Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, Febuary 11, 2015


If I asked you to sum up your life in one simple sentence, what would it be?

I imagine most of us would have a very hard time doing that. But it does

make you think.  What is the point of your life, what makes you tick?  What

drives you?  What worries you?  Most importantly...what inspires you?

When we can answer these questions, we better understand ourselves and

why we do what we do. Being aware of the answers to these questions

allows us to make better decisions in our lives. 

If the reality of a loving God who loves us, forgives us, challenges us to be

all that we can be, is the focus of our daily lives and decisions, then we find

it is easier to discover the true purpose of our lives.

Thankfully the answers to the questions I just asked are different for each

of us- there is no correct, cookie cutter answer. THAT is what makes this

world such a beautiful and diverse place!!! Go and have a blessed day!

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