Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Good Morning!

Think before you speak! The Bible has quite a bit to say about how we use

our words. In Eph 4:29, we're told, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come

out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up ..."

We need to be aware of how powerful our words can be.  Once spoken, they

can never be taken back. The old saying "Sticks and stones may break my

bones, but words will never hurt me" is simply not true! Unkind words hurt

deeply, and may even destroy someone's self esteem for life! The Bible is

filled with stories of people who God sustained through His words of

encouragement. How we speak - reflects Christ's character within us. Be

generous with words of encouragement. When tempted to give an angered

response, stop and ask yourself, "What would Jesus say?" God will give us

the victory. Have a great day.

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