Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015


Good Morning! One

day as students came

into a seminary class,

they noticed a big

target on the wall,

and on a nearby table

were many darts. The

instructor told the

students to draw a

picture of someone

they disliked or

someone who had

made them angry.

They drew their

pictures and placed

them on the large

target and began to

throw their darts.

Some threw their

darts with such force

that their targets were

ripping apart.

Finally, the instructor

told them to stop. He

removed all the

targets, and finally,

the large one that he

had placed under

them. It was a picture

of Jesus…holes and

jagged marks

covered his face. The

instructor simply said

these words: “In as

much as you have

done it unto the least

of these my brothers,

you have done it also

to me.” The point, of

course, is that we

need to guard what

we say and what we

do. Have a wonderful


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