Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas! What a glorious day this is. You are perhaps surrounded this morning by bright tinsel, twinkling lights, a beautiful crèche, and the remains of wrapping paper from presents opened last night or first thing this morning. All is well, but I would encourage you to remember that the first Christmas was not nearly so beautiful or exciting. Sure, a choir of angels sang, but the only ones to hear, were a small group of smelly sheep farmers, sleeping on the ground.

The only ones with gifts to bring were foreigners - star-gazers - tired and confused after a long, long journey.

The only place for this newborn to sleep was in a feeding trough, and yet, this one born in such destitution did not seek gain for himself. Rather, he humbled himself to lift up the poor, the blind, the lost, the sinner. He even gave his life for such unworthy ones; and he calls us to do the same. How will you celebrate this kind of King today?

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