Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Good Morning!

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
James 1:19

The Huffington Post carried an article on the five skills of good listeners: "They give special attention to the one speaking, they listen without being judgmental or reacting too soon, they discern where the speaker is coming from, they interrupt sparingly, and they respond with understanding."
Apply those principles to listening to God's Word. Picking up our Bibles, we should give God our full attention, withhold our opinion until we understand what He is saying, listen without interrupting, and respond with understanding and obedience.

When James said, "Be quick to hear," he wasn't just talking about listening to each other. The verses that follow speak of being quick to listen to the Lord: "Let every man be swift to hear ... and receive with meekness the implanted word ... Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.  Let's be quick to listen, swift to believe, and eager to obey!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 3014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. I read a story not long ago about a man who slipped and fell off a cliff while hiking on a mountaintop. Luckily, he was able to grab a branch on his way down, and as he held on for dear life, he looked down and saw that he was several hundred feet from the ground.

When he looked up, he saw that he was twenty feet from the top where he had slipped, and he began to cry out for help. Help! Help! Is anybody up there? Help! A booming voice from heaven said, “I am here, and I will rescue you if you believe in me.” I believe! I believe! The young man yelled back. “If you believe me, let go of the branch, and then I will save you.” The young man looked down again. Seeing the rock valley below, he quickly looked back up and shouted, “Is there anybody else up there?”

How true it is that trust is a word easier said than lived out. Yet, God is always calling upon us to trust him in the most difficult of situations. I guess we have got to learn to just let go of the branch, don’t we?


Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014


I am Sabrina Williams, Director of Children and Family Ministry at Central and I would like to invite you to join Central this coming Sunday afternoon, September 28th, 5:00 p.m., at Planet Playground for an afternoon of fun and fellowship, hamburgers, hotdogs, squealing and laughter at our annual church-wide picnic. We enjoy this time together each year as the days shorten and we can begin to feel a “little” fall in the air.

If you or your families are currently looking for community with others, I invite you to come and join us – no pressure – just come eat and fellowship. Whether you live in the southern, eastern, western, northern end of the county, or if you are in Meridian with NAS or the Lignite Plant, I PROMISE you that you will see someone you know and have something in common with!

Our Central family comes from all ends of the county – and beyond! Come enjoy an afternoon with us! You won’t be sorry! And if you are looking for a place to worship, join us on Sundays at 8:30 for our Contemporary Service, 9:45 for our Connect Service, and 10:55 for Traditional Worship! We TRULY have something for everyone!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Let me ask you a serious question, “How is your prayer life?” Has it grown dull and boring? Have you allowed other things to creep in and take its place? Maybe you have never been the one to pray.

I believe that I can ask these types of questions, because I have been at each of these places before. Often, I must remind myself that there is power in prayer. If we allow it, prayer can be more than just a list of what we want. Making it just a list of our desires and needs, will only lead us to great and greater disappointment. Instead of it being a list of wants, it can be formational. Prayer can mold us into the people Jesus wants us to be. He said if we would listen to him then we would love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who abuse us. There is no better way to listen to Jesus than being in prayer. Today, we can resolve to live faithfully in the direction of our prayers, and our act of faith in God’s power by praying for our enemies.  Prayer allows our anger to subside and allows God’s grace to enter. Now is the time to make our prayers the agent of peace in our world.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


So Ananias departed and entered the house, and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 9:17

People do some strange things. We have little routines; little rituals that we go through that help us function. The great musician and composer, Beethoven was no exception. He wrote beautiful music. Do you know how Beethoven got ready each day to write music? He would pour cold water over his head. He believed that it stimulated his brain.

People do all kinds of things to help make themselves better. We read, we jog, we take vitamins. But there is one way to improve ourselves that is better than any other. That is to invite Jesus into our hearts.

The Scripture I read earlier is about a violent man named Saul who let Jesus come into his heart and became one of the most influential Christians that ever lived. We too can have that change in our lives if only we are willing to let God come into our hearts. He’s waiting to hear from us today if only we will call on Him. That's better than a glass of cold water over the head any day! Even in this sweltering Mississippi heat.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Good Morning:

Every day we have choices to make...choices that are major and choices that are minor...either of which can stress us to the max. Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I am God.” Being stressed is easy...being still is never easy, not in this busy, dizzy world, whether you are at home, work, church, school or out in the middle of a big green field!

But we will never have inner peace until we know our Heavenly Father. In Him is stillness, abiding in Him is rest, sitting at His feet is peace, drinking in His word is life. His presence makes all the difference. Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” What a wonderful promise from a wonderful Lord! Do you know Him? I hope you do. If not, seek Him and you will find Him. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014


Good morning this is Bob Peden of Central - a United Methodist Community here in Meridian.  Early in the gospel of Luke Jesus uses Peter’s boat to teach the crowds and then has Peter let down his nets, resulting in a miraculous catch of fish. When Peter sees what power Jesus has he says “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”  Often when we experience God’s power we react the same. Frightened by the reality of our sinfulness in the face of God’s power. But Jesus invited Peter and invites us to use our skills in a new way, for the good of the gospel. Central is a community of believers who lay our skills and talents before Jesus, asking him to show us how we might use them for good. You are invited to join as at Central. You too may experience the power of the risen Lord and hear his call to use your abilities for His kingdom.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014


Good Morning. Have you ever wondered what God is up to in the world? I know I have. When we suffer it can be especially hard to believe that God is there. Sometimes, things can get so bad that we can feel very alone. These are the times we wish God would move in a very big way; moving mountains so that everybody would take notice. In the bible, the prophet Elijah reached a point in his life where he felt so alone and he wanted God to show up in some mighty big ways. He journeyed for a long time wanting God to prove that he was present. On top of a mountain, Elijah learned that God was present, but not in the loud earth moving ways. He was there in the silence.

Likewise, distractions want to pull us away from being still with God. We must be intentional about getting alone with Him. Henri Nouwen once said, “The discipline of solitude allows us gradually to come in touch with this hopeful peace of God in our lives, and allows us also to taste even now the beginning of the joy and peace which belong to the new heaven and new earth.”

This week we can stop running and face our bombarding thoughts by scheduling an appointment with God. I’m Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014


“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” John 3:36

Computerized Christianity. Push the right buttons, enter the correct code, insert the corresponding data, and BING! Print out your own salvation.

We do our part and the Divine computer does His. No need to pray, after all we control the keyboard. No emotional attachment necessary, and worship? Well, worship is a lab exercise- insert the ritual procedures and see the results.

Religion by computer. That is what happens when we replace a living God with a cold system. When we replace love with a by-the-numbers budget. When you replace the ultimate sacrifice of Christ with the cost-effective-achievements of mankind.

And what about the personal touch, you might ask? What about a relationship with the rescuer? What about God’s family?  Leviticus 26:12 states, “I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.” That is something else entirely. That my friend is real faith!
Faith in God is so much more than applying logic and following rules. It isn’t an abstract concept that’s just for study. It is connection with Jesus on an intimate, personal level. It is emotion and spiritual as well as intellectual. It’s a live, breathing, growing thing. A thing called love.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Good Morning!

God makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 5:45
Jesus told us to treat people as kindly as we can, for that emulates our heavenly Father. He waters the fields of both the righteous farmer and the ungodly landowner.

Were they wise, people everywhere would look to the sky, see the beauty of the sunrise, feel the refreshing drops of replenishing rains, and praise God for the genius of His creation.

Were they wise, atheists and skeptics would notice the brilliance of the stellar heavens and their self-evident intelligent design, and they would praise the God of the stars.

The evidence of God's goodness is everywhere to be seen. Some people are blind to it, but they're the ones most needing our kindness. Let's praise God for His power, and let's share His compassion today even with those who don't believe in it.
Can the world see Jesus in you?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I was recently taking Weston, our 3 year old grandson to daycare one morning when I looked down at his face before getting him down from the table.  He had breakfast burritos stuck in his hair and sticky apple juice on his chin.  Thankful I caught it, I quickly cleaned the sweet face, grabbed my purse and work, and headed out the door.  As I am about to buckle him in, I look at the sweet face, with green sticky residue all over it?  It would be from his favorite “green skittle candy” I was unaware he had grabbed out of the candy jar. A wet wipe and he is good to go!

We get to daycare and as I unbuckle him I look- he has sneezed – you know THAT story!  HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO WIPE THAT SWEET FACE??? It then occurred to me, God does the SAME thing with me! We are reminded in Matthew Chapter 11, verse 28, “Come to me all who are weary, struggling, messy, and I will give you rest, comfort you, and clean you up!”

If this morning finds you saying to your children, spouse, siblings, co-workers – “HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS??? Remember, God does the same for us, over, and over, and over again! Thank you God that you wipe us off, clean us up, and send us off, only for us to come back and you do the same thing all over again! May WE have more patience in our own lives with those around us who seem to mess up over and over and over again!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. In a world filled with violence and tragedy, it can be hard to see the good that surrounds us. When we are affected by bad things, it is doubly hard to imagine a good God. But no matter how well or how bad things are in life, no one will be able to understand the goodness of God. The writer of Psalm 8 noted, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human being that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?”

God is so good that he loves each and every one of us; even when the actions of other people say otherwise. God still loves us in such a way that we cannot comprehend it. A nun known as Julian of Norwich once wrote, “No created being can ever know how much God loves them. It is only with the help of his grace that we can accept the heights of his goodness.” Let us all take some time this week to allow ourselves to be alone with the One who creates, loves, and preserves. Then we will be reminded that even when we cannot see justice and mercy in the world, we still can trust in the goodness of God.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Are you facing a crisis in your life where you feel like giving up? It may be that no matter what you do, things are not going your way. It seems that you are facing one problem after the next. Life has a way of doing that to the very best of us.

Circumstances in our life can irritate us to the point of giving up. During these moments of my life, I am reminded that Irritation Brings Formation. Take the oyster for example. An oyster will get sand inside of its shell, which will irritate it for a long time. It will cause inflammation, infection, and other problems. But soon, the infection becomes hard and a pearl form. The affects of the irritant caused the formation of a beautiful pearl.

God tells us that for a believer, Irritation Brings Formation. One of the Old Testament Prophets understood this all too well when he wrote, “Even though the tree doesn’t bloom, the olive fails, and no herd in the stall, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.” See, the Prophet would fly to God in the days of his distress. Let God be your strength, your light, and your shield. If you trust in Him, Irritation Will Bring Formation.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Good Morning: While walking through the forest one day, a farmer found a

young eagle that had fallen out of his nest. He took it home and put it in the

barnyard with his chickens. It wasn't long before the young eagle had

learned to eat and behave like the chickens.

Finally, the farmer realized the eagle did not know how to fly. He lifted him

toward the sky and let him go. He just hopped back down to his chicken

friends and began to eat with them. The farmer took him to the roof of the

house and again tried to get him to fly, but once again he jumped down to

his chicken friends. Finally the farmer took him to the top of a high

mountain. The eagle looked around, back towards the barnyard and then up

to the sky. Slowly, he stretched his wings and soared just as he was meant to


That's God's plan for us. Don't be like everyone else. Don't do the things

everyone else does. Discover God's plan for you and fly! Have a wonderful


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, Sptember 10, 2014


Recently in a staff meeting, our lead pastor, John Branning, prayed in his

prayer a simple sentence that has caused me to stop and reflect on several

occasions as I plan for this new school year. “Dear Lord, let us never be so

busy with the WORK of the church that we forget the LORD of it.”

I am often guilty as charged. What often starts out as an opportunity to serve

and help others to experience the love of God, becomes so bogged down in

the details and desire that things go off without error, that the original

outreach intent is lost. My human nature gets in the way of God. I often

remind CHILDREN that we are called to be the hands, feet, eyes, ears and

mouth of God, in the human form here on earth. It is a reminder for each of

us, whether in the workplace, home or church. If God is the focus of our

work here on earth, we don’t have to control the situations. Let God handle

that!  We just have to be willing servants! Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


“Who is like the Lord our God, Who is enthroned on high” Psalm 113:5

At FUMC Columbus, the college minister would take an annual summer

retreat to Panama City. While there, they would play on the beach, have

Bible studies & do some sort of group activity at night.

Most years, at least one of the evenings, they would go to the Gran Maze at

Coconut City with row after row of petitions, approximately shoulder high,

leading to one dead end after another. Successfully navigate the puzzle, and

you claim your freedom. Sometimes, not knowing if the left was more

promising than the path to the right indecision caused the maze runner to

freeze in uncertainty until a disembodied voice would call, “You’re going

the wrong way, back up and turn right.” Many times in life that voice has

sang like an angel in church, but never did it sound sweeter then when it

gave those directions that resulted in freedom from the maze.

Freedom was the direct result of trust. Choosing to listen to the voice

cleared the path and granted freedom. Her position on one of the

observation post above the Gran Maze gave her an advantage. She could see

what those in the maze could not. Shouldn’t we grant God the same trust

when he reaches out to clear the obstacles and traps from our path?
A person atop the 3 Foot building can see the city. A pilot’s view extends

hundreds of miles. But God? He sees all of creation in a glance and the next

step we need to take.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. Jeff Spiller tells a joke about a pilot, a rocket scientist, a Boy Scout, and a priest who are all flying when the plane stalls. The pilot says: “There are four of us and we only have three parachutes. I have a family so I must survive.” He grabs a parachute and jumps out the door.

The rocket scientist grabs a chute and says: “I’m the smartest man, and it would be a great tragedy if I didn’t survive.”

The priest looked at the boy and said, “Son, I have no family. I’m prepared to meet my maker. You have your entire life ahead of you. Take the last parachute.”

The Boy Scout smiled and said: Father, don’t worry, we will both survive because you see the smartest man just jumped out of the plane wearing my knapsack on his back.”

We can all acquire lots of knowledge and intelligence throughout life. However, if we can’t answer why am I here or what is my purpose, then we may be preparing to jump into eternity with nothing more than a knapsack on our back.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014


Today would have been my Mother and Daddy's 60th Anniversary. I

recently heard a statement that rings so very true. "Children don't THINK

much about their parents-they EXPERIENCE them." I think that often as

parents we tend to be so busy THINKING about our children, that we do

not EXPERIENCE them. I know that as a child I could be happy with mother

and daddy or angry for what I deemed a ridiculous rule, but for the most

part my reaction was emotional. But what I did EXPERIENCE was love and

giving of their time. I did not analyze it, it was just there.

I imagine, whether good or bad, you can say the same. Young minds are not

analytical - that comes with maturity, perhaps a loss of innocence. I

encourage you today to THINK less about those close to you and

EXPERIENCE them more. There may be something you are missing! And

today may I remind you to tell those closest to you that you care for and love

them, for the time will come that you will no longer be able to experience

that blessing!  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Good Morning: Did you know that children laugh between 300 and 400

times a day, while we adults laugh only a mere 15? Believe it or not, experts

say that laughing aids digestion, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress

hormones, increases muscle flexion, boosts the immune system, triggers the

release of endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers, heals broken

relationships and produces a general sense of well-being!

So, let's not take everything so seriously! Let's start laughing at ourselves a

little, and laughing at our enemy's attempts to keep us burdened and

oppressed! God has our victory—always!

The joy of the Lord is our strength. Share the joy! Be happy...and laugh.

Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Good morning! I am Suzanne Cain, director of the Sanctuary Choir at

Central United Methodist Church. If we were to meet, it would not be long

before you would hear me singing.  While singing is in my profession, it is

also in my blood.  I am that person who bursts into random song, because

something you said reminded me of the lyrics to a song I know!
But I am also that person who believes everyone can and should sing.  The

bible teaches this in the book of songs that has been titled, Psalms!
Psalms is full of verses that say “make a joyful noise unto the Lord!” or,

“make a loud noise and rejoice,” or sing and make noise unto the Lord!”
One of the best ways to do this is through a choir at church. Let me be the

one that says, “Come sing with us!” But even if you think you can’t sing, I

encourage you to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!”

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014


Good Morning. Have you ever done something on the spur of the moment? I have. In my younger days I was so spontaneous. I would just take off somewhere for the weekend. Often, I would end up spending money that I should not have spent, because I did not consider the cost.

This is how it can be on our spiritual journey with Jesus. We jump all in when we hear the message, but we soon give up when things get tough. Jesus tells His disciples that they must count the cost of following Him. In Luke Chapter 15, we find one of the toughest teachings from our Savior. Jesus says that His disciples must give up everything if they desire to follow Him.

Your Lord does not want you to make a hasty decision about following Him. He wants your decision to be heartfelt, deeply pondered, and considered. Christian discipleship is not for the faint of heart. At times, it will take determination and even a little elbow grease. As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul referenced discipleship as being like an athlete; a runner, a boxer, a wrestler, etc… Count the Cost and Go All In. You won’t regret it. This is Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church.