Good Morning!
A vacationing family drives along in their car, windows rolled down, enjoying the warm breeze of the sunny day. Without warning, a bee darts in the window and starts buzzing around inside the car. A little girl, highly allergic to bee stings, cringes in the backseat. If stung, she could die within the hour.
“Oh daddy,” she shrieks in terror. “It’s a bee! It’s going to sting me!” the father stops the car and reaches back to catch the bee. Buzzing around toward him, the father traps the bee against the front windshield. Seconds later the bee stings the father and in the moment of pain he releases the bee.
Once again the bee is loose in the car. The little girl panics once more, “daddy, it’s going to sting me I know it!” The father gently reassures his daughter, “No honey, he’s not going to sting you now. Look at my hand.” The bee’s stinger was still in his hand.
So is the love of our Heavenly father for us, his children. His hand is outstretched waiting, won’t you take hold of it today?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Good Morning
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
All of us deal with stress in one form or another – a difficult relationship; a problem at work; too much month and not enough money. Stress affects us all.
The BAD NEWS is that researchers have determined that stress – whether it’s emotional, mental, or physical tension – physically reshapes the brain and causes long-lasting damage to people.
So – HOW do YOU deal with stress? Many people exercise, meditate, seek out a quiet place – and all of those things can certainly help. But a world champion athlete once confided that he dealt with stress by telling himself: Even if I blow this, Mom will still love me.
We all are stressed from time to time – sometimes because of our failures – but it helps to know that God loves us even when we fail.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
All of us deal with stress in one form or another – a difficult relationship; a problem at work; too much month and not enough money. Stress affects us all.
The BAD NEWS is that researchers have determined that stress – whether it’s emotional, mental, or physical tension – physically reshapes the brain and causes long-lasting damage to people.
So – HOW do YOU deal with stress? Many people exercise, meditate, seek out a quiet place – and all of those things can certainly help. But a world champion athlete once confided that he dealt with stress by telling himself: Even if I blow this, Mom will still love me.
We all are stressed from time to time – sometimes because of our failures – but it helps to know that God loves us even when we fail.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Good Morning
I have recently been reading about the life of Mother Teresa. One of the things that was impressed deeply on her heart was “To withhold nothing from Christ”. She was committed to giving over all that she was and all that she had for the sake of Christ.
Mother Teresa and her sisters became known as the Missionaries of Charity. They gave up every luxury and moved into the slums of Calcutta India where they worked with the poorest of poor and the sick and handicapped. Sometimes they did not have enough food to eat and had to beg to survive.
As Mother Teresa served, she saw Christ in the ones she was serving. As she bathed the wounds of the sick, Mother Teresa considered herself to be bathing the wounds of Christ.
What or how are we being called to be for the sake of Christ? Do we live in a way that withholds nothing from Christ or are we not willing to let go of some things?
As we live and move today, let every action be done as if Christ was the recipient, holding nothing back.
I have recently been reading about the life of Mother Teresa. One of the things that was impressed deeply on her heart was “To withhold nothing from Christ”. She was committed to giving over all that she was and all that she had for the sake of Christ.
Mother Teresa and her sisters became known as the Missionaries of Charity. They gave up every luxury and moved into the slums of Calcutta India where they worked with the poorest of poor and the sick and handicapped. Sometimes they did not have enough food to eat and had to beg to survive.
As Mother Teresa served, she saw Christ in the ones she was serving. As she bathed the wounds of the sick, Mother Teresa considered herself to be bathing the wounds of Christ.
What or how are we being called to be for the sake of Christ? Do we live in a way that withholds nothing from Christ or are we not willing to let go of some things?
As we live and move today, let every action be done as if Christ was the recipient, holding nothing back.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Good Morning
In Sunday School this summer, we've been learning about Joshua. When he fought the battle at Jericho, he was given some unusual instructions by God on how to win the battle. You see, Jericho had a big thick wall surrounding it. They first had to break through that wall.
God told Joshua to march around the city for 7 days. The priests were to go first blowing their horns; the men carrying the Ark of the Covenant which held the Ten Commandments came next; then the soldiers. At the end of the 7th day, they were all to shout.
Sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it? But Joshua didn't question God's instructions. He did it -- Just as God told him to do. And the walls came tumbling down. He trusted God.
What can we learn from this in the world we live in today? It is this: Even the impossible is possible when we trust God. Have a wonderful day!
In Sunday School this summer, we've been learning about Joshua. When he fought the battle at Jericho, he was given some unusual instructions by God on how to win the battle. You see, Jericho had a big thick wall surrounding it. They first had to break through that wall.
God told Joshua to march around the city for 7 days. The priests were to go first blowing their horns; the men carrying the Ark of the Covenant which held the Ten Commandments came next; then the soldiers. At the end of the 7th day, they were all to shout.
Sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it? But Joshua didn't question God's instructions. He did it -- Just as God told him to do. And the walls came tumbling down. He trusted God.
What can we learn from this in the world we live in today? It is this: Even the impossible is possible when we trust God. Have a wonderful day!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Good Morning
Wouldn’t you love to call Mayberry your hometown? At idyllic place featured in The Andy Griffith Show. A place where everything seems to move at a slower pace and everyone is good and wholesome and kind, and any trivial difficulty can be overcome easily in 30 minutes or less. Did you know that Mayberry is based on an actual town, Mt. Airy, North Carolina.
You could actually make Mayberry your hometown. But last November the headlines read, “Man charged with killing 4 in Mayberry model town.” It seems that even Mayberry is not immune to the struggles for power in this world. But for those who are children of God, we do not have to search for a place like Mayberry. For we know that we are only visiting this world and that our hometown is in a place that is even better than Mayberry. A place where it doesn’t take 30 minute to resolve difficulties, for there are no problems to begin with. That’s my hometown. Where do you call home?
Wouldn’t you love to call Mayberry your hometown? At idyllic place featured in The Andy Griffith Show. A place where everything seems to move at a slower pace and everyone is good and wholesome and kind, and any trivial difficulty can be overcome easily in 30 minutes or less. Did you know that Mayberry is based on an actual town, Mt. Airy, North Carolina.
You could actually make Mayberry your hometown. But last November the headlines read, “Man charged with killing 4 in Mayberry model town.” It seems that even Mayberry is not immune to the struggles for power in this world. But for those who are children of God, we do not have to search for a place like Mayberry. For we know that we are only visiting this world and that our hometown is in a place that is even better than Mayberry. A place where it doesn’t take 30 minute to resolve difficulties, for there are no problems to begin with. That’s my hometown. Where do you call home?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Good morning.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name within the few seconds after you meet a new person? Have you ever hit the “close door” button on the elevator, just so you won’t be bothered by the company of others, when you know someone else needs a ride?
Perhaps you’ve been awakened in the night by a crying child or a barking dog who needs you. Instead of getting up and taking care of the problem, you lay and wait for someone else to do it. We all do things like this from time to time, in which are self-serving and we unintentionally treat other people as objects rather than as people.
I need the care and companionship of others around me to challenge me and remind me to be humble and serve others.
We all need meaningful relationships and community, so I invite you to come be a part of Central United Methodist Church. Worship this Sunday at either 8:30 am or 10:55 am.
Enjoy your day today.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name within the few seconds after you meet a new person? Have you ever hit the “close door” button on the elevator, just so you won’t be bothered by the company of others, when you know someone else needs a ride?
Perhaps you’ve been awakened in the night by a crying child or a barking dog who needs you. Instead of getting up and taking care of the problem, you lay and wait for someone else to do it. We all do things like this from time to time, in which are self-serving and we unintentionally treat other people as objects rather than as people.
I need the care and companionship of others around me to challenge me and remind me to be humble and serve others.
We all need meaningful relationships and community, so I invite you to come be a part of Central United Methodist Church. Worship this Sunday at either 8:30 am or 10:55 am.
Enjoy your day today.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Good Morning!
On "Britain's Got Talent" when 80 year old Janey Cutler from Glasgow Scotland, walked out people were rolling their eyes. She had to have help walking to her marked spot on the stage. But when she opened her mouth to sing...”No Regrets.” She was really good. The audience and judges loved her. She was realizing her dream.
In Ephesians 2:10 Paul reminds us:
For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them Are you fulfilling your God given destiny? The temptation is to stay with the familiar and secure, not go past our comfort zone...but if we do that will we get to the end of our life and have regret?... that we did not do what we know God called us to do? It’s not too late. It is never too late to become what you might have been...ask Janey Cutler.
Is your mission on earth is inished....take a deep breath...hold it for five seconds…exhale…
You are alive!!!! go...reach for your dream...fulfill your destiny....have a blessed day!
On "Britain's Got Talent" when 80 year old Janey Cutler from Glasgow Scotland, walked out people were rolling their eyes. She had to have help walking to her marked spot on the stage. But when she opened her mouth to sing...”No Regrets.” She was really good. The audience and judges loved her. She was realizing her dream.
In Ephesians 2:10 Paul reminds us:
For we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them Are you fulfilling your God given destiny? The temptation is to stay with the familiar and secure, not go past our comfort zone...but if we do that will we get to the end of our life and have regret?... that we did not do what we know God called us to do? It’s not too late. It is never too late to become what you might have been...ask Janey Cutler.
Is your mission on earth is inished....take a deep breath...hold it for five seconds…exhale…
You are alive!!!! go...reach for your dream...fulfill your destiny....have a blessed day!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Good Morning:
When my granddaughter was about 3 years old, we had driven to the mall. As we came around the corner of the mall, there sitting low in the sky was the most beautiful, perfectly round, bright, red sun. It took my breath away with its incredible beauty. When my granddaughter saw it, she said: "Who did that?" I told her that God did it. She said, "It's beautiful!" You see, even a three year old can see the beauty in God's world.
Look around you today and know that all the beauty in this world was put there by no-one but a mighty God. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Have a wonderful day.
When my granddaughter was about 3 years old, we had driven to the mall. As we came around the corner of the mall, there sitting low in the sky was the most beautiful, perfectly round, bright, red sun. It took my breath away with its incredible beauty. When my granddaughter saw it, she said: "Who did that?" I told her that God did it. She said, "It's beautiful!" You see, even a three year old can see the beauty in God's world.
Look around you today and know that all the beauty in this world was put there by no-one but a mighty God. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Good Morning!
It has been estimated the normal lifespan for the world’s greatest nations has been a little over two hundred years. The pattern of these civilizations runs something like this: from bondage to spiritual faith, from faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, and from dependency back again to bondage.
We need to ask ourselves, “What will happen to America?” We have surely reached the abundance stage. If we see much selfishness, complacency, and apathy around us, then we need to take action.
May God show us the way that we may become new persons and a new nation in Christ Jesus.
It has been estimated the normal lifespan for the world’s greatest nations has been a little over two hundred years. The pattern of these civilizations runs something like this: from bondage to spiritual faith, from faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, and from dependency back again to bondage.
We need to ask ourselves, “What will happen to America?” We have surely reached the abundance stage. If we see much selfishness, complacency, and apathy around us, then we need to take action.
May God show us the way that we may become new persons and a new nation in Christ Jesus.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
An organization in Montana offered a bounty of $ 5,000.00 for every wolf captured alive. Two hunters named Trevor and Randy decided to head for the hills and make some money capturing wolves. Exhausted after 3 long nonproductive days of hunting, they both fell deep asleep.
During the night, Randy suddenly woke up to find that he and Trevor were surrounded by a pack of at least 50 wolves, with flaming red eyes and fangs bared snarling at the two hunters preparing to devour them.
Randy nudged Trevor and said, “Hey, wake up! We’re going to be rich!”
Sometimes when we are surrounded by what appears to be many difficulties, we may in fact be surrounded by many opportunities. It’s all a matter of perspective.
The next time you find yourself in a jam remember that you have an opportunity to learn and grow, and to experience the grace and power of God in that situation.
An organization in Montana offered a bounty of $ 5,000.00 for every wolf captured alive. Two hunters named Trevor and Randy decided to head for the hills and make some money capturing wolves. Exhausted after 3 long nonproductive days of hunting, they both fell deep asleep.
During the night, Randy suddenly woke up to find that he and Trevor were surrounded by a pack of at least 50 wolves, with flaming red eyes and fangs bared snarling at the two hunters preparing to devour them.
Randy nudged Trevor and said, “Hey, wake up! We’re going to be rich!”
Sometimes when we are surrounded by what appears to be many difficulties, we may in fact be surrounded by many opportunities. It’s all a matter of perspective.
The next time you find yourself in a jam remember that you have an opportunity to learn and grow, and to experience the grace and power of God in that situation.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Good Mornibg
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Recently, a major league baseball pitcher was one out away from a perfect game. On what should have been the last out, a batter hit a ball to the second baseman, who tossed it to the pitcher [who was covering first base] for the final out. But the first base umpire called the runner safe – ruining the perfect game.
After the game, the umpire reviewed the video replay and to his horror admitted: I BLEW IT – I COST THAT KID A PERFECT GAME! He apologized to the pitcher, who amazingly said: IT’S NO BIG DEAL; NOBODY’S PERFECT.
These two men are teaching us a valuable lesson. Sometimes we “blow it” and need to admit it. But they also teach us that when someone makes a mistake and admits it, we need to forgive and move on.
So if you’ve made a mistake, own up to it. And when someone admits a mistake to you – let it go
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Recently, a major league baseball pitcher was one out away from a perfect game. On what should have been the last out, a batter hit a ball to the second baseman, who tossed it to the pitcher [who was covering first base] for the final out. But the first base umpire called the runner safe – ruining the perfect game.
After the game, the umpire reviewed the video replay and to his horror admitted: I BLEW IT – I COST THAT KID A PERFECT GAME! He apologized to the pitcher, who amazingly said: IT’S NO BIG DEAL; NOBODY’S PERFECT.
These two men are teaching us a valuable lesson. Sometimes we “blow it” and need to admit it. But they also teach us that when someone makes a mistake and admits it, we need to forgive and move on.
So if you’ve made a mistake, own up to it. And when someone admits a mistake to you – let it go
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Good Morning!
I have a friend who has dealt with physical challenges and faced multiple surgeries over the past years. Yet if someone has a need....she is there. She is one of my heros.
An Insurance benefits company recently hired the Gallup organization to find out why some people return to work more quickly than others following illness and surgery. They found that the quick returnees almost never think about their physical problems, while those who are slow to come back focus on themselves and their impairment.
When Jesus came to earth, his whole focus was on others, not himself. He taught his followers to do the same thing… to the point that they forgot themselves. He was teaching them not to be self-absorbed.
II Peter chapter 1 reminds us...the more you grow in self-control, Godliness, endurance and love, the more useful and productive you will become.
This is counter to what our basic human nature is, but it works. We live longer, work more productively, and bless others because of it.
Go today, be a blessing to someone... after is good for your health!
I have a friend who has dealt with physical challenges and faced multiple surgeries over the past years. Yet if someone has a need....she is there. She is one of my heros.
An Insurance benefits company recently hired the Gallup organization to find out why some people return to work more quickly than others following illness and surgery. They found that the quick returnees almost never think about their physical problems, while those who are slow to come back focus on themselves and their impairment.
When Jesus came to earth, his whole focus was on others, not himself. He taught his followers to do the same thing… to the point that they forgot themselves. He was teaching them not to be self-absorbed.
II Peter chapter 1 reminds us...the more you grow in self-control, Godliness, endurance and love, the more useful and productive you will become.
This is counter to what our basic human nature is, but it works. We live longer, work more productively, and bless others because of it.
Go today, be a blessing to someone... after is good for your health!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Are you a religious person? Do you obediently get out of bed each Sunday morning and head off to your local church? Do you follow all the rules because even if no one else is looking you know God is watching your every move and there will be a price to pay someday, if you mess up? Do you read your Bible everyday and a devotion and then read the prayer, because that’s what good people are supposed to do? Are you a religious person? Then I am sorry. For you are missing the real joy that comes from being a companion of Jesus Christ.
Worship, obedience, study, prayer come not from duty but because you love, honor, want to talk to, and hear from the one who created you - and the entire universe.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I am learning that the joy of being Christ’s companion is as far from the drudgery of religious guilt and duty as the east is from the west.
Are you a religious person? Do you obediently get out of bed each Sunday morning and head off to your local church? Do you follow all the rules because even if no one else is looking you know God is watching your every move and there will be a price to pay someday, if you mess up? Do you read your Bible everyday and a devotion and then read the prayer, because that’s what good people are supposed to do? Are you a religious person? Then I am sorry. For you are missing the real joy that comes from being a companion of Jesus Christ.
Worship, obedience, study, prayer come not from duty but because you love, honor, want to talk to, and hear from the one who created you - and the entire universe.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I am learning that the joy of being Christ’s companion is as far from the drudgery of religious guilt and duty as the east is from the west.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Meridian businessman owned a building which set empty for years needing repairs. Vandals had damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and litter was everywhere inside the building.
The businessman showed a prospective buyer the property and took great pains to explain that he would fix the doors, replace the broken windows, and clean out all the garbage inside and out. “Oh don’t worry about the repairs,” the buyer said. “When I buy this place, I’m going to build something completely different,
Something brand new. I don’t want the building. I just want the property!”
Compared with the renovation that God has in mind, our efforts to improve our own lives are as trivial as sweeping out a building slated for demolition. When you become a Christian, the “old is passed away; the new has come!” Allow me to invite you to a personal renovation that can begin by attending worship in one of God’s houses this Sunday morning!
A Meridian businessman owned a building which set empty for years needing repairs. Vandals had damaged the doors, smashed the windows, and litter was everywhere inside the building.
The businessman showed a prospective buyer the property and took great pains to explain that he would fix the doors, replace the broken windows, and clean out all the garbage inside and out. “Oh don’t worry about the repairs,” the buyer said. “When I buy this place, I’m going to build something completely different,
Something brand new. I don’t want the building. I just want the property!”
Compared with the renovation that God has in mind, our efforts to improve our own lives are as trivial as sweeping out a building slated for demolition. When you become a Christian, the “old is passed away; the new has come!” Allow me to invite you to a personal renovation that can begin by attending worship in one of God’s houses this Sunday morning!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Good Morning:
A few weeks ago, our three year classes were walking to get yogurt. One little boy was holding his teacher's hand as they crossed the street when he looked up at her and said, "If my momma knew I was crossing this street, she would whip my butt!"
You see, he knew the rules for his family and it made him a little nervous to think that he might be breaking one of those rules.
My dad, unknowingly, kept me out of a lot of trouble when I was a teenager. When I got myself into a sticky situation, my Dad's face popped up and I knew how disappointed he would be in me. I usually backed out of that situation because of him. I knew the rules.
God can keep us out of trouble, too. We just have to know the rules. The Bible is our little instruction book. Learn the rules. Read the Bible. Have a wonderful day!
A few weeks ago, our three year classes were walking to get yogurt. One little boy was holding his teacher's hand as they crossed the street when he looked up at her and said, "If my momma knew I was crossing this street, she would whip my butt!"
You see, he knew the rules for his family and it made him a little nervous to think that he might be breaking one of those rules.
My dad, unknowingly, kept me out of a lot of trouble when I was a teenager. When I got myself into a sticky situation, my Dad's face popped up and I knew how disappointed he would be in me. I usually backed out of that situation because of him. I knew the rules.
God can keep us out of trouble, too. We just have to know the rules. The Bible is our little instruction book. Learn the rules. Read the Bible. Have a wonderful day!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Good Morning!
When you think about July 4th what comes to mind? a day off from work, picnics, fireworks, flags? The word that comes to my mind is freedom.
It is a fact that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions, vote for the people of our choice, worship, ...different denominations, even religions, ...all without retribution. We should never take our freedom for granted.
I display our American reminds me of what has been done for my freedom. My grandmother and grandfather served in WWI, my daddy, the Korean War, I have friends who have served in recent years, my daughter-in-law’s brother is currently in Afghanistan. Because of their contributions ...we are free.
There is another freedom that we have... our freedom “In Christ” to live a life to glorify Him. As Christians are free in our spirit to serve the Creator of the whole universe and that my friends, is True Freedom.
Have a safe, happy and blessed day..and let freedom ring...both in our country and in your heart!
When you think about July 4th what comes to mind? a day off from work, picnics, fireworks, flags? The word that comes to my mind is freedom.
It is a fact that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions, vote for the people of our choice, worship, ...different denominations, even religions, ...all without retribution. We should never take our freedom for granted.
I display our American reminds me of what has been done for my freedom. My grandmother and grandfather served in WWI, my daddy, the Korean War, I have friends who have served in recent years, my daughter-in-law’s brother is currently in Afghanistan. Because of their contributions ...we are free.
There is another freedom that we have... our freedom “In Christ” to live a life to glorify Him. As Christians are free in our spirit to serve the Creator of the whole universe and that my friends, is True Freedom.
Have a safe, happy and blessed day..and let freedom ring...both in our country and in your heart!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Good morning.
Do you ever get stuck in a rut when you’re trying to read scripture? Here’s something to try. It’s an ancient Christian practice of reading and reflecting on scripture.
Choose a small passage, about 6-8 verses. Begin with a few moments of silence to quiet yourself and get focused. Then read the passage slowly, preferably out loud, or read silently to yourself. Spend a few more minutes in silence, thinking about what in that passage stood out to you. What word or phrase caught your attention?
Then read the same passage again. This time spend quiet time afterward reflecting on how the word or phrase that you identified intersects with your life.
Next read the passage yet again. Then in silence, think of what action you are being called to by this passage. What can you do in response to what you’ve read?
Then read the passage one last time and spend time silently just resting in God’s presence. Give this a try, and enjoy your day today.
Do you ever get stuck in a rut when you’re trying to read scripture? Here’s something to try. It’s an ancient Christian practice of reading and reflecting on scripture.
Choose a small passage, about 6-8 verses. Begin with a few moments of silence to quiet yourself and get focused. Then read the passage slowly, preferably out loud, or read silently to yourself. Spend a few more minutes in silence, thinking about what in that passage stood out to you. What word or phrase caught your attention?
Then read the same passage again. This time spend quiet time afterward reflecting on how the word or phrase that you identified intersects with your life.
Next read the passage yet again. Then in silence, think of what action you are being called to by this passage. What can you do in response to what you’ve read?
Then read the passage one last time and spend time silently just resting in God’s presence. Give this a try, and enjoy your day today.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A lone shipwreck survivor washed up on a small deserted island. He prayed daily for God to rescue him and everyday he looked to the horizon for help, but none was forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.
One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his hut in flames, the smoke billowing up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. Stung with grief and anger he cried, “God, how could you do this to me!”
Early the next morning, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. “How did you know I was here?” he asked the ship’s captain. “We saw your smoke signal,” was the reply.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart, because God is at work in our lives even when things seem their worst.
A lone shipwreck survivor washed up on a small deserted island. He prayed daily for God to rescue him and everyday he looked to the horizon for help, but none was forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.
One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his hut in flames, the smoke billowing up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. Stung with grief and anger he cried, “God, how could you do this to me!”
Early the next morning, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. “How did you know I was here?” he asked the ship’s captain. “We saw your smoke signal,” was the reply.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart, because God is at work in our lives even when things seem their worst.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
WTOK TV: 06/15/10
AIR DATE: 06/29/10
One of the members of our Praise Band, Lee Santillano, has
written a song we sing at Central called “Jesus in Me.” In the
song, Lee describes a few of the places he sees Jesus. He sees
Jesus in the beauty of a bird taking to the air, in the grace of a
dancer moving across the stage, even in the ordinary goodness
of life; hot dogs, apple pie.
In the chorus Lee sings: “I share the blessing of my King, See
the good in everything' Cause in the light that's where I want to be. I hope
that you see it too. See His light come shining through And in all that you
see, I hope you see Jesus in me.” That is my wish too. That in everything
I do, and say and am - you would see Jesus in me. This is Bob Peden of
Central United Methodist Church. Come join with us. We are a
church trying our best to live, individually and together as a church,
so that others might see Jesus in us.
WTOK TV: 06/15/10
AIR DATE: 06/29/10
One of the members of our Praise Band, Lee Santillano, has
written a song we sing at Central called “Jesus in Me.” In the
song, Lee describes a few of the places he sees Jesus. He sees
Jesus in the beauty of a bird taking to the air, in the grace of a
dancer moving across the stage, even in the ordinary goodness
of life; hot dogs, apple pie.
In the chorus Lee sings: “I share the blessing of my King, See
the good in everything' Cause in the light that's where I want to be. I hope
that you see it too. See His light come shining through And in all that you
see, I hope you see Jesus in me.” That is my wish too. That in everything
I do, and say and am - you would see Jesus in me. This is Bob Peden of
Central United Methodist Church. Come join with us. We are a
church trying our best to live, individually and together as a church,
so that others might see Jesus in us.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, June 28 2010
Good Morning!
Now is a great time to be alive. Discoveries that have taken place within our lifetime are both wonderful and terrifying. The possibilities of what man can yet do seems unlimited, but the value of any new discovery will depend upon how it is used; for destructive or constructive purposes, to hurt or to heal, to hinder or to help.
Fifty years ago, no one could have thought of how wonderful and yet how destructive computers and the internet could be. How we respond to any new discovery will depend upon how strong our desire is to love and serve others.
It seems as though each day we awake to a new world that pays little attention to the covenant love of God through Jesus Christ or the calling of the Holy Spirit. What are we going to do about that?
Now is a great time to be alive. Discoveries that have taken place within our lifetime are both wonderful and terrifying. The possibilities of what man can yet do seems unlimited, but the value of any new discovery will depend upon how it is used; for destructive or constructive purposes, to hurt or to heal, to hinder or to help.
Fifty years ago, no one could have thought of how wonderful and yet how destructive computers and the internet could be. How we respond to any new discovery will depend upon how strong our desire is to love and serve others.
It seems as though each day we awake to a new world that pays little attention to the covenant love of God through Jesus Christ or the calling of the Holy Spirit. What are we going to do about that?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Good Morning
God loves you. I don’t quite know why.
To be honest with you, I cannot imagine
why God loves me. But I am certain that
He does.
God loves me because I am - not for what I can do
for Him or because of who I am. God loves
me in spite of the fact that I turned away
from Him - fought against Him - tried to
do everything my own way. God just
kept on loving me Anyway. And God
loves you just the same as he loves me.
No matter who you are, what you have
done, what you have said, just because you exist. Nothing
can separate you from the love of God.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church.
We are a church that is doing our very best
to love you just the way God does. I
don’t promise we are anywhere near God’s
perfect love, but we are trying.
If you would like to know
more about God’s love and more about
loving others, you are invited to join us on
22nd Avenue in Downtown Meridian.
God loves you. I don’t quite know why.
To be honest with you, I cannot imagine
why God loves me. But I am certain that
He does.
God loves me because I am - not for what I can do
for Him or because of who I am. God loves
me in spite of the fact that I turned away
from Him - fought against Him - tried to
do everything my own way. God just
kept on loving me Anyway. And God
loves you just the same as he loves me.
No matter who you are, what you have
done, what you have said, just because you exist. Nothing
can separate you from the love of God.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church.
We are a church that is doing our very best
to love you just the way God does. I
don’t promise we are anywhere near God’s
perfect love, but we are trying.
If you would like to know
more about God’s love and more about
loving others, you are invited to join us on
22nd Avenue in Downtown Meridian.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Good Morning!
How many times do we complain that we just cannot find time for devotion and quiet time? There are other activities and goals that preoccupy us in life, such as our jobs, church life, hobbies, money, and having fun. However, consider this thought: when you are at the end of your time on this earth, what will you have received from it? What will you take with you? Will it be that successful career? The hobby that took all of your time? Will it be the wealth that you accumulated?
I am not saying these things are not important to pursue; rather, they are just a means to do what really is important, and that is, building relationships! Career, material accumulation, activities, money, and having fun are not the goals in life; they are only portions of the means to the goal. The reason for, and meaning of life is the development and then deployment of our faith through relationships-with God and then with others! So this morning, I encourage you to spend some time with God...and then do something for someone else…develop....then deploy! Have a blessed day!
How many times do we complain that we just cannot find time for devotion and quiet time? There are other activities and goals that preoccupy us in life, such as our jobs, church life, hobbies, money, and having fun. However, consider this thought: when you are at the end of your time on this earth, what will you have received from it? What will you take with you? Will it be that successful career? The hobby that took all of your time? Will it be the wealth that you accumulated?
I am not saying these things are not important to pursue; rather, they are just a means to do what really is important, and that is, building relationships! Career, material accumulation, activities, money, and having fun are not the goals in life; they are only portions of the means to the goal. The reason for, and meaning of life is the development and then deployment of our faith through relationships-with God and then with others! So this morning, I encourage you to spend some time with God...and then do something for someone else…develop....then deploy! Have a blessed day!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Good Morning
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
This week at Central, we’re in the midst of an annual summer “ritual” – it’s called Vacation Bible School! Each morning, kids and volunteers are gathering to sing, play, eat, and [MOST IMPORTANTLY] learn together about God and God’s love for us.
As a pastor, I’ve seen many Vacation Bible Schools through the years. I’ve also noticed that not every church is able to offer them anymore. These days there are also debates about whether VBS is even “effective” in teaching faith to children.
But when you welcome children with a smile and a warm heart, when you give them cookies and Kool-Aid and you show them in words AND actions that there is a God who cares – that’s a good thing.
Whether you are young or old, if you don’t have a place where you feel the welcome and love of God – then I invite you to visit us at Central, where everyone is welcome.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
This week at Central, we’re in the midst of an annual summer “ritual” – it’s called Vacation Bible School! Each morning, kids and volunteers are gathering to sing, play, eat, and [MOST IMPORTANTLY] learn together about God and God’s love for us.
As a pastor, I’ve seen many Vacation Bible Schools through the years. I’ve also noticed that not every church is able to offer them anymore. These days there are also debates about whether VBS is even “effective” in teaching faith to children.
But when you welcome children with a smile and a warm heart, when you give them cookies and Kool-Aid and you show them in words AND actions that there is a God who cares – that’s a good thing.
Whether you are young or old, if you don’t have a place where you feel the welcome and love of God – then I invite you to visit us at Central, where everyone is welcome.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Good Morning!
We are all children of God who depend on God’s goodness. We take for granted the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and are unaware that we live constantly in the midst of abundant blessings. Most of us are so used to seeing people who are depressed, discouraged, and needing to be loved. Yes, there are social agencies in Lauderdale County that do all they can to help people in need. I pray that God will forgive us for the excuses we make as we let people wander aimlessly without hope or help.
May God sensitize us to go beyond our homes and churches to share the good news and to be Christ to others.
Each week, pray that God’s Holy Spirit would lead you to someone in need. May God bless you.
We are all children of God who depend on God’s goodness. We take for granted the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and are unaware that we live constantly in the midst of abundant blessings. Most of us are so used to seeing people who are depressed, discouraged, and needing to be loved. Yes, there are social agencies in Lauderdale County that do all they can to help people in need. I pray that God will forgive us for the excuses we make as we let people wander aimlessly without hope or help.
May God sensitize us to go beyond our homes and churches to share the good news and to be Christ to others.
Each week, pray that God’s Holy Spirit would lead you to someone in need. May God bless you.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Good morning!
I just returned from a conference full of Methodist clergy and lay people. For one of the worship services, our Bishop gave a challenging yet encouraging sermon.
She shared about her friend who was dying of cancer. Her dear friend said, “I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to miss anything.” She challenged us to not miss out on anything in this life or in the eternal life that God has promised.
As we go about our daily lives, how much do we miss? Perhaps we miss out on the joy of relationships, because we are too busy. Maybe we miss or ignore the simple blessings that God gives because we’re not attentive. We probably miss out on opportunities to share the love of Christ with others for many reasons. I pray that we live in such away that we will all experience the abundance of life that God longs to give us now and eternally.
So go today, being attentive to God’s presence, and miss none of the blessings and opportunities that come your way.
I just returned from a conference full of Methodist clergy and lay people. For one of the worship services, our Bishop gave a challenging yet encouraging sermon.
She shared about her friend who was dying of cancer. Her dear friend said, “I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to miss anything.” She challenged us to not miss out on anything in this life or in the eternal life that God has promised.
As we go about our daily lives, how much do we miss? Perhaps we miss out on the joy of relationships, because we are too busy. Maybe we miss or ignore the simple blessings that God gives because we’re not attentive. We probably miss out on opportunities to share the love of Christ with others for many reasons. I pray that we live in such away that we will all experience the abundance of life that God longs to give us now and eternally.
So go today, being attentive to God’s presence, and miss none of the blessings and opportunities that come your way.
Friday , June 18, 2010
Good morning!
Tis the Christmas..Vacation Bible School. Beginning at 9:00 this coming Monday morning, we, at Central United Methodist Church, invite children, ages four through 5th grade to join us for a week as we explore the wonderful world God has given to us, through our cosmic adventure Galactic Blast.
Students will study the story of Creation, Elijah, The Woman at the Well, The Blind Beggar in Jericho...Students will also learn facts about earth, the moon, the stars...and take action on what we can do to take care of our planet, because we are reminded in Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."
If you would like more information on VBS, please visit our web site at
If you do not have a church home, we also invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, and our traditional worship begins at 10:55. Sunday school begins at 9:40. Come, join us, and find yourself among friends at Central. Have a blessed day!
Tis the Christmas..Vacation Bible School. Beginning at 9:00 this coming Monday morning, we, at Central United Methodist Church, invite children, ages four through 5th grade to join us for a week as we explore the wonderful world God has given to us, through our cosmic adventure Galactic Blast.
Students will study the story of Creation, Elijah, The Woman at the Well, The Blind Beggar in Jericho...Students will also learn facts about earth, the moon, the stars...and take action on what we can do to take care of our planet, because we are reminded in Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."
If you would like more information on VBS, please visit our web site at
If you do not have a church home, we also invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, and our traditional worship begins at 10:55. Sunday school begins at 9:40. Come, join us, and find yourself among friends at Central. Have a blessed day!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Good Mornning
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. It’s Thursday – and the weekend is almost here. Many of us will spend the weekend working in the yard, perhaps cooking out, maybe even traveling to get away or visit friends.
It’s tempting to use the weekend to “re-charge” so we can make it through another work week – but usually we cram so much into the time it leaves us drained and worn out. God invites us to remember the Sabbath – a day of rest to stop our labor and hurried rushing about. And amazingly, when we slow down, we often gain fresh perspective on life. And most importantly – Sabbath invites us to remember and worship the God who made us.
So this weekend – have some fun! But don’t forget the Sabbath. If you don’t have a place to observe Sabbath, why not join us at Central – where everyone is welcome.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. It’s Thursday – and the weekend is almost here. Many of us will spend the weekend working in the yard, perhaps cooking out, maybe even traveling to get away or visit friends.
It’s tempting to use the weekend to “re-charge” so we can make it through another work week – but usually we cram so much into the time it leaves us drained and worn out. God invites us to remember the Sabbath – a day of rest to stop our labor and hurried rushing about. And amazingly, when we slow down, we often gain fresh perspective on life. And most importantly – Sabbath invites us to remember and worship the God who made us.
So this weekend – have some fun! But don’t forget the Sabbath. If you don’t have a place to observe Sabbath, why not join us at Central – where everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Good Morning!
In William Young’s novel, The Shack, the main character, Mack, has gone through a family tragedy and is led to a shack where he encounters God. What he finds is not what he expects. He finds Jesus but also finds God in the form of “Papa”, a black woman, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a mysterious character, Sarayu.
There’s a scene of them all gathered for a meal in the kitchen. We see an image of God, the Trinity, sitting around a table, laughing, eating, and fellowshipping, and Mack is drawn into this divine community.
Our sense of community as Christians comes from the fact that the very essence of God is community. God is Trinity, 3 persons, so the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are actually in relationship with each other.
The relational life of God draws us into community with God and with other Christians. God created us to be in community, so go today, and draw others into relationship with our God.
In William Young’s novel, The Shack, the main character, Mack, has gone through a family tragedy and is led to a shack where he encounters God. What he finds is not what he expects. He finds Jesus but also finds God in the form of “Papa”, a black woman, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a mysterious character, Sarayu.
There’s a scene of them all gathered for a meal in the kitchen. We see an image of God, the Trinity, sitting around a table, laughing, eating, and fellowshipping, and Mack is drawn into this divine community.
Our sense of community as Christians comes from the fact that the very essence of God is community. God is Trinity, 3 persons, so the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are actually in relationship with each other.
The relational life of God draws us into community with God and with other Christians. God created us to be in community, so go today, and draw others into relationship with our God.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Good Morning!
My Sister-in-law was taking a flight from Birmingham out to Wyoming to see her in-laws.
Being early, she purchased a pack of cookies from the snack shop and settled down in the waiting area to read a novel she had in her purse. While reading, she noticed the man sitting next to her was eating a cookie. Looking down she was surprised to see her package of cookies had been opened and the man was eating them.
Though outraged that the man would open her cookies and start eating them, she said nothing sitting there quietly, munching on her cookie when to her amazement the man took another cookie. Now furious, Jackie took all the cookies from the package and ate them.
Later that day, she reached into her purse and found, much to her own dismay her unopened package of cookies lying at the bottom of her purse. Embarrassed, she realized that she was guilty of the very thing she thought the man had been doing to her. Jumping to conclusions opens ourselves up to mistakes or as it says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judged lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”
My Sister-in-law was taking a flight from Birmingham out to Wyoming to see her in-laws.
Being early, she purchased a pack of cookies from the snack shop and settled down in the waiting area to read a novel she had in her purse. While reading, she noticed the man sitting next to her was eating a cookie. Looking down she was surprised to see her package of cookies had been opened and the man was eating them.
Though outraged that the man would open her cookies and start eating them, she said nothing sitting there quietly, munching on her cookie when to her amazement the man took another cookie. Now furious, Jackie took all the cookies from the package and ate them.
Later that day, she reached into her purse and found, much to her own dismay her unopened package of cookies lying at the bottom of her purse. Embarrassed, she realized that she was guilty of the very thing she thought the man had been doing to her. Jumping to conclusions opens ourselves up to mistakes or as it says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judged lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”
Monday, June 14, 2010
Good Morning:
Do you sometimes feel that God has put you in a difficult position or given you a job that you are not sure you can do? Well, rest assured that if God has led you to it, He can get you through it! He has prepared you, and he has provided everything you need to accomplish what He has set you out to do.
Remember, Abraham had to leave his comfort zone to receive an inheritance that was greater that what his earthly father could provide. He had to trust and depend upon God every step of the way.
Moses depended on God to show him how to lead his people out of Egypt.
When Joshua entered the Promised Land, he had to fight battles to gain what God promised him and his people. Joshua had to depend upon God for every unique strategy for victory along the way.
In each story of these Bible heroes, trust in God was the key. So when you are faced with hard choices and difficult decisions, put your trust in God.
Have a wonderful day!
Do you sometimes feel that God has put you in a difficult position or given you a job that you are not sure you can do? Well, rest assured that if God has led you to it, He can get you through it! He has prepared you, and he has provided everything you need to accomplish what He has set you out to do.
Remember, Abraham had to leave his comfort zone to receive an inheritance that was greater that what his earthly father could provide. He had to trust and depend upon God every step of the way.
Moses depended on God to show him how to lead his people out of Egypt.
When Joshua entered the Promised Land, he had to fight battles to gain what God promised him and his people. Joshua had to depend upon God for every unique strategy for victory along the way.
In each story of these Bible heroes, trust in God was the key. So when you are faced with hard choices and difficult decisions, put your trust in God.
Have a wonderful day!
Friday, June 11,2010
Good Morning:
I have the privilege and honor of sharing communion, each month, with Clovis Wright and his daughter, Annie. Clovis is 80 years old, and he and Annie are both retired ministers. One day, after sharing communion, Clovis said, “I want to sing!” so, he headed off to another room on his power chair pulling this oxygen tube he was wearing behind the chair.
Soon he was back with a hymnal that he gave to Annie. As the three of us began singing, I couldn’t help but watch Clovis. He sat in his chair with the oxygen tubes behind his ears, hands propped on a waling stick, tapping his foot with his eyes looking to heaven. He sang all the hymns from memory. I thought, “This man really loves God.” Then I prayed, “God help me to inspire others as Clovis has inspired me today.” Is there anything special you want to do today?
I have the privilege and honor of sharing communion, each month, with Clovis Wright and his daughter, Annie. Clovis is 80 years old, and he and Annie are both retired ministers. One day, after sharing communion, Clovis said, “I want to sing!” so, he headed off to another room on his power chair pulling this oxygen tube he was wearing behind the chair.
Soon he was back with a hymnal that he gave to Annie. As the three of us began singing, I couldn’t help but watch Clovis. He sat in his chair with the oxygen tubes behind his ears, hands propped on a waling stick, tapping his foot with his eyes looking to heaven. He sang all the hymns from memory. I thought, “This man really loves God.” Then I prayed, “God help me to inspire others as Clovis has inspired me today.” Is there anything special you want to do today?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Good morning!
“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me.” There is rarely a funeral you attend when this beautiful scripture found in Psalm 23 is not read.
I watched, months ago, as my mother walked through that valley. There was a transformation as the valley became a quiet peaceful serene place where there would be no more more pain. Since that time, it seems an extraordinary amount of friends and other family members have watched those they loved the most, walk through that valley into eternal life with God.
The valley of the shadow, however, remains all too painful for those left behind. What makes this valley so difficult is that everyone grieves differently. Grief comes at different times, in different stages for everyone. It comes in waves, it comes at unexpected moments, it can be debilitating.
This morning, if you find yourself consumed by this type of grief, don't be afraid or ashamed. You grieve because you loved...and you were loved, and now there is a physical and emotional chasm within your life.
Do know, that the God who walked with your loved one, walks also with you. God also provides you with friends and family who will both share in your grief and give you comfort and joy in the days ahead. Embrace both your beautiful memories and those who still walk with you...and you will begin to find peace and healing
“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me.” There is rarely a funeral you attend when this beautiful scripture found in Psalm 23 is not read.
I watched, months ago, as my mother walked through that valley. There was a transformation as the valley became a quiet peaceful serene place where there would be no more more pain. Since that time, it seems an extraordinary amount of friends and other family members have watched those they loved the most, walk through that valley into eternal life with God.
The valley of the shadow, however, remains all too painful for those left behind. What makes this valley so difficult is that everyone grieves differently. Grief comes at different times, in different stages for everyone. It comes in waves, it comes at unexpected moments, it can be debilitating.
This morning, if you find yourself consumed by this type of grief, don't be afraid or ashamed. You grieve because you loved...and you were loved, and now there is a physical and emotional chasm within your life.
Do know, that the God who walked with your loved one, walks also with you. God also provides you with friends and family who will both share in your grief and give you comfort and joy in the days ahead. Embrace both your beautiful memories and those who still walk with you...and you will begin to find peace and healing
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Good Morning
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the silver lining in things or do you only see the dark clouds?
The story is told that in the days of the Old West, cattle ranchers offered a bounty for a pack of wolves that had been attacking their cattle. Two adventurous bounty hunters soon set out looking for the beasts. After long days of searching, they fell asleep exhausted one night only to wake up and discover they were surrounded by 50 wolves!
The first bounty hunter said: We’re going to DIE! But the second said: Are you kidding? We’re RICH!
Life is full of difficulty and opportunity. How we deal with life’s challenges often depends on OUR perspective. But even the most difficult challenge can be an opportunity for God’s grace to work in our lives.
May you face this day’s challenges with grace – and discover the opportunity in each of them!
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the silver lining in things or do you only see the dark clouds?
The story is told that in the days of the Old West, cattle ranchers offered a bounty for a pack of wolves that had been attacking their cattle. Two adventurous bounty hunters soon set out looking for the beasts. After long days of searching, they fell asleep exhausted one night only to wake up and discover they were surrounded by 50 wolves!
The first bounty hunter said: We’re going to DIE! But the second said: Are you kidding? We’re RICH!
Life is full of difficulty and opportunity. How we deal with life’s challenges often depends on OUR perspective. But even the most difficult challenge can be an opportunity for God’s grace to work in our lives.
May you face this day’s challenges with grace – and discover the opportunity in each of them!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Good Morning.
Have you read the book of Jonah lately? Most people get caught up in the God provided a great fish that swallowed Jonah for three days and then spit him out on the beach part of the story and miss out on the real point of the story. Which is that God’s grace is for all people, even, or is it especially, those people we hate the most. And that he expects us to be the ones to carry the message of His love and grace to them. Today as in Jonah’s day it is easy to get caught up in the us versus them mentality that leads us to hate others, so that, like Jonah, even if they repented and turned back to God we would not like them at all. But that can lead us to ignore Jesus’ final words to us, “Go into all the world, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” If we are His friends, we will do His will.
Have you read the book of Jonah lately? Most people get caught up in the God provided a great fish that swallowed Jonah for three days and then spit him out on the beach part of the story and miss out on the real point of the story. Which is that God’s grace is for all people, even, or is it especially, those people we hate the most. And that he expects us to be the ones to carry the message of His love and grace to them. Today as in Jonah’s day it is easy to get caught up in the us versus them mentality that leads us to hate others, so that, like Jonah, even if they repented and turned back to God we would not like them at all. But that can lead us to ignore Jesus’ final words to us, “Go into all the world, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” If we are His friends, we will do His will.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Brother Jack was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer (both church members), to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, Jack held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the lawyer were flattered that their preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments.
However, they were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.
Finally, the Lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"
Brother Jack mustered up some strength, and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too.”
Who do you surround yourself with in your daily life?
Proverbs 27:17 states as, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Brother Jack was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer (both church members), to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, Jack held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the lawyer were flattered that their preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments.
However, they were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.
Finally, the Lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"
Brother Jack mustered up some strength, and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too.”
Who do you surround yourself with in your daily life?
Proverbs 27:17 states as, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Friday, June 4, 2010
Good Morning!
We can hang out anywhere and be in community: things like Rotary club, work, school, and the gym can all be places of community. However, Christian community is something different.
Christian community is not about being with others, or just being friends or neighbors. Nor is Christian community about simply “going to church,” sitting in pews, or attending a Sunday school class.
We can attend church all our lives and still never truly invest our hearts in Christian community.
What’s distinctive about Christian community is that we are following Jesus together. We are a community together on a journey of discipleship, being transformed to the likeness of Christ,
It is God’s Holy Spirit who ties us together, and we seek to love each other with the love of Christ.
So I invite you to come be a part of the Christian community of Central United Methodist Church. Come worship this Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:55am.
May God bless you today.
We can hang out anywhere and be in community: things like Rotary club, work, school, and the gym can all be places of community. However, Christian community is something different.
Christian community is not about being with others, or just being friends or neighbors. Nor is Christian community about simply “going to church,” sitting in pews, or attending a Sunday school class.
We can attend church all our lives and still never truly invest our hearts in Christian community.
What’s distinctive about Christian community is that we are following Jesus together. We are a community together on a journey of discipleship, being transformed to the likeness of Christ,
It is God’s Holy Spirit who ties us together, and we seek to love each other with the love of Christ.
So I invite you to come be a part of the Christian community of Central United Methodist Church. Come worship this Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:55am.
May God bless you today.
Thursday June 3, 2010
Good morning!
We seem to live in a “dog eat dog” world; A “get ahead at all costs” society; A "don't look back because the competition is gaining on you" culture of self-promotion. But the Bible tells us in the book of James to “humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will lift us up.”
Humble ourselves? That almost sounds obscene in this world. Humility is a forgotten virtue. Often confused with weakness or timidity, humility is really about knowing our proper place in the world without flaunting it.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church saying, that only God can exalt in a permanent way. The key is to know our place before him and let him put us in the place he chooses.
We seem to live in a “dog eat dog” world; A “get ahead at all costs” society; A "don't look back because the competition is gaining on you" culture of self-promotion. But the Bible tells us in the book of James to “humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will lift us up.”
Humble ourselves? That almost sounds obscene in this world. Humility is a forgotten virtue. Often confused with weakness or timidity, humility is really about knowing our proper place in the world without flaunting it.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church saying, that only God can exalt in a permanent way. The key is to know our place before him and let him put us in the place he chooses.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Good Morning:
A few weeks ago I told you that Psalm 118 is the center of the Bible and tells you how to be in the center of God's will. It tells us primarily to put our trust in God. It shows us the importance of developing a steady confidence in God's love.
As we turn more and more to Him, relying on His Spirit and trusting in His guidance, we find that our lives begin to come under control. When we look to God in all things, we become less likely to focus only on ourselves and more on the needs of the world around us.
Trusting in God is the key to true happiness. We need to give praise and thanks to God for all things, for as the psalmist says in Psalm 118, "The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever." Have a wonderful day!
A few weeks ago I told you that Psalm 118 is the center of the Bible and tells you how to be in the center of God's will. It tells us primarily to put our trust in God. It shows us the importance of developing a steady confidence in God's love.
As we turn more and more to Him, relying on His Spirit and trusting in His guidance, we find that our lives begin to come under control. When we look to God in all things, we become less likely to focus only on ourselves and more on the needs of the world around us.
Trusting in God is the key to true happiness. We need to give praise and thanks to God for all things, for as the psalmist says in Psalm 118, "The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever." Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1, 2010
Rev. Jim Cain
Not too long ago, my wife and I were taking a trip. We had checked all the airlines and found that our best deal was going to be flying out of the airport in New Orleans, LA.
While we were standing there checking in, four people were standing over in the corner squalling and weeping like there was no tomorrow. A man was hugging an older woman and a man and telling them goodbye. Then the man left with a younger woman, and went over to the entrance of the chute that went up into the airplane. He held this young woman, and they squalled and looked at one another. Then he, with his head down, disappeared up the runway. Then the three people joined one another and started squalling, they even had my wife and me crying they were carrying on so.
About this time the man stuck his head around from the opening of the entranceway and waved at the group saying, “I’ll see ya’ll Tuesday!”
Sadly, many of us spend more time and energy preparing for short trips or vacations than we do preparing for where we’ll spend all of eternity.
Have you thought about where you will be when you die, if not let me encourage you to do that today!
Rev. Jim Cain
Not too long ago, my wife and I were taking a trip. We had checked all the airlines and found that our best deal was going to be flying out of the airport in New Orleans, LA.
While we were standing there checking in, four people were standing over in the corner squalling and weeping like there was no tomorrow. A man was hugging an older woman and a man and telling them goodbye. Then the man left with a younger woman, and went over to the entrance of the chute that went up into the airplane. He held this young woman, and they squalled and looked at one another. Then he, with his head down, disappeared up the runway. Then the three people joined one another and started squalling, they even had my wife and me crying they were carrying on so.
About this time the man stuck his head around from the opening of the entranceway and waved at the group saying, “I’ll see ya’ll Tuesday!”
Sadly, many of us spend more time and energy preparing for short trips or vacations than we do preparing for where we’ll spend all of eternity.
Have you thought about where you will be when you die, if not let me encourage you to do that today!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Reflections, May 19, 2010
Good Morning!
The human body has 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, over 600 muscles, 22 internal organs, and 9,000 taste buds - so many parts, and they’re all significant. All these parts need each other for the body to work properly.
1st Corinthians 12:21 reminds us that “The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"
This idea of needing each other is counter-cultural for us. We live in a culture where independence is valued over community. We’re encouraged to follow our own paths and be individuals. Yet we look around and see people longing for acceptance & belonging.
Regardless of what our culture says, deep down, we know that we are not meant to live and walk the journey of Christian discipleship alone.
As the different parts of the human body need each other, so we need each other as the body of Christ. Be a part of that body today.
Good Morning!
The letter to the Ephesians tells us that, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.”
Many in today’s world, even many who call themselves Christians, specialize in the negative.
Whatever the topic or occasion, they can tell us what won’t work, where it is irreparably broken, why we can never get it right. But the Bible instructs us to focus on what is right, pure, lovely or admirable in the world not that which is wrong, spoiled, ugly or despicable.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I would suggest that in a day when so much around us trains us to find the negative in life, we Christians must aggressively think and pursue the character, the qualities, and the things of God's goodness.
Good morning!
In his book, Serve God, Save the Planet, author and former E R physician, Matthew Sleeth, tells of how he gave up his practice, sold his home, gave away half of his possessions...why? because as he watched in alarm as an increasing number of his patients suffered from cancer, asthma, and other chronic diseases.
He began to suspect that the earth and its inhabitants were in trouble. While many people may not feel the need for the drastic lifestyle of Dr. Sleeth, I think any of us would agree that we have become a nation of waste. Look at the plastic, aluminum, cardboard and paper that goes through your household daily. Think of how many times you walk out of a room and leave the lights on.
We pray..."give us this day our daily bread...are reminded in Matthew 6, do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Things...accumulated things that we confuse with needs instead of wants. I ask you today to prayerfully consider what ONE thing you can do to make a difference in our world...a world that God gave us dominion over...God's world...let's make it a better thanksgiving for what God has done for each of us. Have a blessed day.
Good Morning:
I love music! For about 25 years, I served as one of the children's choir directors at our church. Music just makes me feel good.
A Bible verse I recently discovered taught me something new about God that I didn't know. Zephaniah 3:17 says the following: "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing."
So, God like to sing, too! That thought makes me enjoy singing even more. And I really like the idea that God takes delight in me and rejoices over me with singing. He takes delight in you, too, because you are His creation. He loves you and wants you to love him back.
As you go through the day, picture God singing as He rejoices over you. What a happy thought! Have a wonderful day!
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Monday is Memorial Day – but not everyone knows why we observe this day.
Memorial Day was established to honor and remember those military servicemen and women who have fallen in combat. It is a way for us to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice made by so many for this nation. I didn’t serve in the military, but I am deeply indebted to those who have – and especially to those who have given their lives for us.
On Memorial Day weekend, I also pause to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross – not just for one person, not just for one nation, but for the whole world.
So this weekend – pause, remember, and be grateful. Many have paid the ultimate price so we could be free from tyranny and oppression; but only ONE has paid the ultimate price so we can be free from the tyranny of sin.
Good Morning:
Thankfully, I don’t often get emotional performing funerals, but about three months ago, as I was eulogizing my friend, Randy Rose, I had a hard time controlling myself. Randy served the United States in Vietnam and was subjected to Agent Orange, a deadly herbicide and defoliant.
He spent many years struggling with his health, but he was never bitter about serving his country. You see, I went off to college and then became a teacher, so I never served in the military.
As I was speaking of Randy to his family, I remembered stories of so many fine young men and women who came home from Vietnam and were cursed and spit upon. That could have been me. I could have been the one to die at 61, 45 years after breathing Agent Orange.
To all who have served our country, who have fought for justice and freedom – “Thank You – Thank You – Thank You! Have a Happy Memorial Day!
Not too long ago, my wife and I were taking a trip. We had checked all the airlines and found that our best deal was going to be flying out of the airport in New Orleans, LA.
While we were standing there checking in, four people were standing over in the corner squalling and weeping like there was no tomorrow. A man was hugging an older woman and a man and telling them goodbye. Then the man left with a younger woman, and went over to the entrance of the chute that went up into the airplane. He held this young woman, and they squalled and looked at one another. Then he, with his head down, disappeared up the runway. Then the three people joined one another and started squalling, they even had my wife and me crying they were carrying on so.
About this time the man stuck his head around from the opening of the entranceway and waved at the group saying, “I’ll see ya’ll Tuesday!”
Sadly, many of us spend more time and energy preparing for short trips or vacations than we do preparing for where we’ll spend all of eternity.
Have you thought about where you will be when you die, if not let me encourage you to do that today!
Good Morning:
A few weeks ago I told you that Psalm 118 is the center of the Bible and tells you how to be in the center of God's will. It tells us primarily to put our trust in God. It shows us the importance of developing a steady confidence in God's love.
As we turn more and more to Him, relying on His Spirit and trusting in His guidance, we find that our lives begin to come under control. When we look to God in all things, we become less likely to focus only on ourselves and more on the needs of the world around us.
Trusting in God is the key to true happiness. We need to give praise and thanks to God for all things, for as the psalmist says in Psalm 118, "The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever." Have a wonderful day!
Good morning!
We seem to live in a “dog eat dog” world; A “get ahead at all costs” society; A "don't look back because the competition is gaining on you" culture of self-promotion. But the Bible tells us in the book of James to “humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will us up.”
Humble ourselves? That almost sounds obscene in this world. Humility is a forgotten virtue. Often confused with weakness or timidity, humility is really about knowing our proper place in the world without flaunting it.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church saying, that only God can exalt in a permanent way. The key is to know our place before him and let him put us in the place he chooses.
Good Morning!
We can hang out anywhere and be in community: things like Rotary club, work, school, and the gym can all be places of community. However, Christian community is something different.
Christian community is not about being with others, or just being friends or neighbors. Nor is Christian community about simply “going to church,” sitting in pews, or attending a Sunday school class.
We can attend church all our lives and still never truly invest our hearts in Christian community.
What’s distinctive about Christian community is that we are following Jesus together. We are a community together on a journey of discipleship, being transformed to the likeness of Christ,
It is God’s Holy Spirit who ties us together, and we seek to love each other with the love of Christ.
So I invite you to come be a part of the Christian community of Central United Methodist Church. Come worship this Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:55am.
May God bless you today.
Brother Jack was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer (both church members), to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, Jack held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the lawyer were flattered that their preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments.
However, they were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.
Finally, the Lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"
Brother Jack mustered up some strength, and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too.”
Who do you surround yourself with in your daily life?
Proverbs 27:17 states as, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Good Morning.
Have you read the book of Jonah lately? Most people get caught up in the God provided a great fish that swallowed Jonah for three days and then spit him out on the beach part of the story and miss out on the real point of the story. Which is that God’s grace is for all people, even, or is it especially, those people we hate the most. And that he expects us to be the ones to carry the message of His love and grace to them. Today as in Jonah’s day it is easy to get caught up in the us versus them mentality that leads us to hate others, so that, like Jonah, even if they repented and turned back to God we would not like them at all. But that can lead us to ignore Jesus’ final words to us, “Go into all the world, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” If we are His friends, we will do His will.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the silver lining in things or do you only see the dark clouds?
The story is told that in the days of the Old West, cattle ranchers offered a bounty for a pack of wolves that had been attacking their cattle. Two adventurous bounty hunters soon set out looking for the beasts. After long days of searching, they fell asleep exhausted one night only to wake up and discover they were surrounded by 50 wolves!
The first bounty hunter said: We’re going to DIE! But the second said: Are you kidding? We’re RICH!
Life is full of difficulty and opportunity. How we deal with life’s challenges often depends on OUR perspective. But even the most difficult challenge can be an opportunity for God’s grace to work in our lives.
May you face this day’s challenges with grace – and discover the opportunity in each of them!
Good morning!
“Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me.” There is rarely a funeral you attend when this beautiful scripture found in Psalm 23 is not read.
I watched, months ago, as my mother walked through that valley. There was a transformation as the valley became a quiet peaceful serene place where there would be no more more pain. Since that time, it seems an extraordinary amount of friends and other family members have watched those they loved the most, walk through that valley into eternal life with God.
The valley of the shadow, however, remains all too painful for those left behind. What makes this valley so difficult is that everyone grieves differently. Grief comes at different times, in different stages for everyone. It comes in waves, it comes at unexpected moments, it can be debilitating.
This morning, if you find yourself consumed by this type of grief, don't be afraid or ashamed. You grieve because you loved...and you were loved, and now there is a physical and emotional chasm within your life.
Do know, that the God who walked with your loved one, walks also with you. God also provides you with friends and family who will both share in your grief and give you comfort and joy in the days ahead. Embrace both your beautiful memories and those who still walk with you...and you will begin to find peace and healing..
Good Morning:
I have the privilege and honor of sharing communion, each month, with Clovis Wright and his daughter, Annie. Clovis is 80 years old, and he and Annie are both retired ministers. One day, after sharing communion, Clovis said, “I want to sing!” so, he headed off to another room on his power chair pulling this oxygen tube he was wearing behind the chair.
Soon he was back with a hymnal that he gave to Annie. As the three of us began singing, I couldn’t help but watch Clovis. He sat in his chair with the oxygen tubes behind his ears, hands propped on a waling stick, tapping his foot with his eyes looking to heaven. He sang all the hymns from memory. I thought, “This man really loves God.” Then I prayed, “God help me to inspire others as Clovis has inspired me today.” Is there anything special you want to do today?
Good Morning:
Do you sometimes feel that God has put you in a difficult position or given you a job that you are not sure you can do? Well, rest assured that if God has led you to it, He can get you through it! He has prepared you, and he has provided everything you need to accomplish what He has set you out to do.
Remember, Abraham had to leave his comfort zone to receive an inheritance that was greater that what his earthly father could provide. He had to trust and depend upon God every step of the way.
Moses depended on God to show him how to lead his people out of Egypt.
When Joshua entered the Promised Land, he had to fight battles to gain what God promised him and his people. Joshua had to depend upon God for every unique strategy for victory along the way.
In each story of these Bible heroes, trust in God was the key. So when you are faced with hard choices and difficult decisions, put your trust in God. Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning!
My Sister-in-law was taking a flight from Birmingham out to Wyoming to see her in-laws.
Being early, she purchased a pack of cookies from the snack shop and settled down in the waiting area to read a novel she had in her purse. While reading, she noticed the man sitting next to her was eating a cookie. Looking down she was surprised to see her package of cookies had been opened and the man was eating them.
Though outraged that the man would open her cookies and start eating them, she said nothing sitting there quietly, munching on her cookie when to her amazement the man took another cookie. Now furious, Jackie took all the cookies from the package and ate them.
Later that day, she reached into her purse and found, much to her own dismay her unopened package of cookies lying at the bottom of her purse.
Embarrassed, she realized that she was guilty of the very thing she thought the man had been doing to her.
Jumping to conclusions opens ourselves up to mistakes or as it says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judged lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”
Good Morning!
In William Young’s novel, The Shack, the main character, Mack, has gone through a family tragedy and is led to a shack where he encounters God. What he finds is not what he expects. He finds Jesus but also finds God in the form of “Papa”, a black woman, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a mysterious character, Sarayu.
around a table, laughing, eating, and fellowshipping, and Mack is drawn into this divine community.
Our sense of community as Christians comes from the fact that the very essence of God is community. God is Trinity, 3 persons, so the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are actually in relationship with each other.
The relational life of God draws us into community with God and with other Christians. God created us to be in community, so go today, and draw others into relationship with our God.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. It’s Thursday – and the weekend is almost here. Many of us will spend the weekend working in the yard, perhaps cooking out, maybe even traveling to get away or visit friends.
It’s tempting to use the weekend to “re-charge” so we can make it through another work week – but usually we cram so much into the time it leaves us drained and worn out. God invites us to remember the Sabbath – a day of rest to stop our labor and hurried rushing about. And amazingly, when we slow down, we often gain fresh perspective on life. And most importantly – Sabbath invites us to remember and worship the God who made us.
So this weekend – have some fun! But don’t forget the Sabbath. If you don’t have a place to observe Sabbath, why not join us at Central – where everyone is welcome.
Good morning!
Tis the Christmas..Vacation Bible School. Beginning at 9:00 this coming Monday morning, we, at Central United Methodist Church, invite children, ages four through 5th grade to join us for a week as we explore the wonderful world God has given to us, through our cosmic adventure Galactic Blast.
Students will study the story of Creation, Elijah, The Woman at the Well, The Blind Beggar in Jericho...Students will also learn facts about earth, the moon, the stars...and take action on what we can do to take care of our planet, because we are reminded in Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."
If you would like more information on VBS, please visit our web site at
If you do not have a church home, we also invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, and our traditional worship begins at 10:55. Sunday school begins at 9:40. Come, join us, and find yourself among friends at Central. Have a blessed day!
Good Morning!
The human body has 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, over 600 muscles, 22 internal organs, and 9,000 taste buds - so many parts, and they’re all significant. All these parts need each other for the body to work properly.
1st Corinthians 12:21 reminds us that “The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"
This idea of needing each other is counter-cultural for us. We live in a culture where independence is valued over community. We’re encouraged to follow our own paths and be individuals. Yet we look around and see people longing for acceptance & belonging.
Regardless of what our culture says, deep down, we know that we are not meant to live and walk the journey of Christian discipleship alone.
As the different parts of the human body need each other, so we need each other as the body of Christ. Be a part of that body today.
Good Morning!
The letter to the Ephesians tells us that, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.”
Many in today’s world, even many who call themselves Christians, specialize in the negative.
Whatever the topic or occasion, they can tell us what won’t work, where it is irreparably broken, why we can never get it right. But the Bible instructs us to focus on what is right, pure, lovely or admirable in the world not that which is wrong, spoiled, ugly or despicable.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. I would suggest that in a day when so much around us trains us to find the negative in life, we Christians must aggressively think and pursue the character, the qualities, and the things of God's goodness.
Good morning!
In his book, Serve God, Save the Planet, author and former E R physician, Matthew Sleeth, tells of how he gave up his practice, sold his home, gave away half of his possessions...why? because as he watched in alarm as an increasing number of his patients suffered from cancer, asthma, and other chronic diseases.
He began to suspect that the earth and its inhabitants were in trouble. While many people may not feel the need for the drastic lifestyle of Dr. Sleeth, I think any of us would agree that we have become a nation of waste. Look at the plastic, aluminum, cardboard and paper that goes through your household daily. Think of how many times you walk out of a room and leave the lights on.
We pray..."give us this day our daily bread...are reminded in Matthew 6, do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Things...accumulated things that we confuse with needs instead of wants. I ask you today to prayerfully consider what ONE thing you can do to make a difference in our world...a world that God gave us dominion over...God's world...let's make it a better thanksgiving for what God has done for each of us. Have a blessed day.
Good Morning:
I love music! For about 25 years, I served as one of the children's choir directors at our church. Music just makes me feel good.
A Bible verse I recently discovered taught me something new about God that I didn't know. Zephaniah 3:17 says the following: "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing."
So, God like to sing, too! That thought makes me enjoy singing even more. And I really like the idea that God takes delight in me and rejoices over me with singing. He takes delight in you, too, because you are His creation. He loves you and wants you to love him back.
As you go through the day, picture God singing as He rejoices over you. What a happy thought! Have a wonderful day!
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. Monday is Memorial Day – but not everyone knows why we observe this day.
Memorial Day was established to honor and remember those military servicemen and women who have fallen in combat. It is a way for us to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice made by so many for this nation. I didn’t serve in the military, but I am deeply indebted to those who have – and especially to those who have given their lives for us.
On Memorial Day weekend, I also pause to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross – not just for one person, not just for one nation, but for the whole world.
So this weekend – pause, remember, and be grateful. Many have paid the ultimate price so we could be free from tyranny and oppression; but only ONE has paid the ultimate price so we can be free from the tyranny of sin.
Good Morning:
Thankfully, I don’t often get emotional performing funerals, but about three months ago, as I was eulogizing my friend, Randy Rose, I had a hard time controlling myself. Randy served the United States in Vietnam and was subjected to Agent Orange, a deadly herbicide and defoliant.
He spent many years struggling with his health, but he was never bitter about serving his country. You see, I went off to college and then became a teacher, so I never served in the military.
As I was speaking of Randy to his family, I remembered stories of so many fine young men and women who came home from Vietnam and were cursed and spit upon. That could have been me. I could have been the one to die at 61, 45 years after breathing Agent Orange.
To all who have served our country, who have fought for justice and freedom – “Thank You – Thank You – Thank You! Have a Happy Memorial Day!
Not too long ago, my wife and I were taking a trip. We had checked all the airlines and found that our best deal was going to be flying out of the airport in New Orleans, LA.
While we were standing there checking in, four people were standing over in the corner squalling and weeping like there was no tomorrow. A man was hugging an older woman and a man and telling them goodbye. Then the man left with a younger woman, and went over to the entrance of the chute that went up into the airplane. He held this young woman, and they squalled and looked at one another. Then he, with his head down, disappeared up the runway. Then the three people joined one another and started squalling, they even had my wife and me crying they were carrying on so.
About this time the man stuck his head around from the opening of the entranceway and waved at the group saying, “I’ll see ya’ll Tuesday!”
Sadly, many of us spend more time and energy preparing for short trips or vacations than we do preparing for where we’ll spend all of eternity.
Have you thought about where you will be when you die, if not let me encourage you to do that today!
Good Morning:
A few weeks ago I told you that Psalm 118 is the center of the Bible and tells you how to be in the center of God's will. It tells us primarily to put our trust in God. It shows us the importance of developing a steady confidence in God's love.
As we turn more and more to Him, relying on His Spirit and trusting in His guidance, we find that our lives begin to come under control. When we look to God in all things, we become less likely to focus only on ourselves and more on the needs of the world around us.
Trusting in God is the key to true happiness. We need to give praise and thanks to God for all things, for as the psalmist says in Psalm 118, "The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever." Have a wonderful day!
Good morning!
We seem to live in a “dog eat dog” world; A “get ahead at all costs” society; A "don't look back because the competition is gaining on you" culture of self-promotion. But the Bible tells us in the book of James to “humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will us up.”
Humble ourselves? That almost sounds obscene in this world. Humility is a forgotten virtue. Often confused with weakness or timidity, humility is really about knowing our proper place in the world without flaunting it.
This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church saying, that only God can exalt in a permanent way. The key is to know our place before him and let him put us in the place he chooses.
Good Morning!
We can hang out anywhere and be in community: things like Rotary club, work, school, and the gym can all be places of community. However, Christian community is something different.
Christian community is not about being with others, or just being friends or neighbors. Nor is Christian community about simply “going to church,” sitting in pews, or attending a Sunday school class.
We can attend church all our lives and still never truly invest our hearts in Christian community.
What’s distinctive about Christian community is that we are following Jesus together. We are a community together on a journey of discipleship, being transformed to the likeness of Christ,
It is God’s Holy Spirit who ties us together, and we seek to love each other with the love of Christ.
So I invite you to come be a part of the Christian community of Central United Methodist Church. Come worship this Sunday at either 8:30am or 10:55am.
May God bless you today.
Brother Jack was dying. He sent a message for his IRS agent and his lawyer (both church members), to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room, Jack held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled, and stared at the ceiling. For a time, no one said anything. Both the IRS agent and the lawyer were flattered that their preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments.
However, they were also puzzled because the preacher had never given any indication that he particularly liked either one of them.
Finally, the Lawyer asked, "Preacher, why did you ask the two of us to come?"
Brother Jack mustered up some strength, and then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves, and that's how I want to go, too.”
Who do you surround yourself with in your daily life?
Proverbs 27:17 states as, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Good Morning.
Have you read the book of Jonah lately? Most people get caught up in the God provided a great fish that swallowed Jonah for three days and then spit him out on the beach part of the story and miss out on the real point of the story. Which is that God’s grace is for all people, even, or is it especially, those people we hate the most. And that he expects us to be the ones to carry the message of His love and grace to them. Today as in Jonah’s day it is easy to get caught up in the us versus them mentality that leads us to hate others, so that, like Jonah, even if they repented and turned back to God we would not like them at all. But that can lead us to ignore Jesus’ final words to us, “Go into all the world, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” If we are His friends, we will do His will.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the silver lining in things or do you only see the dark clouds?
The story is told that in the days of the Old West, cattle ranchers offered a bounty for a pack of wolves that had been attacking their cattle. Two adventurous bounty hunters soon set out looking for the beasts. After long days of searching, they fell asleep exhausted one night only to wake up and discover they were surrounded by 50 wolves!
The first bounty hunter said: We’re going to DIE! But the second said: Are you kidding? We’re RICH!
Life is full of difficulty and opportunity. How we deal with life’s challenges often depends on OUR perspective. But even the most difficult challenge can be an opportunity for God’s grace to work in our lives.
May you face this day’s challenges with grace – and discover the opportunity in each of them!
Good morning!
“Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me.” There is rarely a funeral you attend when this beautiful scripture found in Psalm 23 is not read.
I watched, months ago, as my mother walked through that valley. There was a transformation as the valley became a quiet peaceful serene place where there would be no more more pain. Since that time, it seems an extraordinary amount of friends and other family members have watched those they loved the most, walk through that valley into eternal life with God.
The valley of the shadow, however, remains all too painful for those left behind. What makes this valley so difficult is that everyone grieves differently. Grief comes at different times, in different stages for everyone. It comes in waves, it comes at unexpected moments, it can be debilitating.
This morning, if you find yourself consumed by this type of grief, don't be afraid or ashamed. You grieve because you loved...and you were loved, and now there is a physical and emotional chasm within your life.
Do know, that the God who walked with your loved one, walks also with you. God also provides you with friends and family who will both share in your grief and give you comfort and joy in the days ahead. Embrace both your beautiful memories and those who still walk with you...and you will begin to find peace and healing..
Good Morning:
I have the privilege and honor of sharing communion, each month, with Clovis Wright and his daughter, Annie. Clovis is 80 years old, and he and Annie are both retired ministers. One day, after sharing communion, Clovis said, “I want to sing!” so, he headed off to another room on his power chair pulling this oxygen tube he was wearing behind the chair.
Soon he was back with a hymnal that he gave to Annie. As the three of us began singing, I couldn’t help but watch Clovis. He sat in his chair with the oxygen tubes behind his ears, hands propped on a waling stick, tapping his foot with his eyes looking to heaven. He sang all the hymns from memory. I thought, “This man really loves God.” Then I prayed, “God help me to inspire others as Clovis has inspired me today.” Is there anything special you want to do today?
Good Morning:
Do you sometimes feel that God has put you in a difficult position or given you a job that you are not sure you can do? Well, rest assured that if God has led you to it, He can get you through it! He has prepared you, and he has provided everything you need to accomplish what He has set you out to do.
Remember, Abraham had to leave his comfort zone to receive an inheritance that was greater that what his earthly father could provide. He had to trust and depend upon God every step of the way.
Moses depended on God to show him how to lead his people out of Egypt.
When Joshua entered the Promised Land, he had to fight battles to gain what God promised him and his people. Joshua had to depend upon God for every unique strategy for victory along the way.
In each story of these Bible heroes, trust in God was the key. So when you are faced with hard choices and difficult decisions, put your trust in God. Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning!
My Sister-in-law was taking a flight from Birmingham out to Wyoming to see her in-laws.
Being early, she purchased a pack of cookies from the snack shop and settled down in the waiting area to read a novel she had in her purse. While reading, she noticed the man sitting next to her was eating a cookie. Looking down she was surprised to see her package of cookies had been opened and the man was eating them.
Though outraged that the man would open her cookies and start eating them, she said nothing sitting there quietly, munching on her cookie when to her amazement the man took another cookie. Now furious, Jackie took all the cookies from the package and ate them.
Later that day, she reached into her purse and found, much to her own dismay her unopened package of cookies lying at the bottom of her purse.
Embarrassed, she realized that she was guilty of the very thing she thought the man had been doing to her.
Jumping to conclusions opens ourselves up to mistakes or as it says in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judged lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”
Good Morning!
In William Young’s novel, The Shack, the main character, Mack, has gone through a family tragedy and is led to a shack where he encounters God. What he finds is not what he expects. He finds Jesus but also finds God in the form of “Papa”, a black woman, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a mysterious character, Sarayu.
around a table, laughing, eating, and fellowshipping, and Mack is drawn into this divine community.
Our sense of community as Christians comes from the fact that the very essence of God is community. God is Trinity, 3 persons, so the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are actually in relationship with each other.
The relational life of God draws us into community with God and with other Christians. God created us to be in community, so go today, and draw others into relationship with our God.
Hi! I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church. It’s Thursday – and the weekend is almost here. Many of us will spend the weekend working in the yard, perhaps cooking out, maybe even traveling to get away or visit friends.
It’s tempting to use the weekend to “re-charge” so we can make it through another work week – but usually we cram so much into the time it leaves us drained and worn out. God invites us to remember the Sabbath – a day of rest to stop our labor and hurried rushing about. And amazingly, when we slow down, we often gain fresh perspective on life. And most importantly – Sabbath invites us to remember and worship the God who made us.
So this weekend – have some fun! But don’t forget the Sabbath. If you don’t have a place to observe Sabbath, why not join us at Central – where everyone is welcome.
Good morning!
Tis the Christmas..Vacation Bible School. Beginning at 9:00 this coming Monday morning, we, at Central United Methodist Church, invite children, ages four through 5th grade to join us for a week as we explore the wonderful world God has given to us, through our cosmic adventure Galactic Blast.
Students will study the story of Creation, Elijah, The Woman at the Well, The Blind Beggar in Jericho...Students will also learn facts about earth, the moon, the stars...and take action on what we can do to take care of our planet, because we are reminded in Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it."
If you would like more information on VBS, please visit our web site at
If you do not have a church home, we also invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. We have contemporary worship at 8:30, and our traditional worship begins at 10:55. Sunday school begins at 9:40. Come, join us, and find yourself among friends at Central. Have a blessed day!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
March 19, 2010
Lent, in Christian tradition, is the period of the liturgical year leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer — through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial — for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This Sunday we celebrate the fifth Lenten Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, not to be confused with Palm Sunday ,marks the beginning of Passiontide, which is a name for the last two weeks of Lent, beginning on Passion Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday.
Please join us this Sunday as we continue to prepare our hearts and our souls for the celebration of Easter!
Jim Cain
This Sunday we celebrate the fifth Lenten Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, not to be confused with Palm Sunday ,marks the beginning of Passiontide, which is a name for the last two weeks of Lent, beginning on Passion Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday.
Please join us this Sunday as we continue to prepare our hearts and our souls for the celebration of Easter!
Jim Cain
March 18, 2010
Good Morning!
Margaret Wise Brown is known for her simple yet profound books for children. One of my favorites is the Runaway Bunny. It’s about a little bunny who tells his mother he has decided to run away. “If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you – for you are my little bunny.” She goes on to tell him that whatever he becomes or wherever he goes, she will be persistent and ever pursuing. He says, “Shucks, I might as well stay here and be your little bunny.”
This story reminds me of David’s words in Psalm 139, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? Your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me.”
Let’s be thankful for God’s relentless love for us – ever pursuing, ever-present, and ever guiding. Thanks be to God.
Jim Wall
Margaret Wise Brown is known for her simple yet profound books for children. One of my favorites is the Runaway Bunny. It’s about a little bunny who tells his mother he has decided to run away. “If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you – for you are my little bunny.” She goes on to tell him that whatever he becomes or wherever he goes, she will be persistent and ever pursuing. He says, “Shucks, I might as well stay here and be your little bunny.”
This story reminds me of David’s words in Psalm 139, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? Your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me.”
Let’s be thankful for God’s relentless love for us – ever pursuing, ever-present, and ever guiding. Thanks be to God.
Jim Wall
March 17, 2010
Good Morning!
Spiritual leader and writer, Brother Roger of Taize, writes the following, “God weaves our life like a beautiful garment with the threads of his forgiveness.”
We can look back over our lives and see the evidence of God’s forgiveness. We see the many ways in which God has forgiven our sins, and we see how God has led us to forgive others who have hurt us.
Forgiveness is one of those topics that sometimes makes us cringe. Forgiving others is difficult and sometimes forgiving ourselves is the hardest thing of all.
Contrary to popular belief, time does not make forgiveness any easier, and we never truly forget the wrongs of others.
However, God’s grace can transform even the torn places of our garment that are in need of forgiveness.
May you go today and notice those beautiful threads of God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.
Spiritual leader and writer, Brother Roger of Taize, writes the following, “God weaves our life like a beautiful garment with the threads of his forgiveness.”
We can look back over our lives and see the evidence of God’s forgiveness. We see the many ways in which God has forgiven our sins, and we see how God has led us to forgive others who have hurt us.
Forgiveness is one of those topics that sometimes makes us cringe. Forgiving others is difficult and sometimes forgiving ourselves is the hardest thing of all.
Contrary to popular belief, time does not make forgiveness any easier, and we never truly forget the wrongs of others.
However, God’s grace can transform even the torn places of our garment that are in need of forgiveness.
May you go today and notice those beautiful threads of God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.
March 16, 2010
Good Morning: Did you ever hear the story of the little boy who came home from church and told his mom they had sung about "Gladly, the Cross Eyed Bear" that morning? Now his mom had heard a lot of hymns, but had never heard one about a Cross Eyed Bear named Gladly. Turns out the song was "Gladly, the Cross I Bear." Trouble is, we do come in contact with people who act like cross-eyed bears or even we ourselves act that way. On those grouchy days, we have gone cross-eyed and lost our focus on the Lord. We're not seeing things clearly through God's eyes. God's words tell us plainly to "look to Jesus." When we look to Him, he sharpens our focus, clears up the fuzzy edges, and straightens us out. So, don't be a cross-eyed bear today. Look to the Lord for help. And if you meet up with one of those cross-eyed bears, surprise him with a big old bear hug. It might just help to straighten him out and make you feel better, too. Have a wonderful day!
Glenda Thomas
Glenda Thomas
March 15, 2010
Two weeks from now we will be in the midst of HOLY WEEK. Holy Week is the annual observance of the final week of Jesus’ earthly life. On Palm Sunday we remember Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem; on Maundy Thursday we participate in Holy Communion and recall Jesus’ “Last Supper” with his disciples in Jerusalem; on Good Friday we experience the trauma and emotion of Jesus’ crucifixion, and on Easter we finally we celebrate the mystery and wonder of Jesus’ resurrection.
Many congregations across Meridian and Lauderdale County will be observing Holy Week in various ways. On Easter Sunday, Central United Methodist Church will hold 3 worship services – one at 8:30, one at 9:45, and one at 11:00.
If you don’t have a place to worship on Easter, I invite you to join us this year at Central, where everyone is welcome.
Rev. Bob Rambo
Many congregations across Meridian and Lauderdale County will be observing Holy Week in various ways. On Easter Sunday, Central United Methodist Church will hold 3 worship services – one at 8:30, one at 9:45, and one at 11:00.
If you don’t have a place to worship on Easter, I invite you to join us this year at Central, where everyone is welcome.
Rev. Bob Rambo
March 12, 2010
The Apostle Paul in the third chapter of Ephesians prays, "Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Are you a dreamer? Even if you are not a dreamer, imagine the most impossible thing you could do to honor God. Then realize that God can do far more through you than that -- more than you can even begin to imagine! And the power to do it? The power at work within you? Ah yes, you guessed it: it is the power of the Holy Spirit! At Central United Methodist Church we are following Jesus Christ, wanting to dream His dream for us. Seeking to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to accomplish his will. And expecting to honor God in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine. I invite you to come be a part of what God is doing in our lives.
Rev. Bob Peden
Rev. Bob Peden
March 11, 2010
In the Old Testament, the prophet Joel says to the Israelite people, “Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish.”
Our hearts have been pulled to love things other than God. We have been burdened, wounded, broken, scattered and confused. We too are in need of God’s unfailing love and forgiveness.
We are in the middle of the season on Lent, where the message of God for us is the same as it was to the Israelite people long ago, “Return to the Lord your God!” God longs for us to return with your hearts.
God calls us to return:
Return to worship. Return to covenant faithfulness with God and each other. Return to justice and reconciliation.
During Lent, let us intentionally focus on returning to God and committing ourselves once again.
Rev. Amy Roller
Our hearts have been pulled to love things other than God. We have been burdened, wounded, broken, scattered and confused. We too are in need of God’s unfailing love and forgiveness.
We are in the middle of the season on Lent, where the message of God for us is the same as it was to the Israelite people long ago, “Return to the Lord your God!” God longs for us to return with your hearts.
God calls us to return:
Return to worship. Return to covenant faithfulness with God and each other. Return to justice and reconciliation.
During Lent, let us intentionally focus on returning to God and committing ourselves once again.
Rev. Amy Roller
March 10, 2010
Good Morning: If someone asked me what my favorite food is, I'd have to say fudge--in any form. Have you ever thought about other ways we "fudge" on things? We fudge on our time. We fudge a little on the truth. We fudge a little on trust. For instance: "I got up a little late this morning, so I'll just skip church." OR "I just told a little white lie-surely that doesn't count!" OR "I know I need to trust God totally, but what if?" You know, God never fudges. He is always faithful to us! We can count on him to be right on time to meet our needs. We can rely on the truth of His word that never changes and we can trust Him totally for the big and little things of our lives. That's our God! So every time you eat a bite of fudge, let it remind you that God never fudges. He loves us and is always there for us. Psalm 34:8 says: "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who trusts in him." Now, go and eat some fudge and have a wonderful day!
Glenda Thomas
Glenda Thomas
March 9, 2010
In a world where violence and terrorism may strike anytime, any place, where can we find security?
The Bible says that our security is not in human protection, but in God. The book of Psalms contains more than 40 references to taking refuge in the Lord, many of them from David’s experience of being pursued by his enemies. In his prayers for help, he centered his hope in the Lord. David writes, “You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To you, O my strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy.”
God doesn’t guarantee protection from difficulty and harm, but God promises to be our refuge in every situation. Remember as you go through this day that you will forever and always be a beloved child of God.
Jim Wall
The Bible says that our security is not in human protection, but in God. The book of Psalms contains more than 40 references to taking refuge in the Lord, many of them from David’s experience of being pursued by his enemies. In his prayers for help, he centered his hope in the Lord. David writes, “You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To you, O my strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy.”
God doesn’t guarantee protection from difficulty and harm, but God promises to be our refuge in every situation. Remember as you go through this day that you will forever and always be a beloved child of God.
Jim Wall
March 8, 2010
A family had a hobby of putting together jigsaw puzzles. The father often brought home puzzles of greater and greater difficulty. One night he presented his family with a puzzle of over one thousand pieces. Immediately they began working on it. After an hour, however, the family was frustrated. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t figure the puzzle out.
The father then discovered that he had accidentally switched the box top with the top from another puzzle. The picture they were looking at wasn’t the puzzle they were working on.
Often, we feel frustrated with ourselves because we don’t believe we live up to what others want from us or even what we think God wants from us. God created us to be different. We all have our own “box-top picture”, and the only way we can ever be successful in life is to be ourselves, allowing God to use us just the way we are.
Jim Cain
The father then discovered that he had accidentally switched the box top with the top from another puzzle. The picture they were looking at wasn’t the puzzle they were working on.
Often, we feel frustrated with ourselves because we don’t believe we live up to what others want from us or even what we think God wants from us. God created us to be different. We all have our own “box-top picture”, and the only way we can ever be successful in life is to be ourselves, allowing God to use us just the way we are.
Jim Cain
March 5, 2010
Today is the World Day of Prayer. We are in the Christian season of Lent, in which prayer is a point of focus.
I invite all of us to make these next weeks leading up to Easter an intentional time of prayer: There are a variety of methods and types of prayer. Here are some to consider:
Intercessory prayer for our loved ones, our community, and our world; confessional prayer in which we confess our sins to God, repent, and accept God’s forgiveness; prayers of thanksgiving; conversational prayers where we just tell God how we’re doing and we listen and reflect on how God is speaking to us.
Also consider silent prayer, where we do nothing other than rest and yield ourselves to the loving and transforming presence of God.
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many ways we communicate with God. Regardless of how you pray, may these next few weeks be a holy and reflective time and may we all pray “God’s will be done.”
Amy Roller
I invite all of us to make these next weeks leading up to Easter an intentional time of prayer: There are a variety of methods and types of prayer. Here are some to consider:
Intercessory prayer for our loved ones, our community, and our world; confessional prayer in which we confess our sins to God, repent, and accept God’s forgiveness; prayers of thanksgiving; conversational prayers where we just tell God how we’re doing and we listen and reflect on how God is speaking to us.
Also consider silent prayer, where we do nothing other than rest and yield ourselves to the loving and transforming presence of God.
This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the many ways we communicate with God. Regardless of how you pray, may these next few weeks be a holy and reflective time and may we all pray “God’s will be done.”
Amy Roller
Sunday School
March 4th
My very first remembrances of God’s love for me come through memories of my childhood Sunday School. I am quick to tell anyone, that in large part, I do what I do today because of the love and nurture I received as a young child at church. At Central, we are excited about our new rotation Sunday school program, Crosswalk, for elementary children. This program is based on the different learning intelligence of children. On any given Sunday, children may be learning about Bible concepts or stories in our cinema, cooking or science lab, drama or art room, or the computer lab. As they enter the children’s area of Central, they are met with storybook like murals depicting the many Bible stories that will remain with them for a lifetime. While it may be a beautiful, fun and enchanting place to be, our main goal is to equip children with an understanding of God and to love them through the first steps in their spiritual journey and growth in God’s love. If you would like more information on our program, you may visit our website at, or call the church office. Go today in the claiming that we are all, indeed, children of God!
My very first remembrances of God’s love for me come through memories of my childhood Sunday School. I am quick to tell anyone, that in large part, I do what I do today because of the love and nurture I received as a young child at church. At Central, we are excited about our new rotation Sunday school program, Crosswalk, for elementary children. This program is based on the different learning intelligence of children. On any given Sunday, children may be learning about Bible concepts or stories in our cinema, cooking or science lab, drama or art room, or the computer lab. As they enter the children’s area of Central, they are met with storybook like murals depicting the many Bible stories that will remain with them for a lifetime. While it may be a beautiful, fun and enchanting place to be, our main goal is to equip children with an understanding of God and to love them through the first steps in their spiritual journey and growth in God’s love. If you would like more information on our program, you may visit our website at, or call the church office. Go today in the claiming that we are all, indeed, children of God!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
If someone asked me what my favorite food is, I'd have to say fudge--in any form. Have you ever thought about other ways we "fudge" on things? We fudge on our time. We fudge a little on the truth. We fudge a little on trust. For instance: "I got up a little late this morning, so I'll just skip church." OR "I just told a little white lie-surely that doesn't count!" OR "I know I need to trust God totally, but what if?" You know, God never fudges. He is always faithful to us! We can count on him to be right on time to meet our needs. We can rely on the truth of His word that never changes and we can trust Him totally for the big and little things of our lives. That's our God! So every time you eat a bite of fudge, let it remind you that God never fudges. He loves us and is always there for us. Psalm 34:8 says: "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who trusts in him." Now, go and eat some fudge and have a wonderful day!
Glenda Thomas
Glenda Thomas
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Thundering Forty
But let your statement be, `Yes, yes' or `No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.” Matthew 5:37
In the year 320, Licinius, Emperor of the East, ordered his soldiers including the Thundering Legion to denounce Christianity on pain of death.
Who was the Thundering Legion? When the Emperor Marcus Aurelius led an expedition against the Quadi in 174, his army, exhausted by thirst, was on the point of falling to the enemy. It was then that soldiers of the 12th Legion prayed to God for help. Soon a thunderstorm arose, relieving the Romans, while terrifying the barbarians. Therefore, earning them the name “thundering.”
40 of the “Thundering Legion” refused so they were stripped & herded onto a frozen lake, being told, they could come ashore when they were ready to deny their faith. They stood firm praying: “Lord, we are forty who are engaged in this combat; grant that we may be forty crowned, and that not one be wanting to this sacred number." One broke and ran to the shore. However, a guard on the bank was so moved by their commitment that he removed his clothes and joined them leaving the # at 40.
Where do you stand today?
Jim Cain
In the year 320, Licinius, Emperor of the East, ordered his soldiers including the Thundering Legion to denounce Christianity on pain of death.
Who was the Thundering Legion? When the Emperor Marcus Aurelius led an expedition against the Quadi in 174, his army, exhausted by thirst, was on the point of falling to the enemy. It was then that soldiers of the 12th Legion prayed to God for help. Soon a thunderstorm arose, relieving the Romans, while terrifying the barbarians. Therefore, earning them the name “thundering.”
40 of the “Thundering Legion” refused so they were stripped & herded onto a frozen lake, being told, they could come ashore when they were ready to deny their faith. They stood firm praying: “Lord, we are forty who are engaged in this combat; grant that we may be forty crowned, and that not one be wanting to this sacred number." One broke and ran to the shore. However, a guard on the bank was so moved by their commitment that he removed his clothes and joined them leaving the # at 40.
Where do you stand today?
Jim Cain
Monday, March 1, 2010
In the very first chapter of the Bible, we are taken to the chaos before time began. In the formless and dark void of a universe prior to creation, we find the Spirit of God hovering over the chaos waiting for God to speak His creative word. This creative word set the power of the Spirit into creative work, ordering and making our universe and our world within it. I don't know about you, but sometimes my life seems just like that chaos that was before time began - formless - hopeless - a dark void. But I know that God is waiting over the chaos of my life - waiting for me to give him permission - waiting to say the word that will take my senseless life and give it purpose, meaning, a real direction. If your life seems to be in chaos, I encourage you to give God that permission. At Central United Methodist Church we are a community of believers who are learning what it means to give God permission to create in us the life he would have for us. Come join us.
Bob Peden
Bob Peden
Friday, February 26, 2010
Many churches follow the Christian year – the “seasons” of Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost that invite us to follow the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We are currently in the season of Lent – a time in which we are confronted with our brokenness and are challenged to receive the Good News that Christ has died for our sins and raises us up to new life.
Several downtown Meridian congregations are sponsoring noon-time Lenten worship and a light lunch each Thursday through March 25th. The next one is March 4th at Central United Methodist Church. Dr. Raymon Leake of First Baptist Church will be the speaker. You are cordially invited to join us.
Worship begins at Noon and lasts about 30 minutes. This is followed by a light lunch, with all proceeds going to Wesley House Community Center.
I invite you to join us for these remaining Lenten Luncheons.
Bob Rambo
Several downtown Meridian congregations are sponsoring noon-time Lenten worship and a light lunch each Thursday through March 25th. The next one is March 4th at Central United Methodist Church. Dr. Raymon Leake of First Baptist Church will be the speaker. You are cordially invited to join us.
Worship begins at Noon and lasts about 30 minutes. This is followed by a light lunch, with all proceeds going to Wesley House Community Center.
I invite you to join us for these remaining Lenten Luncheons.
Bob Rambo
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Celebrate Recovery

If you would like more information, visit our website at There is no advance registration. Simply show up and begin to experience a peace and fullness that only comes through God’s love. Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Have you noticed the city of Meridian tearing down the houses that have become neighborhood eyesores? Sometimes I wonder what happened. Did the owner leave town and not care, why didn’t they sell it, or keep the property in repair? The homeowner’s neglect illustrates the practical truth of Proverbs 24:30-34. Neglect leads to loss. This principle also applies to our daily walk with God. If we neglect our times of prayer and fellowship our relationship with God will deteriorate. We would never want that to happen, but we allow it when we become preoccupied with anything that comes between us and Christ. Let’s establish priorities that honor God. Then we will avoid the loss that comes from neglect. Remember, our mind, body, and soul are to be a temple that glorifies God.
Jim Wall
Jim Wall
Monday, February 22, 2010
George Washington
Good Morning: In 1777, George Washington and his defeated troops set up headquarters at Valley Forge. They spent the winter in near starvation and in freezing temperatures. Hundreds of his men died from disease and hunger. It was there that Washington knelt in prayer in the freezing cold. Yes, George Washington believed in prayer. He was a religious man and records show that he always prayed aloud. He would rise early at four o'clock each morning and spend a portion of his time with an open Bible in his hands. His diary contains frequent references to his attending church and some of his written prayers. He was elected to positions of leadership in three different churches. He was chosen as the presiding officer during the writing and signing of the Constitution and applied the full weight of his power to its adoption. Without Washington, there would be no United States of America. This is the reason we still celebrate his birthday. Thank God for George Washington and others like him. Have a wonderful day!
Glenda Thomas
Glenda Thomas
I do confess that my grandchildren often get to do things at my house that they do not necessarily get to do at their jump on the bed. The other day Brett and Hunter were taking turns jumping into my arms as I sat on the floor. They never, for one moment slowed down as they propelled themselves off the bed into my arms. They just KNEW that I would catch them. They were living Hebrews 11:1...Faith being sure of what they hoped for and certain of what they did not see. My two precious boys, unknowingly, reminded me of something very basic My God loves me, cares for me, and will ALWAYS catch me when I fall. Why is it as adults we lose that childlike faith, particularly in our relationship with God.. I invite you to take some time today to really think about YOUR faith, thanking God for this wonderful gift. And if you do not have a church home, I invite you to join me in worship at Central this Sunday at 8:30 or 10:55, sharing your faith and accepting the grace God gives to each of us. Have a blessed day!
Sabrina Williams
Sabrina Williams
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I hope you enjoy changing weather as much as I do, because we certainly have it here in Meridian. One day 25 degrees and the next 65 or 70. Pouring rain, sleet, ice, or crystal clear sunshine. Meridian's weather is forever throwing us a curve.
That's a lot like life, isn't it? Sometimes something happens that we had no idea was coming: sickness, job loss, accidents, or natural disasters. It works the other way also. Good news on test results, a hug from a child, a job promotion, a birthday or anniversary, can lift us to emotional highs. Our emotional life fluctuates from one extreme to the other. There is something - someone, in fact - you can count on to be unfailingly consistent. Jesus was the same yesterday as he is today. And he will be the same tomorrow. He is always there, always loves you, and will not be affected by the circumstances of your life. That is how I have survived the radical changes in my life. You can too.
Bob Peden
That's a lot like life, isn't it? Sometimes something happens that we had no idea was coming: sickness, job loss, accidents, or natural disasters. It works the other way also. Good news on test results, a hug from a child, a job promotion, a birthday or anniversary, can lift us to emotional highs. Our emotional life fluctuates from one extreme to the other. There is something - someone, in fact - you can count on to be unfailingly consistent. Jesus was the same yesterday as he is today. And he will be the same tomorrow. He is always there, always loves you, and will not be affected by the circumstances of your life. That is how I have survived the radical changes in my life. You can too.
Bob Peden
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of lent. Lent is the Christian season focused on repentance, reflection, fasting and prayer that leads us up to Holy week, when we remember the death and finally the resurrection of Christ.
I invite you to come tonight to Central United Methodist Church for the Ash Wednesday worship service at 6:00 in our sanctuary.
Part of the worship time will include the imposition of ashes, where ashes are put in the shape of a cross on our foreheads, reminding us that we are dust and to dust we will return, but especially symbolizing our repentance, or turning away from sin.
I invite you to embrace these next 40 days of lent and use them as a time to
look inward and examine the intentions of your heart. Let go of the things that weigh you down and let God shine light on the dark places in your life.
Amy Roller
I invite you to come tonight to Central United Methodist Church for the Ash Wednesday worship service at 6:00 in our sanctuary.
Part of the worship time will include the imposition of ashes, where ashes are put in the shape of a cross on our foreheads, reminding us that we are dust and to dust we will return, but especially symbolizing our repentance, or turning away from sin.
I invite you to embrace these next 40 days of lent and use them as a time to
look inward and examine the intentions of your heart. Let go of the things that weigh you down and let God shine light on the dark places in your life.
Amy Roller
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesdays with Morrie
In this book, "Tuesdays with Morrie," Mitch Albom records this conversation with Morrie Schwartz. Morrie says, "Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, when you know you should never take anything for granted. A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. And most of us live somewhere in the middle." Mitch says, "It sounds like a wrestling match." Yes, you could describe life that way," says Morrie. Mitch asked, "Which side wins?" With his smile, crinkled eyes and crooked teeth, Morrie responds, "Love wins. Love always wins." May God bless you this day and fill you with Love.
Jim Wall
Jim Wall
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