Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, Febuary 27, 2014


Good Morning: Sunflowers are so pretty and you see them everywhere...on
dishes, in paintings, on dishtowels and even in some peoples yards at the right time of year. Here are some lessons we can learn from the sunflower:

Sunflowers track the sun. They bloom in the direction of the sun.

Wouldn't it be great if we tracked the Son of God and followed him all day long?

Sunflowers need to be stabilized. Since they grow so tall, they have to have a firm foundation. Christians need to be grounded in the Word of God. Sunflowers produce seeds. Christians can sow seeds by reaching out to others and spreading the Gospel. Sunflowers resemble the sun. They not only follow the sun, but they look like the sun. People need to see the Son of God in us. So, today, start living like a sunflower spelled sun and become a
Sonflower...spelled SON. Follow the Son, God's son. Have a wonderful day!

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