Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Thursday, April 30, 2019

MATT Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. In December of 2000, on the Battleship Missouri Memorial, a dozen American survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor embraced three of the Japanese pilots who had flown attacking planes. The reconciliation ceremony had been arranged by the American-Japan Friendship Committee. That moving scene is only a dim reflection of what God’s grace does for us. Although we are sinful, we can be brought into a relationship with God through simple faith in Jesus. Because He died on the cross in our place, God blots out the record of our sins and makes us right with Him. The Lord in His amazing love has not only forgiven us but has also given to us the ministry of reconciliation. We have the honor of sharing the good news with others so that they too can be at peace with God. And when we are right with God, we are also to do what we can to live at peace with everyone. Have you accepted God’s offer of forgiveness in Christ? Are you telling others about His love? And are you an agent of God’s grace in your relationships? Start today—make peace.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019

SABRINA There was a man who looking back on his life following a near-death experience observed: AI’ve spent so much time having fun, I never had time to be happy.” He had discovered fun and happiness are not the same. Fun is a temporary pleasure that=s gone when the party=s over. There is nothing wrong with having fun. We need it. But it=s not enough to sustain a spirit of joy. Happiness grows along with us as we build something significant and lasting. For example, parents of an infant are lucky if they get a full night=s sleep. That is no fun, but their baby is a joy. And it can be a joy through all the struggle, pain, and commitment it takes to parent the child through the years ahead. The same can be said for marriage, close friendships - Happiness is a product of lasting relationships. Jesus knew the need for relationships and modeled it through His interactions with the disciples - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Go today, not just looking for fun but finding happiness along the way and sharing it with those closest to you!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

MATT Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Often times, we are quick to judge the works and deeds of others. We are all too often guilty of placing blame and pointing out failures without taking time to pause and consider our appraisals of others in light of all that Christ has done for us. John 13:34 & 35 says this: So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. A judgmental spirit falls short of loving others as Christ has loved us. His love for us knows no bounds and keeps no record of wrongs. May we always be people that are slow to judge yet quick to show God’s love in all that we do. Start today by encouraging others and finding the best in them and commit yourself to loving others out of the abundance of God’s love for you.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

BOB Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. Worship is one of the most important actions in living the Christian life. Yet, worship in many churches on Sunday morning can become stagnant and each Sunday seem just like the last. If that is how you feel, then I would like to invite you to a completely different kind of worship this Sunday evening at Central. This worship will include lots of music led by Jonathan Quigley and others from the Meridian area. It will also include video, prayer, and a short message. Central is offering these Nights of Worship on the 4th Sunday of each month this spring. Everyone is invited to attend this Sunday evening, March 28th, beginning at 6 PM and lasting for about an hour. That is in the Fellowship Hall of Central - on 22nd Avenue and at 10th Street in downtown Meridian. Come experience God's presence in worship.

Thursday, April 24, 2019

JOHN Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. One of the greatest regrets you can avoid at the end of your life is the failure to praise others when they deserved it, (and even when they didn't). But why is it that affirming words are so pitifully rare in our conversations, especially when so many people are anxious, discouraged, and depressed by all the negativity in this life? We're living in a world that's constantly knocking us down, from cradle to grave. Is it any wonder that anxiety and depression are rampant at every age level? But notice the advice that Solomon gives – a good word makes the heart glad. We should take this to heart. A compliment or blessing can be one of the greatest motivators and can be truly life-changing. And every one of us needs this kind of encouragement to run the race of this life. Let's be people of encouragement, looking for the word which will lift another person up and bring healing and hope to her soul. A good word will also do wonders for our own hearts.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Thursday, April 23, 2019

TIM GOOD MORNING, I’M TIM WISE, SENIOR ADULT MINISTER AND SANCTUARY CHOIR DIRECTOR AT CENTRAL. In Judges Chapters 6, 7 and 8, we read about Gideon. Gideon was a servant of the Lord who led a great army to defeat the Midianites. He was obedient to God’s commands and lived a long life. Something Gideon did that I feel many believers are sometimes afraid or ashamed to do is ask questions. The angel told Gideon the Lord was with him. Gideon asked, “If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are the wonders our ancestors told us about?” The angel then commanded Gideon to go and lead the Israelites out of Midian’s hand; Gideon asked, “How can I save Israel?” We are not called to live a life of blind faith. God invites and encourages our questions. We should feel comfortable going to God and asking for help or asking for answers when we are confused. We just have to maintain our obedience as did Gideon. Following the path on our faith journey is going to take some twists and turns and lead us to some places that cause us concern or question. We may even be asked to do something out of our comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to ask why. Don’t be hesitant to ask God questions, just maintain obedience.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

BENJI Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist. A war was raging wild in Central Asia, and a soldier was pursuing a brother and sister. The girl was able to escape, but the boy’s life was ended by the soldier. The sister worked as a nurse at the local hospital, and one day a man came in who she recognized as the soldier who so doggedly pursued her and brought her brother’s life to a close. He was badly wounded, and his life was in her hands, and she instead took care of him nursing him back to health. One day he awoke and saw who had been caring for him. He obviously asked the big question: “ Why did you not take the chance you had to get revenge for your brother?” Because I am a Christian, and the Bible says to love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. “I never knew there was such a religion. Please, tell me about it. I want it.” When we do God’s will, we have the opportunity to change the course of someone’s life and even share the greatest gift, God’s great love for us.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

JOHN Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever heard how a pearl is formed? It is truly fascinating. A foreign object, often a grain of sand, somehow makes its way into the tightly sealed crack of an oyster. Instead of spitting out this irritating object, the oyster covers it with layer upon layer of a substance secreted from its own body. After months or even years, a beautiful pearl is formed. The longer the pearl stays in the oyster, the more valuable it becomes. What a picture of God's mercy toward us! The Lord doesn't spit us out when we come to Him! "We are accepted in the beloved!" God has every right to cast us out because of our sin, but instead, He brings us into His body and covers over our sin with His beautiful covering! Today we celebrate Good Friday as we remember the death of Jesus upon the Cross. Through his sacrifice, we are made right with God, and he proved how valuable you are. Come and Celebrate this Easter Sunday with us at Central and reclaim your name as a follower of Jesus.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

BOB Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community in downtown Meridian. In the Easter cycle of the Christian year, today is called Maundy Thursday. It is the day we remember that Passover meal Jesus celebrated with his disciple on the day before his death. Tonight at Central, we will recall and participate in that meal. We will hear the story read and sing our responses to that hearing, and we will celebrate Holy Communion together. Everyone is invited to come and fully participate in this service. We will begin at 7 PM in the sanctuary and will be finished by 8 PM. It will be in the sanctuary of Central United Methodist Church on the corner of 22nd Avenue and 10th Street. There is no better way to prepare for the celebration of Jesus' resurrection Easter Sunday than by remembering his last hours on earth and his death on the cross.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

GLENDA Good Morning! When my granddaughter was small, I took her to the mall with me. As we came around the building, there hanging low in the sky was the most beautiful full bright red sun that I had ever seen. When my granddaughter saw it, she said, “Who did that?” I simply said, “God.” She responded, “It’s beautiful!” Even a small child can see the beauty in God’s creations. It’s springtime; evidence of God’s existence is all around us. How could anyone enjoy the Spring and not believe in God? He’s there—in the bright warmth of the sunshine, the beautiful flowers and blossoming trees, in the blue of the sky and the white of the clouds, even in the patter of rain. He’s in the smiles of our children, the wisdom of our parents, and the joy of our friendships. All that is good comes from God. Today as you go through your busy day, take time to see God and tell him thank you for all the wonders of His creation. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

MATT In Psalm 40, David recalled a time when he felt as if he had sunk deep into “the miry clay.” In his despair, David kept pleading with God for deliverance, and graciously, the Lord answered his desperate cries. Lifting him out of the “horrible pit,” He set his feet on solid ground. No wonder David broke out into this hymn of praise and gratitude! As you look back on your own life, do you remember any experience when you felt as if you had fallen into a pit? Perhaps it was the pit of failure, the pit of bereavement, the pit of painful illness, the pit of dark doubt, the pit of some persistent sin. Did you keep crying out to God, and did He mercifully deliver you? If so, are you still praising the Lord for that answer to your cries and thanking Him for His grace? And are you now walking with Him in obedient fellowship? You can confidently trust the Lord to help you in whatever experience comes your way in the days ahead. Rejoice that in His time He can—and will—bring you through and bring you out.

Tuesday, April16, 2019

BENJI Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist. With Easter coming up this Sunday, I am reminded of a young man who was set to portray the angel at the tomb of the Risen Christ. His lines were “It is I! Be not afraid!” Well, as young kids sometimes are, he walked out on stage, looked out at the crowd and all the people watching him and froze with fear! After much encouragement from the others on stage and the teacher in the wings, he was able to squeak out “ It’s me! And I’m afraid!” Fear can get in the way of really great and important things in our life. It can stop us from seeing ourselves as we are, as children of God. It can stand in the way of us seeing clearly God’s will for us. As a popular song by Zach Williams says: Fear is a Liar! Don’t buy the lie, trust God, and be strong and courageous!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

TIM GOOD MORNING, I’M TIM WISE, SENIOR ADULT MINISTER AND SANCTUARY CHOIR DIRECTOR AT CENTRAL. Over the past several years, studies have been conducted by numerous sources that have revealed a small number of Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Only 45% of Evangelical Christians affirm that personal belief in Christ is necessary for salvation. As a young Christian, I find this number concerning. This is a problem, because it goes distinctly against the teachings of Jesus. I understand the desire to want to be inclusive and politically correct, and I am an advocate for inclusion and political correctness to a point. But, we as Christians, cannot sell the idea that salvation is available without acceptance of Christ as our Messiah. The salvation is available to all, but there is a requirement of how to attain it. Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except through me.” Christ is the way to our salvation. Christ is the only way to our salvation. He is available to all, we just have to recognize him.

Monday, April 15, 2019

TIM GOOD MORNING, I’M TIM WISE, SENIOR ADULT MINISTER AND SANCTUARY CHOIR DIRECTOR AT CENTRAL. Paul sat in prison and from his prison cell wrote letters. He wrote letters to the followers of Christ in Ephesus, Philippi and Colossae, and his Philemon all while sitting in a prison cell. He proclaimed the good news and the way of life that Christians should live all while being chained up for his beliefs. We live in the freedom of America where we do not face any real persecution for our religious beliefs, yet we hesitate to share our faith with the people around us. We aren’t confined to a cell. We aren’t shackled in chains except the metaphorical chains that bind us from going out into the world to live and serve as Christ would have us to. Paul in Colossians says to pray for God to open a door for our message so that we may proclaim Christ. Pray that his name may be proclaimed clearly and for the courage to make the most of every opportunity. And to let your conversations be full of grace so that you may know how to answer everyone. I pray that you find the opportunity to proclaim the truth of the Gospel to someone who doesn’t know the truth. May God grant us courage and strength and boldness to preach the good news.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019

GLENDA Have you ever had a difficult time forgiving someone? You know, Peter asked Jesus how many times we should forgive someone. Peter thought seven times was very generous, but Jesus said we must forgive 7 X 70 times. That’s tough to do, especially when the same person keeps doing the same thing over and over. I’m sure you all know the Lord’s prayer—a prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. It says something about forgiveness. In the Lord’s prayer, we are taught to ask God to forgive us just the way we forgive others. That’s a scary thought! If God is going to forgive us the way we forgive others, we may be in a heap of trouble. I think we probably all need to work on this forgiveness thing. Have a wonderful, forgiving day!!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019

BOB This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community here in Meridian. Jesus could have eradicated evil from our world; he could have annihilated his enemies. It is a mystery to us that he chose another way. He endured all that the world threw at him and responded to it with great love, and so he helps us cope with our misery. Though that is admirable, however, it is not enough. So, in warning his disciples about his passion, note that he always adds in his resurrection. In the gospels, there is no passion without resurrection. Suffering and death are linked solidly to life after death. The two are opposite sides of the one coin. Evil plays out its role and is finally encompassed by eternal life and joy. God has the last word: divine love conquers all. Let us truly celebrate God's saving actions and His grace, sufficient for all of us.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

SABRINA Great novelist, Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace, though born into nobility, spent much of his life as a champion of Russia=s peasant class. Amid the fame and wealth, Tolstoy was a man of discontent. One day while walking through the country, he observed a peasant and the look of peace and happiness on the man=s face. Following a conversation with the man who had nothing, yet was filled with the joy of life, Tolstoy identified the missing link in his life...God. As a result of this encounter, he reached the conclusion: ATo know God is to live.” It seems so easy, yet we make it so hard. In looking around do you find your basic needs met and then some and yet still do not have peace? Is that missing link God? Just because we fill a church pew or have a Bible in our home, having a relationship with God is different. Thankfully, the answer is easy. All we have to do is to ask God to fill the emptiness in our lives...then we will understand...to KNOW God is to live.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

MATT Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Today is a special day for my family. Today, we celebrate my son’s 11th birthday. His entrance into our lives has been full of joy and surprises. He has kept us on our toes and is full of life and love for others. While he has learned a lot from us in his eleven years, I can honestly say that I’ve learned as much from him. Having a child has taught me so much about the love that God has for us. The love of a father is boundless and true. At times, a father’s love can and must be corrective, but ultimately having a son has shown me that God’s fatherly love accepts me just how I am. Like with my own son, God sees the best in me. Even when I don’t see the best in myself. Today, I hope that you will be encouraged in knowing that God sees you through the eyes of a Father. You are His creation and he is a Father that doesn’t make mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and his love for you knows no limits. It is my hope that you know Him as Father. If not, I encourage you to learn more about him, because his love never fails and never gives up.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

JOHN Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Historian Shelby Foote tells of a soldier who was wounded at the battle of Shiloh during the American Civil War and was ordered to go to the rear. The fighting was fierce and within minutes he returned to his commanding officer. "Captain, give me a gun!" he shouted. "This fight ain't got any rear!" In Ephesians, Paul describes the armor that we should put on daily. Have you ever noticed that every part of the body is covered except for one? The back! The Lord didn't want us to run away and turn our back toward our enemy – it would leave us vulnerable, with no armor to protect us against his attack! And just as a dog would when he senses fear, if we run from the enemy, he will relentlessly chase us until we are broken. But if we take courage and stand strong in the power of God's might, then the battle will be the Lord's... and He has already won the victory! The battle is raging! It's time to take up our armor and face the enemy head-on! There's no turning back! We're in this together! There's so much work to be done!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

SABRINA Columnist Ann Landers once said, ASome people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” Letting go is hard. Many times it is letting go of dreams, of jobs, or of relationships. I believe it is particularly hard to let go as a parent. When you become a parent, you are required to be all in, all there, all the time. You love unconditionally, be totally present 24/7, if required, - and then just like that, you are expected to let go - and be happy about it. They say it is the cycle of life, so to speak. Whether we are letting go of a child, a spouse, relationship, job, it can be heart-wrenching. To be in control is in our DNA. It is in these times we realize we are NOT in control. If today finds you in a season where you feel out of control, hear these words in 2 Corinthians 12:9: AMy grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Remember, for everything that may be out of your control on this day, there is a constant - that constant is God - A God who is always there.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4,2019

BENJI Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist. A couple years ago, as we were packing our house to move here to Meridian, I had the unfortunate honor of learning a lesson the hard way. You see, I was both in a hurry and not paying attention and showing off for my wife and kids, and I neglected to make sure there was nothing in the way as I picked up a stack of boxes off the table. I didn’t see the large candle fall, but I knew it was there when it struck my big toe. The pain was incredible. I didn’t take the time to slow down and pay attention to the details. I let my pride and hurry get the best of me, and I sure suffered for it. Take a moment today to slow down. Keep that over-inflated pride in check and take up some humility. And always check and double check for that candle lurking on the edge of the table!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

JOHN Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. In the midst of WWII, Winston Churchill said, "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear – is fear itself!" The United States and England stood bold in the face of evil and in time prevailed! But it took resolve, it took fortitude, and tremendous perseverance in the face of evil to finally achieve this great victory! The enemy of our souls knows his time is short and he is unleashing an unprecedented war against those who will follow the way of Jesus. But we too must resolve to stand face to face against our enemy and claim the victory we already have in the Lord! Come and Reclaim your name with us at Central.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

GLENDA Good Morning! Today is April Fool’s Day. This day was a really fun day for me as a kid. However, I was never very good at pulling April Fool pranks on people, but they could get me every time! Did you know the Bible has a lot to say about a fool? By the way, you don’t want to be one. The Bible says, “A fool’s lips bring him strife and his mouth invites a beating.” It also says, “Fools die for lack of judgment.” How about this one…”A fool is hot-headed and reckless.” But the most disturbing words spoken in Scripture are found in the book of Psalms. It says, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” But we know differently, don’t we? All we have to do is look around us. No-one, but God, could give us the sun, the moon, the stars, the flowers, the trees, all the beauty around us, and the love from a little child’s smile. Have fun today, but remember, God is alive, and he loves you! That is no April Fool’s joke!