Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015


Today we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King stood for equal

rights for African American people when no one else would. Because of that

dedication, our world is a better place.

Some of the dearest people in the world to me have a different skin tone

than mine. Years ago our paths would have never crossed. Anita Betts, our

Administrative Secretary, is African American. We are the same age, have

much in common, and genuinely love each other. We will refer to the other

one as a sister. One day my grandson, Hunter, was in the church office.

Anita and I were picking at Hunter telling him we were sisters. He was

insistent that it could not be. By this time, Anita had come around her desk,

and we were standing cheek to cheek, asking Hunter why he thought we

were not sisters. His response? Because your hair is different! He never saw

a difference in skin, simply different hair styles.

Dr. King, I am SURE would smile at that. How blessed we are to live in a

land, in a time, where we may still struggle with differences, but ARE most

assuredly making great strides.

On this day, let us not look at skin color, or racial profile, but instead look

to the Golden Rule. Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us!

THAT pretty much says all there is to say about what Dr. King stood for!

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