Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Good Morning!

The phrase “catch-22” refers to a problem that has a solution that is

prohibited by the problem itself. For example, if you need glasses to see, and

you lose your glasses, you can’t find them because you need them to carry out

the search. A typical “catch-22” is when job seekers are denied a job because

of a lack of experience, which they will never get unless they can get a job.

Ponder this theological problem: We cannot be saved with good works, but

neither can we be saved without good works. How is that possible? The Bible

clearly says we are saved by grace through faith, not by works. But it also

says that faith without works is dead.  Actually, we can be saved without

good works—like the thief on the cross who died immediately after placing

his faith in Christ. But as a rule, good works are evidence of our faith, a sign

that our faith is alive and well.

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