Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

Good Morning: When everything seems to go wrong...just P.U.SH. When the job gets you down....just P.U.SH. When people don't react the way you think they should....just P.U.S.H. When you're worried about those bills...just P.U.S.H. When people just don't understand you...just P.U.S.H. And what do I mean by P.U.S.H.? Pray Until Something Happens!

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. That means we should pray about everything in our life. God will hear you and will answer you. So, when you need direction, when you need comfort, when you need advice, just P.U.S.H. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. According to tradition, this Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is an old Latin word meaning coming or arrival of, as in the coming of Jesus Christ. However, for the majority of us, we have forgotten what this season is all about. Instead, our minds are preoccupied with all the stuff we have to purchase and the anticipation of all the stuff we are going to get.

Long before there were Christmas Trees, shopping malls, credit cards, and Santa Clause, Christians actually went to church to celebrate the arrival of Christ into the world. They would hold all night vigils on the eve of this great day by lighting candles and singing hymns.

Doing something as primitive as this is very foreign to our Western minds. But did you know that Jesus said he came into the world not to give us more stuff, but rather to give us an abundant life. Life is more than stuff, sales and fighting over the last item on the self. I encourage you to give someone a real gift this season - LIFE. God bless.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Happy Thanksgiving! Is your household already bustling, the smell of turkey already in the oven, or are you sitting quietly by yourself? While I am VERY thankful, my family dynamic has drastically changed in the past few years.  After the death of both my mother and daddy, holiday family gatherings are different now. There are memories of past dinners with them, our extended family around. I miss that, but now I have 7 beautiful grandchildren - while remembering the past, I have a glimpse of the future.
While today is a NATIONAL holiday, as Christians we are keenly aware of the many things God has given to us. God has given us family, friends, memories, futures - no matter what your political preference, your denominational affiliation - we are a blessed people. We are each a part of God’s perfect plan. We are a part of God’s future - as surely as Noah and Abraham.  And we have been blessed to be a blessing to others.  Let us ALL give thanks!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. Well, it’s the day before Thanksgiving! You might have a few things on your mind such as tomorrow’s menu, traveling, or perhaps those Black Friday sales! Whatever the case may be, don’t forget to GIVE THANKS!

While this may be an exciting and busy time of year for some, this is the most difficult time of year for others; because it may be the first time a loved one will not be at the Thanksgiving dinner. Perhaps it may be more than the first time without a loved one. Perhaps this is a difficult time for you. Know that you are not alone in your grief, and know that I, along with the staff and congregation at Central, join you in grief. In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he encourages them to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to mourn with those who mourn. As this day is difficult for some, let us give thanks and honor those people who are no longer here with us.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree, and I am the Pastor for Mission and Evangelism at Central United Methodist Church.

It is that time of year. Christmas music playing in the stores, deals advertising on tv, the hustle and bustle of Christmas seems to be approaching us sooner and sooner each year.

We are only a few days from Thanksgiving! When I think of the time changing, and season changing, the one word I can think of is stress. This time of the year can be so stressful when in the grand sweep of things.  This time of the year is supposed to be about being thankful and filled with joy.

Can I encourage you today with three ways to be less stressed during the most wonderful time of the year? If this is you right now, stop what you are doing. Take a deep breath. And receive. The first thing, you don’t have to do it all. Second, you don’t have to do it perfectly, and third, you don’t have to make all the best choices, provide the best experiences, or present the best opportunities. Things will get done.
Don’t allow stress to steal the joy of the season! Realistically no family can do it all. Let us invite Jesus to help us have joy during the most wonderful time of the year! Have a great day!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015


Good morning. You
are listening to the
news this morning,
aren’t you? So often when we hear the news, the world seems such a
hopeless place. War
and rumors of war
abound. Violence
frightens us, not only on the other side of the world but right here in our own

Even our personal lives are full of strife and    dissension.  Where can we turn for even one word of hope? I know that the word of hope for me and for the world is Jesus, The Word of God.
Jesus is the hope of
the nations. He is the bright and morning
star which promises a
brighter day for all.
This morning I join
with the apostle Paul
in praying, “May the
God of hope fill you
with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him,
so that you may
overflow with hope by
the power of the Holy

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015


I LOVE this season of the year.  Yes, it brings tremendous stress, but there is just something in the air, so I’m always a little sad when it has come and gone. I long for the joy and excitement of the holiday spirit throughout the year.

Exactly, what IS this spirit?  It is NOT simply found in the season. The
Bible tells us in Galatians 5:22. It is the Fruit of the Spirit
gentleness and

We need to remember, this spirit is not just about the holiday season but a spirit we are offered throughout the year.

The holiday season, however is a time to be aware of the blessings of the spirit bestowed upon us and give the same spirit to others. In fact, perhaps those undeserving of the spirit - you know, those who have made poor life choices, who are hard to love, who have wronged us - those who are JUST like us - undeserving. What better time of year to mend hurts, reach out to those undeserving, have an awareness of needs around us. It is, after all, what God does for us, not JUST during the holiday season, but in ALL the seasons of our life!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett with Central United Methodist Church. May I ask you a question? What makes you happy? I mean truly happy? Is it your family, your career, or maybe it’s the new car or home you just purchased? For some of us, it can be working hard and then getting a chance to go on vacation.

To be honest, all of those things are really nice and they are not bad in and of themselves. But, has any of those things really made you stop hungering for more; like more time, more money, more vacations? The answer is probably, “NO!”

If you are like me all of those things just can’t satisfy that longing from deep down inside. The cure that I have found is following after God. It seems that our Creator has made us to be naturally drawn to Him and we feel incomplete when we aren’t. I believe that is why the Apostle Paul once told a young pastor to “take hold of the life that is truly life.” Apparently, the wise apostle had come to realize there was more to life than what we normally find pleasure in. That’s hard to believe isn’t it? But the Apostle said that the true fulfillment that comes from God is doing good and being generous. So, perhaps today you will find true fulfillment that is right outside your door. God Bless.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


We have been in the season of national focus on different forms of cancer. We forget, however, that for many, cancer awareness is a DAILY focus.

A cancer survivor was asked by a reporter about the do’s and don’t’s of what to say to a friend or colleague struck by this disease. Without hesitation, the young woman responded, “don’t give advice, or tell about your great aunt’s situation, just

Have you ever been in a situation where you just needed someone to put their arms around you and tell you that they love you and that God loves you but, instead, they told you horror stories, made comparisons, told you what you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do?

The funny thing is that we recognize it when it is happening to us, but sometimes we turn around and give the people we love the most what they need the least; advice. There is a time for advice, but there is also a time to refrain from talking out loud; a time to let others know that you can’t fix it but you hurt with them. Take the opportunity to remind them, however, that though you have no answers or solutions, God is there for them in their darkest hour and can meet their deepest needs.

Go today, knowing that God loves you, and have a blessed day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian. I’ll admit that I listen to Christmas music year-round, simply because I enjoy it. In the last few years, I’ve noticed that our culture seems to begin to promote all things Christmas as early as the month of August. I’ve also noticed that as soon as Halloween is over, it just about seems that we’ve officially entered the Christmas season. While I love Christmas music and the season, let's not forget Thanksgiving.

Giving thanks is a way to show your appreciation for something or someone. I’ve found that it’s a mindset that requires daily efforts. What or who do you appreciate? Did you know that constantly giving thanks can help lower stress? I appreciate that! So as we approach Thanksgiving, I encourage you to be mindful of what you are thankful for and I encourage you to express it.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015


Good morning. In the 14th Chapter of Mark we are told of a woman who comes to Jesus and anoints Him with expensive perfume. The disciples are
displeased that the woman wastes this valuable resource on such a display,
suggesting it could have been sold and the money given to the poor.            But Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. Why berate her for doing such a
good thing to me?"

Like Jesus does so often in his earthly ministry, he protects a vulnerable person from criticism and attack and also finds a way to affirm and
bless that person. He emphasizes the good this woman has done.

May we be willing to do the same to others who are generous, kind, and loving to the Lord Jesus!

Gracious Father, open my eyes and help me see those who are doing good
things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015


Good morning! I’m Jonathan Crabtree, Pastor for Student Ministry at Central

United Methodist Church. The author of Hebrews encourages the reader to

“run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus,

the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” The people that would have read this

sermon would have very much understood the metaphor, here. Athletics was

just as much important to them as scholastics. For those who do not consider

themselves an athlete, or even a runner, perhaps consider the metaphor in a

new light.

We’re approaching the end of 2015; the end is in sight. What’s this year been

like for you? Are you ready to give up? Well, don’t! We’re almost to the end!

Let’s anticipate next year by setting goals, trying something new, and

beginning a new “race.” Let us keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, the One who

goes before us to receive us when we finish the race, and the One who

upholds us in faith as we run it. Don’t give up! We’re running this race

together and with Jesus in sight and with us, now.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Good Morning!  You all know the story of Moses leading his people from Egypt to the Promised Land? There were so many people that it is estimated Moses would have needed 1500 tons of food each day. And they were in the desert, so they would have needed 11,000,000 gallons of water each day. They would have needed a tremendous amount of land just to camp out each night.

The problems go on and on, and we are talking 40 years of this! But do you think Moses figured all that out before he left Egypt? I don't think so! You see, Moses believed in God. God took care of these things for him. So, if God could take care of all their needs, don't you know that He can take care of ours?

Our God is a Big God. Sometimes we forget that, don't we? Got problems? Don't try to handle them yourself. Just turn them over to God, then sit back and see what God can do. Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Good Morning! I am Kristina Crabtree, Pastor of Missions and Evangelism at

Central United Methodist Church. As we begin our day, let us meditate on

the word “come.” What meaning is brought to mind when I say the word

“come?” Maybe you thought about moving towards, inviting, or just maybe

an action.

When I think about this word from the Christian perspective, I think of Jesus

inviting those who do not know him to come and know him. Revelation 22:17

gives us a more in-depth meaning to the word “come.” It says, “The spirit

and the bride say, ‘come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one

who desires take the water of life without price.”

This gives us a community meaning when it comes to the action of “coming”

to Jesus. This invitation from Jesus is to everyone, Christian or non-

Christian, Christian for a short time or Christian for a long time. The action

of coming to Jesus never stops for us. Jesus is always calling us to come to

him. I invite you to go and intently spend time with the one who is inviting

you to come. Be encouraged today!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015


Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett for Central United Methodist Church. Have you ever wondered what God is up to in the world? I know I have. When we suffer it can be especially hard to believe that God is there. Sometimes, things can get so bad that we can feel so alone. These are the times we wish God would move in a very big way; moving mountains so that everybody would take notice.

In the bible, the prophet Elijah reached a point in his life where he felt so alone and he wanted God to show up in some mighty big ways. He journeyed for a long time wanting God to prove that he was present. On top of a mountain, Elijah learned that God was present, but not in the loud earth moving ways. He was there in the silence.

Likewise, distractions want to pull us away from being still with God. We must be intentional about getting alone with Him. Henri Nouwen once said, “The discipline of solitude allows us gradually to come in touch with this hopeful peace of God in our lives, and allows us also to taste even now the beginning of the joy and peace which belong to the new heaven and new earth.”

I invite you to slow down this week and schedule a much needed appointment with God. Then come worship with us at Central.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015


Good Morning! My name is Kristina Crabtree Pastor of Missions and

Evangelism at Central United Methodist Church. Today is World Community

Day. On this day, we recognize the need for justice and peace in our world.

We know that we serve a God who does not create evil but brings light into

the evil in our world. We see it all over the news and quite possible with our

very eyes every day.

But, be encouraged today that this world we live in is covered in the

protection and love of God. In Ps. 46, the psalmist declares, “God is our

refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear

though the earth gives way…” and it continues with “God is in the midst of


This great declaration is our hope in this world today. We have a God who is

not only almighty and powerful, but He is a God who is ever present among

us through the good and the bad, bringing justice and peace.

I encourage you to recognize the peace God has and is giving to us in our

world today. Let us be encourage by the hope of God in this world and not

the bad.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015


“Peace! Be Still!’
Have you ever needed those words to calm a storm in your life? Matthew and

Mark both recount in their gospels of a time in the boat with Jesus when a

storm came upon them.  The disciples woke Jesus, afraid they were going to

drown. Jesus’ response to them was “Ye of little faith.”

I sometimes wonder if that is the whisper that comes across our hearts when

the storms of life come our way.  “Oh, ye of little faith!”

The difficulties that arise send us searching for answers, forgetting that the

Master of the Storm has but to utter “peace be still,” and calm will come our

way.  It may not mean that the storm is removed, for that is the test of life,

but the Peace of God that transcends all understanding can come our way if

we will rest in the amazement of our Savior.  “For even the winds and waves

obey Him.”

For Central, A United Methodist Community, may the peace of Christ calm

your storms this day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak,

and slow to wrath.  James 1:19

The Huffington Post carried an article on the five skills of good listeners:

"They give special attention to the one speaking, they listen without being

judgmental or reacting too soon, they discern where the speaker is coming

from, they interrupt sparingly, and they respond with understanding."

Apply those principles to listening to God's Word. Picking up our Bibles, we

should give God our full attention, withhold our opinion until we

understand what He is saying, listen without interrupting, and respond with

understanding and obedience.

When James said, "Be quick to hear," he wasn't just talking about listening to

each other. The verses that follow speak of being quick to listen to the Lord:

"Let every man be swift to hear ... and receive with meekness the implanted

word ... Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.  Let's be quick to listen,

swift to believe, and eager to obey!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett, for Central United Methodist Church. There are a lot of people in the world who believe that money and material wealth will provide them with happiness. So often, we strive and strategize in order to get into a certain position in life. Then we soon realize that it was not what we thought it would be. The nice clothes, cars, homes and careers cannot truly satisfy that which is deep down. No amount of money in the world can bring peace to a soul. True happiness does not come from what we have.

However, there is a way to gain it. God has a plan that each one of us can follow in order to obtain peace, joy and security. Catherine of Genoa said this about God’s strategy, “The selfishness that is within us, however, is contrary to God that God cannot induce us to do his will except by clever strategy: promising us greater things than the world can give.”

Jesus once compared the life of two people; a poor man and rich man. The poor man who believed inherited a kingdom, which the unbelieving rich man inherited a place of torment.

Friends, true peace can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ, which money cannot buy. I invite you to Central to be a part of our community as we strive for those things that only can come through faith.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015


It is November and we have now officially entered the holiday season! For

many, we find ourselves in our favorite time of year. For others, the events of

this year finds a holiday season that seems cold and dark.

If you find yourself in darkness thinking of the weeks to come, what can you

do? In the dark you can -
1.Turn on the light of of Faith, believing in what you can’t see, which is that

God holds you safely and lovingly in His care no matter where you are. You

cannot travel outside of His presence.

2.Turn on the light of His Word -The scriptures hold words of comfort in

times of hurt, despair and anguish. Read the Psalms, they are a great source

of peace and comfort.

3.Turn on the light of friendship. Let others know your heartache, fear,

loneliness.  Allow them to stand with you. They can offer comfort, strength

and solace. We were not meant to go this life alone.

May the God of peace and love abide with you today, tomorrow, and

throughout this holiday season!