Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, Febuary 4, 2015


Good Morning! I’m John Branning the Lead Pastor of Central United

Methodist Church. Life doesn’t always make since does it. For example:

Why do tugboats push their barges? Why do “slow down” and “slow up”

mean the same things? Why do we press harder on the buttons of a remote

control when we know the batteries are dead? If practice makes perfect, and

nobody’s perfect, why practice?

Life is filled with confusion. Jesus said that he had come to give us life and

to give it to us abundantly. This doesn’t mean that all of the confusion of

life ends when we become followers of Jesus. But it is sure good to know

that I can still live abundantly even if I don’t understand everything.

I hope that you are following the one that helps make sense out of life. I

want to invite you to visit us at Central UMC at either our 8:30

Contemporary, 9:45 Connect service or 10:55 Traditional service and lets step

out of the confusion by connecting to God and one another.

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