Friday, May 31, 2019
Friday, May 31, 2019
You have probably heard the clichés about endings - “All good things must come to an end.” “When it's over, it's over” and they have the connotation that endings can’t be good things.
Today is an ending, for you and for me. It is the last day in May. But if I have learned anything from my love of reading is that when one chapter ends, another begins! Tomorrow is a new day, new month, my wife and my anniversary, and it’s the start of summer…it is so many things.
Tonight, the sun will set on this day and rise to another bright, beautiful one, crafted by God for us to use for His glory. So, when life has you against the wall, saying “You’re done, son” look for that God-given open door to your new tomorrow. Breath the free air and lean fully on the Will of the Almighty. So, may you never have another “Last Day”, only The Day Before a New Beginning.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Good Morning. The disciples following Jesus watched him often go to his Father in prayer. I don't think they knew how to pray, because they asked Jesus to teach them how. That prayer that Jesus taught them is called The Lord's Prayer and most of us know that by heart.
It's a very simple prayer, and we understand most of it. However, there is one part that really gets to me. That's the part that says, “forgive us our debts, as we forgive others.” That one word AS is a bummer! Because we are asking God to forgive us in the same way that we forgive others. That tells me that if I can't forgive someone who has hurt me or done me wrong in some way, then God won't forgive me.
That's a scary thought, right? So, in that simple prayer Jesus is teaching us the importance of forgiveness. No matter how big or how small the hurt, we are to be the forgivers...especially if we want God to forgive us. Think about that and have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
My wife and I will celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary next month and it would seem that I know her pretty well. But every once in a while, she says or does something that surprises me – and I think to myself, "Wow, I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought!" The more time I spend with her, the more I get to know her – her heart, her character – the more we become intimate.
The same is true with any relationship but especially our most important relationship, that is, our relationship with Jesus.
There's really no going around it. True intimacy doesn't come in an instant. It takes time. If we want to be close to the Lord, we must spend time with Him – getting to know Him – His heart – His character.
What you will find out as you become more intimate in following Jesus is how irresistible he is. The Jesus of the Gospels is one of radical love, forgiveness, and relationship. I invite you to connect with our community at Central this week.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Tuesday, May 28,2019
Here these words from Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John Chapter 13: “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
People can know a lot about us by how we treat other people. If what we say we believe and what we actually live out don’t match, then those around us will have before them not only a skewed view of who we are, but also the God that say that we serve.
We have all rested up this weekend, so not let's get bold about loving others. Let’s take this week to build a habit of outdoing ourselves and others in how we will share the Love of God with those around us. We do this not for our own glory, fame, and popularity, trust me our egos are big enough. No, let's be living examples of the power that love has when manifested into this world in the Name of God.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Good morning! I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church in downtown Meridian.
If you have kids or have been around them for any length of time, you know that sometimes they need a change in attitude. Often times, I have to remind my own son that our attitude affects many aspects of our life, even when we don’t realize it. This truth reminds me of a song I used to sing in church as a child. The words to this song said, Are you humbly grateful or grumbly hateful? What’s your attitude? Do you grumble and groan, or let it be known you’re grateful for all God’s done for you?
In truth, I believe that we would all do well to be reminded from time to time that our attitude can change everything. Are we going through life looking for all the things that have gone wrong so that we can complain or are we looking at life through the lens of God’s grace? When we realize all the many blessings that God has given us, how can our attitude be anything other than grateful.
Psalm 9:1 says, I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. My prayer is that this would be the attitude that I have everyday and my hope that it is the desire of your heart as well.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Well, you have made it to the weekend, and for many this weekend is a long one! You have persevered and diligently walked on through this week. Now you have before you the chance to rest, and it's up to you to do so!
Scripture talks several times about taking time to rest, to get away from all the busyness of life and have a Sabbath. And the place where we will find true peace and rest is at the feet of Jesus our Lord. Let these words of Jesus resonate with you: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
This Sunday, take a well-earned rest, in body and soul, wake and go to church and rest in the arms of the One who made you.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Senior Adult Minister and Sanctuary Choir Director at Central.
God saves people; people cannot save themselves.
This is the beautiful Gospel truth. But what else does God do with us? What is the Christian’s purpose in life?
Often when we try to answer these questions, we look inside of ourselves and envision working the perfect career or achieving our childhood dream of climbing Mount Everest. But something is desperately wrong with this method of finding purpose as a Christian.
If we properly understand the Gospel, then we know that it all starts and ends with Jesus. As believers, we should understand that the entire universe is about Jesus.
However, many of us then leave it at that.
We say, “Thank you Jesus for saving me!” and sing him some songs and maybe even attend small group on Tuesday nights. All the while, we’re looking somewhere other than Jesus for our purpose and fulfillment in life. It’s like our lives are transformed into a children’s picture with a horse riding on a man, asking, “What in this picture doesn’t belong?”
Our life with Jesus starts “by grace…through faith,” but it shouldn’t end there. How do we know that? Paul tells us, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Because Jesus saved us, “not a result of works, so that no one may boast,” does not mean that we will, therefore, not walk in any works. It’s just the opposite; we are saved to do good works.
So then how does a Christian find calling and purpose in salvation? Go back to the place where it all started, and where it all will end: Jesus.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Good Morning. Did you know that back in Bible times when the master of the house left his seat at the table, he either left his linen napkin folded or thrown on the floor? Each indicated to the server, whether he was returning or not. Thrown on the floor said he was through and he was not coming back to the table. If his napkin was folded, that signaled that he was not finished, and he would return.
Now, look to the tomb where Jesus was buried. When the disciples came to the tomb, Jesus was gone, but the linens that had wrapped his face and body were left neatly folded on the table where his body had previously lain.
I have often wondered why they were left so neatly folded. Now, I know the answer. He wasn't through with us. He's coming back. It's as simple as that! Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
In today's society, fast food is making billions. Some of these slogans are "have it your way" and "have it hot and have it now."
How easy it is for us to fall into this "fast food mentality" when it comes to our faith. It has almost become who we are. But in God's kingdom, there's no fast food. We can't always have it our way and now. When we are caught up in this fast food mentality, we lose the true meaning of patience. We need to be patiently waiting on the Lord to answer us in a new way! We cannot shortcut the things of God.
If we want a deeper faith, we need to avoid this fast food mentality. We cannot have a deeper walk with the Lord without spending time connecting to him through his word, through prayer, without walking in repentance and humility, and practicing a life of holiness.
Let's not settle for a hamburger, fries, and coke — when the Lord has so much more for us.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Monday, May 20,2019
Mondays can be hard days any week of the year, but doesn’t seem that the Mondays before long weekends are just harder? It takes longer to get moving and to get the day started?
Let’s get in the right frame of mind so we can be people of positivity and productivity! Let’s rely on the One who will never leave us nor forsake us; let us lean not on our own strengths or understandings but on the Lord’s. Let’s take to heart the familiar words of Isaiah 40: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God; the Creator of the whole earth. He never becomes faint or weary; there is no limit to his understanding. He gives strength to the faint and strengthens the powerless.
Youths may become faint and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint.” Now, walk on, and know that God goes with you.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Friday, May 17, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. At some point or another in life, we will experience hardships. Often the struggles of life can have us feeling as if we are at the end of our rope or have hit rock bottom. However, even when we don’t see it, these struggles are forming us into stronger Christians.
In Hebrews 12, we read that our heavenly Father loves us too dearly to let us remain immature. Like any loving father, He disciplines, corrects, and trains us—often through difficult situations. God uses our times of struggle to help us grow and make us more holy.
Many people are motivated to live for health, wealth, and ease, and they try to avoid pain at all costs. But the abundant life that God intends for His people isn’t trouble-free. Growth and change are often unsettling, but the gain is worth the pain.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Good Morning! This is Bob Peden of Central a United Methodist Community.
The author of the book of Ephesians says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast."
God pours out his grace freely on us, and then we respond by living to bless others out of that grace. God's grace always comes first; our actions are our response to what he has already given us. But, what is grace?
Grace is the mercy and love of God freely shared with us. Grace is also the style, the way in which God shares this mercy and love. We must choose to let God define grace for us. We must allow God to deliver grace with his expertise as he pours mercy and overflows love into our lives. We must allow God to display his artistry in grace as he reveals his beauty in creation, his word, his people, and especially, in his Son. And then we will share his grace with all those around us.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Look in the mirror and what do you see? Am I somebody important?
It’s easy to feel anything but important when the corporation sees you as a number, the boyfriend treats you like cattle, your ex takes your energy, or old age takes your dignity. Somebody important? Hardly.
When you struggle with that question, remember this promise of God: you were created by God, in God’s image, for God’s glory.
God spoke: Let Us make human beings in Our image, make them reflecting Our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth. — Genesis 1:26 The Message
God made us to reflect the image of God.
God created us to be more like Him than anything else He made. He never declared, “Let us make oceans in our image” or “birds in our likeness.” The heavens above reflect the glory of God, but they are not made in the image of God. Yet, we are.
So, I challenge you with two things: Let this truth find its way into your heart – you are made in the imago dei, the image of God. The second challenge is let this truth define the way you see other people as well. All people need to be seen for who they are—image bearers of God.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Good Morning!
Did you know that the robin is one of the few birds that sings as cheerfully in the dreary shower of rain as it does in the brilliant sunshine? When other birds are silent, its joyous notes can still be heard.
We who trust in Christ as our Savior should learn to do the same. In Philippians 4:4, Paul calls upon Christians to “Rejoice in the Lord always!” He knew that a gloomy believer is completely out of character and is a poor example to the world.
We all experience disappointments and sorrows that leave little reason for rejoicing. Yet, because of the Holy Spirit’s comforting presence, we can get through these difficulties with a radiant faith and a tranquil spirit. So, today, let’s do as Paul suggested. Let’s rejoice in the Lord! Have a wonderful day!
Friday, May 10, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
The first Mother's Day in 1912 was an attempt to recognize a mother's importance in our culture and lives. Yet, all mothers are not the same. My mother was wonderful, but I am mindful that is not the case with all. If not your mother, there was most probably a grandmother, aunt, neighbor who WAS that mother figure for you.
What IS a normal mother? Three children by birth, 3 by marriage, 7 grandchildren, and I still have no idea what constitutes normal. I have a sign that hangs outside my backdoor that states AAround here, normal is just a setting on the washing machine.” The truth is mothers Acelebrate, struggle, fail, start over, and repeat that cycle over and over. What is normal for one is not for the other.
THANKFULLY, each day IS a new beginning of what lies before us. We have destiny, purpose, and the power to do and be all that we are called to be. But it is only when we realize God's love for us that we can truly love our families and those around us with unconditional love.
As we celebrate Mother's Day this weekend, let us thank God for the presence of mothers, birth or otherwise, in our lives.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Matt Farmer, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Tourists rarely take great photographs. They seldom make the effort to be at the right spot at the right time to get the right angle of light in the right weather conditions.
To capture beautiful outdoor pictures, professional photographers are careful to view the scene from different angles, during different seasons, and at different times of day.
This makes me wonder if the reason some people don’t have a clear picture of the beauty and glory of God is that they make snap judgments. They come to wrong conclusions about God based on a bad church experience or an encounter with someone who claims to be a Christian but isn’t living like one. They misjudge what the Lord is like and turn away from Him, feeling disillusioned.
The pursuit of God involves more than casual observation. King David told his son Solomon, “If you seek Him, He will be found by you.” The psalmist said, “Blessed are those who seek Him with the whole heart!” And the author of Hebrews wrote that God rewards “those who diligently seek Him.”
To see and know God in all His fullness and glory, we can’t approach Him like tourists. We need to seek Him at all times with all our heart.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
In the time of the prophet Micah, the people’s hearts were far from God. They’d created a religion based on rituals and rules that no one could keep. Some even abandoned God and worshipped idols, and yet God continually called them back to a relationship with Him.
Micah tried to tell the people that following God was really much simpler than they made it out to be: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
I imagine some of the religious folk having a problem with that simplified version of faith or maybe agreeing but wanting to add a few hundred rules to it. But Micah clearly communicated God’s desire through that prophesy — just three things are required: justice, mercy, and humility.
It’s interesting to note that although there is action involved, each of those requirements starts with a soft and loving heart. We won’t act justly if we harbor resentment or hate. We won’t show kindness and mercy if we seek to serve ourselves, and a prideful heart will always walk ahead of God.
Could those three conditions apply to me today? Maybe all God is asking of me is to stand for what is right…to choose kindness…and to walk closely to Him, submitting my will daily.
Perhaps I’m making my choice harder than I have to. If I strip away all the man-made rules and all the expectations I’ve placed on myself, and if God hasn’t clearly spoken to me, then the only thing that matters is if my heart is in the right place—near God’s.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Good Morning!
I heard a story about a plumber who had a very bad day. He lost an hour of work due to a flat tire; he broke his electric drill; then his ancient truck wouldn’t start. A friend drove him home and he sat in stony silence all the way. When he got home, he walked by a small tree, touched it with both his hands, then walked into his home with a huge smile on his face, hugged his children, and kissed his wife.
You see, that tree was what he called his “trouble tree.” He doesn’t want to take his troubles home, so he leaves them hanging on that tree and he asks God to take care of them. He picks them back up the next morning, but after turning them over to God the night before, they don’t seem nearly so bad.
What a great idea! I think we all could use a “trouble tree”—but, remember, the secret is not the tree itself—it’s asking God to take care of things. Have a wonderful day!
Monday, May 6, 2019
Monday, May 6, 2019
Good morning! This is Bob Peden of Central, A United Methodist Community in Meridian, Mississippi.
In his book, Finding God in All Things, Brian Grogan says, "If someone asked you to give them another word for 'God,' you could use the word 'Presence,' for that is what God is. When Moses asked Yahweh his name, Yahweh replied, 'I am who I am' and this means 'I am present.'
God is really saying, 'I shall be there for you.' God is intimately present to everything, and especially to us.
Jesus's name is Emmanuel, which means 'God is with us'.
Matthew's Gospel ends with the marvelous statement: Know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time."
So surely God is with each of us. My prayer for you is that you would be aware of His presence in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
Your faith and your obedience to God could influence an entire nation.
If you are put to the test between choosing what is right and what is popular, how will you choose? What if your response could affect your job, your reputation or even your life? The answer to this question is important and the perfect biblical example is Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the third chapter of Daniel.
The Babylonian king built a statue of himself and commanded the nation to bow to it. This caused a serious dilemma for these young Jewish men because they knew the commandment to not worship idols or false gods. The king gave them a choice to bow or be killed.
What was their response?
“Our God is so powerful that He can save us…but even if He does not, we will not bow to your idol.”
These young men chose to claim their faith over their lives. What courage that must have took! As you read on in Daniel, you know that their actions caused an entire nation to become believers in God.
So, when faced with the choice of what’s popular and what’s right, how will you choose? May you find the courage and strength to choose what’s right, even if it means risking your life.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United Methodist Church.
When the twelve spies were sent into Canaan to spy out the land, ten returned with a bad report. Their assessment was that it was impossible to conquer the land that God had promised them. Forgetting how God had led them with a pillar of fire by night, fed them manna from heaven during the day, brought forth water out of a rock, and parted the Red Sea, they saw the situation with only their natural eyes, failed to walk by faith, and succumbed to fear.
Joshua and Caleb, however, returned with a good report. Refusing to be discouraged by what they saw, they fully trusted that their supernatural God was not going to break His promise to His people, Israel.
We are living in days where the world looks bleak, and the evils seem to grow more threatening and dangerous. How will we react? Will we be devastated and terrorized like the 10 spies with a bad report? Or will we do something extraordinary – will we walk by faith like Joshua and Caleb, trust in the love and power of our God, and seize the opportunities that are at hand? I say let’s seize this moment and reclaim our name as followers of Jesus.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Wednesday, May1, 2019
Good Morning, I’m Benji Riddle – Director of Youth Ministries at Central United Methodist.
Loss is an emotion and feeling that can sometimes be incredibly difficult to weather. It is on this day, May first - sometimes called May Day, that I am most personally aware of this, as it marks the anniversary of the passing of my father 22 years ago.
Among pilots, May Day is a distress call, a signal of a dire emergency, and losing my dad on this day, of all days, left me feeling in distress, discouraged, alone. But let me tell you, I soon saw that I wasn’t alone. My church surrounded me with support, even when I didn’t initially receive it.
When I turned to God with anger, I was met only with love and comfort. I found peace in the words of Psalm 147, where it talks about the greatness and power of God, but also this: “ God heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.”
You are not alone in your hardship, you have never been alone, and you are and will always be, loved by the God who made you.
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