Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016


Good Morning, my name is Kristina Crabtree and I am the minister of spiritual formation at Central United Methodist church.

As Disciples we are guided within the body of Christ to be equipped to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. That is our mission as followers of Jesus Christ. Equipping can come in many different forms. The New Testament speaks of equipping in three different ways. 1st, is speaks of equipping as laying a foundation. 2nd, it is used for preparing and teaching. 3rd, it is used for restoring or mending within someone life. The third is not spoken of often but even as disciples we are a broken people that God desire to speak healing in our lives not just for our own selves but for the sake of the body of Christ. Eph. 4:12 says to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. We all need to be equipped as followers of Jesus. May we all today know that God is equipping us. Let us listening!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Good morning. I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

Usually when you meet someone for the first time, you tend to ask questions like “What do you for a living?” or “Where do you work?” Usually some kind of answer comes like, “I’m a lawyer,” or “I teach,” or “I am a bank teller…” and so on.

Work for many of us defines our life and takes up so many of our waking hours that it gives us our identity.

Os Guinness in his book, “The Call,” reverses that thinking, and he states that our calling should precede our job and career choice. “Instead of, “You are what you do,” calling says: “Do what you are.”

Your call may not be as clearly made known to you like Moses’ from God in the burning bush, but when we discover it, we can’t run away from it either, or we may end up like Jonah inside the belly of a giant fish.

I want to encourage you to think about what you are, and are you doing what God has called you to do?  Are you being what God has called you to be? It is never too late to fulfill your call.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. An article in Wired Magazine stated that older adults who chose to live with a minimal amount of human contact have a higher mortality rate even if they believe themselves to be happier in isolation.

In contrast, those who have a richer social life tend to live longer. Did you know that God created us to be connected one to another? Genesis explains that God noticed how isolated the very first man had become. He did not have anyone to share life with. Therefore, God created a help mate and companion for Adam. They lived together helping one another and conversing about their daily life. Much later, Jesus brought together an entire community. They began to share life together. Not even a single one of them were told to go live by themselves.

What about me and you? How are we to laugh, smile, and have a good time if we shut ourselves off from everyone? How are we to console, lift up, and share tough times if we are not willing to be around others? We all need community. Come be a part of ours at Central. God Bless.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Prayer is a response to a God that is with us. Prayer is a conversation with a God that cares for you. Pray with expectation. Pray, often. Pray with someone. Pray for someone. When we talk with God, we should feel free to express our truest feelings, because we trust God is with us. But, these things, people, and situations we pray for are probably a nudging of God at work in us; showing us there are others in the world. So, prayer is a response to God working in and through our lives.

We care deeply about situations and people, and we pray. We ask God to bless, heal, provide, but what are we doing to make these things happen? If prayer is a response to God’s work in something, then what can we do? We can join God! The things on our hearts are not there to be cast away. They are there so we might join in with God’s work. What have you been praying for? What have you been doing about it?

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016


Good Morning:  One of my favorite songs is “He's Still Working on Me.” Recently, I had a little heart problem and spent several days in the hospital. It made me think that maybe I made it through because God is still working on me. Maybe there is something I haven't done yet that God has planned for me. Or maybe there is something in my life I need to change.

I believe that God has a purpose for each of us, and maybe, I haven't found that purpose yet. I also believe in second chances, and maybe, this is my chance to get it right before I die. At any rate, I am going to pay more attention and try to hear what God is saying to me. That's good advice for anyone. God expects something from each of us, and it would be a shame if we didn't meet his expectations. I'm going to about you? Have a wonderful day!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016


Does today already seem that it will be one of those days where there’s no end in sight, and the light at the end of the tunnel is but a dim flicker? We are all here for a
reason. Never doubt that TODAY there is a mission only you can fill.

As Christians we are called to press on, to fulfill our mission in life. It is through being open to God and His call that we can fulfill our mission. Often our mission is clear, concise, and easy to identify. Other times require us to step outside of our norm or comfort zone, and yet others seem to fall at our feet, presenting themselves in unexpected ways or places. As long as we have breath in our bodies, we are called by God to fulfill His love others, feed the hungry, to minister to those in need. We are, in other words, called into mission to “be Jesus to others.”

Go today, whatever your circumstance, and be Jesus to someone! I promise, YOU are the one who will receive the blessing!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I will never forget that while I was stationed at COB Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq, serving as the Battalion Chaplain for Task Force Griffin, a Soldier came to me and asked me, “Chaplain do we really have a purpose in life?” Most people, I believe come to a point where we ask ourselves if there is a point for us being here. My answer to that Soldier is the same that I give to you today. Yes, there is a purpose for us being alive at this specific moment in time.

However, it may not be so that you will win American Idol or become President of the United States. Our purpose for being here is spiritual, to love God and one another. We are to show compassion and mercy; doing all the good we can for so long as we can. You have a purpose and I invite you to journey with us at Central United Methodist Church and live your purpose today.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. The story of man named Jonah, who was swallowed by a giant fish, is so dramatic and vivid that it is easy to miss the main points of the story. There are three lessons that stand out to me from Jonah 's story. First, stop running from God. God has a purpose for your life. Stop trying to ignore it. Make yourself available to God wherever you are. Second, God wants everyone to know Him. Ninevah was the greatest threat to Israel in Jonah=s time. But God wanted the people of Ninevah to know him. So he sent Jonah to tell them about God. Thirdly, God is a God of another chance. Even though Jonah tried to run away, God still chose to use him. Even though the people of Ninevah were great sinners. God chose to send them someone who would call them to repentance.

Wherever, you see yourself in this story, know that God wants to know you, and is able and willing to give you another chance. Seek him now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Good Morning:  I had a beautiful German Shepherd years ago named Teppi. Teppi was an outside dog and spent most of her hours lying on the front porch. She only barked when something or someone came into our yard.

We lived next door to an elderly couple, and this couple walked together every afternoon. When her husband died unexpectedly, the lady didn't walk for many weeks. On the first day that she ventured out on her own, Teppi got up from the porch, went out to the street, and fell in step beside her. That was the start of a beautiful friendship. Every afternoon from that day on, my neighbor had a companion again to walk with. Teppi also became protective of her and let her know anytime anyone stepped on her grass.

Teppi sensed that our neighbor needed someone and she filled that spot. I think it was a God Thing! Yes, God will use any of his creatures when there is a need. What a wonderful God we serve! Have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. In today’s world, we are certainly not in short supply of tragic events. I am unsure if these occurrences are becoming more frequent or if the media simply chooses to focus on them. Maybe you have recently experienced a personally tragedy in your life. When these events occur most of us think that life is over. Even strong faithful Christians thought the end of the world had begun when the Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. However, once things settled down and the dust cleared, the community of faith continued to be just what it was called to be, to tell of and demonstrate the love of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Every one of us will be affected by tragedy in some way and, as Jesus puts it, life will seem hopeless during those moments. But, the promise of the Gospel says that tragedy does not have the last word. In fact, there is nothing that can ever happen where God’s grace and mercy will not be made evident. Remember, God is not the author of tragedy, but the redeemer of it. So, keep hope alive. God bless.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. Faithfulness – it seems like a difficult concept to grasp because it involves commitment. With commitments comes difficult times. Work, school, and life become difficult, but we’re committed to them. Relationships and friendships require faithfulness because they require commitments, but difficult times often tag along. How do you remain faithful when times are tough? Have you ever thought about that?

You want to remain faithful in something, then I encourage you to set attainable goals. These goals will help you remain focused on the task for the season, and in the meantime, you will discover new areas of growth and goals. Remain faithful to what you have committed too. Don’t give up. Finish strong. Set goals, and ask someone to journey with you.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever noticed that being quiet can be very distracting? Solitude may be the most difficult discipline to master. I mean, as soon as you still yourself without having a book to read, TV to watch or a phone call to make that is when your inner chaos begins. Our minds will race from here to there. It can get so hectic in there that even bad thoughts come into our minds, and we can’t wait to get busy again. But if we will be patient and not too harsh on ourselves, we will start to develop an attentiveness to God’s voice.

The Prophet Elijah once learned that God’s voice was small and still. In this alone time, we will also find it easier to unburden our minds and hearts of all the worries and struggles we have. Eventually, the struggles become hope; hope that comes from the real presence of God in our lives. The discipline of alone time with God gives us a taste of the joy and peace that belongs to the new heaven and new earth. If you would like to learn more about this peace, I invite you to Central where the presence of God is always welcome. Have a great day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. The season of fall reminds us not only of the harvest of spring and summer but that nature is beginning to take a rest. Soon all the leaves on the trees will have changed colors and fallen off, and the grass that was so green in summer will fade away.

Just like in nature, all of us are in need of rest. Jesus shared with his disciples in Matthew 11:28 that he desires to give them rest from the burdens that they carried.

Most of us feel the pressure everyday as we try to fit everything that we are obligated to do and need to do into each day. God created Sunday for all of us so that we could have rest and spiritual renewal. I hope that Sunday is a special day for you and your family as you center yourself for the Monday that is coming. I invite you to start your week with us at Central at either our 8:30 or 9:45 contemporary services or 10:55 traditional. Come and experience rest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.

Do you ever wish you had a "home on the range"? You know, the range. The place "where never is heard a discouraging word." Ever wish you could live there?
We should never underestimate the power of a discouraging word. There is a reason discouraging words are called discouraging words... they discourage.

You've heard them.
You have also spoken them. We know the power of discouraging words. We know their pain when they are spoken to us. We find out, usually too late, the impact of our words on those we love. We try to ignore their power, but we cannot.

Let's make this place and time our "Home, home on the range..." and encourage one another. Then the skies truly will not be cloudy all day.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016


Good Morning: In the book of Jeremiah, God says this: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?” What a great verse to remember when things start getting hard for us and we are facing things that seem impossible to overcome. Don't give up when facing those impossible things.

Do you believe in miracles? Think back...I'm sure you've experienced one. A miracle is something that has happened that seemed impossible at the time. So don't give up. Have faith, for nothing is impossible with God on your side. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. Forgiveness. It’s almost like a legal transaction. Someone breaks a code of conduct, law, or covenant, and someone else recognizes it. Forgiveness is the removal of the debt owed to pay the price of breaking the law. People hurt others, and yet, somehow we are asked to forgive. The one who owes debt may carry shame and guilt, and the person who can forgive has the power to remove that shame and guilt.

Humanity carried the weight of shame and guilt to the point of destruction. Jesus destroyed the power of guilt and shame by carrying it on the cross. Therefore, we have been forgiven. We have been freed of the debt owed to God because of God’s love for us. This freedom should elicit a response of gratitude. If you’re carrying the weight of guilt and shame, receive the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, live in the freedom of gratitude and show this same forgiveness to others who may have wronged you.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016


We all have done it - What often starts out as an opportunity to serve and help others, becomes so bogged down in the details and desire that things go off without error that the original outreach intent is lost.

Many times it is in the call of doing something to allow others to see God in you or the work of God in the name of the church! Before you know it, human nature gets in the way and has overtaken our intent. I often remind CHILDREN that we are called to be the hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth of God in human form here on earth.

It is a reminder for each of us, whether in the workplace, home or church. If God is the focus of our work here on earth, we don’t have to control the situations. Let God handle that! And let us never be so busy with the WORK of the church, that we forget the LORD of it. We don’t have to be perfect in our work, we just have to be willing servants! Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Good morning. I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.

In this world, there is a constant battle between good and evil. Within ourselves, that same battle occurs. We have to decide every day whether to do the right thing or the wrong thing.

The war inside is not an easy one to fight, and it may feel like the side of evil is winning.

I want to encourage you to keep fighting! While there may be a struggle to make the right choice, there is something worse. There could be no battle happening at all. So, if you feel there is a fight for right and wrong happening within, then praise be to God! You could be surrendering to the side of evil, but you are fighting! As long as you will remain in Him, the battle will continue and the Spirit will fight for and with you.

When the battle between good and evil is raging war inside you, don’t back down and don’t wave the white flag! Keep fighting. Focus on the spirit and fight the battle!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. It is important to know what we believe and what we believe in. The reason belief is so important is due to the fact that what a person believes determines how they live. You see, what we believe determines the possibilities of our lives. The word belief is a big, strong, compelling word. It does not mean that we shut our eyes to the truth and cling to a dream. Instead, it is a conviction that we have that binds us and controls our every action and decision.

As Christians, we believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This belief gives us hope; it presses us to love others and allows us to pattern our lives by the teachings of Jesus.

Whatever you believe is determining how you are living. Come and worship with us at Central and live the Christian life with us.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. How is your faith this morning? Is it strong, shaky, or non-existent? Perhaps today we all can be encourage as we are reminded that God really does exist, and he is continuing to heal, teach, and guide. All he wants us to do is make time and a place to be with him, so that he can have our undivided attention.

Jesus teaches that we should “go into our private room and with the door shut, pray to our Father.” Making special time and space for God give us hope when the world tells us there is none. The world tells us that we are doomed by terror. But in our time with God, we become aware of his power, grace, mercy, and love.

Life without this kind of time can easily become destructive. It becomes possessive and defensive; it looks on with contempt to our fellow human beings. It keeps everyone at a distance. You see, God’s voice can break down all of those things that keeps us up at night and give us ulcers. So, how is your faith in God? I pray that it will grow stronger daily and you will draw closer to God who loves you. Have a blessed day.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday, September 2, 2016


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Central United Methodist Church. What do you think of when I say “the call of God”? What does it mean to have a call? Do I have a call? Do only certain people have a calling in life?

These are the many questions that automatically rise up within us when we think about the call of God on our lives. First, we are all created in the image of God so in a sense we all have the same calling to bear his image into the world but at the same time God has made us all unique in that he lives through us through our callings.

The call of God is not a reflection of our own nature or our own personal desires. If we dwell on our own qualities and traits and think about what we are or are not suited for, we will miss the call of God on our lives. I don’t want you to miss God’s call in your life. God loves you and wants to live through you to this hurting world. Now go, live, as God has made you. Have a great day!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Hello, I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor of Student Ministries at Central – a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. What comes to mind when I say, “perseverance”? I think perseverance is similar to running a race. It’s takes conditioning, practice, nutrients, and encouragement. A runner, or athlete, has to practice their sport, take in the right nutrients for strength, and even receive encouragement from teammates and coaches. As followers of Jesus Christ, we do the same thing. Hebrews says to run the race with endurance…or perseverance. We do all of these things because we desire what God desires…holiness. As the athlete trains, the athlete becomes better at his or her sport.

As we grow as followers of Jesus, we practice our actions of love, we read and pray for nutrients, and we worship God together for encouragement. We do this because we desire to love as God loves us. Let’s be honest, this takes a while, but God is continuing to work in and through us as though He is persevering, too.