Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018

DENNIS Good Morning. I’m Dennis Gossett, with Central United Methodist Church. Do you feel rushed? I know in my own life, things pile up and time gets away from me quickly. Family, work, and other commitments are all demanding of our time. The unfortunate consequence to all of this is being emptied and never re-fueled. However, there is someone who really cares about our life situations. That person is Jesus Christ. He is always pleading with us to slow down. He invites us to intentionally take our time and focus on his words, and just listen. Often in life, it is very easy to lose our focus of the most important things in life. If we are not careful, we can end up chasing those things that are worthless. Our Lord says to us, “labor for the bread from heaven and not the bread that perishes.” Seeking God allows you and I to fill our hearts with desires borne in eternity. Do you desire to seek after the Christ-filled life? You are invited to Central UMC to journey with us, as we seek to go deeper into the nonperishable bread from heaven. God bless and have a great day.

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