Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Good Morning. I am Dennis Gossett, for Central United Methodist Church. There are a lot of people in the world who believe that money and material wealth will provide them with happiness. So often, we strive and strategize in order to get into a certain position in life. Then we soon realize that it was not what we thought it would be. The nice clothes, cars, homes and careers cannot truly satisfy that which is deep down. No amount of money in the world can bring peace to a soul. True happiness does not come from what we have.

However, there is a way to gain it. God has a plan that each one of us can follow in order to obtain peace, joy and security. Catherine of Genoa said this about God’s strategy, “The selfishness that is within us, however, is contrary to God that God cannot induce us to do his will except by clever strategy: promising us greater things than the world can give.”

Jesus once compared the life of two people; a poor man and rich man. The poor man who believed inherited a kingdom, which the unbelieving rich man inherited a place of torment.

Friends, true peace can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ, which money cannot buy. I invite you to Central to be a part of our community as we strive for those things that only can come through faith.

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