response to God’s open invitation? Will you only go half way or will you go all in.  Remember, Freedom without Discipline is Destructive.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


For several months now, one of Central’s ministry focus has centered on

Community Groups. Do you have a circle of friends around you who

support you, tell you the truth, hold you accountable, pray for you? We face

daily struggles and situations that require perseverance, someone to confide

in, to give us perspective.

If you read in Exodus, Moses relied on his friends in times of turmoil,

struggles, and weariness as he lead the Israelites. In Exodus 17 as Israel was

in battle, when Moses grew tired having to hold his arm up in the air, his

friends helped him by holding his arm, bringing a rock for him to sit on -

that is what our Community Groups do - uphold each other through this

walk here on earth.  We are about to launch another opportunity to be a part

of Community at Central.  If you would like more information about our

Community Groups, visit our website at, phone our

church office at 601-693-1521, or join us on September 3rd to learn more!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever heard the old fable of the frog that got cooked? According to the legend, someone wanted to cook a frog. But each time the frog was dropped into a pan of hot water, it jumped out. Then the cook got smart.  She placed the frog in warm water. The frog relaxed. Then gradually, the cook turned up the temperature of the stove. In fact, it happened so gradually that the frog never bothered to jump out and the frog got cooked.

Most people in some way or another have spiritual values. These values guide us in the decisions that we make and the way that we express God’s love to others. However, with all the struggles of life and the temptations that attack us, it is easy to allow our spiritual values to quickly become secular values.

I hope that you have a faith family - A community to call your own. If not, then let me offer Central United Methodist an option; because if we are not careful, our spiritual values can get cooked like that frog.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014


I have had the privilege in my life of traveling around the world.  My father

was an officer in the United States Air Force, and every place we were

stationed became home.

As an adult being married to a youth pastor, we have made home the

different places where we served churches.
For the last ten years, Meridian has been our home.
Having known many different people in my life has made me the person I

am today, but no matter where I have lived, the constant has been Jesus

Christ.  He is my present and future “home.”

Regardless of where you are in your life, whether wandering or stable, Jesus

is there for you, calling you home. If it has been a while since you attended

church, I encourage you to go. If you don’t have a church home, I encourage

you to find one. If you are looking for a place to call home, join us at Central

United Methodist Church, but regardless of your place of worship, know

that Jesus is your HOME.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. The former President Jimmy Carter once told a story about the best funeral service that he ever attended. He said the preacher spoke about the dash in between. That dash that he was referring to was the dash between the date that a person is born and the date they die that is recorded on a tombstone.
You and I do not have any choice on the day that we are born. We have a limited influence on the day that we die. However, everything in between is up to us. So how are you filling up the dash in between your starting point and ending? Is it the story of others, of love, of caring commitment or is it the story of selfishness and self loathing. Is your dash filled with people that you have tried to help along the way or those that you saw only as an obstacle? You see, that dash is more important than the other two dates.
I hope that your dash is filled with the stories of faith, love, and hope. If it is, then the dash in between will be the greatest mark on your tombstone.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hell, a place of unimagined misery. How can a loving God allow such a

place to exist, much less be the one who created it? Yet how can He not?

Does it seem fair that those who do evil every day with no remorse in their

hearts should never face a consequence? God would prefer that Hell remain

for who it was created for; the devil & his fallen angels.

Does Hell serve a purpose? Remove Hell from the Bible and at the same

time, remove any idea that God is just & that His word can be believed.

If there is no Hell, then simply put, God is not fair. If there is no

punishment of sin, then God doesn’t care about mass murders, rapist, and

thieves. If there is no Hell, then God has turned His back on those victims

who cry out to Him for help. If there is no anger towards evil, then God is

not love, for love hates those who are evil.

The Bible repeatedly & strongly affirms that each person’s history is headed

for one of two outcomes. Some will be saved. Some will be lost. God does

not force us into either destination. He lets us decide. Which do you chose?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


If you have children or youth, we invite you to join us this Sunday evening

at 5:30 to hear about the many opportunities for them at Central. A NEW

ministry this fall will focus on a Middle School or Transitional Ministry for

6th - 8th Grade Students.  We realize this is an exciting, yet often difficult

time in the lives of young people; and our new ministry offers a safe, fun

environment for students to share their excitement, struggles, fears and

dreams.  Students will have the opportunity to study the scriptures,

experience life application to the Word of God, come together in Worship

experiences designed especially for them as well as opportunities for

outside activities centered around missions and sometimes just fun and


For more information about this Sunday evenings event or any Ministry at

Central, visit our website at,

OR phone the church office at 601-693-1521 and speak directly with a staff

member! We hope to see you this Sunday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Good Morning. A lot of us grew up having to work. There is strong work ethic within a generation. Some of you have even broken the cycle of poverty for yourselves by sheer determination and hard work. However, there is a generation who does not have the same work ethic and has been made a slave to dependency.

We even see this problem in the church. It is hard to teach someone what it means to give when they have never had to give before. It is also difficult to let someone do for those who have a strong work ethic. One of the ways we can break the cycle of dependency is to create opportunities for the younger generation to serve. This is called Generation Relations. Even the mighty and self-reliant Apostle Paul allowed younger believers to serve and work in the faith. They did not receive money for their time and effort. Instead, they got something foundational in their lives. Paul invested in Generation Relations.

Today, you can make a difference in a younger Christian’s life by getting them involved with living out the Gospel. Create opportunities for them to serve in the name of Jesus. So, invest in Generational Relationships and let’s change our world. I’m Dennis Gossett.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014


Good Morning:
One of my jobs as Director of Central’s Children’s Center is to teach music to our three and four year old children. One of the songs we sing is “Come and See What God Has Done.”

That song really comes to life at this time of year for me. Summer time…what a wonderful season! Driving down any street in Meridian, you have to marvel at all the beauty that God has given us. It reminds us that God is alive and is in control. He is right here among us. The proof is in the flowers and the blooming trees, the blue skies, the lakes he has given us for swimming and skiing, even the rainy afternoons and the hot summer sun.

Have you noticed? If not, take time to look and see What God has done. God is awesome in every deed. Have a wonderful summer day!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday, August, 7, 2014


As the school year begins, not only students, but teachers across our city face a new year. A family, of sorts, has been formed for the next nine months. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges teachers face is not reading, math, or science, but how to teach students to manage and cope in what, at times, seems an unmanageable world, or maybe home life.

Whether we admit it or not, we all struggle with control. We fear losing control means certain failure, when in fact, they are the moments we find our inner strength and learn where it comes from. We also need to look into the faces of not only our children, but aging parents, friends and neighbors and support and encourage them. Life is hard. We need each other. This said, pray for teachers, not just today, but throughout this school year. They teach our children much more than the academics. Offer encouraging words to a teacher, and remember, our God is with us always, helping us manage in what often seems an unmanageable world! Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I was eating at a restaurant the other day and started to notice how many people were looking at their phones, texting people, playing on the internet, everything but talking to one other. I must admit that I have been guilty of this same activity from time to time.

Time is a very precious commodity, and all of us are given just a certain number of days. With this knowledge we should make the most of them. Let’s start today by having a conversation with someone that we love without the distractions of the world around us. Stop and look at nature and notice how beautiful God has made all things. Let us also take a moment to just have a private word with our creator as we thank him for these days and every good day that we experienced in life. The greatness of your life will not be measured in the objects that you posses but the moments that you lived.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Good Morning.  I am Suzanne Cain, director of the Sanctuary Choir at

Central United Methodist Church.  I am also a teacher. 

As you are aware, schools are back in session beginning this week, and I ask

for your prayers as we get into the routine of a new school year. It is a rare

privilege to love and encourage the future generation of adults while they

are still moldable.  I realize there are a lot of debates about the education

process, but most teachers entered this profession to love and nurture and

influence the lives of others.  Isn’t this what Jesus call us to do?

I get to do it in the classroom, but regardless of your profession, are you

making a positive impact on the lives of others? Jesus did, and I encourage

you to do the same. Join us at Central United Methodist Church where we

are changing lives through the living Christ. Have a great day.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014


Our faith isn’t the most comfortable of mealtime topics of conversation. It

isn’t often we hear, “Could you pass the ketchup,” and by the way are you

going to Heaven or Hell?” Yet God is counting on us as believers to spread

His Good news.

You don’t have to wear a priest collar or preach hour-long sermons to be a

minister. Paul wrote that ministers talk about the Gospel in every situation

they find themselves and what God is doing in their lives. It isn’t always

easy to live our faith out loud, but our courage now can make a difference

for all eternity for those around us.

When we arrive in heaven, I wonder if Christ will say, “I’m so proud of the

way you let me work through you, and because of your cooperative spirit,

others are already here! Would you like to see who all is here? Would all the

friends, family, neighbors of this man please step forward?

Are we leaders and role models? Without a doubt! Are we making a

difference? You know it! The question, however, is how we are leading?

How are we making a difference? Is it in a positive way or a negative way?

So remember, we do influence & affect our friends. Don’t take yourself out

of the play with your attitude & lifestyle. Friends listen to us & watch our

every move. If we are believers we shouldn’t put our faith on the back

burner, we should move it to the forefront, so that our love of God & His

love for us can be seen by those around us.