Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


“Who is like the Lord our God, Who is enthroned on high” Psalm 113:5

At FUMC Columbus, the college minister would take an annual summer

retreat to Panama City. While there, they would play on the beach, have

Bible studies & do some sort of group activity at night.

Most years, at least one of the evenings, they would go to the Gran Maze at

Coconut City with row after row of petitions, approximately shoulder high,

leading to one dead end after another. Successfully navigate the puzzle, and

you claim your freedom. Sometimes, not knowing if the left was more

promising than the path to the right indecision caused the maze runner to

freeze in uncertainty until a disembodied voice would call, “You’re going

the wrong way, back up and turn right.” Many times in life that voice has

sang like an angel in church, but never did it sound sweeter then when it

gave those directions that resulted in freedom from the maze.

Freedom was the direct result of trust. Choosing to listen to the voice

cleared the path and granted freedom. Her position on one of the

observation post above the Gran Maze gave her an advantage. She could see

what those in the maze could not. Shouldn’t we grant God the same trust

when he reaches out to clear the obstacles and traps from our path?
A person atop the 3 Foot building can see the city. A pilot’s view extends

hundreds of miles. But God? He sees all of creation in a glance and the next

step we need to take.

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