Friday, March 29, 2019
Friday, March 29, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist.
My family has a weekly movie night, and the time I spend like this with my family are the moments I treasure most. We all need family, and the beautiful thing is that not all his family is related to us. You see, we all need support structures in our lives, and our families are only a piece of a greater whole. Co-workers, friends, fellow members of our civic organizations and churches, all are important people to have alongside us in life, to love and support, encourage and edify, and also to lovingly speak truth into our lives when we need to hear it most.
If you are looking for the welcome and support of a church family, I would like to invite you to join us at Central for one of our services this Sunday, at eight-thirty, nine forty-five and ten fifty-five, and see for yourself that in Christ, life really is better connected.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community here in downtown Meridian.
There was a time when God called the people of Israel to enter the land he had promised them. Joshua was their leader. God told them to set out on foot across the Jordan river - and it was at flood stage. When the leaders put their sandals into the stream, it immediately stopped flowing and the people entered the promised land on dry ground.
Sometimes, God calls me to step out in faith in order to receive His blessings. Sometimes I have to make the first move in order to receive God’s promises. Where is God calling you to make that step?
At Central we are a people who are trying to learn what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. We don't always live that faithfully, but we are willing to take a first step. If God is calling you to make a step towards Him. I invite you to join us at Central as together we journey towards Him.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Helen Keller once said, The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, but must be felt with the heart. Empathy is a feeling. It is different from sympathy, tolerance, even compassion. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone. Empathy is the ability to understand another person=s experiences.
I choose to believe the majority of people in this world are good and want to live in a more caring compassionate world, but they are just unsure how to make a difference.
For me, it can be summed up by what Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:40 - ATruly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did to Me.” When we read this, we understand Jesus is telling us that in order to have true empathy, you must do something. It is no longer a feeling, but requires action.
One of the best ways to understand people whose lives may be different from ours is to be of service - what better time than during this season of Lent than to volunteer at Loves Kitchen, Habitat, Care Lodge, Meals on Wheels, Special Needs, a rehab facility - visit a nursing home, the list is endless.
At one time or another, we have all been the recipient of empathy – when we simply needed someone to understand us. Let us now be aware of how we can pass that gift on and, hopefully, make this world a better place. It IS what Jesus would have us do!
Monday, March 25, 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019
When we look at the Gospel of John, the terms light and life permeate the prologue to this Gospel.
John 1:3-5 says:
“What came into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light for all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.”
Jesus came to dispel the darkness. The Word spoken of in this passage is Jesus, the Word made flesh who came to dwell among us. And we cannot appreciate the light until we recognize the darkness in our lives. Those who walk in darkness are lost and blinded by sin, but Jesus is the light that can guide us.
Although we humans sometimes love the darkness more than the light, we are reminded that the darkness cannot overcome the light of Christ. Jesus came to be the light for us so that we might be a bearer of the light for others. This light that Jesus shines offers us life – eternal life –
life in which we need not fear death.
We are awakened from spiritual darkness when we trust in Jesus. And this eternal life doesn’t just happen after we die. It begins now in this life.
In Jesus, we find life, and the life is the light for all people.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Friday,March 22, 2019
This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian.
The church is the body of Christ gathered in worship and praise of the awesome God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is the obligation of all Christians to worship God. It is our privilege and great pleasure to gather with other Christians in worshiping.
This Sunday evening at 6 PM, Central will offer an extra opportunity to worship God in song, and prayer, and hearing God's message. Nights of Worship is a once a month worship experience open to anyone in the Meridian area and led by Jonathan Quigley and other gifted worship leaders.
If you want to enjoy a unique experience of worship, you are invited to Nights of Worship this Sunday evening from 6 until 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall of Central on the corner of 22nd Avenue and 10th Street.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Good Morning!
My brother and I, only two years apart, spent our childhood pretty much outdoors. We loved the outdoors. Now my brother and I were very close; but, boy, could we fight! One day, we were walking in the tall grass, by the pond which ran through our property. All of a sudden, he pushed me very hard and I fell. He picked up a big stick and I thought he was going to hit me with it. Instead, he began beating the ground next to me. Thinking he had gone crazy, I scrambled away. What he was doing was protecting me by pushing me out of harm's way and killing a snake which could have bitten me.
That's the way God is, he loves us enough to push us sometimes and we don't always know why. We just have to put ourselves in God's hands and trust him to push us in the right direction. Put your trust in God and have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist.
A man who had been an atheist for many years before becoming a Christian attributed his conversion to a timid neighbor of his. When his neighbor found out about this, he went to him and wondered in amazement: “ How could I be the one that you say is the reason for you turning to Christ? I never spoke to you about Jesus, at least not the way I should have.” No, you didn’t. But you lived me to death!
I could refute the arguments, statements, and logic of others, but I could not refute the way that you lived.”
This neighbor, though exceptionally shy, had lived a life so dedicated to living in God’s will, that it transformed someone else's life. As the old saying goes, the only Bible that some people have ever read was the life of a Christian. What does your life say?
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
Matthew 14:23 says, “…and when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.”
There were times that Jesus separated himself from the multitudes – and there are times when we need to separate ourselves from our lives and ministry and spend some time with our Lord.
I love how Jesus climbed a mountain. Picture the shape of a mountain. It starts out wide at the bottom – the higher we climb, the narrower it becomes – and the more we must stay close to the center. As we go even higher, yet, there's less room to move to the left or the right – and there's less and less ground that can be compromised –
the more focused we need to be and the less we can afford to be distracted.
The higher we go, the less room we have to fool around! Whatever you may be dealing with, you may just need to separate yourself and climb up to spend time with the Lord – get centered on Him and focused on what He's calling you to.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
I recently read a story about a 92-year-old Christian woman who was legally blind. In spite of her limitation, she was always neatly dressed, with her hair carefully brushed and her makeup tastefully applied. Each morning she would meet the new day with eagerness.
After her husband of 70 years died, it became necessary for her to go to a nursing home where she could receive proper care. On the day of the move, a helpful neighbor drove her there and guided her into the lobby. Her room wasn’t ready, so she waited patiently in the lobby for several hours.
When an attendant finally came for her, she smiled sweetly as she maneuvered her walker to the elevator.
The staff member described her room to her, including the new curtains that had been hung on the windows. “I love it,” she declared. “But Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen your room yet,” the attendant replied. “That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” she said. “Happiness is something you choose. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how it’s arranged. It’s how I arrange my mind.”
Philippians 4:4 reminds us to “Rejoice in the Lord”. We should remind ourselves often of all that Jesus has given to us and be thankful. In doing so, we too can arrange our minds.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
Good morning! I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church in Meridian.
When a helicopter crashed in a cold, mountainous wilderness, the pilots survived but were seriously injured. The frozen afternoon stretched toward an even more freezing night. The situation seemed hopeless until a rescue helicopter appeared to carry the survivors off to safety.
“How did you know where we were?” an injured man asked.
“The homing device on your aircraft,” the rescuers told him. “It went off automatically when you went down. All we had to do was follow it.”
The disciples of Jesus also experienced the joy of being rescued. They had been struggling as they rowed their boat against wind and waves on the Sea of Galilee. Then Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and calmed the sea.
We may experience similar times when we feel trapped, hurt, lonely, or discouraged. However, our cries of grief are beacons that bring Christ to our side—right when we need Him most.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
During the American Civil War in the 1860's, a fierce battle took place at Altoona Pass. It was a key supply point for the Union Army, so the Confederate Army led by General Hood sought to take Altoona Pass, which held over a million and a half rations. When Union General Sherman realized Hood's plans, he dispatched General Corse along with 1,500 men to hold the city.
As the battle ensued, General Corse and his forces were forced into a small fort on a crest of a hill. The Northern army was being overwhelmed with nearly half the men either killed or wounded in the battle. Things were looking extremely bleak, when in the distance from a mountain top twenty miles away a flag was being waved, and those in the fort knew the message being sent, "Hold the fort; I am coming. W.T. Sherman."
This sign gave the beleaguered army renewed strength to continue fighting the battle for another three hours until reinforcements finally arrived. From this battle, a famous Christian song was written, and its chorus is so eloquent for us today, "Hold the fort, for I am coming,
Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, By thy grace we will!"
In the midst of spiritual battles, we can often feel besieged on every side – but HOLD THE FORT! Get some rest this weekend and renew your strength in the Lord for the victory is already won – we just need to continue fighting because He is coming!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Good Morning:
John 13:35 says this: “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.”
Did you ever watch the Andy Griffin show? Do you remember a character named Gomer Pyle? I just loved Gomer. He could say the funniest things. Once he was a little outdone with another character, and he made this statement: “I love him, but I don’t like him.” That statement stuck with me because there are people who really get on my last nerve, and being a Christian, that sometimes made me feel so guilty. But Jesus said we are to love one another. He didn’t say anything about liking each other.
We can love them because they are God’s children just like you and I are. We can treat people with respect even if they don’t treat us with respect. We can accept people as they are and love them as God told us to, but Gomer is right…we don’t have to like them.
Funny thing about that is that when we treat people as we are supposed to, and love them as God told us to, we may find ourselves gradually beginning to like them. Show love to everyone today, even to those who do not show love to you. Make a difference. Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Senior Adult Minister and Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
Proverbs 12:14 says: “From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.”
It is our job as followers of the Way to speak right and say good things to those around us so that they are lifted up rather than brought down. And when we use our actions to represent those good things as well, we will receive the ultimate prize.
Our words are like seeds. If we say things that are upright, wise, and pure, we will produce fruits of love and respect. Remember the words you say are assumed to come from the heart, and when you speak evil and hatred, people will view your heart as one filled with evil and hatred.
Don’t be known for having a heart of malice and darkness. Be known for good things and positive words. Then, use your words along with your actions along your journey to do good things with your hands.
Think about the things you say and how you say them. Consider altering your words and your heart. Be a difference maker in a positive way this year.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Well, folks, it’s finally here! Today is the first day of Spring break. And whether you are off to somewhere else for vacation, remaining here for a staycation, or you are from somewhere else and have come into the area for your vacation, there is no doubt that many of you are looking forward to this chance to take a break.
With the kids out of school, there are many opportunities for families to grow closer together through recreation, relaxation, and even service to others. I encourage you, if you have a chance this week, to invest in those whom you care about and that care for you. Take a moment to catch your breath and smell the roses. Put the phone away and savor this time of rest.
So, if you are staying around during the break, I hope it is restful and renewing for you. If you are here in the area for vacation, welcome and enjoy our slice of paradise; and if you are headed away for vacation, stay safe and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Good Morning:
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. That’s from 2 Peter 1:3.
If applied, this single verse could change your world forever. We can live a Godly life in Christ. We have the “tools” and wherewithal to live Godly lives. That is truly an amazing thought. We have no excuse now.
So, commit this verse to memory today. Memorize it. Repeat it often. Use it as a prayer to God over your life. Get it into your spirit. Then, watch the Holy Spirit work in your life. Again, that is 2 Peter Chapter 1, Verse 3. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life. Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
Today, we officially begin the season of Lent. Many churches will have services that focus on the imposition of ashes placed on the forehead as a reminder of our mortality. It is good that we remember that we came from the dust of the earth and one day we shall return.
We live in a day and age that everywhere we turn, there's a "self-help" theory. Books, videos and DVDs, websites, world-renown speakers, you name it – all dedicated to helping us "feel good about ourselves".
Yet, somehow, still many of us struggle with self- consciousness, even as Christians! But here's something to consider. Did Jesus ever say, "Feel good about yourself"?? No. On the contrary, He said crucify yourself! If we go around hating ourselves and even feeling condemnation over our faults and sins, what we are really doing is focusing on our self!
Jesus has come to free us on the condemnation that weighs on each of us. By following him, we realize that we were formed from the dust of the earth; but because of Jesus, we are living dust and there is a place waiting for us because of Jesus.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
So often we try to hide our scars, both the ones that you can see and the ones that we hold deep within our very being, you know, those hurts and disappointments, those bad choices - those scars.
Jesus faced great insults, wounds, and pain more than we could ever imagine. He bore the physical scars of His crucifixion, and He carried those scars right back into that room where He met his disciples after the Resurrection.
Sometimes I've wondered why He didn't choose to let the scars fade away. He'd gained victory over death. He'd made all things new. Yet, He still had scars in his hands, His side. Maybe He knew we'd need to be reminded of this truth throughout our own lives: His scars, and ours too, are all part of His beautiful story at work.
God gives great purpose even through seasons of brokenness and grief. And the scars are left there to prove it.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Senior Adult Minister and Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
Are you a gardener or enjoy working with plants? If so, you understand how needy plants can be. They need water and sun and pruning but in specific amounts. Too much water can ruin a plant and not enough sun can cause it to wilt.
Pruning is an especially important element of gardening. Trimming away the dead leaves and unhealthy parts of the plant help the plant grow and stay healthy. This is also a reality in our lives sometimes. Because God loves us, he may prune parts of our lives away. This may come as a job loss, relationship, or relocation to a new part of the world. It may happen during a convenient time or a time of adversity.
However, we must remember that during those times, they are only there for our benefit. We may not always recognize or understand the benefit immediately, but in time, we will heal and grow from it. It makes us healthier and allows us to grow and produce more fruit.
Pruning is sometimes painful, but it allows us to live a more fruitful life. With God, pruning gives us life and hope.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Friday, March 1, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist.
As a local citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on 45. Please be careful!" "Hey," said Herman, "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!"
Like Herman, we can often find ourselves going the wrong way, and it takes someone who loves us to point back in the direction we need to be going. We find this in prayer and in fellowship with others, and you can find both in a faith community. I would like to invite you to join us this Sunday at Central, at either 8:30, 9:45, or 10:55, and worship with others as we seek the right path.
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