Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. In June of 2013, I watched on TV, along with thousands of others as Nik Wallenda walked across a gorge of the Grand Canyon. Just this last week, I watched as an older lady on a walker inched across the street as impatient motorist drummed their fingers on their steering wheel.

We Christians often talk about our walk with the Lord. One of the two walks I described reminded me of my walk with Christ. And it may not be the one you are thinking. For you see our Christian walk is not one high above the clouds, where everyone cheers us on. Rather our walk is more like that of the older lady. One small step at a time. Overcoming the small obstacles that look so easy for others. Often incurring their impatience at our slow speed. But like the lady I watched cross the street, we persevere until we reach the other side.

Come join with us at Central, we will walk along with you.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. If you were to think about it, you would be able to make a list of your favorite stories. It may be the one about the extraordinary relative who lived a long time ago and did some pretty amazing things. It may be the stories of adventure, risk, and danger. Or, it could be the ones of telling of innovation. These stories drive you. They may have even shaped you into the person who you are today. Or, they could be pushing you toward the person you want to be.

Stories have power and they impact every one of us in one way or another. Stories make us laugh and cry. They make us feel courageous and they make us fear. But there is one story, out of all of those that have ever been told, that can bring about an eternal change; that is the story of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul says that this story is so powerful that it saves everyone who believes it. So, what story do you believe in? Is it life-giving or is it life-draining? I invite you to come to Central and hear about the story that changed the world, and the one that will change you. God bless.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. Sometimes I am asked if you have to go to church to be a Christian, can’t you worship God just as well in nature - like on the golf course.

For me going to church each Sunday is not a “must do” event. It is a “want to” part of my life. Sure, I can, and often do, worship God when I see a tree, or a flower petal, a blade of grass, or a mighty mountain. But I worship Him best when I am around others who also are worshiping. I love being in a community of believers singing God’s praises.

For me, I cannot imagine being a Christian and not wanting to be a part of Christ’s body - the community of believers. At Central we are that kind of community. We love to hear one another’s stories, we love to sing and to pray and to learn together. By being connected to one another we become more connected to God than we ever could on our own. So I don’t know if you have to go to church to be a Christian, but I can’t imagine not wanting to be there every Sunday. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015


How are you doing this morning?
Do you find yourself in a difficult relationship, under job or financial stress?

Imagine what would happen if you could stop worrying?

The last thing God wants is for our days to be long and stressful. This day is

a gift from God. There is good news in knowing this.
God holds the universe in the palm of His hands. The God who created this

universe, who cares for even the smallest sparrow, cares deeply for each of


God longs to help you through your situation. We are reminded “Seek after

Me and know My kingdom first, then everything else will fall into place.”

Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment as you go through your day

today. Breath in God’s calming spirit, feel God’s arms wrapped around you.

There is no problem too fierce, too big to overcome. One breath at a time, one

step at a time...Feel God’s presence, experience God’s love and grace....and

the peace which passes all understanding will be yours.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. Let me ask you a question. How willing are you to get

into a relationship with another person for the sole purpose of connecting

them to God? This may seem like an odd question, but as a follower of Jesus,

we are directed to be people of relationships. Yet, it is so difficult to purpose

that our relationship with another person is so that they can see Christ in us

and that we can connect them to this same Jesus.

A lady told me the other day, as we were talking about growing the

community of Christ, that she didn’t know anyone that didn’t go to church.

The funny thing is I wasn’t talking about church attendance. I was talking

about relationships. It’s time that we approach sharing our faith with others

in a way that is more than seeing if we can get someone to go to our church.

Let’s try to introduce them to one that has come to give them life and hope. If

we connect them to ourselves in relationships, then we can connect them to

God. Come and connect with us at Central.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Good Morning! There was a young boy who had a terrible temper. His dad gave him a hammer and some nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he was to hammer a nail in the fence. The first day he hammered 37 nails in the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned, it was easier to control his temper than hammer nails.

The number decreased every day, until finally, he was no longer angry and no longer hammering nails into the fence. His father was very proud of him and told him that each day that he controlled his temper, he needed to start removing the nails.

Finally, when the nails were all gone, the father told the boy to look at the fence. Although the nails were gone, the holes in the fence were there forever. That's the way it is when you say or do something to someone in anger. No matter how many times you say “I'm sorry,” the wound is still there.

Jesus said we are to love one another. And when we show love to others, we are showing love to him. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God
    Philippians 4:6

Last fall, Amazon released a list of the most popular passages from its most popular books, and the most commonly highlighted portion of the Bible was Philippians 4:6-7. Readers of e-Bibles underlined that passage more often than any other in Scripture.
When we look around at our anxious world and our fretful lives, we can understand why people are drawn to the promises of Philippians 4. But notice the context of the passage. The Lord tells us here to rejoice in Him -  to be gentle in our dealings with others - to remember how near He is to us - to pray earnestly about our concerns - to count our blessings with thankfulness -  and to focus our minds on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy.

When we trust the Lord like this, we can rely on God with issues both big and small.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015


Good Morning! There was man who had a dream. He heard God speaking to Him. “Press hard against the rock,” God said. The man did not understand until he walked outside and saw a huge rock that had rolled down the hillside. He did as God told him and pushed and pushed against that rock, but he could not budge it.

Days and weeks went by, and he still could not move the rock. Finally, he went to God in prayer and said, “God, you told me to move the rock, but the task is impossible.” God spoke gently to him, “My son. Look at your strong arms and legs; look at the rippling muscles in your back; look at your increased strength. Look what has happened to you. You are a different man. I asked you to press against the rock and this you have done. I never asked you to move it.”

Everything God asks us to do is for our own good. Even if at the time, we do not see it. Think about that and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Good morning everyone. Stories have the power to inspire us to go beyond our limitations. For example, young men may become inspired when they hear the stories of war heroes or about their favorite football players. As a teenager, I loved hearing about the exploits of my favorite NFL tuff guys like Jack Lambert, Mark Bavaro, John Riggins, and Ronnie Lott.  In high school, I would try to emulate them on the field. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quite as athletic as they were.

There is another story that has inspired countless of people for over 2,000 years, the story of Jesus Christ. It made a huge impact on the Christians in Rome. In fact, the life of the Savior of the World inspired them to rise above the pagan practices and human degradation that was so ramped in their city. It inspired them to respect their neighbors, love their enemies, and to show mercy and compassion.

In the middle of this sprawling metropolis, the Roman Christians bound themselves together regardless of their racial, ethnical, and social differences. I invite you to Central to live inspired with new purpose and motivation. I am Dennis Gossett. God bless.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community. One of the best loved church songs is “Jesus loves me, this I know.” But recently I ran across a plaque that said “Jesus knows me, this I love.” Though it is just backwards, it states a truth just as profound. Jesus knows us. He knows our fears, our hurts, our joys, and our deepest feelings. He knows the good and he knows the bad. And He loves us anyway. He knows our hearts. We cannot hid anything from Him.
We can possibly hide things from each other. We can even manage to hide things from ourselves. But we cannot hide anything from Jesus. He knows us. And He loves us anyway. He knows you too. And loves you as well. At Central, we are a community of believers sustained by God’s love and committed to connecting our lives with one another and with God. Come join with us as together we discover these profound - simple truths. For yes, Jesus knows me, this I love.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Christian Theologian J I Packer, states “Fellowship in church is like blood in

the human body. If the blood doesn’t circulate properly, you will grow weak,

tired, ill, and may even die.
Fellowship is essential to the health of a church.”

Life is HARD. At Central we recognize the need for fellowship and the

integral part it plays in Christian health. We also recognize that we are not

cookie cutter Christians and what appeals to one does not appeal to all. We

have options: small groups, Sunday School classes, Bible and life application

studies, children and youth activities. We have BOTH traditional and

contemporary worship services.

If you are looking for a place to connect with others who are on their

spiritual journey, find acceptance and fellowship, no matter where you are in

life, give us a try. You can find more information about us on our website at

www.cumcmdn.org.  Hebrews 10:24-25 states “And let us consider how we

may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting

together, but encouraging one another.” Come join us in our walk!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United. The

last night that Jesus was with his disciples, he shared with them the way that

he wanted the world to know that they where his followers. He told them

that he wanted people to notice how much they loved each other in the same

way that he loved them. Jesus even demonstrated how this love was suppose

to look as he took a towel in his hand and a basin of water and washed each

of their feet.

I am afraid that at times that the message that’s on the street about those of

us that follow Jesus is not how we demonstrate love but what we are against.

It is time that we reclaim the gospel in a towel. This is how Jesus

demonstrated it to his disciples and we need this reminder. We will

influence more people to follow the way of Jesus when we are willing to get

down in the dirt, take their feet and wash them than we will by putting what

we are against on picket signs.

It is not easy to follow Jesus and he never said it would be. I invite you to

Central to let us put a towel in your hand and together we can share the

message of Jesus one foot at a time.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015


Mark, Chapter 6 tells us, Jesus returned to his hometown, and got an

unfriendly reception from many of his neighbors. They were deeply

offended and refused to believe Him. After all, he was just the son of a

carpenter, “Mary’s son,” but we have the privilege of knowing “the rest of

the story.”

This year our Vacation Bible School is making a shift with Hometown

Nazareth. We will recreate Nazareth on the 2nd floor of Central.  Children

will experience what Nazareth was like in Jesus’ time, dressing in the dress

of the day, experiencing foods of Jesus’ time, and going to the Marketplace.

Information about Bible culture is great, but we don’t stop there. We look at

“the REST of the story.” Every day students will also learn how Jesus walked

on this earth, and how it applies to their life today and how they can stand up

for THEIR faith through the lessons He taught while on this earth.
Our VBS is open to children Pre-K4 – 5th Grade and will be held June 15th –

19th. For more information, visit our website at www.cumcmdn.org, or phone

us at 601-693-1521.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian. Did you know that it is up to you to decide who Jesus is? That may sound strange but Jesus asked those around him who people said he was. They gave him lots of different answers. But when Jesus asked them who they said he was. Peter answered for them all, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.”

You, too, have to decide who Jesus is. If you believe he was a mythical figure, or a good person who started a religion, then not much is demanded of you. But if you decide, like the Apostle Peter, that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, then much more is demanded of you. You must, like Peter and the other apostles, spend your entire life telling others about this Messiah and what he has done and is doing for you.

At Central we are a community of believers, connected to one another and to God, and committed to telling others the story of God’s gracious gift of His Son and how that has changed our lives. You are invited to come hear the story.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. A lot of people who are not connected to church believe

that churches see new people as nothing more than “a means to an end.”

What I mean by that is that at times people feel that we want them for

something. We want them so that we can use their talents for our church

programs. We sure do need more money in the church so we need more

people to accomplish that.

The message of Jesus is not about what the church wants from you, but about

what God has come to give to you. You and I were created in the most

complex of ways and within every person there is spot that only God can fill.

Jesus wants to have that spot in your life and what he will bring to you when

you let him is peace and joy.

If you are honest this morning you really could use a good dose of peace and

joy, couldn’t you. You are not a “means to an end” you are beloved by Christ

who is reaching out to you this very day. I invite you to Central so you can

learn to live connected and to feel the peace and joy of Christ as we follow

him together.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Good Morning! Did you know that one of the symbols Christians used back

in Bible Times was the fish? They used the drawing of a fish to identify one

another without arousing suspicion. Sometimes they carved the fish symbol

into the bottom of their shoe so it would make an imprint in the sand.

Sometimes when they met someone they did not know was a Christian, they

drew half the fish symbol in the sand. If the other person was a Christian, he

knew to draw the other part.

Anyway, the Greek work for fish is ICTHUS. The first letter (I) is the first

letter of Jesus in Greek, the second letter(C) is the first letter of Christ in

Greek; the (th) stands for the first letter in God in Greek; the letter (S) is the

first letter of Savior in Greek. So the word ICTHUS and the fish symbol

stood as shorthand for: Jesus Christ, God's Son, our Savior. Isn't that neat?

So, now you know why you see a lot of fish symbols as stickers on cars or on

jewelry. It is a sign of a Christian. Can people tell you are a Christian even

without wearing a fish symbol? I hope so. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015


Good morning everyone. I am Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. As a child I remember having a very active imagination. I loved hearing my 3rd grade teacher read us The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. As Mrs. Dewey read, I was actually inside the wardrobe and could feel the cold snow on the other side. I could see the faun and the lion.

When I was about 16 years old, my mother bought an old wardrobe that my dad converted it into an entertainment center. When I saw it, memories from 3rd grade came flooding back; and occasionally, I would open its door quickly hoping to catch a glimpse of Narnia.

Even though this was a fictitious place, it was preparing me to have faith in a real place that I cannot see. The Apostle Paul encourages the Christians at Corinth to “fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

What are your eyes fixed upon today? Is it simply on material things or is it on something beyond your sight? I invite you to come and be a part of our community, as we help each other set our sights on eternity. God Bless.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. At Central, we love it when new people come into our

community of faith full of questions. Life has a way of producing questions,

does it not?

I bet that you have had questions in your life also. Maybe you can’t figure out

why there is evil in a world created by a loving God. Maybe someone that

you loved very deeply is sick or has died and you asked God to bring healing

to the situation and you feel let down.

I refuse to believe that being a follower of Jesus means that I approach life as

one that has to grin and bear it. In fact, I find in the Bible that most of the

spiritual giants that we can read about had questions and they would ask him

for answers. Jesus doesn’t desire to be the God of the distant to us, he is the

God of the near. If you have questions that is great, God is big enough for

your questions. If you want a community of faith to walk with you while you

work out these questions, then I invite you to come to Central. You don’t

have to walk alone or hide your questions from others. Come and connect

and see what God can do for us.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday, June 4, 2015


We don’t mean for it to be that way, but too often, our Bibles feel just like an

old history book. Pertinent stories, just stories of long ago. It is hard for us, as

adults to remember, even harder for children – Jesus was a boy, a teenager,

who had a family, friends, neighbors, a home, and a church. 

I am Sabrina Williams, Director of Children and Family Ministries at

Central, and I would like to invite you to this year’s Vacation Bible School,

Hometown Nazareth. We have made a change in our curriculum this year and

the week of June 15th our entire 2nd floor will be transformed into Nazareth,

the place where Jesus grew up.  Talk to Jesus’ mother, Mary, visit with

workers at the Marketplace, work on projects of Jesus’ time, and play games

Jesus may have played.

If you have a child, grandchild, neighbor or friend ages Preschool – 5th grade,

I encourage you to join us as we step back in time, oh about 2,000 years or so,

and learn about Jesus as a boy, as God’s Son sent to save each of us.

You may find more info by visiting our website at cumcmdn.org and clicking

on our Vacation Bible School link! We hope to see you the week of June 15th.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Good Morning! Did you know that God is crazy about you? If he had a

refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo

would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring. He sends you a sunrise

every morning...and a sunset every evening.

If God took vacations, He'd take His with you. He's with you every second of

every day. He wrote His songs just for you, and created birds to sing them.

Whenever you want to talk, He listens...and He hears every word.

He can live anywhere in the universe, yet He chooses your heart. After all he

made you and all creation, and after each and everything he created, he said,

“It is good.” That's what he said about you. The only thing that can separate

you from His love is you! Sometimes we forget that, don't we? Well, let's let

today be the day that we remember how very much God loves each and every

one of his creations and let's live the life He wanted for us. Have a wonderful


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of

Central United Methodist Church. At Central we are for

people having servant’s hearts that are willing to meet

people where they are so that we can connect them to

God. As we cultivate relationships with other people we

have to remember that not everyone has had the same life

experience that you and I have had; and because of this,

we have to listen to the life of the other person and see

how we can share our faith in Jesus.

There are people that are what I like to say are “shopping

before they buy” when it comes to following Jesus.

Therefore, we have to meet people where they are in life

with all of the brokenness, scars and baggage that they

can possible bring with them. The greatest moments of

Jesus’ ministry was not in places of worship with other

religious people, it was when he was with the broken, the

sick, the lost and he was able to connect with them and

offer them a better way.

I hope that we don’t forget that this morning and we enter

into the world full of broken people. Have a servant’s heart

and meet people where they are. I invite you to Central

where we are for people having servant’s hearts and are

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. At Central we are for people having servant’s hearts that

are willing to meet people where they are so that we can connect them to

God. As we cultivate relationships with other people we have to remember

that not everyone has had the same life experience that you and I have had;

and because of this, we have to listen to the life of the other person and see

how we can share our faith in Jesus.

There are people that are what I like to say are “shopping before they buy”

when it comes to following Jesus. Therefore, we have to meet people where

they are in life with all of the brokenness, scars and baggage that they can

possible bring with them. The greatest moments of Jesus’ ministry was not

in places of worship with other religious people, it was when he was with

the broken, the sick, the lost and he was able to connect with them and offer

them a better way.

I hope that we don’t forget that this morning and we enter into the world full

of broken people. Have a servant’s heart and meet people where they are. I

invite you to Central where we are for people having servant’s hearts and are

willing to meet people where they are so that we connect them to God.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015


Good morning, this is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community here in Meridian, MS. I recently spent a few days traveling along the Blue Ridge Parkway, a 469 mile roadway that mostly follows the Blue Ridge chain of the Appalachian Mountains. Traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway one skips from one peak to another with only minor dips into gaps in between. But eventually I had to return home, coming down from the mountaintops.
Sometimes we talk about the Christian life as though it were like the Blue Ridge Parkway skipping from one mountaintop experience to another. But at Central we are a community of believers who know that life brings with it highs and lows. And we are committed to walking with one another through the good times, the bad times, and even just the ordinary times. For we know that connected to one another we can survive life’s experiences, and that by being connected to other honest Christians, we can become more closely connected to God, the one who truly knows, and walks with us through, the mountaintops and the valleys of life.