Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central. We recently completed a stewardship conversation in our church where our pastor John Branning has been reminding us of our great blessings and how we are called as the church to give out of our abundance. From this conversation, I began to think about how little others have compared to me. I have a nice car to drive, a nice house to live in, a job, and great friends. There are others in our own community that don’t have half of what I possess. Some are homeless. Some have no mode of transportation. Some are not even sure where their next meal will come from. Sometimes we let our abundance take away from our relationship with God. We cannot let our possessions become more important than our relationship with Him. God is the one who allowed us to have those things. Why do we let our stuff cause such a divide? I am convinced that it’s because we are selfish. We want thing we can’t have. We buy things we don’t need. During this season of giving, I encourage you to be a blessing to someone else. Your generosity will mean so much to someone and you will impact yourself in a great way.

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