Good Morning!
Toward the end of World War II, seven Italian prisoners of war, held in a camp in Texas, were chosen to help decorate a very plain church building. The reluctant prisoners wanted their efforts to be considered a contribution to Christian brotherhood and understanding. As they worked on their paintings and woodcarvings, one of the prisoners said, “A spontaneous stream of good feelings began, almost at once, to flow among us. No one spoke of the war or the past, because we were here for a work of peace and love.
Our lives are filled with unlikely settings for introducing God's peace. We can feel imprisoned by hard feelings, strained relationships, and confining circumstances. But, peace has the power to break out anywhere. The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
Wherever we are today, let's ask God to use us as peacemakers.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
So Ananias departed and entered the house, and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 9:17
People do some strange things. We have little routines; little rituals that we go through that help us function. The great musician and composer, Beethoven, was no exception. He wrote beautiful music. Do you know how Beethoven got ready each day to write music? He would pour cold water over his head. He believed that it stimulated his brain. People do all kinds of things to help make themselves better. We read, we jog, we take vitamins. But there is one way to improve ourselves that is better than any other. That is to invite Jesus into our hearts.
The Scripture I read earlier is about a violent man named Saul who let Jesus come into his heart and became one of the most influential Christians that ever lived. We to can have that change in our lives if only we are willing to let God come into our hearts, He's waiting to hear from us today if only we will call on Him. That's better than a glass of cold water over the head any day! Even in this sweltering Mississippi heat.
So Ananias departed and entered the house, and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 9:17
People do some strange things. We have little routines; little rituals that we go through that help us function. The great musician and composer, Beethoven, was no exception. He wrote beautiful music. Do you know how Beethoven got ready each day to write music? He would pour cold water over his head. He believed that it stimulated his brain. People do all kinds of things to help make themselves better. We read, we jog, we take vitamins. But there is one way to improve ourselves that is better than any other. That is to invite Jesus into our hearts.
The Scripture I read earlier is about a violent man named Saul who let Jesus come into his heart and became one of the most influential Christians that ever lived. We to can have that change in our lives if only we are willing to let God come into our hearts, He's waiting to hear from us today if only we will call on Him. That's better than a glass of cold water over the head any day! Even in this sweltering Mississippi heat.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
As a child I loved to yo-yo. Most children, and many adults loved to watch the mesmerizing toy as it goes down the string and back up again. Yo-yo is a Philippine word that means, “come back.”
Have you ever thought about how life has a yo-yo effect? What you toss out comes back at you. The biblical principle behind this is that you reap what you sow.
You see this concept in everyday life. In our environmental problems, the garbage and chemicals that we tossed out are coming back to us.
Our inattention to poverty and human despair come back to haunt us through lack of education and violence.
We can also experience the positive yo-yo effect, however. Our faith contends that love comes back at us. The love and values that we extend to others come back to us many times over. How many times have you done something for someone else only to be the one blessed. We are told in the scriptures we have been blessed to be a blessing!! It's the yo-yo effect all over again! Have a blessed day!
As a child I loved to yo-yo. Most children, and many adults loved to watch the mesmerizing toy as it goes down the string and back up again. Yo-yo is a Philippine word that means, “come back.”
Have you ever thought about how life has a yo-yo effect? What you toss out comes back at you. The biblical principle behind this is that you reap what you sow.
You see this concept in everyday life. In our environmental problems, the garbage and chemicals that we tossed out are coming back to us.
Our inattention to poverty and human despair come back to haunt us through lack of education and violence.
We can also experience the positive yo-yo effect, however. Our faith contends that love comes back at us. The love and values that we extend to others come back to us many times over. How many times have you done something for someone else only to be the one blessed. We are told in the scriptures we have been blessed to be a blessing!! It's the yo-yo effect all over again! Have a blessed day!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Good morning. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism came back to his apartment one day while he was a fellow at Oxford with 2 nice pictures to decorate his walls. When he arrived, the lady who cleaned his place was there having arrived shortly before him. She was still shivering from the cold, for she did not have a coat to wear. Wesley realized that the money he had just spent on pictures to decorate his walls would have bought this young woman a warm coat. He determined then and there to never spend his money on the trifling things of this world, but rather to invest them in helping the poor around him.
He lived modestly the rest of his life. Though his earnings increased significantly
during his life, he gave away all but the small amount he needed to live on.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church asking, how can you glorify God through the use of money today.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Monday, August 6, 2013
Good Morning:
In the book of Jeremiah, God says this: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?” What a great verse to remember when things start getting hard for us and we are facing things that seem impossible to overcome. Don't give up when facing those impossible things. Do you believe in miracles? Think back...I'm sure you've experienced one. A miracle is something that has happened that seemed impossible at the time. So don't give up. Have faith, for nothing is impossible with God on your side. Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning:
In the book of Jeremiah, God says this: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?” What a great verse to remember when things start getting hard for us and we are facing things that seem impossible to overcome. Don't give up when facing those impossible things. Do you believe in miracles? Think back...I'm sure you've experienced one. A miracle is something that has happened that seemed impossible at the time. So don't give up. Have faith, for nothing is impossible with God on your side. Have a wonderful day!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Good Morning!
People who want to feel better, reduce stress, and shed unwanted pounds are discovering that walking may be the best exercise of all.
Experts advise starting slowly and working toward a higher goal, realizing each day that every step counts. It's even more important to stay spiritually fit by walking with God, which the Bible describes as an intimate, growing relationship with the Lord. To walk with God, we need to keep in step without trying to run ahead or lag behind.
As we do, we talk with the Lord, listen to Him, and enjoy his presence. We trust His guidance for the unseen future.
If you do not have a church home, we invite you to worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 a.m. or 10:55 a.m.
It's not just the destination that's important, but the journey we take together. There is no better time than now to begin walking with God.
Good Morning!
People who want to feel better, reduce stress, and shed unwanted pounds are discovering that walking may be the best exercise of all.
Experts advise starting slowly and working toward a higher goal, realizing each day that every step counts. It's even more important to stay spiritually fit by walking with God, which the Bible describes as an intimate, growing relationship with the Lord. To walk with God, we need to keep in step without trying to run ahead or lag behind.
As we do, we talk with the Lord, listen to Him, and enjoy his presence. We trust His guidance for the unseen future.
If you do not have a church home, we invite you to worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 a.m. or 10:55 a.m.
It's not just the destination that's important, but the journey we take together. There is no better time than now to begin walking with God.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Have you read the book of Acts lately? It is truly amazing what God did in and through the lives of Peter, Paul, and the other early church leaders. It is easy to marvel at the Acts of the Apostles and then turn around and say, “Yeah, but those were Biblical characters, God doesn't act that way today.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. When we say that we become a society for the study of ancient history about what God used to do instead of being the Kingdom people of God, through whom God is doing what Jesus promised he would do.
Instead of reading the Bible for facts, we should read it for inspiration for today. Instead of imagining what it was like, let's believe what can be. Instead of praying for blessings, let's pray for boldness. Instead of praising God for what he did long ago, let's rejoice in what God is doing in his unfolding power and grace in our time.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Have you read the book of Acts lately? It is truly amazing what God did in and through the lives of Peter, Paul, and the other early church leaders. It is easy to marvel at the Acts of the Apostles and then turn around and say, “Yeah, but those were Biblical characters, God doesn't act that way today.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. When we say that we become a society for the study of ancient history about what God used to do instead of being the Kingdom people of God, through whom God is doing what Jesus promised he would do.
Instead of reading the Bible for facts, we should read it for inspiration for today. Instead of imagining what it was like, let's believe what can be. Instead of praying for blessings, let's pray for boldness. Instead of praising God for what he did long ago, let's rejoice in what God is doing in his unfolding power and grace in our time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Good Morning. The excitement is in the air, as Mississippi is gearing up for another season of football. We are all anticipating that our teams will have a winning season and will get to play in January. In the competitive spirit of football, it does not matter how well one played, but rather if one wins or loses.
This is not so in the game of life. Our lives will not be measured by our successes and failures. Rather it will be measured by how we lived.
The Apostle Paul reminds his young friend, Timothy, of this very same thing when he speaks of himself. He writes, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” Notice that the focus was not on whether Paul won or lost, but on how he lived.
Central invites you to come in out of the rat-race and to learn what it means to live faithfully.
Good Morning. The excitement is in the air, as Mississippi is gearing up for another season of football. We are all anticipating that our teams will have a winning season and will get to play in January. In the competitive spirit of football, it does not matter how well one played, but rather if one wins or loses.
This is not so in the game of life. Our lives will not be measured by our successes and failures. Rather it will be measured by how we lived.
The Apostle Paul reminds his young friend, Timothy, of this very same thing when he speaks of himself. He writes, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” Notice that the focus was not on whether Paul won or lost, but on how he lived.
Central invites you to come in out of the rat-race and to learn what it means to live faithfully.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Good Morning:
Today is special because it is the day I was born 70 years ago. What a treat to get to share my special day with all of you. Now I am going to count to three and I want all of you to shout, “Happy Birthday”! Ready? 1, 2, 3. Thank you! Thank you all! You are so sweet to think of me! This is a special day for me, but an even more special day was the day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I was 8 years old at the time and I remember that day vividly. For the first time, I actually listened to the sermon and understood every word. It seemed to be directed right to me. I might not have heard those words if my parents had not taken me to church. I thank God for parents who loved me enough to make sure I had the opportunity to learn about God's love for me. I hope you are doing the same for your children. Have a wonderful day.
Good Morning:
Today is special because it is the day I was born 70 years ago. What a treat to get to share my special day with all of you. Now I am going to count to three and I want all of you to shout, “Happy Birthday”! Ready? 1, 2, 3. Thank you! Thank you all! You are so sweet to think of me! This is a special day for me, but an even more special day was the day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I was 8 years old at the time and I remember that day vividly. For the first time, I actually listened to the sermon and understood every word. It seemed to be directed right to me. I might not have heard those words if my parents had not taken me to church. I thank God for parents who loved me enough to make sure I had the opportunity to learn about God's love for me. I hope you are doing the same for your children. Have a wonderful day.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Who do you say Jesus is? When Peter answers the questions correctly, “The Messiah of God,” Jesus warns him to repeat that to no one and tells him of all the troubles that will befall the Messiah and His followers.
And again on the beach following Jesus' death and resurrection, when Peter finally convinces Jesus that he loves him, Jesus explains to Peter the costs that will come to those who love the Messiah.
Somehow we have lost this understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Somehow we have come to believe that only good will come to those who follow Jesus.
Somehow we have come to believe that treasure on earth merely reflects the treasure in heaven. But Jesus makes it clear that we cannot have both. Choose this day where your treasure will be.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Who do you say Jesus is? When Peter answers the questions correctly, “The Messiah of God,” Jesus warns him to repeat that to no one and tells him of all the troubles that will befall the Messiah and His followers.
And again on the beach following Jesus' death and resurrection, when Peter finally convinces Jesus that he loves him, Jesus explains to Peter the costs that will come to those who love the Messiah.
Somehow we have lost this understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Somehow we have come to believe that only good will come to those who follow Jesus.
Somehow we have come to believe that treasure on earth merely reflects the treasure in heaven. But Jesus makes it clear that we cannot have both. Choose this day where your treasure will be.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Worship - the ORIGIN of the word comes from Old English, and means 'worthiness, or acknowledgment of worth'. In noun form worship is defined as a religious rite or ceremony. When used as a verb we find it means to show reverence and adoration.
Have you ever thought about it...you can use the word in one sentence in both forms. You can come to worship to worship!!! In other words, Come to the ceremony in order to express reverence and adoration!
At Central we offer many opportunities to do both. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, Sunday School at 9:45, traditional worship at 10:55. We also offer many other opportunities throughout each week for adults, youth and children.
If you would like more information about Central United Methodist Church, check out our website at www.cumcmdn.org., Or better yet, come this Sunday to Worship and WORSHIP!
Worship - the ORIGIN of the word comes from Old English, and means 'worthiness, or acknowledgment of worth'. In noun form worship is defined as a religious rite or ceremony. When used as a verb we find it means to show reverence and adoration.
Have you ever thought about it...you can use the word in one sentence in both forms. You can come to worship to worship!!! In other words, Come to the ceremony in order to express reverence and adoration!
At Central we offer many opportunities to do both. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, Sunday School at 9:45, traditional worship at 10:55. We also offer many other opportunities throughout each week for adults, youth and children.
If you would like more information about Central United Methodist Church, check out our website at www.cumcmdn.org., Or better yet, come this Sunday to Worship and WORSHIP!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Good Morning! I'm John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In November of 2010 I deployed to Iraq with the 1-185th Army Aviation Battalion serving as Task Force Griffins' Chaplain. While I was in Iraq, I spent a lot of time counseling both military and civilian individuals. The truth that I found in counseling others is that no matter where you are in life there is always a struggle for personal peace.
All of us desire to lay our heads down at night and to feel rested when we arise in the morning. Yet, there are many struggles that we face that try to take away our peace. Struggles in our family, finances, job or any other obligations can at times contribute to a mountain of stress in life.
Jesus said that he came to give us peace. This peace is not found in an absence of problems but in a faith that proclaims that God is bigger than the problem, and that we belong to him. I invite you to visit us at Central UMC and learn about the peace that passes all understanding.
Good Morning! I'm John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In November of 2010 I deployed to Iraq with the 1-185th Army Aviation Battalion serving as Task Force Griffins' Chaplain. While I was in Iraq, I spent a lot of time counseling both military and civilian individuals. The truth that I found in counseling others is that no matter where you are in life there is always a struggle for personal peace.
All of us desire to lay our heads down at night and to feel rested when we arise in the morning. Yet, there are many struggles that we face that try to take away our peace. Struggles in our family, finances, job or any other obligations can at times contribute to a mountain of stress in life.
Jesus said that he came to give us peace. This peace is not found in an absence of problems but in a faith that proclaims that God is bigger than the problem, and that we belong to him. I invite you to visit us at Central UMC and learn about the peace that passes all understanding.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Good Morning!
I'm not really that great at texting. When I first got my cell phone, students would text me and normally call me back before I would have time to finish typing out my reply. I'm just a little slow at it, although I am getting better. I still prefer hearing someone's voice on the other end of the line. And the lingo changes so fast by the time I learn the text messaging abbreviations everyone is using the new sixth graders in the youth group have a whole new set.
Personally, I prefer real language in actual words myself. I miss the descriptive words and details that we get away from when we email and text so much. I'm thankful that God didn't leave any details or descriptions out of His Word, and I don't want to miss any of it. God used the writers of the Scripture to put those things down in detail for us. His Word is for us.
I think that in this fast paced world that some of us make a regular habit of checking our emails, our text messages, and even our voicemail, but we forget to check those messages that are there for us from the Lord. All those messages we find in His Word were meant for us to learn from. They are important. Every word. Matthew 4:4 says,
"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Good Morning!
I'm not really that great at texting. When I first got my cell phone, students would text me and normally call me back before I would have time to finish typing out my reply. I'm just a little slow at it, although I am getting better. I still prefer hearing someone's voice on the other end of the line. And the lingo changes so fast by the time I learn the text messaging abbreviations everyone is using the new sixth graders in the youth group have a whole new set.
Personally, I prefer real language in actual words myself. I miss the descriptive words and details that we get away from when we email and text so much. I'm thankful that God didn't leave any details or descriptions out of His Word, and I don't want to miss any of it. God used the writers of the Scripture to put those things down in detail for us. His Word is for us.
I think that in this fast paced world that some of us make a regular habit of checking our emails, our text messages, and even our voicemail, but we forget to check those messages that are there for us from the Lord. All those messages we find in His Word were meant for us to learn from. They are important. Every word. Matthew 4:4 says,
"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Monday, August 12, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Good Morning:
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once wrote that if you spend two minutes each morning counting all of your blessings, you will find that the day will turn out well!! What a great idea! It's a very positive way to start your day. Gets you in a great frame of mind and when you remember all the ways God has blessed you, you can face anything that the world throws at you. Just remember that when you are counting those blessings, take the time to thank God for them. After-all, every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. Don't think you have any blessings? Well you do. If you woke up this morning, that's a blessing. If you can talk, that's a blessing. If you can walk, that's a blessing. Now that I've got you started, I'm sure you can find many, many more. So, count your blessings and have a wonderful day!
Good Morning:
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once wrote that if you spend two minutes each morning counting all of your blessings, you will find that the day will turn out well!! What a great idea! It's a very positive way to start your day. Gets you in a great frame of mind and when you remember all the ways God has blessed you, you can face anything that the world throws at you. Just remember that when you are counting those blessings, take the time to thank God for them. After-all, every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. Don't think you have any blessings? Well you do. If you woke up this morning, that's a blessing. If you can talk, that's a blessing. If you can walk, that's a blessing. Now that I've got you started, I'm sure you can find many, many more. So, count your blessings and have a wonderful day!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Do you have regrets? Of course. We all do, but we cannot live in the past. Granted we can learn from it, but to dwell on it serves no purpose. You can do nothing about yesterday and you only attract the future by what you do today.
The Rev. Larry Van Dyke said, “Four things a person must learn to do. To think without confusion clearly, love his fellow man sincerely, act from honest motives purely, trust in God and heaven securely. He lived life by a 7 point creed that said.
Be true to yourself
Help others
Drink deeply from the Bible
Make friendship a fine art
Make each day your masterpiece
Build shelter against a rainy day
Give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance each day.
No we cannot change the past, but we can live a brighter today and a happier tomorrow. Pray for guidance and discernment, because after all, today is the only day that really matters! Have a blessed one!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Good Morning. Well, the school year is upon us. Very soon, students will be headed back to their classes with new teachers, new classes, and new environments. It can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning. Even for us parents, getting all of those school supplies together can be challenging. As parents, we also get the unpleasantness of worrying about our kids no matter how old they are.
In these moments, it is important to have support and encouragement. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah encouraged his people by reminding them that God had a plan for them; a plan of peace and not disaster. He promised to give them a future filled with hope.
At Central, we believe this same plan of peace still is in effect. You are invited to come and hear about the peace that passes all understanding. God bless.
Good Morning. Well, the school year is upon us. Very soon, students will be headed back to their classes with new teachers, new classes, and new environments. It can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning. Even for us parents, getting all of those school supplies together can be challenging. As parents, we also get the unpleasantness of worrying about our kids no matter how old they are.
In these moments, it is important to have support and encouragement. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah encouraged his people by reminding them that God had a plan for them; a plan of peace and not disaster. He promised to give them a future filled with hope.
At Central, we believe this same plan of peace still is in effect. You are invited to come and hear about the peace that passes all understanding. God bless.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Good Morning!
If the people in our community were asked about the Christians who live here, what do you think they would say? Would they say they recognize Christians by our love, or because of something else?
Consider these two true situations. In one small town a restaurant decided to close on Sunday nights because the staff refused to work for the after evening church crowd. The people who came from church were rude, messy, and left small tips.
In another town, the manager of a store that sold concert tickets reported that some of the rudest people she had ever met were those who purchased tickets to hear a well-known Christian singing group.
Sometimes we don't realize it, but the non-Christian world is watching us. Let's make sure the people who are watching our lives will want to get to know our Savior.
Good Morning!
If the people in our community were asked about the Christians who live here, what do you think they would say? Would they say they recognize Christians by our love, or because of something else?
Consider these two true situations. In one small town a restaurant decided to close on Sunday nights because the staff refused to work for the after evening church crowd. The people who came from church were rude, messy, and left small tips.
In another town, the manager of a store that sold concert tickets reported that some of the rudest people she had ever met were those who purchased tickets to hear a well-known Christian singing group.
Sometimes we don't realize it, but the non-Christian world is watching us. Let's make sure the people who are watching our lives will want to get to know our Savior.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Tuesday, August, 6, 2013
Good Morning:
In Matthew, Chapter 14, we find the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. As long as he had his eyes on Jesus, he was okay. But then, he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves all around him. His faith faltered and he began to sink until he reached out to Jesus to save him.
Now we may not be walking on water, but when our troubles surround us, if we focus on them instead of placing our faith in Jesus, we will start to sink as well! So, turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning:
In Matthew, Chapter 14, we find the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. As long as he had his eyes on Jesus, he was okay. But then, he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves all around him. His faith faltered and he began to sink until he reached out to Jesus to save him.
Now we may not be walking on water, but when our troubles surround us, if we focus on them instead of placing our faith in Jesus, we will start to sink as well! So, turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. Have a wonderful day!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Good Morning!
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
I have a friend who preaches and uses magic tricks in his act, Jim Chester. Years ago, he worked as a magician on a cruise ship. The audience was different each week so he did the same tricks over and over again. The only problem was the captain of the ship had a parrot on board. After a time, the parrot figured out how the tricks were done. Once he knew; he began shouting out in the middle of the show; “That's not the same hat!” “All the cards are the 2 of spades! The rabbits not gone, it's done with mirrors!” Because the parrot belonged to the Captain, there was nothing the magician could do. And then the ship sank.
As luck would have it, Jim came to floating on a section of the boat all alone, except for the parrot. As the days went by, they stared at each other with hate in their eyes; but neither said a word. Finally on the 4th day, the parrot squawked and said, “Okay, I give up, where's the ship?”
Do you ever wake up on Monday morning and feel like the world has played a cruel trick on you, and you don't know how it's done? Well the good news is you aren't alone and God has the solution to all the “tricks” the world may throw at us!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
There is no doubt about it, when you love the Lord with all your heart, it affects every aspect of your life. How you think, speak and act is completely different when you are walking with Jesus!
A close connection with God prevents the waste of life that comes from sin and evil. Ask God to direct your every thought and action! Live a Godly life and you will not fear death! The truest lengthening of life is to live for Jesus, wasting no time, and using every hour, every minute, every second - to glorify our heavenly Father!
In Romans 6:23, the Bible makes it very clear about how God feels about sin, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!" I'm so thankful that Jesus paid the price for our salvation! Through Jesus Christ-we can have Victory! What an awesome God we serve!
There is no doubt about it, when you love the Lord with all your heart, it affects every aspect of your life. How you think, speak and act is completely different when you are walking with Jesus!
A close connection with God prevents the waste of life that comes from sin and evil. Ask God to direct your every thought and action! Live a Godly life and you will not fear death! The truest lengthening of life is to live for Jesus, wasting no time, and using every hour, every minute, every second - to glorify our heavenly Father!
In Romans 6:23, the Bible makes it very clear about how God feels about sin, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!" I'm so thankful that Jesus paid the price for our salvation! Through Jesus Christ-we can have Victory! What an awesome God we serve!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Good morning. What was the moment in your life that you felt God was most present? What was the time and where was the place where Jesus' presence was undeniably real and you were absolutely certain God was present?
The vast majority of people who answered these questions did NOT refer to an experience in a church building. Yes, a few did, but just a few. But the real shame is that many folks can't think of a time where God's presence was undeniably real. Tragically, there are many religious folks who do not even expect to have an encounter with God's presence. They go to church, but they don't really expect to experience an encounter with glory -- there, or anywhere else!
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Are you expecting to encounter the risen Lord today?
Good morning. What was the moment in your life that you felt God was most present? What was the time and where was the place where Jesus' presence was undeniably real and you were absolutely certain God was present?
The vast majority of people who answered these questions did NOT refer to an experience in a church building. Yes, a few did, but just a few. But the real shame is that many folks can't think of a time where God's presence was undeniably real. Tragically, there are many religious folks who do not even expect to have an encounter with God's presence. They go to church, but they don't really expect to experience an encounter with glory -- there, or anywhere else!
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Are you expecting to encounter the risen Lord today?
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