Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Good Morning:  Did you know that back in Bible times when the master of the house left his seat at the table, he either left his linen napkin folded or thrown on the floor? Each indicated to the server, whether he was returning or not. Thrown on the floor said he was through and he was not coming back to the table. If his napkin was folded, that signaled that he was not finished and he would return.

Now, look to the tomb where Jesus was buried. When the disciples came to the tomb, Jesus was gone, but the linens that had wrapped his face and body were left neatly folded on the table where his body had previously lain. I have often wondered why they were left so neatly folded. Now I know the answer. He wasn't through with us. He's coming back. It's as simple as that! Have a wonderful day!

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