Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Proverbs 4:23 tells us “Be careful what you think because your thoughts will run your life.”. This passage was written by King Solomon for the benefit of his own sons. He didn’t focus on advising about royal matters like how to handle money, job responsibilities, or best tips for leading the kingdom. Instead, he spoke of things such as the value of controlling their thoughts, which determine how they felt and how they lived.

When disappointment crushes our dreams, when people hurt or anger us, or when problems seem overwhelming, it’s easy to get caught in negative thoughts and feelings. When we continually think negative thoughts, we feel negative feelings, leading to believing life is negative overall. When we intentionally change our thoughts, our perspective, and life changes as well.

Peace and joy is a choice, not a circumstance! Go today living Philippians 4:7, experiencing the peace (and joy) that transcends all understanding guarding your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

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