Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


Granddaddy Cain was on up in years by the time this story takes place, and he didn’t go to many church business meetings anymore; because he thought the young folks, them in their fifties and sixties could handle the church business. But on this particular day, he got word from one of the other “good old boys” that the church was about to add some new program to reach folks outside the church, so he got his grandson to drive him to the meeting at the church.

When he walked in, the church body was already deep in discussion about starting a group for thespians. A woman said, “I move, sir, that we create the group and allow them to meet during choir practice. Someone else said, “I second the motion”. The moderator asked, “Is there any discussion?”

Granddaddy stood up, cleared his throat saying, “Brethren, I want everyone to know up front that if we allow these thespians to come into the church, they’ll try and take over. If we let them use the room and put up a sign I’m not sure anyone knows how to spell it. And most of all, I’m concerned that as bad as we need space, that if we let these thespians meet, then there won’t be anywhere for the church drama group to meet!

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