Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Morning!


A vacationing family drives along in their car, windows rolled down, enjoying the warm breeze of the sunny day. Without warning, a bee darts in the window and starts buzzing around inside the car. A little girl, highly allergic to bee stings, cringes in the backseat. If stung, she could die within the hour.

“Oh daddy,” she shrieks in terror. “It’s a bee! It’s going to sting me!” the father stops the car and reaches back to catch the bee. Buzzing around toward him, the father traps the bee against the front windshield. Seconds later the bee stings the father and in the moment of pain he releases the bee.

Once again the bee is loose in the car. The little girl panics once more, “daddy, it’s going to sting me I know it!” The father gently reassures his daughter, “No honey, he’s not going to sting you now. Look at my hand.” The bee’s stinger was still in his hand.

So is the love of our Heavenly father for us, his children. His hand is outstretched waiting, won’t you take hold of it today?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Morning


Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

All of us deal with stress in one form or another – a difficult relationship; a problem at work; too much month and not enough money. Stress affects us all.

The BAD NEWS is that researchers have determined that stress – whether it’s emotional, mental, or physical tension – physically reshapes the brain and causes long-lasting damage to people.

So – HOW do YOU deal with stress? Many people exercise, meditate, seek out a quiet place – and all of those things can certainly help. But a world champion athlete once confided that he dealt with stress by telling himself: Even if I blow this, Mom will still love me.

We all are stressed from time to time – sometimes because of our failures – but it helps to know that God loves us even when we fail.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good Morning


I have recently been reading about the life of Mother Teresa. One of the things that was impressed deeply on her heart was “To withhold nothing from Christ”. She was committed to giving over all that she was and all that she had for the sake of Christ.

Mother Teresa and her sisters became known as the Missionaries of Charity. They gave up every luxury and moved into the slums of Calcutta India where they worked with the poorest of poor and the sick and handicapped. Sometimes they did not have enough food to eat and had to beg to survive.

As Mother Teresa served, she saw Christ in the ones she was serving. As she bathed the wounds of the sick, Mother Teresa considered herself to be bathing the wounds of Christ.

What or how are we being called to be for the sake of Christ? Do we live in a way that withholds nothing from Christ or are we not willing to let go of some things?

As we live and move today, let every action be done as if Christ was the recipient, holding nothing back.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good Morning

In Sunday School this summer, we've been learning about Joshua. When he fought the battle at Jericho, he was given some unusual instructions by God on how to win the battle. You see, Jericho had a big thick wall surrounding it. They first had to break through that wall.

God told Joshua to march around the city for 7 days. The priests were to go first blowing their horns; the men carrying the Ark of the Covenant which held the Ten Commandments came next; then the soldiers. At the end of the 7th day, they were all to shout.

Sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it? But Joshua didn't question God's instructions. He did it -- Just as God told him to do. And the walls came tumbling down. He trusted God.

What can we learn from this in the world we live in today? It is this: Even the impossible is possible when we trust God. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Morning


Wouldn’t you love to call Mayberry your hometown? At idyllic place featured in The Andy Griffith Show. A place where everything seems to move at a slower pace and everyone is good and wholesome and kind, and any trivial difficulty can be overcome easily in 30 minutes or less. Did you know that Mayberry is based on an actual town, Mt. Airy, North Carolina.

You could actually make Mayberry your hometown. But last November the headlines read, “Man charged with killing 4 in Mayberry model town.” It seems that even Mayberry is not immune to the struggles for power in this world. But for those who are children of God, we do not have to search for a place like Mayberry. For we know that we are only visiting this world and that our hometown is in a place that is even better than Mayberry. A place where it doesn’t take 30 minute to resolve difficulties, for there are no problems to begin with. That’s my hometown. Where do you call home?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Good morning.


Have you ever forgotten someone’s name within the few seconds after you meet a new person? Have you ever hit the “close door” button on the elevator, just so you won’t be bothered by the company of others, when you know someone else needs a ride?

Perhaps you’ve been awakened in the night by a crying child or a barking dog who needs you. Instead of getting up and taking care of the problem, you lay and wait for someone else to do it. We all do things like this from time to time, in which are self-serving and we unintentionally treat other people as objects rather than as people.

I need the care and companionship of others around me to challenge me and remind me to be humble and serve others.

We all need meaningful relationships and community, so I invite you to come be a part of Central United Methodist Church. Worship this Sunday at either 8:30 am or 10:55 am.

Enjoy your day today.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Morning!


On "Britain's Got Talent" when 80 year old Janey Cutler from Glasgow Scotland, walked out people were rolling their eyes. She had to have help walking to her marked spot on the stage. But when she opened her mouth to sing...”No Regrets.” She was really good. The audience and judges loved her. She was realizing her dream.

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul reminds us:

For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them Are you fulfilling your God given destiny? The temptation is to stay with the familiar and secure, not go past our comfort zone...but if we do that will we get to the end of our life and have regret?... that we did not do what we know God called us to do? It’s not too late. It is never too late to become what you might have been...ask Janey Cutler.

Is your mission on earth is inished....take a deep breath...hold it for five seconds…exhale…

You are alive!!!! go...reach for your dream...fulfill your destiny....have a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Morning:


When my granddaughter was about 3 years old, we had driven to the mall. As we came around the corner of the mall, there sitting low in the sky was the most beautiful, perfectly round, bright, red sun. It took my breath away with its incredible beauty. When my granddaughter saw it, she said: "Who did that?" I told her that God did it. She said, "It's beautiful!" You see, even a three year old can see the beauty in God's world.

Look around you today and know that all the beauty in this world was put there by no-one but a mighty God. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Morning!

It has been estimated the normal lifespan for the world’s greatest nations has been a little over two hundred years. The pattern of these civilizations runs something like this: from bondage to spiritual faith, from faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, and from dependency back again to bondage.

We need to ask ourselves, “What will happen to America?” We have surely reached the abundance stage. If we see much selfishness, complacency, and apathy around us, then we need to take action.

May God show us the way that we may become new persons and a new nation in Christ Jesus.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010



An organization in Montana offered a bounty of $ 5,000.00 for every wolf captured alive. Two hunters named Trevor and Randy decided to head for the hills and make some money capturing wolves. Exhausted after 3 long nonproductive days of hunting, they both fell deep asleep.

During the night, Randy suddenly woke up to find that he and Trevor were surrounded by a pack of at least 50 wolves, with flaming red eyes and fangs bared snarling at the two hunters preparing to devour them.

Randy nudged Trevor and said, “Hey, wake up! We’re going to be rich!”

Sometimes when we are surrounded by what appears to be many difficulties, we may in fact be surrounded by many opportunities. It’s all a matter of perspective.

The next time you find yourself in a jam remember that you have an opportunity to learn and grow, and to experience the grace and power of God in that situation.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Good Mornibg

Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Recently, a major league baseball pitcher was one out away from a perfect game. On what should have been the last out, a batter hit a ball to the second baseman, who tossed it to the pitcher [who was covering first base] for the final out. But the first base umpire called the runner safe – ruining the perfect game.

After the game, the umpire reviewed the video replay and to his horror admitted: I BLEW IT – I COST THAT KID A PERFECT GAME! He apologized to the pitcher, who amazingly said: IT’S NO BIG DEAL; NOBODY’S PERFECT.

These two men are teaching us a valuable lesson. Sometimes we “blow it” and need to admit it. But they also teach us that when someone makes a mistake and admits it, we need to forgive and move on.

So if you’ve made a mistake, own up to it. And when someone admits a mistake to you – let it go

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Good Morning!


I have a friend who has dealt with physical challenges and faced multiple surgeries over the past years. Yet if someone has a need....she is there. She is one of my heros.

An Insurance benefits company recently hired the Gallup organization to find out why some people return to work more quickly than others following illness and surgery. They found that the quick returnees almost never think about their physical problems, while those who are slow to come back focus on themselves and their impairment.

When Jesus came to earth, his whole focus was on others, not himself. He taught his followers to do the same thing… to the point that they forgot themselves. He was teaching them not to be self-absorbed.

II Peter chapter 1 reminds us...the more you grow in self-control, Godliness, endurance and love, the more useful and productive you will become.

This is counter to what our basic human nature is, but it works. We live longer, work more productively, and bless others because of it.

Go today, be a blessing to someone... after is good for your health!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Are you a religious person? Do you obediently get out of bed each Sunday morning and head off to your local church? Do you follow all the rules because even if no one else is looking you know God is watching your every move and there will be a price to pay someday, if you mess up? Do you read your Bible everyday and a devotion and then read the prayer, because that’s what good people are supposed to do? Are you a religious person? Then I am sorry. For you are missing the real joy that comes from being a companion of Jesus Christ.

Worship, obedience, study, prayer come not from duty but because you love, honor, want to talk to, and hear from the one who created you - and the entire universe.

This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I am learning that the joy of being Christ’s companion is as far from the drudgery of religious guilt and duty as the east is from the west.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



A Meridian businessman owned a building which set empty for years needing repairs. Vandals had damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and litter was everywhere inside the building.

The businessman showed a prospective buyer the property and took great pains to explain that he would fix the doors, replace the broken windows, and clean out all the garbage inside and out. “Oh don’t worry about the repairs,” the buyer said. “When I buy this place, I’m going to build something completely different,

Something brand new. I don’t want the building. I just want the property!”

Compared with the renovation that God has in mind, our efforts to improve our own lives are as trivial as sweeping out a building slated for demolition. When you become a Christian, the “old is passed away; the new has come!” Allow me to invite you to a personal renovation that can begin by attending worship in one of God’s houses this Sunday morning!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Good Morning:

A few weeks ago, our three year classes were walking to get yogurt. One little boy was holding his teacher's hand as they crossed the street when he looked up at her and said, "If my momma knew I was crossing this street, she would whip my butt!"

You see, he knew the rules for his family and it made him a little nervous to think that he might be breaking one of those rules.

My dad, unknowingly, kept me out of a lot of trouble when I was a teenager. When I got myself into a sticky situation, my Dad's face popped up and I knew how disappointed he would be in me. I usually backed out of that situation because of him. I knew the rules.

God can keep us out of trouble, too. We just have to know the rules. The Bible is our little instruction book. Learn the rules. Read the Bible. Have a wonderful day! 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Morning!

When you think about July 4th what comes to mind? a day off from work, picnics, fireworks, flags? The word that comes to my mind is freedom.

It is a fact that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions, vote for the people of our choice, worship, ...different denominations, even religions, ...all without retribution. We should never take our freedom for granted.

I display our American reminds me of what has been done for my freedom. My grandmother and grandfather served in WWI, my daddy, the Korean War, I have friends who have served in recent years, my daughter-in-law’s brother is currently in Afghanistan. Because of their contributions ...we are free.

There is another freedom that we have... our freedom “In Christ” to live a life to glorify Him. As Christians are free in our spirit to serve the Creator of the whole universe and that my friends, is True Freedom.

Have a safe, happy and blessed day..and let freedom ring...both in our country and in your heart!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good morning.

Do you ever get stuck in a rut when you’re trying to read scripture? Here’s something to try. It’s an ancient Christian practice of reading and reflecting on scripture.

Choose a small passage, about 6-8 verses. Begin with a few moments of silence to quiet yourself and get focused. Then read the passage slowly, preferably out loud, or read silently to yourself. Spend a few more minutes in silence, thinking about what in that passage stood out to you. What word or phrase caught your attention?

Then read the same passage again. This time spend quiet time afterward reflecting on how the word or phrase that you identified intersects with your life.

Next read the passage yet again. Then in silence, think of what action you are being called to by this passage. What can you do in response to what you’ve read?   

Then read the passage one last time and spend time silently just resting in God’s presence. Give this a try, and enjoy your day today.