Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Good Morning!

What did we do before GPS?  We used to stop and ask for directions and

unfold paper maps across the steering wheel while driving. Now we enter

our destination into our car’s GPS unit and do whatever it tells us to do. We

have a destination, a goal, but don’t know how to get there. Fortunately, our

GPS does.  It takes us, by twists and turns, where we need to go.

God has a goal for our life and a way of getting us there. The goal is

conformity to the image of Christ, and the way of getting there is the twists

and turns of life's difficult parts.  Could we get there without all the

difficulties? Possibly—but Jesus didn’t. He suffered on the way to God’s

destination for Him; it was how He learned obedience to the Father.  We will

also be tested, but you must be committed to the route on which He takes

you. You must have FAITH that you will arrive.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In music, one of the expressions that is worked on in preparation for a

performance is dynamics, that is the volume of the music or how loud or soft

it should be sung. The abbreviation used when music is to be performed

loudly, is the letter F, symbolizing the Italian word forte, but there is more to

the word forte than just as a dynamic marking.

You see, the word forte comes from the Latin root word meaning strong. As

in that fort you built as a kid.  A place that is strong. It is the same word the

Scripture uses for the Holy Spirit, also known as the Comforter, the one with

Strength. Philippians 2:1 reminds us that Christ encourages us and his love

comforts us.

For Central, A United Methodist Community, Be blessed, in the power of the

Holy Spirit, the One who is our strength.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Let me ask you a serious question, “How is your prayer life?” Has it grown dull and boring? Have you allowed other things to creep in and take its place?

Maybe you have never been the one to pray. I believe that I can ask these types of questions, because I have been at each of these places before. Often, I must remind myself that there is power in prayer. If we allow it, prayer can be more than just a list of what we want. Making it just a list of our desires and needs will only lead us to great and greater disappointment. Instead of it being a list of wants, it can be formational. Prayer can mold us into the people Jesus wants us to be. He said if we would listen to him, then we would love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who abuse us.

There is no better way to listen to Jesus than being in prayer. Today, we can resolve to live faithfully in the direction of our prayers, and our act of faith in God’s power by praying for our enemies. I want to invite you to Central and join us as we attempt to transform hearts and minds through the power of prayer.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015


Good Morning!  If you don't do anything else today, may I ask you to pray? “But, I don't know how to pray.” you say. Let me tell you a story. A father heard his little girl quietly saying her ABC's over and over and over. He stepped in and asked her what she was doing. She said, “I'm praying. I don't know what to say but I'm giving God all the letters and he can sort it out, because he knows what is in my heart.”

That little girl is right. God knows what is in your heart and he doesn't care how you pray, just that you do. Just remember the word “KISS” when you pray.....KEEP IT SIMPLE, SWEETIE!!  Have a wonderful prayer filled day!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Good Morning! I am Kristina Crabtree, Pastor of Missions and Evangelism at

Central United Methodist Church. As we enter into the fall season where

nature seems to speak the beauty of God directly to us, let us look at

Deuteronomy 32:10-12 as a spoken word into our spiritual journey with God


Moses is declaring the goodness of our Father by saying, “He found him in a

desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he

cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. Like an eagle that stirs up

its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them,

bearing them on its pinions, the Lord alone guided him.”

All of our spiritual journeys with God are wrapped up in this beautifully

written imagery. Maybe you are curled up in the nest of your Father,

allowing him to nourish you from the nest. That’s great, stay there…be in his

presence. Or maybe you are being “fluttered” by the wings of God to come

soar with him. Soar high. Wherever you are, go deeper in your relationship

with God. Allow God to guide you today.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


“See You at the Pole”
Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church. Today is a special day in the lives of our students - It’s a day of global prayer called, “See You at the Pole.” This movement started in 1990 with only ten students, and now, millions of students gather around their school flag poles on the fourth Wednesday in September in which they pray to God for their schools, communities, leaders, the Church, and their families. In fact, many schools gather at the 7 O’clock hour, so even right now, our students are leading the Church in prayer.

Prayer is often said as “talking to or with God.” While it is communicating to God, I find it to be much more than just talking, because I believe words express the fullness of what and who we are as humans. Today, our students are not just praying a yearly-prayer; no, they are expressing their concerns for the world, and through prayer, they listen to and join God in ministry to the entire world.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Good Morning!

The comedian, Flip Wilson, was known for a signature phrase in his routines:

“The devil made me do it!” It was a cultural reference implying he wasn’t

responsible for whatever trouble he had gotten himself into. While his words

made people laugh, blaming the devil or any other outside influence is no

laughing matter.

It has been long observed that circumstances or people don’t MAKE us who

we are; rather, they REVEAL who we are. No one and nothing can make us

angry, greedy, envious, or hateful. Jesus had a conversation with religious

leaders of His day on this very subject. They blamed their laws and

traditions for the fact that they couldn’t afford to care for their parents. Jesus

turned the tables and said their problem was one of internal values, not

external pressures or circumstances

When it comes to confessing our sins, the responsibility lands on our

doorstep. Thankfully, God promises to forgive what we truthfully confess.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015


Is today one of those mornings where it took everything you have to get out of bed?  Maybe you are still in bed.

You have faced trial after trial, and the hits keep on coming. If so, you are not alone. Almost everyone we know has been there.  HOW do you get through the darkness, dread and despair? James 1:12 reminds us “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
You see, you CAN persevere, with the strength and spirit that comes only from God.  Through God you can accomplish what you could never do for yourself.  So if despair grips you today, make up your mind - don’t quit, get out of bed, put one foot in front of the other, reach out to those around you, a friend, co-worker, a church. There IS help, there ARE those who care. Life is precious - a gift from God, and so worth the living.

If you have walked through the fire and come out on the other side, be willing to share your story. There are those who desperately need to hear your message of hope.  Be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone today!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.

Have you ever met someone who was just plane mean? They are never nice

and they always seem to be hurting people. Have you ever thought about

approaching that person? How about inviting them to church? The answer is

probably no. But that is our human nature isn’t it? We don’t want to get

ourselves hurt much less anyone else.

Did you know that Jesus was not even worried about that kind of thing? In

fact, he took a bunch of his disciples on an all-night trek across a stormy lake

in order to find a person who was the worst of the worst. The one he was

looking for; nobody could restrain. He was so mean that he would break the

chains when somebody tried to tie him up. Everybody was scare of him. But

Jesus wasn’t. It’s not that Jesus was tougher than this guy. He wasn’t scared,

because he saw the man for who he really was.

Jesus has a way of doing that to all of us. He is able to see through the fronts

and into the person we were created to be. Each one of us was created to be

loved by God and to love Him back. Jesus can heal, mend, and cure whatever

is going on in people’s lives. I invite you to Central to worship the one who

will stop at nothing for you.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Good Morning!
Think before you speak! The Bible has quite a bit to say about how we use

our words. In Eph 4:29, we're told, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come

out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up...."
We need to be aware of how powerful our words can be.  Once spoken, they

can never be taken back. The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my

bones, but words will never hurt me" is simply not true! Unkind words hurt

deeply and may even destroy someone's self-esteem for life!
The Bible is filled with stories of people who God sustained through His

words of encouragement. How we speak - reflects Christ's character within

us. Be generous with words of encouragement. When tempted to give an

angered response, stop and ask yourself, "What would Jesus say?" God will

give us the victory. 
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community

in Meridian. Actually, Bob is my nickname, my “real” name is Robert. But

my mother began to call me Bob and it has stuck.

Many of us have nicknames. Names given to us by those who care about us.

Some like mine are simple. Others describe our appearance or abilities such

as “Tiny Tim” or “Speedy.”

God has given us a name as well. A name known only to Him. It thrills me to

know that God has given me a new name because of my faith in Jesus.
You can get one too. The God that made you, that loves you, and that wants

you to belong to him forever has a special name for you. All you have to do is

believe in the One who has overcome this world. Believe in the One who

died and now lives.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


As we approach the date we welcome fall, I am reminded of one of my

favorite verses.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us “For everything there is a season, and a time for

every matter under heaven.”

Seasons - seasons in the year and climate, seasons in our lives.  We all walk

through seasons. Some are happier than others. Some are more productive

than others. Some quieter, more restful. No matter the season you or your

family is in, don’t fight it. Just remember that all seasons shift. Winter to

spring, spring to summer, and so on.

When you fight the seasons, you wear yourself out, and all to no avail. Time

will pass, seasons will change. If you are walking through challenges of

winter at this very moment, know that it will be no more than a memory one

day- spring WILL come.  Until that time, look to God, knowing that we are

not handling this alone - God walks through all of the shifting winds in the

seasons in our life.
What comfort and assurance that brings! Have a blessed day!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015


Good Morning!

I am Kristina Crabtree and I am the Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at

Central UMC.

Our relationship with God is the most central relationship to our life. Our

relationship with God needs formation and direction. You would not go on a

long run without first preparing with food, rest, and hydration. You would

not go on a long road trip with young children without preparing to stop

frequently or remembering to check the map to see if you were on the right


That is how our formation in our relationship with God works. Regular

spiritual practices keep our hearts in tune with God and not the world. One

of the spiritual practices I would like to highlight is reflection through the

way we think, speak, feel, and act on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and

yearly basis. Actively reflecting on your life moves you into a more

wholesome life in Christ. I encourage you to start with, “what was your

greatest and worst moment of the day?” I encourage you to be aware of God

acting in your life on a daily bases!  God is active in your life!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015


Good Morning: Have you ever heard this prayer? “Dear God, So far today,

I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, haven't lost my temper, haven't been

greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or over-indulgent. I'm really glad about that.

But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm

probably going to need a lot more help!”

That could be all of us. We do need help each day to do what is right. To say

what is right. To live the kind of life that God wants us to live, and we can't

do it alone. So, as part of our morning prayer, let's ask God to lead us.

In Psalms 32:8, God says: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you

should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” God is there for you. Have

a wonderful day.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015


“To everything, turn, turn, turn,
There is a season, turn, turn turn.”

Recently, I have attended three funerals in the past couple of weeks. At each

one, I talked with the families, reminisced about the deceased, shed tears,

and even laughed at fond memories. 

I pondered at the similarities of each.  Death has no boundaries. It happens to

young and old; black and white; rich and poor; you and me.

The only thing we can do to prepare for death is to secure our own salvation,

and share the love of Christ with those around us. 

Ecclesiastes reminds us that “to everything, there is a season.” Verse 12 tells

us “I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good

while they live.”
If you find yourself in a season of mourning, God will carry you through and

turn your weeping to rejoicing. Hold on, my child. 

For Central United Methodist Church, I am Suzanne Cain.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Good morning! My name is Jonathan Crabtree, and I’m the Pastor for Student

Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. Do

you remember the show, “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?” It was

a computer game and also a TV show for children designed to test and learn

historical and geographical data. I enjoyed the show and the computer game

very much. In asking the question of Carmens’ whereabouts, I am reminded

of a similar question: Where in the world is the church? Media can

sometimes portray the church as being absent, or in some thinking, absent-

minded, therefore, leading others to believe that the church is simply not

doing its’ work in the world.

Instead of hearing where the church is not, I encourage you to search and see

where the church is. Here at Central, we join God in ministry in Meridian,

Lauderdale County, Mississippi, the United States and in the entire world.

Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Good Morning!

I am Kristina Crabtree and I am the Pastor of Mission and Evangelism at

Central UMC.

When you go to the doctor, how does he go about diagnosing the problem?

He examines your symptoms, runs tests, and looks directly at your physical

body. By examining symptoms, reading the test results, and physically

looking, the doctor can usually be able to diagnose the problem and give the

proper treatments of care.

Let’s take this analogy and look at the spiritual life. If God is the Great

Physician and He is, how does he care for us? He takes our symptoms,

emotional and physical, our failed tests in life, and our body, inward and

outward and then creates a way for his righteousness, mercy, and love to

bring the best care we could ask for. But, did you notice that God did not

need our help for him to diagnose the problem. He knew what it was and he

provided an action-care-plan for us. That is the God we serve.
Your spiritual needs are just as important as your physical needs. His grace is

sufficient! Take a leap of faith and go see the DOCTOR, the great Physician.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.

When was the last time you went through a storm? I am not talking about a

physical storm, but an emotional storm. Maybe you are facing the loss of

loved one, a job loss, a divorce or separation, or even imprisonment.

Whatever it is, these storms can seem deadly.

So, how is your faith helping you through this? Did you know that Jesus

asked his disciples to get into a boat too in order to get some rest, even

though a storm was coming? But before the storm came, he said let’s go to the

other side. In order for them to get to their destination they had to go through

the storm. Jesus was pointing out something very important to us. We will all

go through storms, but we also have him with us.

When you have faith in Jesus Christ you also have a destination upon the

rough seas instead of being tossed around with no purpose. Do you want

direction and purpose in midst of your storm? Maybe you want to get to the

other side, but are afraid to get in. I invite you to come and be a part of our

faith community at Central. Here, you will find encouragement to get in the

boat and weather the storm. God bless.  

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, August 4, 2015


Psalm 62 reminds us “For God alone my soul waits in silence. He alone is my

rock and salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”

I am Sabrina Williams, Director of Children and Family ministry at Central.

Arguably one of the most difficult concepts in life to grasp is the art of

waiting patiently. But sometimes what we learn and who we become in the

process of waiting is even more important than what we are waiting for. 

Sometimes the moments spent waiting for something are even more

important that the moment the something actually happens.

Not all wishes are meant to come true. Some just teach us how to wait. These

wishes bring us not an instant blessing, but a life-long lesson.

During those seasons of waiting, remember this: “the stretching of faith is

immediate discomfort that results in ultimate gain, for it is in the waiting we

become who we are meant to be, and our faith and trust in God becomes

stronger and more intimate.”  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015


What is Grace?

Good morning! My name is Jonathan Crabtree, and I’m the Pastor for Student

Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. What

is grace? Perhaps you say “grace” before eating a meal. Sometimes we define

grace as, “unmerited favor.” While that is true, I believe grace is something

more than a word.

I think another working definition of grace could be this: God coming to

help us. How did God do this? God came as the person of Jesus Christ, and

lived among us. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the power and

guilt of sin over humanity has been destroyed. Trusting in this act will

inhibit a relationship with the living God. Therefore, God came to help

humanity not with a magical sprinkle of “grace” dust but through the person

of Jesus Christ. Grace is not a what; it’s a who: Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ

lives today and is with us. So the question is not, “What is grace” but, “Who

is Grace?” Who is Grace to you?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


 “It’s Fall Y’all!”
Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church.

Guess what? It’s Fall Y’all! Fall is my favorite time of the year. It’s a season when trees begin to display a beautiful array of autumn bouquets; rich in color and splendor; temperatures decrease; football is in full motion; and aromas of pumpkin spice; hazelnut, and caramel fill the crisp-like air. Another season brings about change, and this change reminds us that with most things in life, there is a season, just as the wise composer of Ecclesiastes tells us in chapter 3.

As we enter a new season, with new changes, I invite you to remember and honor the changes in your life in previous seasons; while remembering that God is with us in all seasons. It’s Fall Y’all, and the best of all is; God is with us!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Good Morning: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once wrote, that if you spend two

minutes each morning counting all of your blessings, you will find that the

day will turn out well!!

What a great idea! It's a very positive way to start your day. Gets you in a

great frame of mind, and when you remember all the ways God has blessed

you, you can face anything that the world throws at you. Just remember that

when you are counting those blessings, take the time to thank God for them.

After-all, every good and perfect gift is from the Lord.

Don't think you have any blessings? Well you do. If you woke up this

morning, that's a blessing. If you can talk, that's a blessing. If you can walk,

that's a blessing. Now that I've got you started, I'm sure you can find many,

many more. So, count your blessings and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Good Morning!

For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those

who are tempted. Hebrews 2:18

Speakers of English often confuse two similar sounding words: sympathy

and empathy. But their meanings are significantly different. Sympathy is a

feeling of pity or sorrow because of someone else’s suffering. Empathy is the

ability to identify with, understand, and share another’s feelings.

Sympathy can only imagine another person’s suffering, while empathy

knows exactly how the sufferer feels because of having suffered the same


Does Jesus sympathize with our temptations or empathize? Does He feel bad

for how we feel when tempted or does He know exactly how we feel, having

been tempted Himself?  The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness “to be

tempted by the devil” for forty days.  It’s how He learned to obey God. When

you're tempted, know that Jesus is able to intercede and help you on the basis

of empathy, not sympathy.