Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Good Morning! Did you know that one of the symbols Christians used back

in Bible Times was the fish? They used the drawing of a fish to identify one

another without arousing suspicion. Sometimes they carved the fish symbol

into the bottom of their shoe so it would make an imprint in the sand.

Sometimes when they met someone they did not know was a Christian, they

drew half the fish symbol in the sand. If the other person was a Christian, he

knew to draw the other part.

Anyway, the Greek work for fish is ICTHUS. The first letter (I) is the first

letter of Jesus in Greek, the second letter(C) is the first letter of Christ in

Greek; the (th) stands for the first letter in God in Greek; the letter (S) is the

first letter of Savior in Greek. So the word ICTHUS and the fish symbol

stood as shorthand for: Jesus Christ, God's Son, our Savior. Isn't that neat?

So, now you know why you see a lot of fish symbols as stickers on cars or on

jewelry. It is a sign of a Christian. Can people tell you are a Christian even

without wearing a fish symbol? I hope so. Have a wonderful day!

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