Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014



“I was down for so long
Everything I did was wrong
And I found fault
In everyone but me
I was hurt and alone
I could not find my way home
Broke­down and hungry
And too tired to moan
Then I heard somebody calling my name
Saying ain’t no need to be shamed
I found out that the door was always open.”

Almost a retelling of the story of the Prodigal son, American
blues artist, Keb Mo, wrote these words in the song, “The

How many of us at one time or another have felt hurt and
all alone, willing to blame everyone for our problems but
ourselves? If so, let me invite you to worship with us this
Sunday at Central United Methodist Church. Come alone or
bring a friend. We won’t ask you where you’re going or
where you’ve been, but we will tell you we’re glad you came!

Friday, January 31, 2014



“I was down for so long
Everything I did was wrong
And I found fault
In everyone but me
I was hurt and alone
I could not find my way home
Broke­down and hungry
And too tired to moan
Then I heard somebody calling my name
Saying ain’t no need to be shamed
I found out that the door was always open.”

Almost a retelling of the story of the Prodigal son, American
blues artist, Keb Mo, wrote these words in the song, “The Door.”

How many of us at one time or another have felt hurt and
all alone, willing to blame everyone for our problems but
ourselves? If so, let me invite you to worship with us this
Sunday at Central United Methodist Church. Come alone or
bring a friend. We won’t ask you where you’re going or
where you’ve been, but we will tell you we’re glad you came!

Friday, January 31, 2014



 “I was down for so long
Everything I did was wrong
And I found fault
In everyone but me
I was hurt and alone
I could not find my way home
Broke­down and hungry
And too tired to moan
Then I heard somebody calling my name
Saying ain’t no need to be shamed
I found out that the door was always open.”

Almost a retelling of the story of the Prodigal son, American
blues artist, Keb Mo, wrote these words in the song, “The

How many of us at one time or another have felt hurt and
all alone, willing to blame everyone for our problems but
ourselves? If so, let me invite you to worship with us this
Sunday at Central United Methodist Church. Come alone or
bring a friend. We won’t ask you where you’re going or
where you’ve been, but we will tell you we’re glad you

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. The gospel records the extra­ordinary
events of Jesus’s life. But they also make mention of
Page 1 innumerable other miracles saying simply, “he healed all of
the sick among them.”

We hear of extra­ordinary miracles in our day as well. But
do you consider the ordinary miracles of your life. Allow me
to list for you ten ordinary miracles in my life: health, my
senses, family, love, friendship, meaning, nature, beauty,
music, and laughter. Let me thank God daily for them.

Are there other little miracles you would add? Why don’t
you take a moment just now and thank God for the ordinary
miracles in your life. Perhaps even just the air that enters
your lungs, allowing your body to function. God is indeed
God of every good and perfect gift.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. The gospel records the extra­ordinary
events of Jesus’s life. But they also make mention of
Page 1 innumerable other miracles saying simply, “he healed all of
the sick among them.”

We hear of extra­ordinary miracles in our day as well. But
do you consider the ordinary miracles of your life. Allow me
to list for you ten ordinary miracles in my life: health, my
senses, family, love, friendship, meaning, nature, beauty,
music, and laughter. Let me thank God daily for them.

Are there other little miracles you would add? Why don’t
you take a moment just now and thank God for the ordinary
miracles in your life. Perhaps even just the air that enters
your lungs, allowing your body to function. God is indeed
God of every good and perfect gift.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. The gospel records the extra­ordinary
events of Jesus’s life. But they also make mention of
Page 1 innumerable other miracles saying simply, “he healed all of
the sick among them.”

We hear of extra­ordinary miracles in our day as well. But
do you consider the ordinary miracles of your life. Allow me
to list for you ten ordinary miracles in my life: health, my
senses, family, love, friendship, meaning, nature, beauty,
music, and laughter. Let me thank God daily for them.

Are there other little miracles you would add? Why don’t
you take a moment just now and thank God for the ordinary
miracles in your life. Perhaps even just the air that enters
your lungs, allowing your body to function. God is indeed
God of every good and perfect gift.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. I have found that it is
easy to make people angry. We can anger people by our
actions or inactions. We can say something or participate in
an action that harms the wellbeing of those around us.

If you are like me, most often, it is not our intent to hurt
anyone in any way. This makes me believe that most
people don’t intend to hurt us especially those who love us most.

Ecclesiastes 7:6 says:  Don't let your spirit rush to be angry,
for anger abides in the heart of fools.

When people say or do something that hurt us, let us not
rush to anger. This is good advice for all of us, before we let
the actions of others affect the way that we live and love
today, let us give one another the benefit of the doubt. After
all we are all fallible people prone to say and do the wrong
thing. If we forgive and resist anger life becomes more

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Good Morning everyone. On an ancient lake shore in a
distant land, fishermen were casting their nets, hoping that
today would be a good day. It was just like any other. The
sun was shining and the gulls were singing.

Going through the motions of their trade, two sets of
brothers heard a call upon their lives. There, on that distant
shore, was a humbled looking man waving his arm and
saying, “Follow me.” Immediately, they dropped their gear
and followed.

What was it about the call from this man that made these
brothers leave everything behind and go? Well, this man’s
invitation was being made directly to their hearts. It was not
drowned out by the sounds of life: the waves, the gulls, or
the chatter of other fishermen.

With just a motion and a simple command, this unassuming
man on the beach spoke volumes. This same humbled
Lord is calling you also, saying “Follow me.” His words can
speak over distracting noises in your life if you will simply
listen. Will you drop everything and go?

I am Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United
Methodist Church.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014


Good Morning!

Some Christians mistakenly think that they have to be "perfect" before they
can come to Jesus! They believe they must stop sinning, before Jesus could
possibly love them. Stop smoking, drinking, cheating, lying, etc ... But the
truth is: we are all sinners and one sin is no different than

If we waited until we were "perfect" to come to Jesus . . . no one would ever get there, because no one is perfect! Jesus accepts us with open arms! He doesn't wrinkle up His nose with disgust at our stench!
 No! Instead, He covers us with His robe of righteousness!

Jesus LOVES the sinner, but hates the sin! In fact, He loves each one of us so
much that He gave His life for us! He has already paid the price! He is calling out to all His children, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!"
Won't you come to Jesus today!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014


Good Morning: Do you remember the song “Just a Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine go down”? Well, that song relates very well to how we, as Christians, should live our lives. You know when you are nicer to people and kinder to people and give that extra “spoonful of sugar,” things seem to go down better and are a lot smoother.

Jesus told us to love one another, and he goes even farther in Matthew 5:44:
“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.” It's easy to love those who love us. It's a little harder to love those who don't. Jesus didn't tell us to take the easy way. We are to top things off with that extra “sugar.” Think about that with all the people you come in contact with today and sprinkle a little extra sugar around. Have a really sweet and wonderful day!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Lately, my father, who has been undergoing chemotherapy
treatments, has been researching different home remedies
for different ailments that affect us all in one way or
another. He came in one day during the Christmas holidays
and told me he had discovered a noninvasive cure for male
pattern baldness. Impressed I asked, “How in the world
have you done that?” Daddy smiled and said, “Well, I take a
quart of vinegar and a quart of green persimmon juice and
mix it all together. Then I massage the top of the head with
this serum three times a day.”

“And that grows hair on the top of someone’s head?” I asked.  “No, but it will draw their side burns and eyebrows
up on top of their heads,” he said with a laugh.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that he really had me
believing him until he started laughing. Have you ever fallen
for someone’s trick or scam? If you’re like me, I’m sure you

Well Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  Don’t be
fooled by the lies and jokes of the world, turn to Jesus and
you won’t be fooled again!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Lately, my father, who has been undergoing chemotherapy
treatments, has been researching different home remedies
for different ailments that affect us all in one way or
another. He came in one day during the Christmas holidays
and told me he had discovered a noninvasive cure for male
pattern baldness. Impressed I asked, “How in the world
have you done that?” Daddy smiled and said, “Well, I take a
quart of vinegar and a quart of green persimmon juice and
mix it all together. Then I massage the top of the head with
this serum three times a day.”

“And that grows hair on the top of someone’s head?” I
asked.  “No, but it will draw their side burns and eyebrows
up on top of their heads,” he said with a laugh.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that he really had me
believing him until he started laughing. Have you ever fallen
for someone’s trick or scam? If you’re like me, I’m sure you

Well Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  Don’t be
fooled by the lies and jokes of the world, turn to Jesus and
you won’t be fooled again!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Lately, my father, who has been undergoing chemotherapy
treatments, has been researching different home remedies
for different ailments that affect us all in one way or
another. He came in one day during the Christmas holidays
and told me he had discovered a noninvasive cure for male
pattern baldness. Impressed I asked, “How in the world
have you done that?” Daddy smiled and said, “Well, I take a
quart of vinegar and a quart of green persimmon juice and
mix it all together. Then I massage the top of the head with
this serum three times a day.”

“And that grows hair on the top of someone’s head?” I
asked.  “No, but it will draw their side burns and eyebrows
up on top of their heads,” he said with a laugh.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that he really had me
believing him until he started laughing. Have you ever fallen
for someone’s trick or scam? If you’re like me, I’m sure you have.

Well Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  Don’t be
fooled by the lies and jokes of the world, turn to Jesus and
you won’t be fooled again!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Have you ever paused to think of the power of the word
“with”?  Come with me...let me help you with that ­ I'll be
with you momentarily.

“With” means you are not alone.  When we sit WITH
someone in the hospital, when we stand at a gravesite
WITH someone, when we walk that long hard road WITH
someone ­ many times no words are needed. The mere
fact that we are WITH someone speaks louder than words
ever could. We often shy away from situations, because we
are afraid we do not have the "right words" when our
presence says everything that needs to be said ­ I care, I
am here for you, I am WITH you. In Matthew Chapter 28, in
the great commission, Jesus tells his disciples to go into the
world and make disciples and lo He is WITH them until the
end of times.

It is the same for us. We are called to be the hands and feet
of Jesus while resting in the promise HE is WITH us.  Go
today, being aware of the opportunities to reach out and be
WITH someone.  Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Have you ever paused to think of the power of the word
“with”?  Come with me...let me help you with that ­ I'll be
with you momentarily.

“With” means you are not alone.  When we sit WITH
someone in the hospital, when we stand at a gravesite
WITH someone, when we walk that long hard road WITH
someone ­ many times no words are needed. The mere
fact that we are WITH someone speaks louder than words
ever could. We often shy away from situations, because we
are afraid we do not have the "right words" when our
presence says everything that needs to be said ­ I care, I
am here for you, I am WITH you. In Matthew Chapter 28, in
the great commission, Jesus tells his disciples to go into the
world and make disciples and lo He is WITH them until the
end of times.

It is the same for us. We are called to be the hands and feet
of Jesus while resting in the promise HE is WITH us.  Go
today, being aware of the opportunities to reach out and be
WITH someone.  Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30 had become short on space. So, we have created a new service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday ­a place where we connect with God and with others.

We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fast ­paced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.

We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary ­ 9:45
CONNECT ­ and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. Today our nation honors
the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, whose ministry in
racial reconciliation through non violence transformed the
very fabric of our society. God has raised many different
leaders though out history who were able to point out the
divisions that separate us as people.
For many people, it is easier for them to live separated from
one another instead of striving for reconciliation because
after all forgiveness is hard. It is most difficult to forgive and
to be reconciled to those who have hurt us. However, it is
not the words of mortal people that call us today to be
reconciled with each other but instead the voice of Jesus
Christ that died on the cross to show us how far God’s love
was willing to go to reconcile us to himself. Let us honor all
those who have proclaimed to us to love one another by
doing just that.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014


The Lord has called us with an everlasting love...died for us and gave Himself for us.

Never take for granted God's intimate nearness. Marvel at the wonder of His continual presence with you. Even the most ardent human lover cannot be with you always, nor can another person know the intimacies of your heart, mind, and spirit. Christ knows everything about you--even to the number of hairs on your head. You don't need to work at revealing yourself to Him.

Many people spend a lifetime or a small fortune searching for someone who understands them. Yet Christ is freely available to all who call upon His name, and who open their hearts to receive Him as Savior. This simple act of faith is the beginning of a lifelong love story. Jesus is the Lover of your soul, understands you perfectly, and loves you eternally.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. - John 1:12

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014


If you are married, tomorrow night could change your life! Central United Methodist Church is hosting “How to Laugh your way to a Better Marriage.” We will learn “The Tale of Two Brains, The Key to Better Sex, How to Stay Married and not Kill Anybody.” We will also find out why men insist on leaving their socks on the floor, sit the glass by the newly cleaned out sink, and have selective hearing.

Okay, so I added a few topics of my own! Seriously though, I canNOT stress enough if you are married, how important it is to think about attending this workshop tomorrow evening and Saturday morning. You will laugh, you will reflect, and you will grow closer to your partner, understanding God did indeed make us different!

It is not too late to sign up, but please do so this morning. Dinner will be served, so we need an idea on our numbers. You may phone the church office at 601-693-1521, or sign up online at Hopefully we will see you tomorrow evening!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 25, 2014

jim cain

Good Morning!

Last Monday I had gone to lunch with a friend of mine named JB. We got through eating and walked up to the cash register. A beautiful blonde lady was standing behind the register taking up money, and while I was handing her our check, JB reached over in a bowl of loose tooth picks by the register, got him one, and commenced to picking his teeth. I mean he was really getting after it right there in the front of that nice restaurant. The lady's mouth fell open and she just stared at JB, well after a moment JB took the toothpick and stuck it back over in the bowl. Noticing that she was staring at him JB smiled and said, “I bet a lot of people use those tooth picks and then walk off with them don't they?” The woman still didn't say a word but handed me the entire amount of money I had given her back and motioned for us to leave.

Do you feel like the world has chewed you up and spit you back out?  If so, let me invite you to come eat with us tonight at 5:30 at Central UMC and then hang around long enough to go to Bible Study or just make some new Christian friends who will care about you when life seems like it's about to overwhelm you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Good morning:

People are always predicting what will happen in the New Year. Some of those predictions come true, while others do not. Here are some predictions that will definitely come true: The Bible will still have all the answers; Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth; The Holy Spirit will still move; God will still honor the praises of His people; There will still be God-anointed preaching; There will still be singing of praise to God; God will still pour out blessings upon His people; There will still be room at the Cross; Jesus will still love you; and Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him. Isn't it great to remember who is really in control, and that, like we read in 1 Peter 1:25, “The Word of the Lord endures forever.” Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014


Good morning everyone. We are in the heart of our winter season. The days are short, the nights are longer, and the weather is unpredictable. It can be cold and dreary one day, and nice and sunny the next. Like our winter weather, life can be pretty unpredictable at times. Cars break down, alarm clocks fail to go off, or worse, unforeseen surgeries. With all of these random events, what is steady in life? Is there anything that is stable?

The longer I live, the more convinced I am of God being the only unchangeable person and force in this chaotic world of ours.

In the Genesis account of Creation, God turned chaos into order, formlessness into formation, and darkness into light. Now, if God is powerful enough to bring stability upon the earth, imagine the calmness he can bring into your life. I'm Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church, where we are making life better for 2014.        

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014


In Chapter 16 of the account of the acts of the early disciples, the disciples are referred to as “disturbers of the peace” for freeing a woman from the demon that possessed her. Are we willing to disturb the peace in naming the demons that possess our society today. The demons of greed and selfishness. The demons of busy-ness and pre-occupation. 

We are called to create this kind of uproar in our world today just as the disciples were in the 1st Century. But there is also unhelpful stress that comes from anxiety. So let us then pray with Saint Teresa of Avila:
Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. In this prayer there is peace in the midst of chaos.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2013


Many Christians chastise themselves when bad things happen because they think that God would have answered their prayers if only they had more faith. A child wouldn't have died, cancer would have been healed, a job wouldn't have been lost, and so on.

They reason that they just didn't pray hard enough. Once a person starts reasoning like that, they take on the burden of responsibility for the bad things that happen in life. The next step is guilt! This is a dangerous slippery slope! Satan loves this because it takes the blame off of him, but the truth is, bad things are the result of sin, and Satan is the originator of sin!

God doesn't command perfect faith before working miracles in our lives. When you pray God always, hears, AND answers. You may not receive the answer instantly, or the way you want it, but He does answer! And you can trust that He always does what is best for us! If you're struggling with guilt or doubt, pray "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Good Morning! I'm John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. There is a proverb that says “A man's words will fall and wrap themselves around him like a cloak.” What a powerful visual image that is. What if every word that we said feel and wrapped itself around us like a garment? What kind of wardrobe would we have?

Words have power and Jesus spoke loving, powerful and confident words to others and to himself. It is interesting to listen to the self-talk of other people. We tend at times to be negative, hateful, and discouraging to ourselves and then to those around us. People who succeed speak well of themselves to themselves, because they understand that their words have the power to motivate or deflate their lives.

I hope that you see yourself in a positive way today, because I assure you that Christ does. I invite you to come this Sunday and worship with us at Central UMC and to be a confident witness to your faith in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In order to have a healthy marriage, taking time away to build our relationship with our partner is a necessity. Your life together began with just the two of you, and it will end with just the two of you. There is no one else other than God who knows the REAL you better than your spouse.

God created the institution of marriage. At Central, we embrace the sacred state of marriage, yet realizing some days are “just plain HARD,” we are offering a Marriage Enrichment Workshop on January 17th & 18th. This workshop, based on Mark Gunger's “Laugh your way to a Better Marriage,” will be led by our own Rev. John Branning.

Whether you have been married four months or forty years, we promise you will be glad you set aside time TOGETHER for this weekend in the New Year.

For more information visit our website at or phone the church office at 601-693-1521.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

jim cain

Good Morning!

The other day I struck up a conversation with a man while I was waiting in line at the Super Wal-mart. I wasn't there to make a purchase, but to return several things I had been given at Christmas that either didn't fit or I didn't need. As we both stood in the ridiculously long return line, he began to talk about how unfriendly the people were in our community. “I guess it's just people in general these days, but the last two places I have lived the people have just been rude and stand-offish." As these words left his mouth a young girl with two young children in tow asked the man if she could cut in front of us since she only had one item and both our carts were filled to capacity. The man looked at the young mother with disgust and yelled," I'm sorry but NO YOU CAN'T GET IN FRONT OF US LADY!"

The young girl fled to the other end of the store before I could offer her my spot in line, but the rudeness on the part of my new acquaintance reminded me that if we want to change our world, we must first be willing to change ourselves. Until then, we will never experience the kindness of others. Once this lesson is learned by all of us, we may be surprised at how nice a place the world becomes.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2013


Good Morning!

Bennet Cerf relates this touching story about a bus that was bumping along a back road in the South.  In one seat an old man sat holding a bunch of fresh flowers.  Across the aisle was a young girl whose eyes came back again and again to the man's flowers.  The time came for the old man to get off.  Impulsively he thrust the flowers into the girl's lap.

“I can see you love the flowers,” he explained, “and I think my wife would like for you to have them.  I'll tell her I gave them to you.”  The girl accepted the flowers then watched the old man get off the bus and walk into a small cemetery.

Some acts of love seem to catch us off guard.  Sometimes, if we are humble enough, we can receive great blessings from people we barely know.

I pray that you know and remember Christ today, because he gave the greatest gift of all.  Please accept it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Good Morning:

It's time to say "Happy New Year" once again. New Year is the most ancient of all holidays. It was the Romans who first used January 1 as the beginning of the New Year in 153 BC. Symbolically, New Year signifies a renewal of life--discarding the old and worn out in exchange for a chance to revamp, rejuvenate, and start all over. Today, is an ending. An ending to the year 2013. It could be an ending for those things in your life which are holding you back from having all the good things God thinks you deserve.

Today would be a good day to think about those things, turn them over to God, and ask him to help you throw them away. Let tomorrow be the start of a brand new you. That's possible when you start your New Year with God at your side. Happy New Year!! Happy New You!!!