Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010



An organization in Montana offered a bounty of $ 5,000.00 for every wolf captured alive. Two hunters named Trevor and Randy decided to head for the hills and make some money capturing wolves. Exhausted after 3 long nonproductive days of hunting, they both fell deep asleep.

During the night, Randy suddenly woke up to find that he and Trevor were surrounded by a pack of at least 50 wolves, with flaming red eyes and fangs bared snarling at the two hunters preparing to devour them.

Randy nudged Trevor and said, “Hey, wake up! We’re going to be rich!”

Sometimes when we are surrounded by what appears to be many difficulties, we may in fact be surrounded by many opportunities. It’s all a matter of perspective.

The next time you find yourself in a jam remember that you have an opportunity to learn and grow, and to experience the grace and power of God in that situation.

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