Monday, April 30, 2018
Monday, April 30, 2018
Good morning I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
I have a question for you: What are you like when no one around is watching? Are you the same person or does your manner change? I have a feeling, like many of you, our answer to that question would be identical. What does God see when He looks at your heart?
David was a teenage shepherd boy when God appointed him the next king of Israel. David certainly didn’t have the typical “look” of a king, but God saw David’s integrity and character when no one else was looking.
God saw inside of David’s heart and he found courage. David was incredibly brave and courageous as a young shepherd boy who defended his sheep from both lion and bear. God knew he would need both to be king.
God also saw responsibility. David was willing to sacrifice his life for the sheep entrusted to him. This loyalty and responsibility would also make David a great king.
God saw David’s potential in how he lived his life when no one was looking. It was his inner character and heart that God valued most. What does God see when He looks at your heart? How do you live when no one is looking?
Friday, April 27, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Most of us know the great commandment – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.”
We find this scripture in Luke 10 as Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan.
Two religious leaders, who would have quickly claimed the First Commandment of loving God, walked past the man in need. They completely missed the physical manifestation of God’s love in caring for others.
The Samaritan, however, not only stopped and cared for the man, he went the extra mile and paid for his lodging and expenses as he recovered.
While it is easy to care for those close to us or who are most like us, what about those who are different or whose views are entirely different than ours? THIS is the love Jesus was talking about. Self-sacrificial mercy toward others. Going the extra mile.
I am reminded of the old song, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love – not just for some, but for everyone.” Somehow that song of the 60’s closely resonates with the love Jesus spoke of.
Let us go into today and look for an opportunity to go the extra mile in showing mercy and love. It IS what Jesus would have us do!
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
It’s been said, “You never know enough about a situation to truly be angry.” So often we jump to conclusions, instead of looking beyond the situation at the heart of the matter.
As children, we learn the Golden Rule, teaching us to be fair and nice. As adults, we now teach the next generation this same phrase. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
But do you truly act this way? Or is the Golden Rule just a looming phrase and a nice ideal? Matthew 7:12 says, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” These words are building blocks of compassion and kindness. God shows us this kind of love every day.
What can you do today to show an act of mercy or goodness? As Christians, it is important to treat others the way Jesus would treat them…you may be the only Jesus someone ever sees. I invite you to connect with us at Central this Sunday as we worship at 830, 945 or 1055.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Good Morning: When trouble comes your way, is gratitude and thankfulness the first thing that goes? Counting our blessings in the midst of trouble is difficult, but it's the very thing that will unknot our guts, calm our anguished hearts, lower our defenses, and melt our anger.
We need to be grateful...not just spiritually, but emotionally and physically, too. So, the next time, you are emotionally drained, physically upset, spiritually poor, calm down, take a deep breath, count your blessings and thank God for each one. You'll be amazed at how much better things will look and how much better you will feel. God is our help and our strength. Never forget that! Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, with Central United Methodist Church.
The Gospel of John does a great job of describing God’s love. He says that it is giving and purposeful. He offers the kind of love that rescues people and gives them life.
Many people are walking around aimlessly through life. It does not matter what station in life they are in, whether rich or poor, married or single, professional or blue collared, young or old. They feel empty, so they try to fill that void with something or someone. Yet, it never seems to be enough.
God says He has shown the way to be rescued and released from the darkness of despair. He gives everyone the opportunity for a way out.
Maybe you are feeling like life has put you into a hopeless predicament. Well, let me tell you to not give up because there is a way out. There is a way of healing that gives life; not take it.
Jesus said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, and whoever believes in him will have eternal life.” Christ is our healing image and all we must do is look up towards Him. God bless.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Monday, April 23, 2018
If you are having a hard time getting this morning started (and this week for that matter), know that you are not alone for there are numerous examples of famous people who started off slowly. Winston Churchill seemed so dull as a youth that his father thought he might be incapable of earning a living in England. G.K. Chesterton, the English writer, could not read until he was eight. One of his teachers told him, "If we could open your head, we should not find any brain but only a lump of white fat." Thomas Edison's first teacher described him as "addled," and his father almost convinced him he was a "dunce." Albert Einstein's parents feared their child was dull, and he performed so badly in all high school courses except mathematics that a teacher asked him to drop out.
These people all went on to greatness because they didn’t give up, and I hope you don’t either. Now head into this day and this week knowing that God’s grace and greatness go with you!
Friday, April 20, 2018
Friday, April 20, 2018
Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
When you think about fishing on a boat, there are some important things to remember.
One of those is to not drop a lure in the bottom of the boat because the noise scares the fish away. The same can be said for our attempts at being fishers of men. We should watch the noise we make with our words and language or we might scare away new followers of Jesus.
Once you have hooked a fish, it becomes a tug of war match. The fish doesn’t want to be caught. Often times, the people we try and reach through the gospel don’t want to become followers of the Way. It’s a struggle to reach them where they are.
Finally, it’s best to not go fishing alone. When you’re with someone else, you have a friend to keep you company and to help you when things go wrong. When you try and reach someone new for the Gospel, don’t tackle the task alone. Utilize your fellow believers; bring people with you. Then, you have backup to lend a hand and someone to rely on when your lines get crossed or the fish just won’t be caught.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, with Central United Methodist Church.
In the most famous verse in all of the Bible, we find that God so loved the world. This verse can be found on handwritten signs at ballgames, on billboards, on t-shirts, and hats.
Those who are not Christians can often quote John 3:16. So, what does it mean, “God so loved the world?” First, it is a declaration that God does indeed love the world that He created. Some may feel that God simply created and left everything to handle itself. If God really does love the world, then He is not a mean tyrant, as he is often made out to be.
Love is God’s greatest ultimate attribute. God is love and it changes everything.
Second, this declaration is how he loves the world. The word love carries with it a lot of different interpretations. For some, love is the sappy, gooey kind of emotion that one finds in the movies, which brings two people together who find ultimate fulfillment in each other. For others, it is the kind of love for one’s self, which searches for fulfillment at the expense of other people. God’s love, however, is much better than that.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Good Morning: Do you hold grudges and can't let things go? If so, you will suffer in life. Do you have a hard time forgiving someone? If this is so, guess who will be the one to hurt? You!
Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.” My goodness, what a scary thought. We all want God's forgiveness, don't we? What a shame if he based his forgiveness on the way we forgive others.
The bible says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ's sake has forgiven you.” Forgiven people should be forgiving people. So, if you want to live a happy, healthy life, you must learn to forgive. Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.
A man in a real hurry was sitting at a stop light. When the light changed to green, the lady in front of him did not obey its command – a green light IS a commandment – NOT a suggestion. When the light turned to red, and she had still not moved, he began screaming and beating on his steering wheel. He was interrupted by a policeman, tapping on his window. "You can't arrest me for hollering in my car," he exclaimed. But the officer ordered him into the back seat of the patrol car.
After about two hours in a holding cell, the arresting officer advised him he was free to go. "I knew you couldn't arrest me for what I was yelling in my own car.” "The officer replied, "I didn't arrest you for shouting in your car. I saw you screaming and beating your steering wheel, and I said to myself, "What a jerk. Then I noticed the 'Cross' hanging from your rearview mirror, and the Fish symbol, and I thought you must have stolen the car."
How do YOUR actions match up with what YOU profess and proclaim?
Monday, April 16, 2018
Monday, April 16, 2018
Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
Even if we don't practice a particular religion, we do worship something. Our hearts, souls, and minds can't exist in a vacuum. We're all under allegiance to some set of beliefs.
Our love and need to be loved drive us to the feet of some god. Part of our inventory needs to include looking to see who or what brings us to our knees. In the book of Exodus chapter 20 we find the ten commandments that are a part of the Jewish and Christian Communities. The first commandment God gave says, "You must not have any other god but me”.
If we want to reorder our lives according to God's design, it is helpful to start with the standard he set up – the Ten Commandments. He begins by simply asking that we recognize him as God.
Are we willing to admit that our Creator and Rescuer is fully deserving of our wholehearted love and commitment? Are we willing to turn away from our other gods to worship him alone? If you are willing, then you will be filled with life and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. I invite you to worship with us this Sunday at Central.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
Good Morning: Today is a special day for the children at Central's Children's Center. We have been having a fundraiser this week for St. Jude Children's Hospital. We have been collecting money all week, and yesterday, we had a fun day to celebrate all our hard work.
Today at 11:00 a.m., we are having a parade through downtown Meridian. We'll start in front of the church. We'll be dressed in costumes and have our floats on little red wagons. It's a lot of fun. Come on down. Sit on the front steps of the church and join in on the fun. Bring your little ones. They'll love it! We're teaching our children how wonderful it is to help others in need.
Hope to see you at 11:00!! Have a wonderful day!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community here in downtown Meridian.
I often hear people quote Jesus's saying from the 5th Chapter of Matthew: God sends the rain upon the just and the unjust. Usually, they mean, God sends bad things to happen to both good and bad people.
Living in Mississippi, this makes sense. Rain brings gloomy days, disrupted plans for the day, and often the danger of floods. But Jesus said this in Galilee in the 1st Century. In an area as drought-stricken as the middle east is, rain can only mean one thing – a blessing.
So, in saying God sends rain upon the just and the unjust, Jesus suggests that God sends his wonderful blessings on all people. Thus, Jesus is reinforcing what he says elsewhere, God only sends good things to people who are both just and unjust. Evil comes from our choice to disobey God. God is the only source of every good and perfect gift. So, whether it is rainy or the sun shines today, God pours out His blessings upon each of us.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, with Central United Methodist Church.
It can be hard to follow Jesus at times. It certainly was for a man named Nicodemus. I can imagine there were times when he could not demonstrate his deep passion for the Lord in public. He had to act normal, but there also came a point in his life where the truth of Jesus overpowered him.
He could not sit back and be silent any longer! No longer could this Councilman hide what was in his heart, which broke when he heard that Christ had been crucified.
Nicodemus broke all protocol and decided to go to the cross. He went with Joseph of Arimathea to take down the Lord’s body. He spent his own money to buy 75 pounds of burial spices; then helped carry it to a new tomb and laid him inside.
Most of us want to avoid the cross. It is a place of pain, but it is necessary. We must speak the passion that has been burning in our hearts for too long. It is time we risk everything and go to the cross. We can come to it bringing with us all anger, fears, hurts, and pains with the assurance that we can be healed and set free.
I hope to meet there, at the foot of the cross.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
Adoption into any family begins with the parent. The parents find the child, loves the child, and puts all the pieces in motion so that the child can be his – often before the child even knows the parent exists.
This is the picture of adoption into God’s family that we see in the New Testament. As we read in 1 John 4:10, “This is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us.” God has been sending you love songs in the night. He’s been waking you up with thoughts of Him. Every sunrise is His reminder to you that He is the Creator of all the earth. In the moments when you thought He was your enemy, He was actually saving your life. The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever, and it came for you. God put on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ so that we could behold His glory. God sent His only Son to live the life we could not live and take the punishment for all our sin and heal our shame, so that we could be in relationship with Him.
God took the initiative. God intervened in your life and mine when we could not save ourselves. I invite you to Central this Sunday to experience a relationship with Christ.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Monday, April 9, 2018
“Give us this day, our daily bread…” Many of us pray this prayer in rote fashion. In this prayer, Jesus is reminding us - TODAY is all we are to ask for. While we need to be prepared, how much happier would we be if we did not borrow tomorrow’s problems from tomorrow before tomorrow comes?
THEN we pray, Forgive us our sins, as WE FORGIVE those who sin against us! That’s a big one! We are asking God to treat us like we treat others. When pressed, I am sure most of us don’t really mean that one. We need to put that statement in the forefront of our relationships each and every day. God let me forgive as You forgive.
C.S. Lewis wrote, “Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment ‘as to the Lord.’ The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.”
God gives us strength, grace, and perseverance for today. His forgiveness is limitless. Whatever comes our way TODAY, those needs will be met. Will it be easy? Maybe so, maybe not - but at the end of your day, you can know that God has walked through it with you.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central, a United Methodist Community.
God's greatest pleasure is that His creatures worship and glorify Him. We, His children, are created for this very purpose. Throughout the Bible, people stopped at some very strange moments in their lives to worship God. The Israelites stopped on the shore of the Red Sea and led by Miriam sang and danced God's praises. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego praised God in the fiery furnace. The disciples fell on their knees on the mountaintop to worship Jesus. And throughout the uproar of the Revelation of John, we see the angels in heaven worshiping and praising God.
As Christians, we are called to live lives of worship in all that we do. But, especially on Sunday morning, I encourage you to be in your church worshiping God with others. If you do not have a church home in the Meridian area, you are welcome at Central United Methodist Church. Worship happens at 8:30, 9:45, and 10:55 each Sunday morning.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, with Central United Methodist Church.
When Nicodemus visited with Jesus, the two had a very lengthy conversation about what the spiritual life looks like and how it actually takes place. At first, it seemed to be more of a philosophical idea rather than something tangible. However, when the Spirit of God stirs the heart we begin to feel a change.
Just like us, Nicodemus had a choice to make.
1.) He could ignore that stirring. or
2.) He could accept the invitation to follow.
Well, Nicodemus took option number two. Then he was moved to return to his position on the Council and be an influence on those around him.
In Chapter 7, we find that he actually stands up in front of his colleagues and defends the rights of Christ. Did you know that we are called to be an influence on every person we meet? It is true. We can simply demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, show genuine compassion and friendship. Our world needs more of such things, don’t you think?
So today, I encourage you to be a Christlike influence on everyone you meet. Who knows, you may just change someone’s day. God bless.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
Anyone who's been a parent knows what it's like when the kids don't do as they're told. It's so easy to fly off the handle and to raise our voices or find some form of punishment fitting of the crime.
I have found that lots of people feel the same way in their relationship with God. They kind of expected God to be like that - ready to pounce on them the moment they put a foot wrong. Just waiting to jump on you. However, that is not what the Bible says about God. What you will discover is that God's a great Dad - He kind of gives us room to make mistakes - to learn from them - without jumping down our throat. In fact, the best way I've ever heard it described is that He's slow to anger. And His love's steadfast - rock solid.
So, when we've blundered, and we get up and dust ourselves off - and go back to Him and say, Lord, I got it wrong. What you will discover is this incredibly faithful God, rock solid despite our blunders.
I invite you to worship with us this Sunday at Central and hear about the mercy of our God.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Good morning! I’m Benji Riddle from Central United Methodist. I find great comfort in Scripture for many reasons. But one, in particular, that gives me great encouragement is Noah and the Ark. It helps me to see that there is great hope in the little things, and in this case, the literally small things. It’s not just the big themes we are able to glean from this story of Noah’s Ark of God’s promise and provision, but also the small, almost unspoken details that make this so edifying.
Somehow, someway, the humble, tiny snail made it onto the Ark, and it was only through perseverance. Take cues from the little things in life, a postage stamp, for example. Be like a postage stamp: they stick to one thing until they get there. So, hang in there, and take note of the little things.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Monday, April 2, 2018
Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
Happy Easter to everyone! Now, I know what some of you are thinking…wait a second, Easter was yesterday...why are you wishing me this now?
Well, because Easter isn’t simply ONE DAY A YEAR. (Side note: neither is Christmas.) Easter is an entire SEASON that lasts in the church for 50 days! Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ triumph over death when he arose from the dead! If you didn’t know, I am here to tell you that JESUS IS ALIVE!
And although the Easter season in the church lasts 50 days, every day is a day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!
Luke 24:5-6 says “Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen just as He said.”
If you’re looking for Jesus today, know this...he is ALIVE. He is risen from the dead and He is Lord. And He is alive inside of you too. You just have to search for him. You aren’t dead, are you? NO! If you were, you wouldn’t be hearing this right now. You are alive! So, don’t allow yourself to be dead inside. Allow the resurrection of Christ make you alive inside too.
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