Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, Febuary 28, 2014


Good Morning!

Some of you may remember the ice cream truck that ran
through Meridian on hot summer days.  My favorite was the
grape snow­cone.

I remember a young mother who had two children.  She
gave the oldest child the money to buy snow­cones for the
family.  She told the child to buy her “anything but banana.”
She believed she was making it easy for the child to choose
a suitable flavor.  When the child returned with the treats,
the mother asked, “What did you get me?” “Banana!” was
the reply.  But I told you anything but banana!”  It was all I
could think of,” the child said.

Overloading the child’s memory with the negative – what
she shouldn’t choose – wiped out the positive – what she
could have chosen.

Are you guilty of emphasizing the negative instead of
stressing the positive; or majoring on the minor?  If you fail
to get what you really want, you may have no one to blame
but yourself.

Friday, Febuary 28, 2014


Good Morning!

Some of you may remember the ice cream truck that ran
through Meridian on hot summer days.  My favorite was the
grape snow ­cone.

I remember a young mother who had two children.  She
gave the oldest child the money to buy snow ­cones for the
family.  She told the child to buy her “anything but banana.”
She believed she was making it easy for the child to choose
a suitable flavor.  When the child returned with the treats,
Page 3
the mother asked, “What did you get me?” “Banana!” was
the reply.  But I told you anything but banana!”  It was all I
could think of,” the child said.

Overloading the child’s memory with the negative – what
she shouldn’t choose – wiped out the positive – what she
could have chosen.

Are you guilty of emphasizing the negative instead of
stressing the positive; or majoring on the minor?  If you fail
to get what you really want, you may have no one to blame
but yourself.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, Febuary 27, 2014


Good Morning: Sunflowers are so pretty and you see them everywhere...on
dishes, in paintings, on dishtowels and even in some peoples yards at the right time of year. Here are some lessons we can learn from the sunflower:

Sunflowers track the sun. They bloom in the direction of the sun.

Wouldn't it be great if we tracked the Son of God and followed him all day long?

Sunflowers need to be stabilized. Since they grow so tall, they have to have a firm foundation. Christians need to be grounded in the Word of God. Sunflowers produce seeds. Christians can sow seeds by reaching out to others and spreading the Gospel. Sunflowers resemble the sun. They not only follow the sun, but they look like the sun. People need to see the Son of God in us. So, today, start living like a sunflower spelled sun and become a
Sonflower...spelled SON. Follow the Son, God's son. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, Febuary 26, 2014


My wife’s family had a hobby of putting together jigsaw
puzzles. Her father often brought home puzzles of greater
and greater difficulty. One night, he presented his family
with a puzzle of over one thousand pieces. Immediately
they began working on it. After an hour, however, the family
was frustrated. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t
figure the puzzle out.

It was then that her father discovered he had accidentally
switched the box top with the top from another puzzle. The
picture they were looking at wasn’t the puzzle they were
working on.

Often, we feel frustrated with ourselves because we don’t
believe we live up to what others want from us or even what
we think God wants from us. God created us to be different.

We all have our own “box­top picture,” and the only way we
can ever be successful in life is to be ourselves, allowing
God to use us just the way we are.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, Febuary 24, 2014


Good Morning. While looking at pictures one day, my
mother said that my son looks just like me when I was his
age. Interestingly, I have been told that I look a lot like my
father. You too have probably heard these types of
comments. We all favor those in our own families.

The Judeo­Christian faith teaches that we were created by
God, and therefore bear his likeness. In other words, we
look like our Father, God in heaven. If that is true, than we
have an enormous family with whom we have a lot in
common with.

Within our family is every past and present person on the
face of the earth. We all may not look exactly alike, but we
all have the same humanity that connects us together.

People have often wondered what God looks like, and have
come up with some pretty wild images. However, to see the
likeness of God is no further than the person in front of you.
Sadly, some do not behave as if they bear His divine
image. Nevertheless, Jesus told his disciples to love your
neighbor as yourself, because we are all bound
mysteriously together. This is Dennis Gossett for Central
United Methodist Church.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, Febuary 21, 2014


Almost everyone knows the story of Zacchaeus, the small
tax collector, who climbed the tree to see Jesus as he
passed.  Many sermons and studies have focused on the
passage.  Sometimes from the point of Jesus, sometimes
from Zacchaeus, or those around.  But what about the
sycamore?  The tree was there, ready to be used as a
higher point allowing Zacchaeus to be lifted up ­ A point of
stability in chaos. The tree allowed Zacchaeus the
opportunity to SEE Jesus.  Are we a Sycamore to others,
offering stability and strength­allowing others to see Jesus
more clearly­ perhaps on a day when others may be
passing judgments, much like the people did to Zacchaeus
on that day?

Let us go today and be a sycamore, lifting someone higher,
offering stability, allowing them to see Jesus a little better!
Have a blessed day.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, Febuary 20,2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of
Central United Methodist Church. Today in my family, we
celebrate the birthday of my son BJ who was born 12 years
ago here in Meridian. There is a lot that you learn as a Dad
that I have found comes by trial and error. One thing that I
have learned is the important position of a parent in building
the confidence of our children. We have to remind our
children that you are the only you that will ever be. There’ll
never be another like you. Your passions, interests, talents,
and gifts will always make you a unique combination.

We have an opportunity and a privilege to instill within our
children a self esteem that will push them through the most
difficult of times.

I hope that you are using your influence in the lives of those
that love you to build them. Whatever your job or status in
life might be, you have no great or more powerful privilege
than to build up another person.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, Febuary 19, 2014


Good Morning: As most of you know, I am the Director of the Children's Center at Central United Methodist Church. We have a half day program for children ages 1 through 4. I don't mind bragging a little by saying that we are one of the best preschool programs in this area. We have wonderful, loving, dedicated teachers and our Board is made up of parents of some of our preschoolers who have a vested interest in making it one of the best programs.

Registration for fall will take place next week. Monday, Feb. 24, is the day when church members who are not presently enrolled and siblings of those who are enrolled and siblings of former students will be able to register. Tuesday, February 25, is registration for all others. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please call the church office and they will put you in touch with me. You will love what we have to offer and your child will, too.
 Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, Febuary 18, 2014


Hello and Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett with Central
United Methodist Church.

Have you ever watched birds fly?
They all fly together, as they are going in the same
direction. Birds within the flock will often move position in
order to help others or to receive help. Similarly, herds of
mammals, such as cows will stay together. And if danger
comes, they will form a circle in order to protect the young.

Isn’t it interesting that no matter what strife or dissention
may be going on within the herd, they still remain together;
continuing to help each other. Humans, on the other hand,
are all too often dictated by anger. We will strike out in
violence, speak slanderously, and go off living by

Disciples of Jesus Christ are told to live differently. We are
told to be reconciled to our brothers, sisters, and neighbors
before we can correctly serve God. We are to mend broken
relationships as to the best of our ability and allow God to
mysteriously heal open wounds.

There is a heavenly home waiting for you. And I invite you
to come and be reunited, as we journey together.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, Febuary 17, 2014


Good Morning!

David Heller interviewed hundreds of Christian and non­
Christian children and asked them questions about the
Bible.  He recorded their responses in a book.
Page 2

Regarding the question as why the first man was created
before the first woman, a seven year old boy said, “God
was more sure of how the man would look, but ladies were
still a mystery to Him.”  An eight­year old girl said, “God had
to wait for her because He hadn’t invented makeup yet.”

Do you have small children?  Are they in church learning of
the glories of God, the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the
wonderful truths of the Bible?  I hope so!

If you do not already have a church home, we invite you to
visit Central, a children friendly church.  Bring your family to
worship services at 8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 10:55 a.m.
Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m.

May God bless you and your family.

Monday, Febuary 17, 2014


Good Morning!

David Heller interviewed hundreds of Christian and non­
Christian children and asked them questions about the
Bible.  He recorded their responses in a book.
Page 2

Regarding the question as why the first man was created
before the first woman, a seven year old boy said, “God
was more sure of how the man would look, but ladies were
still a mystery to Him.”  An eight ­year old girl said, “God had
to wait for her because He hadn’t invented makeup yet.”

Do you have small children?  Are they in church learning of
the glories of God, the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the
wonderful truths of the Bible?  I hope so!

If you do not already have a church home, we invite you to
visit Central, a children friendly church.  Bring your family to
worship services at 8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 10:55 a.m.
Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m.

 May God bless you and your family.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, Febuary 14, 2014


Good Morning everyone. Have you noticed the sense of
entitlement that many people expect nowadays? A lot of
people want something for nothing, without earning it, and
without the consequences from it. However, the reality is
that this type of life is impossible to achieve. Fore there will
always be consequences for the choices we make. No
matter how emphatically we deny it, everyone will ultimately
feel the effects of their own personal choices. Some of
these choices only effect the person, but the rest will affect
other people.

Each of us will choose today how we will respond to the
people and situations around us. It will either be for the
good or for the worse. God encourages his children to
always choose the good. He said, “Today, I have set before
you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose
life!” See, our choices not only affect us and other people, it
ultimately affects our relationship with God. So, how will
you respond to those things set before you today?

This is Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church
encouraging you to choose the good; choose life!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, Febuary 13, 2014


 Page 1

Good Morning!

On the back of a wedding anniversary card were some
wiggly lines drawn by a three ­year old child. Alongside was
a note from the mother explaining what the child had
written:  “I’m writing a letter for your love and happy

The child’s mistake embodies the biblical principle of facing
difficulties with joy. From our perspective, adversity is
anything but happy.  We have the idea that the Christian life
is supposed to be trouble­-free, and we see little value in the

But God sees it differently.  Affliction does not come as a
thief to steal our happiness, but to ring the gift of staying

Through it all, God promises us wisdom and strength.
James Chapter 1, states:  Count it all joy when you fall into
various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience.  Have a happy Adversity Day!

Thursday, Febuary 13, 2014


Good Morning!

On the back of a wedding anniversary card were some
wiggly lines drawn by a three­year old child. Alongside was
a note from the mother explaining what the child had
written:  “I’m writing a letter for your love and happy

The child’s mistake embodies the biblical principle of facing
difficulties with joy. From our perspective, adversity is
anything but happy.  We have the idea that the Christian life
is supposed to be trouble­free, and we see little value in the

But God sees it differently.  Affliction does not come as a
thief to steal our happiness, but to ring the gift of staying

Through it all, God promises us wisdom and strength.
James Chapter 1, states:  Count it all joy when you fall into
various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience.  Have a happy Adversity Day!

Thursday, Febuary 13, 2014


 Page 1
Good Morning!

On the back of a wedding anniversary card were some
wiggly lines drawn by a three ­year old child. Alongside was
a note from the mother explaining what the child had
written:  “I’m writing a letter for your love and happy

The child’s mistake embodies the biblical principle of facing
difficulties with joy. From our perspective, adversity is
anything but happy.  We have the idea that the Christian life
is supposed to be trouble ­free, and we see little value in the

But God sees it differently.  Affliction does not come as a
thief to steal our happiness, but to ring the gift of staying

Through it all, God promises us wisdom and strength.
James Chapter 1, states:  Count it all joy when you fall into
various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience.  Have a happy Adversity Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, Febuary 12, 2014


In baseball, it’s pitching. In football, it’s a strong defense.
I’m talking about the foundation of success in sports.

Every successful team knew what was required in order to
achieve success, and they started building on those

Always keep in mind that it is possible to build the wrong
kind of base. Sometimes baseball teams think they can win
on pure power alone so management assembles a bunch
of sluggers and run scorers only to find out in the play­offs if
not sooner, that their pitching wasn’t good enough to carry
them all the way. They built on the wrong base.

We, like sports teams, do that too. We can build our lives
on the wrong foundation or on no foundation at all. Then,
when trouble hits, our lives crumble around us. What we
thought was a strong foundation ­ money, relationships,
religion, good deeds, does not hold us up.

In life there can be only one true foundation: Jesus.
1Corinthians 3:11 says, “For no man can lay a
foundation other than the one which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ.” Even Christians can be fooled by good
things, thinking those things will give them security. But
someday that building material will be tested and found

Wednesday, Febuary 12, 2014


In baseball, it’s pitching. In football, it’s a strong defense.
I’m talking about the foundation of success in sports.
Every successful team knew what was required in order to
achieve success, and they started building on those

Always keep in mind that it is possible to build the wrong
kind of base. Sometimes baseball teams think they can win
on pure power alone so management assembles a bunch
of sluggers and run scorers only to find out in the play­offs if
not sooner, that their pitching wasn’t good enough to carry
them all the way. They built on the wrong base.

We, like sports teams, do that too. We can build our lives
on the wrong foundation or on no foundation at all. Then,
when trouble hits, our lives crumble around us. What we
thought was a strong foundation ­ money, relationships,
religion, good deeds, does not hold us up.

In life there can be only one true foundation: Jesus.
1Corinthians 3:11 says, “For no man can lay a
foundation other than the one which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ.” Even Christians can be fooled by good
things, thinking those things will give them security. But
someday that building material will be tested and found

Wednesday, Febuary 12, 2014


In baseball, it’s pitching. In football, it’s a strong defense.
I’m talking about the foundation of success in sports.
Every successful team knew what was required in order to
achieve success, and they started building on those components.

Always keep in mind that it is possible to build the wrong
kind of base. Sometimes baseball teams think they can win
on pure power alone so management assembles a bunch
of sluggers and run scorers only to find out in the play­offs if
not sooner, that their pitching wasn’t good enough to carry
them all the way. They built on the wrong base.

We, like sports teams, do that too. We can build our lives
on the wrong foundation or on no foundation at all. Then,
when trouble hits, our lives crumble around us. What we
thought was a strong foundation ­ money, relationships,
religion, good deeds, does not hold us up.

In life there can be only one true foundation: Jesus.
1Corinthians 3:11 says, “For no man can lay a
foundation other than the one which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ.” Even Christians can be fooled by good
things, thinking those things will give them security. But
someday that building material will be tested and found

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, Febuary 11, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning Lead Pastor of Central
United Methodist Church. Do you believe that life is better
connected? At Central we do. All through the scriptures
God calls us to live the connected life. We are first to
connect with God. God has always desired to be in
relationship with his creation. Jesus said that he had come
searching for us, and when we yield to Christ, then we
connect with our heavenly Father.

We should also connect with those within the church. We
really do need each other and the more that we are
connected the more we grow in our faith.

We must also believe that we need to connect with those
outside of the church. Jesus pushes all of us to go beyond
our comfort zone and to share the good news of the gospel
by word and action to those who have not found faith yet.

When we connect with God, those in the church, and those
outside of the church, life is truly better.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday,. Febuary 10, 2014


 Good Morning!

When we pray, we need to present our needs before God
humbly, but without shame or fear.
Approach His throne room ...with "Holy Boldness!" There is
no need to be shy and bashful. We can confidently pray to our Lord and Savior, sharing our deepest desires, pain and heartache. God loves
each of us with an everlasting love and ongs to hear from His children.

He doesn't ask us to pray with "political correctness." Nor does He want to hear the same recited prayer over and over again. He wants to hear what is on our heart!

Sometimes people are afraid to pray boldly, because they feel sinful and
unworthy. They are looking at what they have done wrong­ instead of what Jesus has done right! The Bible tells us in Heb 4:16, because we are
righteous in Him, we can approach the throne of grace boldly with our needs. Start each day ­ praying with "Holy Boldness!"

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, Febuary 7, 2014


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services
each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30
had become short on space. So, we have created a new
service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday ­
a place where we connect with God and with others.

We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fast­paced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.

We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary ­ 9:45
CONNECT ­ and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making

Friday, Febuary 7, 2014


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services
each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30
had become short on space. So, we have created a new
service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday ­
a place where we connect with God and with others.

We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fast­paced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.

We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary ­ 9:45
CONNECT ­ and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making

Friday, Feburary 7, 2014


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central United
Methodist Church. Central now offers 3 worship services
each Sunday morning. Our contemporary service at 8:30
had become short on space. So, we have created a new
service called CONNECT beginning at 9:45 each Sunday ­
a place where we connect with God and with others.

We have formed a new Praise Band and identified people
who will support this service welcoming others and helping
them to feel at home. This will be an exciting fast ­paced
worship experience that will last approximately 45 minutes.
Each Sunday the message will be the same in each of our
Sunday morning services.

We have room for you at Central and welcome you to come
join us at any of our services 8:30 contemporary ­ 9:45
CONNECT ­ and 10:55 traditional. The church is located in
downtown Meridian between 22nd and 23rd Avenues at 10th
and 11th Streets. Central is offering Christ and making

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, Febuary 6, 2014


Good Morning: Did you know that butterflies can't fly if their temperature is less than 86 degrees? They can't produce heat on their own so they must rely on the sun to heat up their wings in order for them to move about. They have strong muscles, but they can't fly without the sun to warm their bodies first. That is how we are as Christians. We can't do things on our own. We need the “son” (spelled S­O­N) to warm us up as well. We don't move along very well in our own strength. We need to rely on the Lord's strength and guidance to get through each day. So if you need warming up, rely on the SON...God's son, Jesus.
 Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, Febuary 5, 2014


Good Morning!

I believe God created a world of flowers and trees and
grass; rivers and lakes and seas, mountains and sunshine.

Fresh air is as good for the mind as it is for the body.
Nature is comforting to those who will accept her comfort.
A beautiful sunset brings me pleasure and peace.
Canoeing down a peaceful stream and enjoying all nature
has to offer renews my spirit.

One of the main things that keep my life in balance is
Christian fellowship.

As in nature, Christian fellowship offers me bouquets of
smiling faces.  I see in people deep rivers of faith and
wisdom.  I feel the warmth of the sunshine in every hug.

It is with these Christian friends that I share the
mountaintops and the valleys of life.

If you need peace and comfort, please join us at Central
and let us share the love of Christ with you.

Wednesday, Febuary 5, 2014


Good Morning!

I believe God created a world of flowers and trees and
grass; rivers and lakes and seas, mountains and sunshine.

Fresh air is as good for the mind as it is for the body.
Nature is comforting to those who will accept her comfort.
A beautiful sunset brings me pleasure and peace.
Canoeing down a peaceful stream and enjoying all nature
has to offer renews my spirit.

One of the main things that keep my life in balance is
Christian fellowship.

As in nature, Christian fellowship offers me bouquets of
smiling faces.  I see in people deep rivers of faith and
wisdom.  I feel the warmth of the sunshine in every hug.

It is with these Christian friends that I share the
mountaintops and the valleys of life.

If you need peace and comfort, please join us at Central
and let us share the love of Christ with you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, Febuary 4, 2014


I have always loved the hymn Blessed Assurance.  "This is
my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day
long." I was recently listening to it on the radio one morning
and it struck me­ what IS my story?

What is YOUR story? We all have one. Our life from birth is
our story. Our grade school years, our first jobs, our
triumphs, and yes, our missteps, and tragedies.  They
make up OUR story, our song.

Part of our calling as Christians is to share our story, to
reach out to others with encouragement and compassion
and assurance ­ and to praise God, for we are indeed
called to be blessing to others.  Many times some of our
darkest days lead us to a better understanding and
compassion for others. Today take some time and think
about YOUR story, and how your story can impart joy, hope
and comfort, and compassion to others?  Have a blest day!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, Febuary 3 , 2014


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett for Central United
Methodist Church, and I hope that your NFL team won the
Super Bowl last night.

Many of you had put in a lot of time and effort planning your
Super Bowl parties, and are now feeling discouraged
because your team lost. But isn’t that a lot like life! No
matter how long and hard we plan, we can still walk away
feeling unsatisfied.

Jesus gives a sermon on top of a mountain that may give
us a hint as to why this occurs. In just 12 verses, he tells
the crowd of people listening to him, where their priorities
must be. Jesus is calling us to reorient our lives to a way of
living that is preparing us for the Kingdom of God, and
away from the kingdom of this world. He tells us to be “poor
in spirit, meek, seek after righteousness, be merciful, pure
in heart, and be a peacemaker.” Things such as these
prepare a soul for a place where eternity dwells. All others
are just shallow and empty, and soon will be over, just like
last night’s Super Bowl.

I invite you to come and visit us at Central for
encouragement on your journey to the Kingdom that is not
of this world.