Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

SABRINA The first Mother's Day in 1912 was an attempt to recognize a mother's importance in our culture and lives. Yet, all mothers are not the same. My mother was wonderful, but I am mindful that is not the case with all. If not your mother, there was most probably a grandmother, aunt, neighbor who WAS that mother figure for you. What IS a normal mother? Three children by birth, 3 by marriage, 7 grandchildren, and I still have no idea what constitutes normal. I have a sign that hangs outside my backdoor that states AAround here, normal is just a setting on the washing machine.” The truth is mothers Acelebrate, struggle, fail, start over, and repeat that cycle over and over. What is normal for one is not for the other. THANKFULLY, each day IS a new beginning of what lies before us. We have destiny, purpose, and the power to do and be all that we are called to be. But it is only when we realize God's love for us that we can truly love our families and those around us with unconditional love. As we celebrate Mother's Day this weekend, let us thank God for the presence of mothers, birth or otherwise, in our lives.

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