Good Morning!
An Arab leader once gave a banquet for all his friends. To
help with the expense, he asked each guest to bring a
beverage to share at the feast. The day arrived and one by
one each guest lined up to empty his wineskin into a bowl.
But much to the embarrassment of the host, each of the
wineskins contained not a festive beverage but only water.
Each guest had neglected his responsibility, assuming the
others would provide the beverage and that his small
contribution wouldn’t be missed.
This is a temptation all believers face – thinking that our
service for the Lord is insignificant, that no one will know
the difference if we don’t take part. While your part may
seem small, never underestimate the valve of your
contribution in the work of the Lord.
Ask God to help you fulfill your responsibility as a Christian
in service to him.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Good Morning. Some of you may live in a house with
teenagers, as I do, and they love scary movies. The other
night they wanted to watch a movie about a young girl who
was possessed. Honestly, I do not understand our cultures’
fascination with such things. There has been a lot of money
spent on making these films; not to mention all the books
that have been written on the subject over the years.
Somehow, we have become intrigued with sinister beings
inhabiting people unawares, guiding their thoughts and
During this time of year of the church, we are reminded to
invite the One who came down so that we may be raised
up, into our lives. Apostle Paul wrote, “I no longer live, but it
is Christ who lives in me. So, I live my life in this earthly
body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself for me.” Today, we all can possess the One who
possesses all things. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor
at Central United Methodist Church. Have a great and
blessed day.
Good Morning. Some of you may live in a house with
teenagers, as I do, and they love scary movies. The other
night they wanted to watch a movie about a young girl who
was possessed. Honestly, I do not understand our cultures’
fascination with such things. There has been a lot of money
spent on making these films; not to mention all the books
that have been written on the subject over the years.
Somehow, we have become intrigued with sinister beings
inhabiting people unawares, guiding their thoughts and
During this time of year of the church, we are reminded to
invite the One who came down so that we may be raised
up, into our lives. Apostle Paul wrote, “I no longer live, but it
is Christ who lives in me. So, I live my life in this earthly
body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself for me.” Today, we all can possess the One who
possesses all things. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor
at Central United Methodist Church. Have a great and
blessed day.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
We often pray The Lord’s Prayer. “Give us this day, our
daily bread” Those words really struck home to me the
other day as I read a quote from C.S. Lewis. “Never, in
peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the
future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his
longterm plans somewhat lightly and works from moment
to moment ‘as to the Lord.’
It is only our daily bread that we are encouraged to ask for.
The present is the only time in which any duty can be done
or any grace received.” TODAY is all we are to ask for
Give us TODAY, what we need for TODAY.
While we have to be prepared, how much simpler, more
free, would our lives be if we did not borrow the stresses
and problems from tomorrow before the sun ever rises on
tomorrow? God gives us strength, grace and perseverance
for today. Find comfort and peace in knowing that the God
of the universe holds you and your day in the palm of His
great hand.
Whatever comes your way TODAY, your needs will be met.
Will it be easy? Maybe so, maybe not but at the end of
your day you can know that God has walked through it with
We often pray The Lord’s Prayer. “Give us this day, our
daily bread” Those words really struck home to me the
other day as I read a quote from C.S. Lewis. “Never, in
peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the
future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his
longterm plans somewhat lightly and works from moment
to moment ‘as to the Lord.’
It is only our daily bread that we are encouraged to ask for.
The present is the only time in which any duty can be done
or any grace received.” TODAY is all we are to ask for
Give us TODAY, what we need for TODAY.
While we have to be prepared, how much simpler, more
free, would our lives be if we did not borrow the stresses
and problems from tomorrow before the sun ever rises on
tomorrow? God gives us strength, grace and perseverance
for today. Find comfort and peace in knowing that the God
of the universe holds you and your day in the palm of His
great hand.
Whatever comes your way TODAY, your needs will be met.
Will it be easy? Maybe so, maybe not but at the end of
your day you can know that God has walked through it with
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Good Morning!
Going up a mountain path one day, hikers met a
mountaineer with an ax in his hand. They walked with him
and asked him what he was going to cut. “I need a piece of
timber to repair my wagon,” he said. “I need the toughest
kind of wood I can get. That kind grows on top of the
mountain, where all the storms hit the hardest.”
Storms rend and scar; but they strengthen, they build, and
they bring forth a changeless beauty within. The beauty
born of storms has a nobility about it. We complain that the
world is not better.
The fact that it is full of trouble affords us our chance to
lend our hearts. A storm is always a challenge but there
seems to be something in the heart that rises up to meet it!
Lend your heart to someone today.
Good Morning!
Going up a mountain path one day, hikers met a
mountaineer with an ax in his hand. They walked with him
and asked him what he was going to cut. “I need a piece of
timber to repair my wagon,” he said. “I need the toughest
kind of wood I can get. That kind grows on top of the
mountain, where all the storms hit the hardest.”
Storms rend and scar; but they strengthen, they build, and
they bring forth a changeless beauty within. The beauty
born of storms has a nobility about it. We complain that the
world is not better.
The fact that it is full of trouble affords us our chance to
lend our hearts. A storm is always a challenge but there
seems to be something in the heart that rises up to meet it!
Lend your heart to someone today.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. I have had the privilege
to lead a United Methodist congregation for the past 20
years. In that time, I have noticed that we attend churches,
but we really don’t connect. We sit in our rows or our pews
from week to week and we desire to have a better life but
we are not sure how.
I have a suggestion to make to you if that is the way you
feel today. How about stepping out of your row and into a
circle? You see, life is about relationships and connecting
to one another, and there is no better place to do that than
in a small group. Life is better when we have a greater
intimacy with God and a deeper relationship with one
It takes a step from all of us to go from rows or pews to
circles, but I assure you that it will make life better.
If you don’t have a circle to be a part of, then I invite you to
connect with us at Central and to live the better life in 2014.
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. I have had the privilege
to lead a United Methodist congregation for the past 20
years. In that time, I have noticed that we attend churches,
but we really don’t connect. We sit in our rows or our pews
from week to week and we desire to have a better life but
we are not sure how.
I have a suggestion to make to you if that is the way you
feel today. How about stepping out of your row and into a
circle? You see, life is about relationships and connecting
to one another, and there is no better place to do that than
in a small group. Life is better when we have a greater
intimacy with God and a deeper relationship with one
It takes a step from all of us to go from rows or pews to
circles, but I assure you that it will make life better.
If you don’t have a circle to be a part of, then I invite you to
connect with us at Central and to live the better life in 2014.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 21, 2014
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I
know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from
me quickly. Family, work, and even church all are bidden
for my time.
The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied
and never refueled. However, there is someone very
consistent no matter of life situations. That person is Jesus
Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He
invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his
words, and just listen.
Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most
important things in life. If not careful, we can end up
chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to
us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that
perishes.” Seeking God allows you and me to fill our hearts
with desires borne in eternity. Do you desire to seek after
the Christ filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to
journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the
nonperishable bread from heaven.
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I
know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from
me quickly. Family, work, and even church all are bidden
for my time.
The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied
and never refueled. However, there is someone very
consistent no matter of life situations. That person is Jesus
Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He
invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his
words, and just listen.
Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most
important things in life. If not careful, we can end up
chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to
us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that
perishes.” Seeking God allows you and me to fill our hearts
with desires borne in eternity. Do you desire to seek after
the Christ filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to
journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the
nonperishable bread from heaven.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I
know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from
me quickly. Family, work, and even church all are bidden
for my time.
The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied
and never refueled. However, there is someone very
consistent no matter of life situations. That person is Jesus
Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He
invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his
words, and just listen.
Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most
important things in life. If not careful, we can end up
chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to
us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that
perishes.” Seeking God allows you and me to fill our hearts
with desires borne in eternity. Do you desire to seek after
the Christ filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to
journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the
nonperishable bread from heaven.
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I
know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from
me quickly. Family, work, and even church all are bidden
for my time.
The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied
and never refueled. However, there is someone very
consistent no matter of life situations. That person is Jesus
Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He
invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his
words, and just listen.
Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most
important things in life. If not careful, we can end up
chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to
us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that
perishes.” Seeking God allows you and me to fill our hearts
with desires borne in eternity. Do you desire to seek after
the Christ filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to
journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the
nonperishable bread from heaven.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
I was in the “library” reading on my iPad early one morning
when my book disappeared & suddenly I saw my own face,
and the words Face Time appeared – there was my
youngest son smiling and waving as he said in one long
sentence, “Morning Dad when you are getting ready to go
to church could you wear a blue blazer and a yellow tie so
we can match brother said he would wear his blue blaz...”
And then he paused and said awkwardly, “Uh, Dad where
are you?” Before I could answer, a friend of my son
popped up from behind Doc. It hit me, I was “reading” so I
pointed the screen ceiling ward and said, “Um, guys let me
call y’all back.”
In retrospect, my Face Time session was like the 1st time I
prayed or “Face Timed” with God. Though I couldn’t see
him, I had been to church enough in my childhood to know
that He could see and hear me perfectly. The words of that
prayer have long slipped through the drain that has become
my memory, but I know that it became easier to talk to God
the more I gave over to Him. And that once I learned he
was more interested in what I was telling Him than where I
was or what I looked like then those conversations became
longer and frequent as the days went by. Have you “Face
Timed’ with God today? Try it; I think you’ll be glad you did.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
2 Timothy tells us: “For God has not given us the spirit of
fear.” In this verse, fear really means cowardice. God has
not given us the spirit of cowardice.
Evan Strong was the 2012 Para Snowboard World
Champion. He has won many gold medals for his amazing
snowboarding competitions. He participated in the
Paralympics in Sochi, Russia, last week. He did all this on
one leg. At the age of 17, he lost his leg in a horrific
motorcycle accident. His greatest fear was that he would
not be able to skateboard again. He asked the doctors to
save his knee because he needed his knee for
skateboarding. He not only relearned how to skateboard,
but he taught himself snowboarding. He competes in
mountain bike racing and he enjoys rock climbing.
What a role model for all of us when we think we have
nothing to look forward to. Evan had no fear. He just
changed his perspective and his goals. Remember Evan
when times seem hard for you. Have a wonderful day!
2 Timothy tells us: “For God has not given us the spirit of
fear.” In this verse, fear really means cowardice. God has
not given us the spirit of cowardice.
Evan Strong was the 2012 Para Snowboard World
Champion. He has won many gold medals for his amazing
snowboarding competitions. He participated in the
Paralympics in Sochi, Russia, last week. He did all this on
one leg. At the age of 17, he lost his leg in a horrific
motorcycle accident. His greatest fear was that he would
not be able to skateboard again. He asked the doctors to
save his knee because he needed his knee for
skateboarding. He not only relearned how to skateboard,
but he taught himself snowboarding. He competes in
mountain bike racing and he enjoys rock climbing.
What a role model for all of us when we think we have
nothing to look forward to. Evan had no fear. He just
changed his perspective and his goals. Remember Evan
when times seem hard for you. Have a wonderful day!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Good Morning!
An arborist is a scientist who studies trees and other woody
plants, usually individual specimens. A forester is a scientist
who studies large swaths of woody plants like a forest. The
domain of foresters and arborists overlaps at times in the
pursuit of health of both trees and forests.
The Christian life is made up of two similar domains
individual days and life as a whole. Unfortunately, we get so
caught up in the pressures of each day that we sometimes
fail to step back and look at our spiritual life as a whole.
Questions need to be asked: Since coming to know Christ,
how have I grown spiritually and emotionally? Talked about
"pressing on" toward Christ in my own life, and read in 1
Timothy 4:15 about making spiritual "progress" in your life.
Are you a spiritual arborist or forester? Are you focusing
more on the trees or the forest? There are no shortcuts to
spiritual maturity. It takes time to be holy.
Good Morning!
An arborist is a scientist who studies trees and other woody
plants, usually individual specimens. A forester is a scientist
who studies large swaths of woody plants like a forest. The
domain of foresters and arborists overlaps at times in the
pursuit of health of both trees and forests.
The Christian life is made up of two similar domains
individual days and life as a whole. Unfortunately, we get so
caught up in the pressures of each day that we sometimes
fail to step back and look at our spiritual life as a whole.
Questions need to be asked: Since coming to know Christ,
how have I grown spiritually and emotionally? Talked about
"pressing on" toward Christ in my own life, and read in 1
Timothy 4:15 about making spiritual "progress" in your life.
Are you a spiritual arborist or forester? Are you focusing
more on the trees or the forest? There are no shortcuts to
spiritual maturity. It takes time to be holy.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Good Morning: I grew up playing board games with my family. You know,
games like Monopoly. Let's use some of those games today to think about
choices we make in our lives. For instance, Monopoly: Think about what is
monopolizing your time. Get your priorities in order. The game of Clue: are you seeking the answers? Find them in the Bible. The game of Twister: Are you twisted up with sin. It has a way of entangling you. So watch out! The game of Sorry: Do you follow the biblical teaching of forgiving others? The game of Trouble: Are you a trouble maker? The game of Chutes and Ladders: Are you climbing higher in your Christian life or are you sliding down?
My point is, that in life we don't have dice to roll to make our life decisions. We have choices and those choices are our own....not anyone else's, and if we are smart, we will look to God to help us with those choices. Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning: I grew up playing board games with my family. You know,
games like Monopoly. Let's use some of those games today to think about
choices we make in our lives. For instance, Monopoly: Think about what is
monopolizing your time. Get your priorities in order. The game of Clue: are you seeking the answers? Find them in the Bible. The game of Twister: Are you twisted up with sin. It has a way of entangling you. So watch out! The game of Sorry: Do you follow the biblical teaching of forgiving others? The game of Trouble: Are you a trouble maker? The game of Chutes and Ladders: Are you climbing higher in your Christian life or are you sliding down?
My point is, that in life we don't have dice to roll to make our life decisions. We have choices and those choices are our own....not anyone else's, and if we are smart, we will look to God to help us with those choices. Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services
each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30
had become short on space. So, we have created a new
service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday
a place where we connect with God and with others.
We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fastpaced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.
We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary 9:45
CONNECT and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making disciples.
Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services
each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30
had become short on space. So, we have created a new
service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday
a place where we connect with God and with others.
We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fastpaced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.
We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary 9:45
CONNECT and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making disciples.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. Charles Allen was a
great Methodist preacher who said that what was most
important about himself was what he believed.
There were those who challenged him and said that what
you believe is not as important as how you live. Rev. Allen
responded by saying it is what a person believes that
determines how they live.
How true it is that what we believe determines the
possibilities of our lives. The word belief is a big, strong,
compelling word. It does not mean that we shut our eyes to
the truth and cling to a dream. Instead, it is a conviction that
we have that binds us and controls our every action and
decision. It presses us to love others and allows us to pattern our
lives by the teachings of Jesus. Whatever you believe is
determining how you are living, come and worship with us
at Central and live the Christian life with us.
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. Charles Allen was a
great Methodist preacher who said that what was most
important about himself was what he believed.
There were those who challenged him and said that what
you believe is not as important as how you live. Rev. Allen
responded by saying it is what a person believes that
determines how they live.
How true it is that what we believe determines the
possibilities of our lives. The word belief is a big, strong,
compelling word. It does not mean that we shut our eyes to
the truth and cling to a dream. Instead, it is a conviction that
we have that binds us and controls our every action and
decision. It presses us to love others and allows us to pattern our
lives by the teachings of Jesus. Whatever you believe is
determining how you are living, come and worship with us
at Central and live the Christian life with us.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Several years ago, when NFL running back, Arian Foster,
signed a fiveyear contract to the tune of more than 20
million dollars, he was interviewed concerning his success.
He was asked about his early years when his mother sold
her wedding band so he and his siblings would have food.
Then he was questioned about the prior year when his
contract was a fraction of his teammates. His reply: "when
you start comparing yourself to another man’s mirror that is
when negative thoughts begin to creep in. My journey isn't
anybody else's journey."
How often do we measure our life and success by that of
our neighbors or other family members? In today's world
where success is measured in dollars and possessions, we
often forget that we are made " in the image of God" and
that God knew us before our image was even yet formed."
that should serve as a reminder to each of us of the
importance and significance of OUR journey.
Go today seeing yourself in God's mirror. Your journey is
important...God thinks so...have a blessed day!
Several years ago, when NFL running back, Arian Foster,
signed a fiveyear contract to the tune of more than 20
million dollars, he was interviewed concerning his success.
He was asked about his early years when his mother sold
her wedding band so he and his siblings would have food.
Then he was questioned about the prior year when his
contract was a fraction of his teammates. His reply: "when
you start comparing yourself to another man’s mirror that is
when negative thoughts begin to creep in. My journey isn't
anybody else's journey."
How often do we measure our life and success by that of
our neighbors or other family members? In today's world
where success is measured in dollars and possessions, we
often forget that we are made " in the image of God" and
that God knew us before our image was even yet formed."
that should serve as a reminder to each of us of the
importance and significance of OUR journey.
Go today seeing yourself in God's mirror. Your journey is
important...God thinks so...have a blessed day!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Good Morning!
As we move from winter into spring many of us have begun
to feel the effects of the different viruses and illness that
seem to tag along with the changing of the seasons.
With many of my coworkers having missed work because
of a virus that has been going around, I have tried to take
extra precautions to avoid catching it. Every time someone
would come into my office I would spray Lysol disinfectant
in the air after they left; and after shaking hands with
someone, I would try to use a hand sanitizer before going
back to work.
After one particular encounter last week, I reached for the
bottle of GermX on my desk when the person I had shaken
hands with said, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve been sick,
but I’m not contagious because I caught it from someone
Unfortunately, for many of us our faith can be described the
same way. We aren’t “infectious” because we never had a
direct relationship with Jesus Christ but have been living off
the faith of others. Let me encourage you to go straight to
the source through prayer today, you’ll be glad you did!
Good Morning!
As we move from winter into spring many of us have begun
to feel the effects of the different viruses and illness that
seem to tag along with the changing of the seasons.
With many of my coworkers having missed work because
of a virus that has been going around, I have tried to take
extra precautions to avoid catching it. Every time someone
would come into my office I would spray Lysol disinfectant
in the air after they left; and after shaking hands with
someone, I would try to use a hand sanitizer before going
back to work.
After one particular encounter last week, I reached for the
bottle of GermX on my desk when the person I had shaken
hands with said, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve been sick,
but I’m not contagious because I caught it from someone
Unfortunately, for many of us our faith can be described the
same way. We aren’t “infectious” because we never had a
direct relationship with Jesus Christ but have been living off
the faith of others. Let me encourage you to go straight to
the source through prayer today, you’ll be glad you did!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. Today we celebrate the
World Day of Prayer. From the time that I can first
remember until today, I am reminded of the powerful
prayers of the righteous men and women who have been a
part of my life.
Prayer is not only a way in which we as believers petition
God for answers or actions. It is also a way in which God
reveals himself. There are times that we feel his hand upon
us as we pray. There are times we can hear in our very
soul the still, small voice of God telling us to continue on.
The disciples of Jesus never asked him to teach them to
preach or to build churches, but they did ask him how to
pray. They understood the importance and necessity of
connecting their heart, soul, and mind to God.
I hope you are a person of prayer, and if you are, then join
with Christians all over the world as we pray for God’s
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. What a hectic pace I keep up in my life.
It is a phrase that is often repeated in this day and time. But
it is not the kind of life Jesus call us to. It is not the kind of
life Jesus lived as an example for us.
As word of Jesus’s healing ability spread in Judea more
and more crowds came to Jesus to be healed, and to hear
him preach. But we are told that Jesus would withdraw to
deserted places and pray. If Jesus could spare the time
apart to keep his relationship with the Father intact, why
can’t we? Or I guess the real question is, why don’t we?
Why is it not important to us? So I suggest you carve out
some deserted places, some deserted times in your life
where you turn off both literally and figuratively. Spend time
in silence listening to and sharing with the Heavenly Father,
who always has time to hear from you.
Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. What a hectic pace I keep up in my life.
It is a phrase that is often repeated in this day and time. But
it is not the kind of life Jesus call us to. It is not the kind of
life Jesus lived as an example for us.
As word of Jesus’s healing ability spread in Judea more
and more crowds came to Jesus to be healed, and to hear
him preach. But we are told that Jesus would withdraw to
deserted places and pray. If Jesus could spare the time
apart to keep his relationship with the Father intact, why
can’t we? Or I guess the real question is, why don’t we?
Why is it not important to us? So I suggest you carve out
some deserted places, some deserted times in your life
where you turn off both literally and figuratively. Spend time
in silence listening to and sharing with the Heavenly Father,
who always has time to hear from you.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. What a hectic pace I keep up in my life.
It is a phrase that is often repeated in this day and time. But
it is not the kind of life Jesus call us to. It is not the kind of
life Jesus lived as an example for us.
As word of Jesus’s healing ability spread in Judea more
and more crowds came to Jesus to be healed, and to hear
him preach. But we are told that Jesus would withdraw to
deserted places and pray. If Jesus could spare the time
apart to keep his relationship with the Father intact, why
can’t we? Or I guess the real question is, why don’t we?
Why is it not important to us? So I suggest you carve out
some deserted places, some deserted times in your life
where you turn off both literally and figuratively. Spend time
in silence listening to and sharing with the Heavenly Father,
who always has time to hear from you.
Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. What a hectic pace I keep up in my life.
It is a phrase that is often repeated in this day and time. But
it is not the kind of life Jesus call us to. It is not the kind of
life Jesus lived as an example for us.
As word of Jesus’s healing ability spread in Judea more
and more crowds came to Jesus to be healed, and to hear
him preach. But we are told that Jesus would withdraw to
deserted places and pray. If Jesus could spare the time
apart to keep his relationship with the Father intact, why
can’t we? Or I guess the real question is, why don’t we?
Why is it not important to us? So I suggest you carve out
some deserted places, some deserted times in your life
where you turn off both literally and figuratively. Spend time
in silence listening to and sharing with the Heavenly Father,
who always has time to hear from you.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Today, most Christians
will celebrate an ancient tradition called Ash Wednesday,
which kicks off the 40 days of Lent. You may notice a few of
your coworkers and friends walking around with some type
of smudge on their foreheads. The smudge is typically
ashes from burned palm leaves, which were applied by a
minister in the shape of a cross. The ashes remind us that
soon our life will be over, but this is not the end for a
believer. As Laurence Stookey puts it, “You will die. You
cannot change that. But you can die in Christ, whose death
transforms your own demise. Meanwhile, live in Christ and
discover Christ’s new life, which conquers death.”
Today, Central will also offer Ash Wednesday Services
starting at 6pm. Please come out to join us for worship, and
receive the reminder that death no longer has the final say
on your life.
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at
Central United Methodist Church. Today, most Christians
will celebrate an ancient tradition called Ash Wednesday,
which kicks off the 40 days of Lent. You may notice a few of
your coworkers and friends walking around with some type
of smudge on their foreheads. The smudge is typically
ashes from burned palm leaves, which were applied by a
minister in the shape of a cross. The ashes remind us that
soon our life will be over, but this is not the end for a
believer. As Laurence Stookey puts it, “You will die. You
cannot change that. But you can die in Christ, whose death
transforms your own demise. Meanwhile, live in Christ and
discover Christ’s new life, which conquers death.”
Today, Central will also offer Ash Wednesday Services
starting at 6pm. Please come out to join us for worship, and
receive the reminder that death no longer has the final say
on your life.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
If there is one concept we at Central want our children to
know, it is that they will NEVER be ANYWHERE where
Gods love and grace will not walk with them. We believe a
child's spiritual journey begins at birth. Children learn of
God’s love beginning in our nursery, then elementary
children through Rotation Sunday School, Sunday night
Zone, Club 412 and Wednesday nights as we combine
learning the major stories of the Bible, memorizing
scripture, with life application.
At any given time, you may hear loud music and laughter,
smell popcorn, wander through the belly of a whale, the
wilderness, or darkness of the sea in your attempt to reach
our children's area. Rest assured, however, this is all a
well planned attempt to teach Gods love, grace, and
faithfulness to a group whose eternal salvation we take as
OUR mission here on earth!
If you and your family are looking for a church home,
please come join us! For more information about our
program and times, visit www.cumcmdn.org.
If there is one concept we at Central want our children to
know, it is that they will NEVER be ANYWHERE where
Gods love and grace will not walk with them. We believe a
child's spiritual journey begins at birth. Children learn of
God’s love beginning in our nursery, then elementary
children through Rotation Sunday School, Sunday night
Zone, Club 412 and Wednesday nights as we combine
learning the major stories of the Bible, memorizing
scripture, with life application.
At any given time, you may hear loud music and laughter,
smell popcorn, wander through the belly of a whale, the
wilderness, or darkness of the sea in your attempt to reach
our children's area. Rest assured, however, this is all a
well planned attempt to teach Gods love, grace, and
faithfulness to a group whose eternal salvation we take as
OUR mission here on earth!
If you and your family are looking for a church home,
please come join us! For more information about our
program and times, visit www.cumcmdn.org.
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