Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I am always asked by individuals what do we need to do to see our church grow. I believe that when it comes to reaching new people for Christ, it is important that we realize that not everyone is where we are in our life and walk with Christ. We have to be intentional in how and when we approach people for gospel. If we are to have influence with those who are marginal when it comes to faith or do not claim one at all, then we have to have a genuine love and concern for them.

People know when you care or when you just carry an agenda. Once we have influence in a person’s life, then we can begin to share our story and then to hear their story. In the sharing and the hearing, we must believe that God is at work.

Let me encourage you today to reach out to someone new and make a friend that opens the door to sharing the good news.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


God is evident in a tear or in a whistle. He is the twinkle in a stranger’s eye and in the eyes of a loved one. God is in the warmth of a handshake and in the smile of a five-year-old with missing teeth. God is in between the lines of a handwritten note and the giggles of teenage girls. God is the energy you use to write your to-do list of the day and in the sleepy nod acknowledging your need for a break in the middle of the afternoon.

God surrounds you with reminders of His presence. God is in every sigh, every whisper, and every exclamation. Why this reminder? No matter where this morning finds you, God is by you at this very moment. Think about, breath in and experience God’s presence. Find peace and comfort as you go forth in your day with this reminder of His eternal love and care for you. Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday, August, 29, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community in Meridian.

This morning I would like to share with you from Max Lucado’s book “Fearless.” He says:  Boxes bring wonderful order to our life. They keep cereal from spilling and books from tumbling. When it comes to containing stuff, boxes are masterful. But when it comes to defining Christ, no box works. Oh, his contemporaries tried.
They designed an assortment of boxes. But he never fit any of them.
He defied an easy definition. We still try to define him. I once reduced Christ to a handful of doctrines. He was a recipe, and I had the ingredients. Mix them correctly, and the Jesus of my making would appear.
Jesus blew the sides out of all misconceptions.

Don't we need to know the transfigured Christ? One who spits holy fire? One who takes friends to the Mount top so they can peek into heaven? Ascend it.
Stare longingly at the Holy One, the Only One.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Proverbs 17:22 says, A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. I want to ask you a question. What will you do this day that will positively impact those that you come in contact with? If you don’t really have an idea of how you will positively impact others today, then let me suggest that you simply smile a lot today. I know that may sound odd to you, but when you smile, other people will smile.
Life is full of crushed spirit moments and you will never know what another person is going through on any given day. Therefore, it is time that we put this Proverb into action and become good medicine for others. A smile on your face can open the door to share the good news of Jesus Christ that has given you a reason to smile.

I invite you to worship with us at Central United Methodist Church and bring a smile with you.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Did you know that prayer is an action that is always moving us forward? It is not a stagnate ritual. You see, God is not like that neither. He is always creating and making things new. Think about it. He changes hearts and minds of people every day, making them new.

I believe God is deeply moved when we pray to him because his heart is greater than ours. He is able to show something different and something new every time we come to him in prayer. Prayer is moving us, as if we were on a journey. God puts people in our pathway as a guide or an answer to prayer. These people help us to see more of God then we have before. Even in sorrow, God is there wanting to show us something. This is a radical act that often cannot be fully explained by words. It is most effectively explained through shared experiences.

So, how are you experiencing the journey? If you are looking for like-minded people to journey with, then come to Central where you are certain to find what you are looking for. God bless.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Good morning. I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

In the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians, we read about how our flesh desires fleshly things...things that are contrary to spiritual desires. The acts of our flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, hatred, jealousy, envy, drunkenness, and the like. It says that those who live into those fleshly desires will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Then there are spiritual desires, otherwise known as fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against these things, there is no law.

I am not here to tell you that I am perfect and have never given in to fleshly desires. I am human and, YES, “the struggle IS real.”

I am here to tell you that God wants us to strive to bear good fruits. Remain in the spirit, and let God guide you through this thing called life.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Good Morning: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once wrote, that if you spend two minutes each morning counting all of your blessings, you will find that the day will turn out well!! What a great idea! It's a very positive way to start your day. Gets you in a great frame of mind and when you remember all the ways God has blessed you, you can face anything that the world throws at you.

Just remember that when you are counting those blessings, take the time to thank God for them. After-all, every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. Don't think you have any blessings? Well you do. If you woke up this morning, that's a blessing. If you can talk, that's a blessing. If you can walk, that's a blessing. Now that I've got you started, I'm sure you can find many, many more. So, count your blessings and have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church. Do you remember when you were a kid and you loved going to school? Maybe you were not that kid but there are some kids who have a goal to never miss a day of school to be able to get an award at the end of the school year.

Whether we were that kid or not, I wonder if we have taken that mentality into the workplace today. I wonder if we have the mentality that vacations are for whimps. In our culture today, our Americanized-workaholic-culture, have we taken on the role of a hero because we have achieved the “the perfect attendance” award at work this past year. I want you to encourage you to look at your work life, are you resting? Are you taking time to renew yourself to better be at your job? I know it is so hard to even think about rest in our busy world but God has created us as working-beings who need rest. I hope you find rest today and in the days to come.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. Where is joy? I find myself asking this question as I read the short writings of James. The writer begins by saying “consider it joy when you enter into trials….” How in the world would you be joyful in the midst of pain, trials, and persecutions? Joy must be different from happiness and any other emotions connected to this. I wonder if joy is knowing that one day the trials will subside.
In Acts chapter 7, Stephen is killed by having stones thrown at him. Yet, somehow he seems to have joy. He even asks forgiveness on those persecuting him. Right before he is attacked and killed, he sees Jesus Christ in a vision standing as though Jesus is cheering him on. Do you feel like Stephen? Having one stone thrown at you right after another? Have joy, because Jesus is standing up for us, and Jesus is standing with us in the middle of it all.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.

Along Highway 49 in the northern part of Gulfport is a center that was created for Jesus when he returns to earth. There is a throne waiting for him to begin his reign on earth. I share something with those misguided Christians in Gulfport. I, too, am preparing a place for Jesus to rule. Where we differ is that I don’t think that Jesus plans to come rule on a throne. In fact, I know where he wants to rule: in my heart. What’s more, he’s there now. Imagine it. Christ living in me. He has made a home in my heart, giving me life; guiding me in the way I should go. My job is to follow his lead and become like him, become like the one who lives in me.

If you, like me, want to know more, come to Central a community of believers who are seeking ways to more fully allow Jesus to live and rule in our hearts, our lives, and our world.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Good morning. I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

What happens to a train car that isn’t connected to a locomotive car? It sits on the tracks and goes nowhere. Without the locomotive, it has nothing to push or pull it on the tracks.

When we consider our faith, I want to challenge you with this thought - are you a train car connected to a locomotive or stubbornly sitting on the tracks disconnected with
nowhere to go?

I believe that God is our locomotive. Without connecting to him, we can go nowhere with our faith.

The best way for you to connect to God is to find a place to worship and commune with other believers. Whether you are early on in your spiritual journey, strengthened through your church, or simply need some inspiration, find a place to worship and connect to a faith community.

Seek your locomotive to connect to and let it take you down your spiritual railroad tracks - you won’t regret the decision.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


When you are socially correct, you use respectful words to refer to particular people and topics. You conform to a certain standard.  When you are spiritually correct, you conform to God’s standard. This is what Paul was referring to in his letter to the people of Philippi, in Philippians 4:8 “Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, pure, lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

Here it is pretty much laid out for us. There is a prescribed way to conduct ourselves as a Christian. Take the high road of word and deed. Be fair to other people, practice honest in all transactions, hold yourself to the standard God has laid out. Follow God’s moral compass. Be spiritually correct. Follow a popular admonition phrase - “Live so a preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral!”

Be thankful in this world of political correctness, God has given us a compass for spiritual correctness! Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Proverbs 27:17 has been our theme verse at Central for the year. This verse simply says that as Iron sharpens Iron so one man or woman sharpens another. This Saturday we will host our third IronMaker event for our men. We will have 30 minutes of fellowship, 30 minutes of tactical teaching that I will lead, followed by 30 minutes of a personal story of an IronMaker.

I invite you to attend, just phone our church office to let them know you’re coming or go to our website at and sign up.

God has called us to be men and women of strength, and for us to be strong, we have to work at our faith. Each day we must sharpen our blade a little more. In doing so, we become more confident in the truth of Jesus, and we are able to share with others the power that we find in following him. Never forget the power of being an IronMaker.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church. Let me ask you this, have you ever been discouraged or wanted encouragement? I was reading an article the other day about a mom who was witnessing another mom with three kids shopping in a store. The mom with three kids had gotten in a long line. One kid wondered off and came back with a toy. As any child does, they test the mother to see how she would react to asking for the mom to purchase the toy. The mom said no, the kid threw a fit. What happens next? The mom quietly goes to her child, walks them back to put the toy up, apologizes to those around, and proceeds to check out.

The mom watching had a choice. Either judge or give encouragement. She chose encouragement. Maybe you are the one to give someone encouragement today! Have a great day!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Good Morning: In Matthew, chapter 14, we find the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. As long as he had his eyes on Jesus, he was okay. But then, he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves all around him. His faith faltered and he began to sink until he reached out to Jesus to save him.

Now we may not be walking on water, but when our troubles surround us, if we focus on them instead of placing our faith in Jesus, we will start to sink as well! So, when you start to focus on your troubles, just remember these words from one of my favorite songs: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


I recently read a statement that rings very true. "Children don't THINK much about their parents-they EXPERIENCE them." Children can be happy with parents one moment and then angry for what they deem a ridiculous rule. They don’t analyze, they just experience - albeit on an emotional roller coaster level.

Young minds are not analytical-that comes with maturity, perhaps a loss of innocence. I think that often as parents, we, on the other hand, tend to be so busy THINKING about our children that we do not EXPERIENCE them. We are so busy thinking about how to fit in the next activity for a successful child or a memorable family moment that we miss the experience of the wonderment of those we love the most.

I encourage you today to THINK less and EXPERIENCE more. See the world through the eyes of a child! There may be something you are missing!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Good morning this is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.

Change is easy. Don't misunderstand me. The experience of that change may not be easy. However, change is as predictable as the sunrise. Change is everywhere. Change happens whether we do anything or not.

Now, transformation is hard. Transformation is a change with a focused goal and a clear outcome. Transformative change, the process of genuine transformation, is radical. Going through it is challenging. Most of all, it is life-altering.
And do not be mistaken. God wants to transform you and me. And that transformation is not a one-time event. It is a continuing lifelong series of major transformations.

So what kind of change, what kind of real transformation, does God want to see happen in each of us? He wants us to continually become more like the Jesus we see in the gospels.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Jesus once said, “Apart from me you can do nothing and those who dwell in me I also dwell in them. They will bear much fruit.” Did you know prayer is all about dwelling in Jesus? It’s true. Life becomes unbearable with so many burdens whenever we lose touch with our Savior.

Even Christians can lose touch with Jesus, as we try to solve the world’s problems of hunger, injustice, violence, war, and loneliness on our own. If our concerns are not flowing from a personal encounter with Jesus, then these issues become an oppressive weight. Not only that, but personal problems can escalate quickly as depression tries to rob us of hope. This happens when we are not dwelling with our living Savior.

Jesus does not want us to isolate ourselves in a corner somewhere. He wants us to walk in faith by taking time to dwell with him. Let Jesus direct your steps and give you hope that is bigger than any problem in the world. Come and be a part of our community of faith at Central United Methodist where we lean on Jesus through prayer. God bless.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016


Good Morning: Remember the old Mad Magazine character, Alfred E. Neuman, whose line was, “What, me worry?” He was making light of the need to worry. But we do worry, don't we?

Did you know that 40% of what we worry about are about things that never happen? 30% involve things in the past that we can do nothing about. 12% is needless worry about our health. 10% pertains to petty, miscellaneous worries. That only leaves about 8% for real legitimate worries.

So, stop your worrying! Hard to do? Well, here's the answer: Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; Believe also in me.” When you put your trust in God, He will take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. Just BELIEVE and then you can honestly say, “What, me worry?” Have a great day!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016


As the new school year approaches, teachers and students will become a family of sorts for the next months.

Perhaps the greatest challenge a teacher faces is not reading, math, or science, but how to teach students who come from all different home experiences how to manage and cope on a level playing field. Not only do teachers need and want control in their classroom, their students are often struggling for control in their own lives.

This Sunday we set aside a time in all three services to pray for both our students and teachers. Students are asked to bring their backpacks and we will pray over them, asking blessings for this school year. I encourage you to continue your prayers for students and teachers throughout this school year, remembering that teachers teach much more than academics - And let us remember our God is with us always, helping us manage in what often seems an unmanageable world!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. When I say “courage” what comes to mind? A person? A personal memory? A song? Courage is a form of strength to do something that scares us. I think of so many stories in the Bible about people with courage to do things that scared them. Noah had courage to build an Ark and face the flood. Abraham had courage to leave his family, pursue God’s calling, and even be willing to sacrifice someone very close to him. David had courage to face a giant and a group of people persecuting his people. Courage is a strength to do something about our fears.

What are the things you fear? Do you want courage to face them? God gives us courage because God gives us Himself. God doesn’t give us courage and leave us; no, God goes with us! This is where we find courage. Take hold of the courage God gives us, today!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Good morning. I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

Have you ever felt temptation or wonder why you find yourself feeling troubled or hurt or even neglected?

In the book of Mark from the New Testament, we read about Jesus’ baptism and the Holy Spirit descending on him.

But it doesn’t end there...immediately following his baptism, Jesus is driven into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan for forty days.

There is no promise that just because you are a faithful, baptized believer that you won’t experience temptation and difficulties. Even Jesus experienced temptation.

We all struggle. Some things may be small such as white lies and desiring material possessions. Others may be larger desires such as addiction and idolatry.

Whatever they may be, we cannot allow those sins to consume us. It is by God’s grace that we are saved and overcome sin.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church. Throughout the 2016 year, Central has been focusing on one theme and one verse. Proverbs 27:17 says as Iron sharpens Iron so one man sharpens another. Our theme has been IronMakers. We believers that as followers of Jesus, we are called to live our lives in the strength of the one who died for us all.

Where does that strength come from you might ask? It comes from growing in your relationship with God and being intentional about being a part of a community of faith. Sharpening one another is for everyone who claims to be Christian. Whether you are a part of Central, a part of another community of faith, or not a part of a community of faith, we cannot go through this life alone. We need community.

If you are a woman, we are having a sharpening event this coming Sat. Aug. 6th at 11am. We invite all to be in community with one another to be strengthened.