Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. How often do you feel discouraged? Most people fight a

constant battle with discouragement. We become discouraged over

everything from missed opportunities to situations that may never happen


It is easy to get discouraged, and as we read the Bible, many of our great

heroes faced and struggled with discouragement.

So, how do we overcome discouragement? The first step that we find in

Scripture is to realize that God is on our side. He is pulling for us, and it is

his desire for us to prosper and experience peace, love and joy.

Secondly we have to model this belief. There is nothing that lifts the spirit

more than a good word from another person. Just imagine that on your

worst day, what if everyone that you came in contact with encouraged you.

Our spirits would be lifted and our discouragement would fade.
So, why don’t you and I start the ball rolling and remind people that they

are loved by God. I invite you to visit us at Central UMC and live


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