Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


He knew that the asker already knew the answer, so to deflect blame and redirect the intent of the original question he asked one of his own. "Am I my brother's keeper?" And since that time, Cain's question has been repeated over and over by people who do not want to be responsible for the influence they have had on the actions of others.

Jesus said we are to be salt and light as well as His witnesses to those around us. We are responsible for those around us, responsible to help each other avoid those things that would separate us from God Almighty.

We are our brother's keeper. But, and this makes all the difference, we are to hold each other accountable to the teachings of Jesus as members of a family, wanting the best for each other.

Accountability is not difficult when those monitoring it and those who are experiencing know and understand that it's being done of their betterment.

Am I my brother's keeper? Absolutely!

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