Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday, April 29, 2016


Good Morning! I’m John Branning, Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church. How many of you have heard the term, “implied tasks”? In the military implied tasks are those tasks that a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, or Airman must accomplish so that they mission can be successful. Implied tasks are neither in manuals or written orders; instead, the individual is just supposed to know what is to be done.
If the kingdom is going to grow and more people follow the way of Jesus, then there are things we must do without being constantly told or constantly reminded to do. We are supposed to live the life of a follower that is positive, encouraging, and inviting to all people. We are always supposed to be looking at the world through spiritual lenses, able to see the good in others and the opportunities that are around us to introduce people to Jesus. You are to be confident, approachable and full of grace that is shown in times of adversity and in times of calm. No one should have to remind us of this, because we are followers of Jesus, and we know what must be done.

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