Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tueday, December 31, 2013


Good morning everyone. I'm Dennis Gossett of Central United Methodist Church. This is the last day of the year. At midnight, we will begin a new journey into 2014. Most of us have been working on our New Year's Resolutions; getting in shape, eating less, or saving more. These are all positive things, but can become impossible to achieve without the right preparation, support, and effort.

Often our plans fail, because we failed to plan. Doing things alone makes it easy to become discouraged and give up. At Central, we are taking a different approach. Our New Year's Resolution is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, relationships, and service. There are no solo acts here. We understand how difficult growing in the faith can be. That is why we believe it is imperative to surround one's self with the community of Christ. In 2014, life will be better connected.  

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Over and over again Jesus tells his disciples and not incidentally us, to be ready for his return at any moment.

Many in our time and in almost every time since Jesus' life on earth have tried to predict when Jesus will return so as to know when to be ready and perhaps not have to be quite so ready today. But Jesus not only comes at the end of time, but he comes to us each day, in the guise of a stranger, a person who is ill or who needs an encouraging word or a gentle touch. Do I treasure these opportunities as an encounter with Christ? Lord, make me vigilant so that I may recognize you in others. CS Lewis says there are no ordinary mortals. Everyone is an extra-ordinary immortal destined for eternal joy. Let me be reverent to them all.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday, December 27, 2013


Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. It is hard to imagine that another year is about to be over. As I get older, I often wonder “Where has the time gone?” It seems like it was just yesterday that we were brining in 2013.

Time has a funny way of getting away from us. It tends to march on, with or without us. Sometimes, we can become too focused on minor things that we really miss out on the major ones. If we are not careful, those important moments can fly by without us ever noticing them.

When it comes to faith, there may be some of you who are thinking you have all the time in the world. Well, just like the passing of 2013, your time may pass you by if you're not paying attention. I invite you to not wait any longer and allow this time to connect you with the Risen Savior and with others. I'm Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Maybe more than a new calendar marked Jesus' birth. Could it be that postpartum depression began then as well? After all, the day after Jesus was born - the angels were gone, gossip from lowly shepherds of this new king was being spread amongst commoners, the wise men were yet afar off, the smelly shepherds were back with the sheep and there was this newborn housed with animals in an overcrowded city.

Fortunately, we know “the rest of the story” but maybe we too have a bit of a letdown after Christmas. Most everything including friends and family are gone, and with the exception of a few unwanted pounds and mounds of used wrapping paper, maybe even the joy of Christmas is gone as well.

But that tiny baby, born in a manger is ALWAYS with us - no need for a letdown, no pos Christmas depression - the Reason for the Season is also the Reason for our today! Happy Day AFTER Christmas!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

The other night someone asked me the question, what does Christmas mean to me? It means the sound of salvation army bell ringers at the mall, the smell of goodies baking in the oven, passing cars on the interstate with packages piled up in the back of them, hugging kinfolks, some of them you enjoy hugging and some of them you don't, eating too much, my cell phone ringing, “Hey, Daddy, I found the perfect gift for Momma, can I buy it and charge it to you?” It means kids screaming, “Daddy, they won't let me hang ornaments on the tree. Make brother let me put the angel on top of the tree.”

Yes, Christmas is a fun time in the Cain home. But last Friday, JD came home from the mall and asked if he could give one of his presents to a friend whose family doesn't have very much. He said the child wouldn't even get on Santa's lap, because he didn't have money to buy his mom something if Santa brought him a gift.

That is what Christmas is to me, giving to someone who needs it a little more than you do, making the world a better place one person at a time. After all, isn't that what God did so many years ago with the gift of the Christ child?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Good morning. Hear the story. Ages ago God created us from nothing more than an idea in His head. He wanted us to love Him and enjoy being in his presence but from the very beginning we rebelled against God. Over and over again he forgave us and called us back to him until finally he did something truly remarkable. He came to us himself, His light shone to show us the way home, and he gave himself for us in order to win us back.

That is the story we celebrate today in, carols, in Bible stories, in prayer, in Holy communion. If you want to hear the story again and are not part of a church that gathers today, I invite you to Central United Methodist Church. We will gather at 12 noon and again at 4 pm and 6 pm. Everyone is invited. Central is located in downtown Meridian between 22 and 23rd Avenues at 10th Street.  I can't wait to hear the story again.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013


Good Morning!

There are two ways of looking at the future.  You can worry yourself silly or you can place your future in the hands of God and walk forward with confidence and courage.  It isn't that God wants you to be unconcerned about the future.  Jesus urged His disciples to plan and prepare for what was ahead of them.  But he also told them not to be consumed with worry.

Whether you are five or ninety-five, God has a wonderful plan for your life.  God wants you to fearlessly face each day with your hand in His.  Don't allow the past or what might happen to rob you of your sense of excitement and anticipation.

Corrie Ten Boom said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”  Go forward into the future knowing God is as near as your breath.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013


Good Morning:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders; and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah said those words approximately 750 years before the birth of Christ. That prophecy came true and the birth of that child is the reason we celebrate Christmas each year. Christmas is not just a holiday. It is a holy day. Without Christ, we wouldn't have this holiday. Without Christ, we wouldn't have the promise of eternal life. Without Christ, our sins wouldn't be forgiven. Without Christ there would be no hope. Remember that as you celebrate Christmas this year. Merry Christmas to you all.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Luke 17:20 Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation. 

Finding the glory of God is very simple. The glory of God is found within you because that's where the Kingdom of God is.  God's contact point is within your heart and soul. How God can be living and alive in you and be everywhere else is a mystery, but when you're lost in spirit and in heart, you can find Christ living within you.

To find God, you could look up into the sky but the essence of Him and the reality of Him is already inside of you. His love, grace, and glory can also be made to come alive inside every other person on earth. To find the glory of God turn your spiritual "antenna" in His direction within you. Every time you make the effort to find God and His glory He will answer and respond…in your life and in the lives of others.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Good Morning! I'm John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. We are only a week away from Christmas, and I am more excited than my three sons. I love the decorations, music, and all the memories that are associated with this season.

As a child, my Father would tell me about Christmas when he was a boy. He was raised at the end of the great depression and money was scarce. He would tell me about the excitement of getting oranges, apples, and different types of nuts. A pocket knife was the prized gift that would be waiting for him. As he would tell me these stories, you could tell that they were wonderful memories.

This year we need to spend more time making memories than we do spending money. Jesus will arrive to save us from our sins in a manger and stable not a penthouse suite. He will be surrounded by shepherds and farm animals and not Christmas trees and presents. Do something special this year and make a new memory that will last a lifetime with those you love.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Good morning. Christmas is almost here. Lights and Christmas trees, creches and garlands, glitter and sparkle abound all over Meridian. It truly is a wonderful time of the year. But as we near Christmas day we should also focus on what is real about Christmas.

Electric lights and glitter are 20th century inventions. Christmas trees and lighted candles are 19th century additions to Christmas. The first Creche is credited to St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century.

None of the sparkle and celebration was a part of the first Christmas. Even the two supernatural phenomena from the Biblical accounts - the angels appearance and the star the wise men followed - were so subtle as to be noticed by only a few.

This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Read the nativity stories fresh again. I believe you will be struck, as I have, by the truly amazing fact that God himself choose to enter our world in a most common and ordinary way.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013


Christmas is THE time to realize God's miraculous works through the ordinary.  Take David. The youngest son of a large family, small for his age. Nothing special.  The old priest Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. From a small town, not wealthy, no children. Yet, it was this old faithful couple that God chose to raise John the Baptist.

Joseph and Mary were ordinary. No great wealth or power, but rather they came from an extremely small village other Jews overlooked.

I think this is part of the Christmas story that gives us hope. When we evaluate ourselves against the standard the world uses, we realize that we are not superstars. There are people who are more attractive, have higher IQs, more money. But God sees us in a different light. God desires people who live by faith and seek to serve Him. God wants to use ordinary people, people like you and me, to change the world.

Go today allowing God to do the EXTRAORDINARY in your life! It is indeed what Christmas is about. An ordinary baby who forever changed the world!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013


Good Morning! I'm John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I recently read that in 2017 energy drink production and sales will be a 21 billion dollar industry. The reason for the growth in this industry is due to the fact that the average American feels drained and exhausted trying to keep up with the stress of life. We feel torn between work, our families and hundreds of other obligations that we have.

The fact is that we all need rest. We need to schedule time to stop and enjoy life. God designed us to be a people that once a week will stop from our labors and simply worship and rest. There isn't any energy drink that exists that can refresh you and prepare you for the week ahead like a day of worship. I hope that you will make time this week to attend your church and to be still for just a little while. If you don't have a home church then come and worship with us at Central United Methodist and enjoy the refreshment of rest.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013


December is here with all the joys of Christmas.  But what is the REAL meaning of Christmas? Is it gifts under a tree, Christmas lights, cards in the mail, dinners with family and friends, shouts of Merry Christmas to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?

For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow.  They don't have extra money to buy gifts for their children, family, and friends.  Many are sad because of loved ones who will not be with them. Turkey dinners may be a wish and not reality. Yet Christmas is still a season of great joy. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born in a world desperate for hope.

Go today knowing if you are desperate, there is a God who loves you so He gave His only Son for you. If you are blessed, take today as an opportunity to be the hands and feet of the Christ Child to someone in need.  And remember, we are each blessed by the birth of a tiny baby boy over 2000 years ago.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Merry Christmas everyone. I am Dennis Gossett of Central United Methodist Church.  As a young boy, I remember getting a brand new yellow bike. I was so excited; it had a red seat with red tires. This was my most prized possession. Over the next few months, my new bike did not look so new anymore. It had a few scratches on it. The chain was rusting and the grips on the handle bars were tearing. I was not taking as good of care of it as in the beginning. Soon, I started leaving it out in the weather. By the time summer rolled around, I had lost all interest and was hoping for a new one.

This time with the bike is a lot like our adult life experiences. There are new things in our life that seem great for a moment, but soon we lose interest as it gets a little worn. We become bored and desire something newer.

Jesus wants us to experience a faith that will always be Renewing. Come and be a part of us, as we experience the newness of life together. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


“Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but counselors of peace shall have joy." Proverbs 12:20
David's sin with Bathsheba was perhaps the lowest point of his life. Yet rather than immediately repenting and seeking God's forgiveness, he began devising plans to cover his sin. He went to great lengths to try to make it look like Uriah was the father of Bathsheba's baby, and when that didn't work he arranged Uriah's murder. He devoted great effort and used his office for his cover up, and in human terms he did a pretty good job covering his tracks, “But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.”

No sin is ever hidden from the eyes of God. We may cover sin from the eyes of men for weeks or months or even years, but no sin stays hidden forever. God has set an unchangeable law into the foundation of the world--the law of sowing and reaping. 
"Be sure your sin will find you out.”

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

jim cain

Good Morning!

My uncle, John Robert, owned and operated a country store in Kosciusko, MS, called Cain's Mercantile and Grocery. He had a son who graduated from MSU with a degree in accounting before coming back to Attala County to manager his daddy's holdings, which were now rather vast.

One Saturday John Robert got up and went down to the store to see how things were going with his son in charge. Pulling up in the parking lot he noticed a big sign on the door that read, “Closed for inventory.”  He almost had a heart attack. He hadn't been closed in 35 years. He let himself in the empty store and asked his boy, “What's going on?” Junior said, “Daddy, we're taking inventory. They taught me this in accounting” His daddy said, “Let me tell you something about inventory. You get that ladder, look on the top shelf and you'll see what's left of a bolt of flannel cloth. Your momma and I started over 40 years ago with that one bolt of cloth. That's your inventory. Everything else is profit. Now get them doors open and go to work!”

Take a moment to inventory all God has blessed you with? And now take that inventory and get to work!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013


It is Christmas time in the city.  Meridian's annual Downtown Christmas Parade will take place tomorrow evening at 5:30 p.m.  Because at Central we are excited to be a part of Downtown Meridian, we once again open the doors of our church to the community.  We will open at 5:00, offering homemade soup, hot chocolate, popcorn, train rides for the children, along with a visit from Santa, and we will show the SEC Championship game on the big screen in our Fellowship Hall.

For those of you with parade participants, Central is a block away from the end of the parade! Join us tomorrow evening as we celebrate the sights, sounds, and smells of the season!

If you do not have a church home, we invite you to return and worship with us on Sunday morning.  We have two services...a Contemporary Service at 8:30, followed by Sunday School, and a Traditional Worship Service at 10:55.  We hope to see you tomorrow evening...and maybe again on Sunday!  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

jim cain

Good Morning!

As we move from fall into winter many of us have begun to feel the effects of the different viruses and illness that seem to tag along with the changing of the seasons.

With many of my co-workers having missed work because of a virus that has been going around, I have tried to take extra precautions to avoid catching it. Every time someone would come into my office, I would spray Lysol disinfectant in the air after they left; and after shaking hands with someone, I would try to use a hand sanitizer before going back to work.

After one particular encounter last week, I reached for the bottle of Germ-X on my desk when the person I had shaken hands with said, “Oh, don't worry about that. I've been sick, but I'm not contagious because I caught it from someone else.”

Unfortunately for many of us our faith can be described the same way. We aren't “infectious” because we never had a direct relationship with Jesus Christ but have been living off the faith of others. Let me encourage you to go straight to the source through prayer today, you'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. At Central we are preparing to celebrate a date the church has designated as birth of God into our world. What in English we call Christmas. This season of preparation is called Advent. A time to prepare for the arrival of God himself. One of the ways we prepare our hearts for his arrival is by participating in Christmas celebrations centered around music and the telling of the Biblical stories for Christmas.

The December plan to join us Sunday December 8th at 8:30 as the Praise Band presents a worship service of Contemporary Christian music and on December 15th at 10:55 as the Sanctuary Choir presents a traditional service of lessons and carols. That evening at 6:00, we will present a special Christmas pageant written by a British women in the midst of World War II. And be sure to join us at one of the Christmas Eve services. 12noon, 4 pm or 6pm.

In all these wonderful ways we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus Christ into our lives.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Good Morning
everyone. Once again, it is that time of the year when Christmas music is in the air, trees are decorated in living rooms, and sweet treats are on kitchen counters. It is also the time of year we give gifts to those we love….and even to those who are hard to love. Along with all of this good cheer, let us not forget the real reason we celebrate this most sacred time.

Jesus Christ came into the world, not as an all-powerful ruler, but rather as a vulnerable infant; born unto a virgin, in a smelly cattle barn. His presence in our world is the most wonderful gift of all. Jesus has been through the same ebbs and flows of life that we experience. He came for us, so we could have life and share it with others.

This is Dennis Gossett of Central United Methodist Church wishing everyone a very merry Christmas.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013


Good Morning:

Today I want to tell you about some Christmas traditions. First of all, it's the most important birthday of all times and it's celebrated all over the world. It's a celebration that brings joy, gifts, and the singing of traditional worship songs while feasting with joyous connection to family and friends. Did you know the white lights on the Christmas tree represent the purity of Christ and the heart that lives for Him? And how about the holly. It's an evergreen plant and it represents eternal life. This is what we are promised through Jesus Christ. Candles represent the light and life of Christ that shines upon all men. One thing that Jesus loved to do when He was on earth was eat with those He loved, thus the tradition of family feasting. And those wonderful Christmas Carols draw loved ones together and fills the heart with praise for our Savior.

It is purely about bringing Jesus honor and loving those whom God has blessed us with. My hope for you this Christmas is that you remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. Merry Christmas!