Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Good Morning! I am Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist church. Children are the most innocent, but also the most profound human beings on the earth. The way they absorb and interrupt life can be such an encouragement.

The other day my little girl was sick. First of all, when a loved one is sick, it affects not only the one who is sick but it affects the one who is caring for the sick one. I label that as “my heart hurting.” As I was putting her to sleep the other night, she looks at me with those “sickling” eyes and says, “Moma, I want my heart to be happy.” Wow, what a profound statement that I bet each and everyone of us say when life is not as we want it to be. I responded with, “you need to rest” that is the only way you can feel happy.

How true is that in our own lives today when we are not feeling happy, when the world around us brings worry and turmoil?

Rest in the Words of Jesus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. (John 16:20). Rest in those words today. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Good Morning IronMaker! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Throughout the life of Jesus, he was constantly teaching others. He taught his followers how to pray, how to love, and what it meant to be a follower of the way. All of the apostles understood that what they had learned from Jesus must be passed on to the next group of followers so that the message of Jesus would touch every life.

You have been given the task of teaching as a follower of Jesus. There are those that will watch every step you make, and they will try to imitate the person that you are. That is why we must embrace the power and responsibility of teaching and mentoring a new generation of spiritual leaders.

Our theme at Central this year is “IronMakers” and how we are called to be strength and strengthen one another. You have been called to be an IronMaker, and if you accept it, you must teach others the way of Jesus.

I invite you to Central to share your strength with us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Good Morning: Do you know the best thing about being a Christian? Well, to me, it's the fact that Jesus walked this earth and knows exactly what we go through every day.

Here are some examples of how He identifies with us: People constantly misunderstood Him; He was rejected and unappreciated by the ones he came to love and die for; He was under a lot of pressure; and many times, he was exhausted and sometimes very lonely. He was tempted by Satan to do wrong. He was hated by some and suffered injustice......though He lived a sinless life, He died a criminal's death. He suffered great pain.

So, whatever you are going through right now, remember that Jesus knows how you feel and sympathizes with your pain and weakness. He is there for you. All you need to do is call upon His name. He may not remove the anguish or change your situation, but He will get you through it, and you will be stronger because of His great love for you. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday, March 28, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central – a United Methodist Community. Do you recognize me? Most people don’t, because they haven’t seen me since I cut my hair. But, rest assured, it’s me. The followers of Jesus didn’t recognize him after he rose from the dead, either, and it wasn’t because he got a haircut! Thomas said he wouldn’t believe until he touched the wounds in Jesus’ hands and side. Sometimes, we call him, “Doubting Thomas.”

We all doubt sometimes, and not just faith in God, but we doubt our family and friends. When we doubt, we draw back from the relationship when we should be engaging in the relationship and asking questions to feed our curious doubting minds.

Do you doubt this whole following Jesus thing? That’s ok! Don’t draw back and always wonder, engage in a relationship with someone who follows Jesus and ask questions. Read the Bible and touch the ‘wounds’ of God’s love as read on the pages. Be a part of our community of faith and ask the questions of doubt and watch what God will do. Soon, you will begin to recognize God’s love for you. Happy Easter!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I always knew that I wanted to serve my country, even as a little boy. I was able to envision being a warrior that could defeat any enemy that I faced. I loved the image of a Soldier, because he was strong, unafraid, and willing to sacrifice to complete the mission. He was the ideal image of “Iron”.

In Provers 27:17, it is recorded that as Iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another. As a follower of Jesus, you and I are the iron that the writer of this proverb speaks of. We are directed to be people of strength who will defy the odds and press forward in the toughest moments of life. Ultimately, we are to be warriors that are unashamed of our mission, confident in our God, and ready to move at the commander’s call.

This is what is required of you “IronMaker”. I ask you today, are you up for the challenge? If you are, then I invite you to our Central community of faith and to check out our website at Central United Methodist Church.Org and learn more about being an IronMaker.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever had something that was very precious to you and lost it? It really is upsetting when something like that happens. Maybe you have recently required that precious thing. Most things, however, that we consider to be precious is made out of metal, stone, or clay. It is funny how we will collect things that will one day fade away.

The most precious things in our lives are the ones we love; like our family, children, grandchildren, and friends. So, how are guarding those precious relationships? Have you become more concerned about your happiness over theirs? In the bible, we find Jesus doing something uncharacteristic of a deity. God in the flesh knelt down and washed his followers’ feet. He could have commanded them to perform this act on him, but instead, he chose the act of a servant.

So, again, how are you treating your precious relationships?  If you want to learn more about having a servant attitude, then I invite you to Central where we are encouraged to take of one another. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central - A United Methodist Community in downtown of Meridian. Easter is this Sunday, a day to celebrate Resurrection and new life; and at Central, we invite you to our celebrations at 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55 this Easter Sunday morning.

But Easter loses its true meaning without the events that happened in Jesus’ life in the days leading up to Easter. This Friday evening at 7 PM, Central will offer a service of remembrance of those events. We will begin with Holy Communion, then the choir will lead is in a remembrance of Jesus’ seven last words spoken from the cross. The service will conclude with a stripping of the sanctuary. All of the decorations of the sanctuary are removed – reminding us that we, like Jesus, must give up all that we hold dear in order to attain that resurrection gift of eternal life.

Gather with the Central community this Good Friday evening at 7, and Easter Sunday morning at 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Good Morning! I am Kristina Crabtree, minister of spiritual formation at Central United Methodist church. What does life look like for you? How would you describe life? I would describe life as a dance. As a blogger wrote, "we live in the midst of this dance between abiding in the gentle rhythm of grace and working out our own salvation with fear and trembling."

What a great picture to image as we go throughout our day to day lives. Image your life as a dance moving to the sound of grace! Some of us might be a good dancer; others might not be, but that is how life can be.
It’s really hard to get that balance of God’s grace in the midst of our daily lives. As your dance teacher today, I'm going to give you a tip…a life of a dance is about moving with the Holy Spirit. Allowing Jesus to lead us is the hardest part. It’s not about us working hard to learn the life of dance with God, it’s all about the lead dancer.

Let him lead you in the dance of today. Can you hear the music, the gentle rhythms of God’s grace? Dance, beloved, follow Jesus’ lead! Hope you have a beautiful dance today!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016


Today is the beginning of what the church knows as Holy Week.  The week that

led Jesus to the Cross.  Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday, acknowledging

Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

When looking back at yesterday, I have no problem in seeing myself with the

crowds, waving a palm branch.
But what about when the celebration was over? Would I have been one of those

same people who sang praises on Palm Sunday and deserted Jesus during his

arrest and trial? 
They were good people and their respect for Jesus was genuine. All of them were

faithful to a point, but they lacked the faith to stand up for what they believed

in. What would you have done?

Of course, we will never know how we would have spent the rest of that week,

but what about today?  Each new day affords us an opportunity to stand up for

what and who we believe in. Take that gift, that opportunity into the world

today, secure in the love of Jesus and what He did for you on this week over 2000

years ago.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community

here in Meridian. Do you tweet? You know that quick way to let others know in

140 characters or less what you are having for lunch, or where you are headed or

what your deepest thoughts are.

Do you tweet God? You know you probably should. Yes, there is a need to sit

down and spend long periods of time in prayer. To exchange long handwritten

letters with God. But there are also times when just a quick tweet to God is

exactly what is needed.

You hear a siren and you send God a quick tweet-prayer that his presence be

with those who are responding to an emergency and those who need the fire

truck, ambulance, or police. You meet an acquaintance who tells you of an illness

in their family. So you send God a quick tweet-prayer for his healing presence.

You are meeting friends for lunch - you send God a tweet asking him to help you

show them, his presence in your life.

If you are not doing so already, send God some Tweets today.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Good Morning:

We are all guilty of forgetting our blessings once in a while and not thanking our Heavenly Father for the many blessings that He has given to us. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once wrote, that if you spend two minutes each morning counting all of your blessings, you will find that the day will turn out well. So why not try that today, and while you are counting them, remember to thank God for them. After all, all our blessings do come from God.

Say this verse with me from 2 Corinthians: “Thanks be to God for His incredible gifts.” Ready? Say it with me...... ”Thanks be to God for His incredible gifts.” Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. As the season of spring approaches, we are reminded of the hope of new life. The trees will blossom, the grass will turn green again, and even the birds will return to their nests.

There is the desire, by most of us, that have been stuck inside from winter’s chill to get out and do something. It will not be long until that excitement becomes a burden instead of a joyful task.

Jesus shared with his disciples in Matthew 11:28 that he desire to give them rest from the burdens that they carried. Most of us feel the pressure everyday as we try to fit everything that we are obligated to do and need to do into each day. God created Sunday for all of us so that we could have rest and spiritual renewal.

I hope that Sunday is a special day for you and your family as you center yourself for the Monday that is coming. I invite you to start your week with us at Central at either our 8:30 contemporary service or 10:55 traditional. Come and experience rest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. I believe we live in the best country in the world. In spite of our problems, the majority of our citizens have access to education, health care, and employment. The majority of Americans have a roof over their heads and food on the table. We have a lot to be thankful for.

If you are in this majority of folks, have you ever stopped to wonder how all of this is possible? Well, we can certainly attribute a lot to the many dedicated Americans serving in industry, government, and our military. However, this is not the main reason. The reason you and I have been given so much is because of God. God is the giver and sustainer of life. Therefore, it is fitting that we give back to God.

In the bible, we are told of a woman who gave Jesus a present that was worth a lot of money. It wasn’t because she was told to do this, but because she was devoted to him.

During the next few days, I encourage you to give back to God. It could be a monetary donation to your church or it could simply be your time in prayer. Give thanks; give back; give to God. Have a blessed day.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016


Good morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree and I am the Minister of Spiritual

Formation at Central United Methodist Church. As I was putting my little girl to

bed the other night, the sense of impatience and aggravation had set in my entire

being. If you have kids, you know what I am talking about. But just went I

couldn’t take it no longer, I took a deep inner breath and realized that my

impatience and aggravating lash outs were effecting my daughter.

Sometimes my negatives feeds into her reaction to bedtime, and we are like two

fighting cats. But instead of her becoming like me, she immediately starts asking

me to rock her in her soft ‘wanting’ voice.

I heard a soft voice in my inner most being that Jesus’ loves me in spite of my

impatience and aggravations in life. Jesus always want me. He loves me and you

know what? He loves you too despite your impatience and aggravations in life.

You see most of the time people makes notation to the Father’s love in

comparison to a parent’s love, but I am in awe of how God’s love can also be

portrayed in the love and forgiveness of children. You are loved by the Father no

matter what! Have a great day!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016


Good Morning:

Sometimes we feel sad and depressed because of things that happen in our lives. However, as Christians, we have something others may not have. We have a living and loving God whom we can call upon, and He always hears our prayers. He gives us strength to endure; he gives us calm to work through our problems; He gives us endurance to outlast any bad thing that happens.

Hear what Paul told the Corinthians: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” What a mighty God we serve! Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Good morning this is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here

in Meridian.
There is one miracle that is recorded in all four gospels: the feeding of the five

thousand. Jesus took a small amount of fish and bread and made a meal for a

The apostle John records a detail that the others leave out. A boy with five small

loaves of bread and two small fish offered what he had to feed everyone else.

Jesus took that sack lunch and fed thousands.

What could the boy have been thinking? Did he hope that everyone else had as

much to offer as he had? Did he innocently hope that his lunch would be enough

for everyone?
Or did he have a childlike faith that believed Jesus would work wonders with a

couple of sandwiches?

I challenge you to take what you have and offer it to God. Give him your money.

Give him your time. Give him your life. And he will work wonders. And when

he is done, there will be plenty left over.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever known a bad person, I mean a really bad person, and thought there is no way they could ever be forgiven? Maybe you have this idea about yourself. It could be that someone in your life convinced you that you were unforgiveable. While some people may hold that opinion about you and others, it does not mean God holds the same opinion of you.

Did you know that when Jesus was physically present on earth he made friends with and even socialized with the worst of people? He was always around people who others thought were bad, who thought they were bad, and who were bad. However, none of this stopped Jesus and it still doesn’t. He is able to see us for who we really are. See, our past never defines who we are.  Jesus can transform us from the inside out, and will define us by who we are becoming.

Are you looking for a fresh start? If you are, then I invite you to come and meet Jesus, as we worship him at Central. Remember, you are worth renewing. God Bless.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In 2008, I attended my Officer Basic Course at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. As I was being trained on how to perform as a Chaplain in the United States Army, I learned many new life lessons. One of which I have pondered many times since putting on the uniform. The life lesson that I was taught is that there are two things that you have to overcome in life.

The first is to get over the obstacles that are before you. We all face obstacles in life that try to take our joy and peace from us, but through God’s help and grace, we can overcome.

The second thing that we must overcome in life is to get over ourselves. You are not the most important thing in life, and your happiness cannot be based on your current condition for if it is then we become self-absorbed.

If you are a believer, what is most important in your life is your faith in Jesus, and that faith brings purpose. Remember, today that you have to find a way to get over your obstacles and to get over yourself.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United

Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. For most of Meridian and Lauderdale

county, today begins spring break – a break from school. Taking a break is good

for the body, mind, and soul. A group of people asked Jesus the most important

commandment, and His response, “Love God with all your heart, soul, and

mind…the second is like this: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Loving God is somewhat simple because God loves us unconditionally, but

loving other people as ourselves? I think that can be difficult because not

everyone loves us in return, do they? This morning, take a break, know that God

loves you unconditionally. As you attempt to love or care for others who may not

return that same love to you, give yourself a break and know that you are doing

good work! Loving others may be difficult, but don’t give up. Because God loves

us, we can love other people.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree and I am Minister of Spiritual

Formation at Central United Methodist Church.  Today is considered:  World

Day of Prayer.  Every year on the first Friday of March, a group of women gather

around the world to pray for justice and equality. This movement of prayer each

year is carried out in over 170 countries; people from all races, cultures, and

What a wonderful movement this is! Can you picture it, people of all races,

ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic backgrounds are all brought together by

one common thing: prayer.  Just think of our world today.  Bad things are

happening every day, but what a beautiful sight it is to know people all around

the world are brought together by prayer.  Think about it, in this very moment,

peace among the nations, people all brought together by one thing: prayer.
Let us be connected with the entire world today. Pray, Pray, Pray and know that

people from over 170 different countries are doing the same right now.  Wow! 

Now that is how big our God is.  Have a great day!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Once again, there have been multiple stories of both entertainers and athletes

who have made tremendous poor choices in their personal lives. You wonder,

“how can someone who is SO incredibly talented in their field, who have been

handed it all so to speak, make such devastating life choices? The drive and

determination that makes them phenomenal in industry or sports seems lacking

in their day to day walk between right and wrong.

The Bible tells us that where our mind is, there will our heart be also. This

Biblical truth is much harder to live out than one would think. If God and His

unfailing love, grace, and mercy is first and foremost in our lives, everything

else falls into place. It is when we replace God with idols - be it idols of fame,

money, things - that our moral compass begins to blur.

At Central we struggle together in our life choices - praying for one another,

walking along side one another, helping with accountability. We invite you to

join us in our community of faith as we daily experience God’s unfailing love

and grace in our lives and as God calls us to do, extend it to others!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. None of us need reminding that we live in a world where tragedy happens. For all of us are all too familiar with devastating tornados and hurricanes, car accidents and violence. However, there may be some of us who have been taught that bad things happen to bad people. Well, that’s not entirely true.

There were some people in Jesus’ day who thought just that. They even told him how sinful people are punished and how righteous people live a long life. However, Jesus told them that that was simply not the case.

As long as humanity has been in existence tragedy and accidents have occurred. Such things happens to both good and bad people alike. The bible teaches that sin and death came into the world a long, long time ago.

Regardless if life is cut short or if life ends at a good old age, this earthly life will come to an end. But God has designed a way for all of humanity to overcome it and that way is Jesus Christ. Jesus offers you eternal life. That means rich or poor, healthy or sick, Jesus has a place for you after this life is over. Please come! God Bless.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Hi, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United

Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. Well, we’re about halfway through

Lent – not the pocket lent in your clothes, but the season of Lent. It’s the season

of forty days that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the Saturday before

Easter. It represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for

ministry. Preparation is important.

Without preparation, we can miss out on life because we weren’t aware of things

happening. The same goes with being a follower of Jesus Christ. Every day we

prepare by reading the bible, praying, spending time with others, and living a

life that shows others that God is doing something. God is doing something in

your life. I invite you to be a part of what God is doing here at Central. I invite

you to prepare so that you can be aware of God’s presence in and through your

life. Join us.