Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Good Morning!

Corrie ten Boom penned these words:

In these days we are in training for the kingdom of peace that will come on earth.  The Bible is full of promises of things that are going to happen when Jesus returns.  The wolf will lie down with the lamb, swords will be changed into plowshares...

Perhaps you say:  “Yes, that will be wonderful and then it will be quite easy for me, but now there is nothing but squabbling, criticism, irritation, especially among Christians.”

That is true.  But especially in this dark world, the Lord Jesus gave us the task of passing on His love.

My prayer is that we would allow God’s Spirit to guide us as we share our love with a confused world.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Jim - In our world today fear and revenge are so rampant. It God tranformed the wolf, would the lamb be able to overcome fear and come near, or would he seek revenge for past actions of the wolf.
