Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Doug and Maddie Kennedy

Good morning. Jesus sent his disciples ahead of him across the lake that evening. As soon as it was completely dark and they were still in the middle of the sea a huge storm came. They were terrified. And if that were not bad enough they suddenly see what they assume is a ghost wafting across the water towards them. Jesus calls out to them “Do not be afraid. I AM.”

What is it that strikes terror in your heart. The roar of a tornado. The injury of your child. The desperate illness of a parent. Whatever it is that causes you fear, Jesus has one thing to say to you, “Do not be afraid. I AM.”

This is Doug and Maddie Kennedy of Central United Methodist Church. When fear strikes in your life whatever the cause. Turn to Jesus. He doesn't promise a life of smooth sailing, but he does promise to be with you always, and to calm the storm in your soul. He calls out “Do not be afraid. I AM.”

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012


Good Morning!

A few years ago, singer/songwriter, Russ Lee, came out with a song titled, “I Smile.”  His life was changed by Jesus Christ so he sings, “I smile when I think about the way you turned my life around. I smile when I think about the happiness in you I've found.”

When Russ was 17, his days were wasted on drugs, alcohol, boredom, and pain.  His life was full of self-inflicted trouble and hopelessness.

One day while listening to an old rock song called, “I Can't Get No Satisfaction,” he realized that song described his life.  Two days later a friend invited him to church.  There, Russ heard that real satisfaction comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  So Russ reached out in faith, and God transformed his life.

If you are not satisfied, reach out in faith.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Do you look at like as a cup “half-empty” or one “half-full”?  It may depend on how grateful we are.

Our Jewish friends and neighbors have a wonderful practice of offering brief prayers throughout the day.  These “tiny” prayers are called “berakhat”, which means “blessing.”  A “berakhat” is, therefore, a prayer of thanksgiving - offered for our first breath in the morning, the clothes we put on; the food we eat [you get the idea].  Every moment becomes an opportunity to express thanks to God for sustaining us.

Today I invite you to “count your blessings”.  At the end of the day, it may surprise us just how BLESSED we are.

Make it a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Twenty-two years ago on this day, George H. W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Act into law. This bill attempted to end discrimination against people due to physical disabilities and to provide ways for them to participate in the day-to-day life like everyone else. It is often a temptation to forget someone who has a visible weakness or to regard them as less than worthy. The temptation is to love people based upon a superficial sense of merit. But showing mercy to the disabled is a snapshot of God's mercy.

The Apostle Paul said, “While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” God does not love us because we are strong, but simply because God wants to show compassion. God is compassionate love, and to be like God is compassionate love.

May God bless you throughout this day!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Recently, I made a one-day trip to Shreveport, Louisiana.  Shreveport is a LONG way from Meridian - right at 300 miles.  The drive was 5 hours over and 5 hours back.  It made for a LONG day.  But the ride was made better, because I shared it with a friend.  We talked, we laughed, we told stories, and we listened to each other's struggles.  It was GOOD time.

Often we go through life all on our own, and it can be TOUGH doing life “alone.”  But God gives us each other - to get to know one another, to develop relationships, and SOMETIMES friendships that matter.

Recent studies have shown that MOST Americans have 2 or fewer real friends.  Today, seek to be a friend to someone else.  Welcome the opportunity to deepen a meaningful relationship with someone else.  And if you're looking for a place to start NEW friendships, why not visit us at Central, where everyone is welcome!

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Good Morning:

I like catchy phrases, don't you? Like, “The Early Bird gets the worm”…we've all heard that one. But how about some of these that refer to God and living the way God wants us to? “Be fishers of men...you catch 'em, He'll clean them.” Or how about this one: “Exercise daily….walk with the Lord.” And then this one, “He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.” Here's a good one: “Plan ahead….it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.” This one is my favorite: “God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.”

I hope you have enjoyed these fun, but meaningful phrases. Have a great week and, remember, God answers all knee-mail. Get it? Knee-mail…that means God answers prayer. Oh, and one more thought...“Pray is a four letter word that you can say anywhere.” So, don't forget to pray today. God loves to hear from you.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012


Good Morning!

As we move into the summer allergy season, many of us have begun to feel the affects of the different viruses and illness that seem to tag along with the changing of the seasons.

With many of my friends having missed work or summer school, because of a bug that has been going around, I have tried to take extra precautions to avoid catching it. Every time someone would come into my office, I would spray Lysol disinfectant in the air after they left, and after shaking hands with someone, I would try to use a hand sanitizer before going back to work.

After one particular encounter last week, I reached for the bottle of Germ-X on my desk, when the person I had shaken hands with said, “Oh, don't worry about that. I've been sick, but I'm not contagious, because I caught it from someone else.”

Unfortunately, for many of us, our faith can be described the same way. We aren't “infectious,” because we never had a direct relationship with Jesus Christ, but have been living off the faith of others.

Let me encourage you to go straight to the source through prayer today, you'll be glad you did!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012


Good morning!

I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

In case you don't know, I am new to Central and to the town of Meridian. I was born and raised in Mississippi, living in Brandon until I went to college. I am a graduate of Mississippi State University, and I am in the process of finishing up my Masters from Asbury Theological Seminary.

Over the past month, I have been warmly received by the people of Central and of Meridian.  It has been a joy to be here so far, and I am thankful for the hospitality I have received.

Hospitality is one of the great traditions of the Christian faith, but one that can be lost from time to time. To bring in a stranger to become part of your family can be a scary thing. It's easier to let people fend for themselves, to go out to eat at a restaurant, or to spend an evening in a hotel. But to invite a stranger into your lives and your homes is at the heart of what being a Christian is about.

Again, I want say thank you for the warm welcome, and may God bless you throughout this day!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Good Morning:

Summer is moving fast.  Just another month and school will be on its way.  At Central United Methodist Church, we offer a five-day pre-school program for 1 year olds through 4 year olds. We are so proud of our Center and its teachers and staff. It's a wonderful place for children to learn, to play, and to worship. We believe that the most important part of a child's day is the feeling of love and caring he or she gets. We meet those needs with the bonus of helping children grow in as many ways possible.

Enrollment has been so good for this year that we have opened up another three year old class. If you are interested in enrolling your three year old child in our program, just call the church office and they will direct your call to me. I'd love to talk to you. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Good Morning!

Jesus, who was a master of using ordinary things to illustrate spiritual realities talked about salt when He was teaching the disciples how they were to sever as agents of His kingdom.  He said in Matthew 5, “You are the salt of the earth.”

If we think of salt as a preservative, we can assume that Jesus wants us to prevent moral decay in our society; and if we think of salt's ability to enhance flavor, we can be sure He wants us to help people discover the joy of knowing Him as Lord and Savior.

Salt stored away on a shelf is not fulfilling its function.  In the same way, unless we are actively at work sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, we are not serving as spiritual salt.  Go add some spiritual flavoring to our community today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Good Morning!

A family had a hobby of putting together jigsaw puzzles. The father often brought home puzzles of greater and greater difficulty. One night, he presented his family with a puzzle of over one thousand pieces. Immediately, they began working on it. After an hour, however, the family was frustrated. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure the puzzle out.

The father then discovered that he had accidentally switched the box top with the top from another puzzle. The picture they were looking at wasn't the puzzle they were working on.

Often, we feel frustrated with ourselves; because we don't believe we live up to what others want from us or even what we think God wants from us. God created us to be different. We all have our own “box-top picture,” and the only way we can ever be successful in life is to be ourselves, allowing god to use us just the way we are.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012


Eugene Peterson has created one of the most loved and read trans-culturation of the Bible. His paraphrase of the latter part of the third chapter of the gospel of John speaks clearly to me. It reads, “This is the crisis we're in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness, because they were not really interested in pleasing God.

Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won't come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyone working and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.”

This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church, are you seeking the God-light so that your God-works may be revealed, or are you afraid of the light that might expose what you are really up to. Live, daily, the kind of life that you would want everyone to see.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012


Good morning. Welcome to Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious? Are you extra careful when the 13th falls on a Friday. Do you worry what will happen when you notice a black cat crossing in front of your car? Did you walk all the way to school without ever stepping on a crack in the sidewalk?

I know that I am sometimes influenced by these silly superstitions. But when I do think about Fridays and black cats and sidewalk cracks, I remember that I have a heavenly Father who is far more powerful than any superstition or evil power who may be behind them. My heavenly Father cares very deeply for me and he cares deeply for you. He will not allow anything to befall you that would take you out of his loving arms.

And so, while troubles may come to us, it is not the result of any superstition. In fact, our troubles are usually the result of our own sin. And Jesus has the answer for that, too. So, you can go about your usual activities today knowing that nothing can separate you from the love of God.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012



For six straight years Carlos Zambrano pitched opening day for the Cubs. The Cubs signed him as a teenager and he quickly became a fan favorite, but the fans could never figure out which Zambrano was going to show up each night.  One moment Zambrono was a charming family man devoted to his faith and the next a raving violent beast of a man.

Known for his passion on and off the mound; Carlos, like many athletes today, points to the sky after he pitches an inning. At first, I thought this was an act designed to play off of the fan's beliefs.

During games, Carlos can be found standing halfway between the pitcher's mound and the dugout; his eyes turned heavenward, his hands raised as if in conversation. But with whom?..."Any time I finish an inning, I look to the sky and I give thanks to God for that inning, be it a bad or good inning," Zambrano said. "I just want to give all the glory to God."

The Bible says that everything we do can be done for the glory of God and Carlos is trying to do just that.

With that in mind, what are you going to do today and who are you going to do it for?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This is the time of year many parents find themselves thrust into change.  A change they should have seen coming, but all of a sudden, it is upon them like a freight train coming full force.  Summer is the time for graduations, weddings, and new beginnings for many families.  While change, by nature is hard, it also opens many doors.  As you prepare to see your child off to college, you are at the beginning of an adult relationship with your child.  When entrusting your precious child to another, you are also opening your arms a little wider to hold your growing family.

A move offers an opportunity to broaden your horizon of friends.  In Jeremiah 29:11 God reminds us “For surely I have plans for you, plans for your welfare, not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  This does not mean that we will be spared change, pain, suffering or hardship, but that God will walk with us. That, my friends is God's promise to you and to those you love.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Good Morning!

It has been said that prayer is an individual choice that allows us to experience the greatest power in the universe.  To experience it, we simply talk with God as friend to friend.

The chaplain of the United States Senate says:  “Nothing is more important (than prayer).  It is the source of life's greatest joy.  There is no power or peace without it.

With it, we receive supernatural power and wisdom.  Our ability to love and understand people is maximized.  We think more clearly and act more decisively.  Our problems shrink, and we can tackle opportunities with gusto.  Most of all, we fulfill the reason we were born - to know and love God.”

Yet, we often fail to take advantage of this great source of power, and, therefore, often flounder as we face the struggles of life. Today would be a good day to pray!  Make it a priority in your life!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

We're in the middle of baseball season - and this year is the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park in Boston, one of the great “old-time” ball parks left in Major League Baseball.  The Red Sox have GREAT fans - in fact, every home game since 2003 has been a sell-out.  And this 100th anniversary season at Fenway was supposed to make for a SPECIAL year.

But unfortunately, the Red Sox did not play well in the first months of the season, putting their streak of sellouts in danger.

Sometimes - life just doesn't work out the way we anticipate.  When that happens, what do we do?  Do we BLAME others?  Do we CURSE fate?  Or do we honestly see what WE might be doing [or not doing] that factors into the situation?

In Scripture, even those who trust in God run into “tough places” from time to time.  In those moments, we are asked to remember that God's love for us never fails, and that God is with us always.

Make it a GREAT day!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012


Good Morning:

There is a story told of a farmer who had a very old mule.  One day the mule fell in a deep well.  The farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the old mule or the well was worth saving.  He decided to bury the mule by filling the well with dirt.  As each shovel of dirt hit the mule, the mule shook the dirt off and stepped up.  Blow after blow, he shook it off and stepped up until battered and exhausted, the mule stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well.

That's life. When troubles come, don't give in to panic, bitterness or self pity. The adversities that come along to bury us usually have within them the potential to benefit and bless us!

Just shake it off and step up!

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.  One week from today, on Thursday evening, July 12th, you are invited to Central to hear The Junaluska Singers from Lake Junaluska, North Carolina.

This 40-member group tours the United States each year, using their gifts of music to tell the story of God's love.

This concert is being sponsored by the United Methodist churches of the Meridian District.  We'd love to have you join us for this night of wonderful music.  There is no cost, but a “love offering” will be taken.

Why not invite a friend and join us for the Junaluska Singers this Thursday, July 12th! The concert begins at 7 p. m.

We'd love to see you there.

Make it a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Good morning and Happy Fourth of July. Today we will shoot fireworks, barbecue chicken and ribs, listen to patriotic music - all to celebrate the independence of our nation from the tyranical King George of England. And it is a day to celebrate the continued political independence of our nation.

But as Christians, it is also a good day to celebrate our dependence. We celebrate our dependence upon one another as a family of faith. We depend upon each other for encouragement and correction, and for caring and sharing with one another.

We also celebrate our dependence upon God. He is the one who provides for our every need and keeps us safe in his love. And he is the one who sent his son to die in our place that we might enjoy eternal life.

It would be good, as well, for us to celebrate our dependence upon God as a nation. He has brought us through many difficult times and yet has provided our every need. So, as you celebrate Independence Day, also celebrate your dependence upon the creator.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


You will not find Jane Taylor's name on any list of best known poets, but her poem has probably been recited by more that all of the powerful poems of Frost, Whitman, and Sandburg combined.  What is it?  “Twinkle, twinkle little star.”  For most of us it is one of the first poems we learned.

Today when celebrity hype is at its peak, when sports stars, actors, and actresses are regarded as major role models, we need o remember that the primary influences in our lives were most probably obscure, uncelebrated people who, day by day shared the simple poetry of life through their examples to us.

Superstars have their place, but it is us, ordinary people who have the biggest opportunity to influence those around us.  It is not a burden, but an honor.  You are a role model for some child or adult.  Remember it, live it, choosing your steps and words carefully, trusting in God's guidance. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012



George Edward Waddell was born on Friday the 13th and died on April Fool's Day. He was a great athlete with the emotional make-up of a child. Waddell held the National League record for 349 strikeouts by a lefty for 61 years and won 20 games in a year- 4 years in a row.

However, he was definitely a case for adult ADD. In a single year he won 22 games for the A's, played rugby for Michigan, performed in a play, wrestled alligators, saved a woman from drowning, shot a friend thru the hand, and was bitten by a lion. Though he won 193 games in his career he could have done so much more if he hadn't been so easily distracted.

What is the biggest distraction you face daily? In Philippians 3 Paul talks about a distraction that affects everyone, the past!” Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead” Philippians 3:13b

Think about your own life for a moment, what gives you the most trouble: Trying to remember the things you forget, or trying to forget the things you remember?

We all have baggage and the devil tries to use it against us. The secret is to not let our past distract us from serving God in the here and now.