Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reflections, May 19, 2010

Good Morning!
The human body has 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, over 600 muscles, 22 internal organs, and 9,000 taste buds - so many parts, and they’re all significant. All these parts need each other for the body to work properly.

1st Corinthians 12:21 reminds us that “The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"

This idea of needing each other is counter-cultural for us. We live in a culture where independence is valued over community. We’re encouraged to follow our own paths and be individuals. Yet we look around and see people longing for acceptance & belonging.

Regardless of what our culture says, deep down, we know that we are not meant to live and walk the journey of Christian discipleship alone.

As the different parts of the human body need each other, so we need each other as the body of Christ. Be a part of that body today.

Good Morning!
The letter to the Ephesians tells us that, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.”

Many in today’s world, even many who call themselves Christians, specialize in the negative.

Whatever the topic or occasion, they can tell us what won’t work, where it is irreparably broken, why we can never get it right. But the Bible instructs us to focus on what is right, pure, lovely or admirable in the world not that which is wrong, spoiled, ugly or despicable.

This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I would suggest that in a day when so much around us trains us to find the negative in life, we Christians must aggressively think and pursue the character, the qualities, and the things of God's goodness.

Good morning!
In his book, Serve God, Save the Planet, author and former E R physician, Matthew Sleeth, tells of how he gave up his practice, sold his home, gave away half of his possessions...why? because as he watched in alarm as an increasing number of his patients suffered from cancer, asthma, and other chronic diseases.

He began to suspect that the earth and its inhabitants were in trouble. While many people may not feel the need for the drastic lifestyle of Dr. Sleeth, I think any of us would agree that we have become a nation of waste. Look at the plastic, aluminum, cardboard and paper that goes through your household daily. Think of how many times you walk out of a room and leave the lights on.

We pray..."give us this day our daily bread...are reminded in Matthew 6, do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Things...accumulated things that we confuse with needs instead of wants. I ask you today to prayerfully consider what ONE thing you can do to make a difference in our world...a world that God gave us dominion over...God's world...let's make it a better thanksgiving for what God has done for each of us. Have a blessed day.

Good Morning:
I love music! For about 25 years, I served as one of the children's choir directors at our church. Music just makes me feel good.

A Bible verse I recently discovered taught me something new about God that I didn't know. Zephaniah 3:17 says the following: "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing."

So, God like to sing, too! That thought makes me enjoy singing even more. And I really like the idea that God takes delight in me and rejoices over me with singing. He takes delight in you, too, because you are His creation. He loves you and wants you to love him back.

As you go through the day, picture God singing as He rejoices over you. What a happy thought! Have a wonderful day!

Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Monday is Memorial Day – but not everyone knows why we observe this day.

Memorial Day was established to honor and remember those military servicemen and women who have fallen in combat. It is a way for us to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice made by so many for this nation. I didn’t serve in the military, but I am deeply indebted to those who have – and especially to those who have given their lives for us.

On Memorial Day weekend, I also pause to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross – not just for one person, not just for one nation, but for the whole world.

So this weekend – pause, remember, and be grateful. Many have paid the ultimate price so we could be free from tyranny and oppression; but only ONE has paid the ultimate price so we can be free from the tyranny of sin.

Good Morning:
Thankfully, I don’t often get emotional performing funerals, but about three months ago, as I was eulogizing my friend, Randy Rose, I had a hard time controlling myself. Randy served the United States in Vietnam and was subjected to Agent Orange, a deadly herbicide and defoliant.

He spent many years struggling with his health, but he was never bitter about serving his country. You see, I went off to college and then became a teacher, so I never served in the military.

As I was speaking of Randy to his family, I remembered stories of so many fine young men and women who came home from Vietnam and were cursed and spit upon. That could have been me. I could have been the one to die at 61, 45 years after breathing Agent Orange.

To all who have served our country, who have fought for justice and freedom – “Thank You – Thank You – Thank You! Have a Happy Memorial Day!

Not too long ago, my wife and I were taking a trip. We had checked all the airlines and found that our best deal was going to be flying out of the airport in New Orleans, LA.

While we were standing there checking in, four people were standing over in the corner squalling and weeping like there was no tomorrow. A man was hugging an older woman and a man and telling them goodbye. Then the man left with a younger woman, and went over to the entrance of the chute that went up into the airplane. He held this young woman, and they squalled and looked at one another. Then he, with his head down, disappeared up the runway. Then the three people joined one another and started squalling, they even had my wife and me crying they were carrying on so.

About this time the man stuck his head around from the opening of the entranceway and waved at the group saying, “I’ll see ya’ll Tuesday!”

Sadly, many of us spend more time and energy preparing for short trips or vacations than we do preparing for where we’ll spend all of eternity.

Have you thought about where you will be when you die, if not let me encourage you to do that today!

Good Morning:
A few weeks ago I told you that Psalm 118 is the center of the Bible and tells you how to be in the center of God's will. It tells us primarily to put our trust in God. It shows us the importance of developing a steady confidence in God's love.

As we turn more and more to Him, relying on His Spirit and trusting in His guidance, we find that our lives begin to come under control. When we look to God in all things, we become less likely to focus only on ourselves and more on the needs of the world around us.

Trusting in God is the key to true happiness. We need to give praise and thanks to God for all things, for as the psalmist says in Psalm 118, "The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever." Have a wonderful day!

Good morning!
We seem to live in a “dog eat dog” world; A “get ahead at all costs” society; A "don't look back because the competition is gaining on you" culture of self-promotion. But the Bible tells us in the book of James to “humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will us up.”

Humble ourselves? That almost sounds obscene in this world. Humility is a forgotten virtue. Often confused with weakness or timidity, humility is really about knowing our proper place in the world without flaunting it.

This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church saying, that only God can exalt in a permanent way. The key is to know our place before him and let him put us in the place he chooses.

Good Morning!
We can hang out anywhere and be in community: things like Rotary club, work, school, and the gym can all be places of community. However, Christian community is something different.

Christian community is not about being with others, or just being friends or neighbors. Nor is Christian community about simply “going to church,” sitting in pews, or attending a Sunday school class.

We can attend church all our lives and still never truly invest our hearts in Christian community.

What’s distinctive about Christian community is that we are following Jesus together. We are a community together on a journey of discipleship, being transformed to the likeness of Christ,

It is God’s Holy Spirit who ties us together, and we seek to love each other with the love of Christ.

So I invite you to come be a part of the Christian community of Central United Methodist Church. Come worship this Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:55am.

May God bless you today.

Brother Jack was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer (both church members), to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, Jack held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the lawyer were flattered that their preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments.

However, they were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.

Finally, the Lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"

Brother Jack mustered up some strength, and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too.”

Who do you surround yourself with in your daily life?

Proverbs 27:17 states as, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

Good Morning.
Have you read the book of Jonah lately? Most people get caught up in the God provided a great fish that swallowed Jonah for three days and then spit him out on the beach part of the story and miss out on the real point of the story. Which is that God’s grace is for all people, even, or is it especially, those people we hate the most. And that he expects us to be the ones to carry the message of His love and grace to them. Today as in Jonah’s day it is easy to get caught up in the us versus them mentality that leads us to hate others, so that, like Jonah, even if they repented and turned back to God we would not like them at all. But that can lead us to ignore Jesus’ final words to us, “Go into all the world, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” If we are His friends, we will do His will.

Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the silver lining in things or do you only see the dark clouds?

The story is told that in the days of the Old West, cattle ranchers offered a bounty for a pack of wolves that had been attacking their cattle. Two adventurous bounty hunters soon set out looking for the beasts. After long days of searching, they fell asleep exhausted one night only to wake up and discover they were surrounded by 50 wolves!

The first bounty hunter said: We’re going to DIE! But the second said: Are you kidding? We’re RICH!

Life is full of difficulty and opportunity. How we deal with life’s challenges often depends on OUR perspective. But even the most difficult challenge can be an opportunity for God’s grace to work in our lives.

May you face this day’s challenges with grace – and discover the opportunity in each of them!

Good morning!
“Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me.” There is rarely a funeral you attend when this beautiful scripture found in Psalm 23 is not read.

I watched, months ago, as my mother walked through that valley. There was a transformation as the valley became a quiet peaceful serene place where there would be no more more pain. Since that time, it seems an extraordinary amount of friends and other family members have watched those they loved the most, walk through that valley into eternal life with God.

The valley of the shadow, however, remains all too painful for those left behind. What makes this valley so difficult is that everyone grieves differently. Grief comes at different times, in different stages for everyone. It comes in waves, it comes at unexpected moments, it can be debilitating.

This morning, if you find yourself consumed by this type of grief, don't be afraid or ashamed. You grieve because you loved...and you were loved, and now there is a physical and emotional chasm within your life.

Do know, that the God who walked with your loved one, walks also with you. God also provides you with friends and family who will both share in your grief and give you comfort and joy in the days ahead. Embrace both your beautiful memories and those who still walk with you...and you will begin to find peace and healing..

Good Morning:
I have the privilege and honor of sharing communion, each month, with Clovis Wright and his daughter, Annie. Clovis is 80 years old, and he and Annie are both retired ministers. One day, after sharing communion, Clovis said, “I want to sing!” so, he headed off to another room on his power chair pulling this oxygen tube he was wearing behind the chair.

Soon he was back with a hymnal that he gave to Annie. As the three of us began singing, I couldn’t help but watch Clovis. He sat in his chair with the oxygen tubes behind his ears, hands propped on a waling stick, tapping his foot with his eyes looking to heaven. He sang all the hymns from memory. I thought, “This man really loves God.” Then I prayed, “God help me to inspire others as Clovis has inspired me today.” Is there anything special you want to do today?

Good Morning:
Do you sometimes feel that God has put you in a difficult position or given you a job that you are not sure you can do? Well, rest assured that if God has led you to it, He can get you through it! He has prepared you, and he has provided everything you need to accomplish what He has set you out to do.

Remember, Abraham had to leave his comfort zone to receive an inheritance that was greater that what his earthly father could provide. He had to trust and depend upon God every step of the way.

Moses depended on God to show him how to lead his people out of Egypt.

When Joshua entered the Promised Land, he had to fight battles to gain what God promised him and his people. Joshua had to depend upon God for every unique strategy for victory along the way.

In each story of these Bible heroes, trust in God was the key. So when you are faced with hard choices and difficult decisions, put your trust in God. Have a wonderful day!

Good Morning!
My Sister-in-law was taking a flight from Birmingham out to Wyoming to see her in-laws.

Being early, she purchased a pack of cookies from the snack shop and settled down in the waiting area to read a novel she had in her purse. While reading, she noticed the man sitting next to her was eating a cookie. Looking down she was surprised to see her package of cookies had been opened and the man was eating them.

Though outraged that the man would open her cookies and start eating them, she said nothing sitting there quietly, munching on her cookie when to her amazement the man took another cookie. Now furious, Jackie took all the cookies from the package and ate them.

Later that day, she reached into her purse and found, much to her own dismay her unopened package of cookies lying at the bottom of her purse.

Embarrassed, she realized that she was guilty of the very thing she thought the man had been doing to her.

Jumping to conclusions opens ourselves up to mistakes or as it says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judged lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”

Good Morning!
In William Young’s novel, The Shack, the main character, Mack, has gone through a family tragedy and is led to a shack where he encounters God. What he finds is not what he expects. He finds Jesus but also finds God in the form of “Papa”, a black woman, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a mysterious character, Sarayu.
around a table, laughing, eating, and fellowshipping, and Mack is drawn into this divine community.

Our sense of community as Christians comes from the fact that the very essence of God is community. God is Trinity, 3 persons, so the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are actually in relationship with each other.

The relational life of God draws us into community with God and with other Christians. God created us to be in community, so go today, and draw others into relationship with our God.

Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. It’s Thursday – and the weekend is almost here. Many of us will spend the weekend working in the yard, perhaps cooking out, maybe even traveling to get away or visit friends.

It’s tempting to use the weekend to “re-charge” so we can make it through another work week – but usually we cram so much into the time it leaves us drained and worn out. God invites us to remember the Sabbath – a day of rest to stop our labor and hurried rushing about. And amazingly, when we slow down, we often gain fresh perspective on life. And most importantly – Sabbath invites us to remember and worship the God who made us.

So this weekend – have some fun! But don’t forget the Sabbath. If you don’t have a place to observe Sabbath, why not join us at Central – where everyone is welcome.

Good morning!
Tis the Christmas..Vacation Bible School. Beginning at 9:00 this coming Monday morning, we, at Central United Methodist Church, invite children, ages four through 5th grade to join us for a week as we explore the wonderful world God has given to us, through our cosmic adventure Galactic Blast.

Students will study the story of Creation, Elijah, The Woman at the Well, The Blind Beggar in Jericho...Students will also learn facts about earth, the moon, the stars...and take action on what we can do to take care of our planet, because we are reminded in Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."

If you would like more information on VBS, please visit our web site at

If you do not have a church home, we also invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, and our traditional worship begins at 10:55. Sunday school begins at 9:40. Come, join us, and find yourself among friends at Central. Have a blessed day!

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