Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Good Morning!

When Gerber advertised baby food in Africa, they didn't realize that Africans placed pictures of the contents on the jar.  So when they showed

a baby on the jar, the Africans weren't eager to buy!

When Pepsi advertised, “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation,” it translated into Chinese, “Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the


Coke's introduction into Chinese came out, “Bite the Wax Tadpole” or “Female Horse Stuffed with Wax.”

American airlines tried to reach Mexicans with their advertisement for first-class, leather seats.  Instead of saying, “Fly in Leather,” it came

out, “Fly Naked.”

When a beverage company translated their slogan, “Turn it Loose” into Spanish, it came out, “Suffer from Diarrhea.”

During the Pope's visit to Miami, a t-shirt reading, “I saw the Pope!” translated instead, “I saw the Potato.”

What we meant to say isn't always what the people around us hear whether it be at work or at home with family and friends. For this reason

alone, it is important that our words match our actions when it comes to our walk with Christ. So at the very least, people can see what we are

saying is true!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bob Peden

Jesus finds Phillip who immediately recognizes Jesus for who he is. He goes to find Nathaniel to tell him that he has found the Messiah, Jesus

the son of Joseph from Nazareth. Nathaniel responds, “Nazareth, that God forsaken place, can anything good come from there.” Phillip says

“Come and see.”

That is God's call to us, “Come and see.” But our prejudices affect our willingness to go and see. We say, “that God forsaken part of Meridian,

can anything Godly be there.” We would prefer to find God in the safety of our Sanctuaries, and worship is important, God is present there,

but that is not the place from which he is calling. We would prefer to find God in Bible study, and he is in his word, Bible study is important,

but God is not calling us to study the Bible. God is calling us to come and see Him in the Nazareths, the God forsaken places of this world.

The very places good people would never be found. The astounding thing is that when we go to those places thinking we are taking Christ

with us, we find that Christ was already there in Nazareth.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Good Morning!

Perseverance means keeping at something and refusing to quit until it's done.  It isn't a problem when you're doing something you enjoy. 

Like a hobby that gives you pleasure.

You need perseverance when you're working on an unpleasant, long-term project.  Perseverance requires that you have self-discipline to

diligently work without procrastinating.

How do you motivate yourself?  Pray for God's inspiration, take breaks, track your progress, or get some help.  But, remember to think of the

enjoyment of the reward at the end.  Remind yourself of “why” you're doing it.  And remember, this too, shall pass.

Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013


Good Morning:

Lately, it seems like I hear more and more about people who are facing unthinkable fears and hardships.  There are far too many people

around us who are living on the margins, and they desperately need our prayers, love, and support.

Jesus talked about this in Matthew Chapter 25:34-40 “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you; 35 for I

was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked

and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. 37 Then the righteous will answer him, Lord

when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you something to drink?  38 And when was it that we saw you a

stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing?  39 And when was it we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?  40 And the

King will say, Truly, I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.”

So today, let's take a moment to pray for our neighbors and to reach out to the “least of these” around us.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, February, 22, 2013


Good Morning!

Some people are “toxic” and they infect others with attitudes and behaviors that will result in some very bad consequences.  That's why it's so

important to be with people who have good character.  We usually end up becoming like those who are our closest friends.

If we realize that we tend to be greedy, it becomes essential to make friends who are generous.  If we realize we have a tendency to not work

hard, it will pay us back many times to befriend those who have good work ethics.  If we are shy, we need to find someone who can help draw

us out of our shell.

Much of life is about finding people who are able to help us to become better people. It's essential to gravitate toward them.  On the other

hand, we simply must flee from those who will drag us down.  It takes courage to say “NO!”  But if we want to improve the quality of life,

there are times when we simply must.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist.

I would like to invite all of you to participate in our upcoming Missions: Possible run on March 23.  Central will be hosting a 5K, fun run, and

a walk starting at 8 A.M. We will have rewards for the 5K for different gender and age groups.  Whether you are a top-tier runner, like to run

as a hobby, or just want to get some exercise, we would love to see you.

Our Scripture verse for this race is Matthew 19:26: “With God, all things are possible.” God is able to reach out and do things we cannot

imagine, including reaching out to the city and community of Meridian. Because we believe this wholeheartedly at Central, all the money

raised by the race will be going forward to support local charities in Meridian to help our city and community. We hope to see God doing

something great here in Meridian!

If you are interested, feel free to call the church at 601.693.1521 or visit our website at for more information.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Good Morning:  At Central United Methodist Church, we have one of the best pre-school programs in the area.  It's called Central's Children's

Center.  It is open to children ages 1 through 4 and is a half day program.  We have an excellent teaching staff, small classroom groups, and a

fun and educational faith-based curriculum.  When our four year children graduate, they are ready and excited about entering kindergarten. 

Registration for our fall program begins next week.  If you are looking for an exciting, safe, and loving environment for your child, try us. 

Open registration for those not already enrolled or a part of our church will begin Tuesday, February 25 at 8:30 a.m.  If you'd like to have a

personal tour of our facility before registration, there is no need to make an appointment.  Just drop by for a visit any weekday morning or call

the church office for more information.  We'd love to have you as one of our school families.  Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist.

Some years ago a famous athlete was asked by reporters: How does it feel to be a “role model”?  The athlete responded: I don't want to be a

role model!  I don't want to be anyone's “example”!  I just want to have a good time and enjoy life!

If only it were that simple!  The reality is that ALL of us are being watched every day by someone.  All of us have a great influence on those

around us.  And all of us leave an “impression” on others.

The important question each of us must answer is: What KIND of influence am I?  Am I an influence for GOOD in the world?  Or am I an

influence for EVIL?

Jesus told his followers: You are the SALT of the earth; you are the LIGHT of the world.  Salt and light “penetrate” and change everything they


Today - remember that you will leave an impression on others.  Make it a GREAT day!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013


Good Morning!

When the great Chicago fire consumed the Windy City in 1871, Horatio Spafford, an attorney heavily invested in real estate, lost a fortune. 

That same year he lost his four-year-old son to scarlet fever.  Two years later, he booked passage for his wife and four daughters to Europe.  On

a dark, foggy night, their luxury liner was broad sided by an iron tanker.  All four daughters perished.  En route to join his wife, the captain

called him aside and said, “I believe we are now passing over the place where the ship went down.”  As he stood looking into the dark water,

he began to formulate the words to the only hymn he ever wrote: “It Is Well With My Soul.”

At Central, we welcome people who are struggling with life.  Join us this Sunday for worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:55 a.m.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013


One of the favorite parables of many church people is about a home built on sand and a home built on a firm foundation. We have it depicted

in stained glass at Central United Methodist Church. We often understand this parable to assure us that sitting in church each week, studying

God's word - our endless church activities are building our foundations on the firm rock of God's word and that those who refuse to come hear

are building their homes on sand - soon to be washed away.

But go back and read the parable. Jesus says the person who is building his house on sand is the one who hears His word but does not obey it.

That well describes many of us who are in church every week, diligently studying the Bible, but who do not allow it to change the way they

live, who they spend time with, how they spend their money, what causes they work for. I pray that you are not building your house on the

shaky sand of your church attendance.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, couples and singles alike. People are buying cards and gifts today to celebrate a day dedicated to

romantic love.

While that type of love is certainly a good thing, the story and legends surrounding St. Valentine rises above just romantic love. As the story

goes, St. Valentine spent his life helping other Christians. At one time, the Roman Empire forbade soldiers from being married, thinking that

married men did not make good soldiers. St. Valentine put himself in danger and helped many Christian soldiers secretly get married. But,

beyond that, in the end, though, he was persecuted for being a Christian and he never went back on his faith.

We idealize the romance, but St. Valentine's was committed to helping others to his faith to the point of death. Romance is good, but the love

of all people and God is a higher goal for the Christian tradition. And that is the legend of St. Valentine.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist.

Today is a day known as ASH WEDNESDAY.  For churches that follow the Christian year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season

of LENT.  Lent [which means “40”] is a 40-day period that leads up to Easter.

For many Christians, the season of Lent has been a time to search our hearts, examine our relationship with God, and ask God for grace to help

us become more like Jesus.  While Christians will sometimes give up something during Lent [like certain foods or pleasures], Lent is really

more about what we need removed from our lives that lead us away from God.  Only when God is at the center of our lives can we truly

experience the meaning of “resurrection” and the kind of life God has for us to live.

As you go through these 40 days of Lent, we seek God.  But what we often discover is that God is actually seeking US.

Have a blessed Lent and make it a GREAT day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


Good Morning: A man dies and goes to Heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the Pearly Gates.   St. Peter says, “Okay, here's how it works.

You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done and I'll give you a certain number of points for each.

When you reach 100 points, you get in.” “Okay,” the man says, “I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her.”

“That's worth 3 points,” said St. Peter. “Three points?” He says, slightly concerned. “Well I attended church all my life and supported its

ministry with my tithes and offerings.” “Terrific”, says St. Peter. “That's worth a point.” “One point!” moaned the man. He's really getting

worried. “Well, I started a soup kitchen in my city.” “Fantastic,” says St. Peter, “that's good for two more points.” “Two points!” the man cries.

“At this rate the only way I get into Heaven is by the grace of God.” St. Peter nods his head and says, “Bingo! 100 points!! Come on in, my

Son!” Think about that and have a wonderful Grace filled day!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013


Good Morning!

I have been visiting at Aldersgate Retirement Community for such a long time that many of the new residents know who I am before we meet.

 But on one occasion, I shook the hand of a new resident and asked, “Do you know who I am?”  She looked at me really hard and said, “No, but

if you go to the office I'll bet they can tell you.”  I then had some explaining to do.

It is difficult for some people to know who they are.  Each day they have to make decisions about their character, because they belong to the

world.  Make a decision to belong to Christ and discover the wonderful person God created in you.  If you don't have a church home, please

join us this Sunday at Central.  Worship services are at 8:30 and 10:55 a.m. and Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Good Morning!

While Peter was reflecting on the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Behold, three men are looking for you. But get up, go downstairs and

accompany them without misgivings, for I have sent them Myself.” Acts 10:19-20

God spoke to Cornelius through an angel, telling him to send for Simon Peter. Peter saw a vision from God, telling  him to go with Cornelius'

men. This was a divine invitation to participate in God's mission to the Gentiles.

One of the best ways to experience God's presence is to notice what He is doing around us. When we notice His movement in the lives of the

people around us, we can align ourselves with His work. We then experience His direction and His power as we fall under His guidance. We

join with His spirit to accomplish His mission. If we watch how God is working in the hearts of the people around us, then we can ask the

Holy Spirit to alert us to His purposes in drawing them to Himself. We should be available to encourage others, building them up and

pointing them towards God. If you notice the ways He is present in their lives, He becomes more present in our lives. The more deliberately

we align ourselves with His plans, the more powerfully we will experience His presence in our own lives.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Good morning!

What are the deepest longings of your restless heart? What are you aiming for and trying to get out of life? Is it wealth - status - knowledge -

safety - security both financial and personal. Is it getting to go to heaven at the end of this life - soul security - what is sometimes called fire


None of that fills the longing that God has placed within our hearts. Only a close personal relationship with the living Lord can begin to

satisfy our longings. I have so often only half-heard the invitation of Jesus to come closer, to make my home with him. His person, his

teaching and his style disturb me to the core of my being.

Jesus says to us, 'You would not be looking for me unless you had already found me'. Seek first and foremost Jesus and His presence and

everything else will than be added to you.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I was reading my Bible the other day and set my hands on top of it.  I had my reading glasses on, and I looked down at my magnified hands,

and I saw all the aging spots.  I thought my hands looked just like my daddy's.

My daddy died in 1998, and as far as I know, everyone thought he was a very good man.  The older I get, more and more people tell me I look

just like my daddy.  Well, I take that as a compliment, because I surly did love and admire him.

I also love Jesus Christ with all my heart, and I hope the older I get, the more I look like him.

The Bible tells me to imitate Him, to walk as he walked, and to keep his commandments.  The older I get, the more I understand what a

blessing it is to be a follower of Christ.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, the Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist.

Do you ever feel angry at God for some event in your life? If so, you may feel guilty for that. And if you express that feeling to others, they

may make you feel even worse for that feeling. It is as if God is scared of emotions.

But here's the secret: God isn't scared of emotions. Anger can be expressed in Lament Psalms, such as Psalm 13. The Psalms starts off “How

long, Lord, will you forget?” This isn't a praise, but it is a complaint. The Psalmist lays his feelings out on the table for God to see. The point

is, don't fear being angry at God. Express it. He can take it. God isn't insecure or afraid. He wants to hear it.

And then, when your frustration can go no further, you can remember that God is trustworthy. Expressing anger doesn't mean God won't still

come to your aid. At the end of Psalm 13, it says “I will sing to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me.” Even when angry, God still

hears us and cares.

May God bless you!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013


Today I am praying for the gifts of acceptance and forgiveness. We often think of acceptance as a begrudging acceptance of a difficult

circumstance, event or person that we are unable to change.  But God would give us the gift of acceptance - the ability to give up our need to

change others and wish the world were different.

Likewise, when we think of forgiveness as a gift, we usually think of it as a gift of the forgiver given to the one who committed the wrong. But

God wishes to gift us the gift of forgiveness  - the ability to let go of hurts and wrongs we have suffered.

Acceptance and forgiveness are both gifts - and closely related ones at that. And like any other gift, we best show our appreciation to the giver

by using the gift we have been given. And like any other gift from God, when we use the gifts of acceptance and forgiveness we discover that

our gifts grow. So for today, exercise your gifts - accept others you encounter and forgive those who wrong you. Tomorrow you will find your

gifts enhanced and even easier to use.