Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

BENJI The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus and told them that he had heard about their faith in Jesus and their love toward others, and every time he thinks of them, he can’t help giving thanks to God for them and lifting them up in prayer. What a commendation and what a thing to be known for! What sort of things are we known for? Where does our reputation stem from? Is it our outward appearance and what possessions we have assembled for ourselves? Is it how busy we are, or what professional abilities we have? How incredible would it be to be known for more lasting and far-reaching ideas, like our generosity and selflessness. Our zeal to help others and to see kindness overtake hatred. It’s a lofty goal, but one that is worth striving for! If our names and reputations are to be known, may we be known for integrity, patience, and love, so that we may be the sort of people that others thank God for. May God’s peace be with you today.

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