Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


When our grandson, Brett, was about two years old, he had a word that he

made up.  “Backardsway”
Backardsway had several meanings-do it over, do it this way, not that way, go

back-all the ways in which he used it had the same connotation-

Wouldn’t it be great if our lives had a backardsway?”  We could “re-do” our

past mistakes, go back and “backardsway” ill spoken, hurtful words? What if

we could backardsway
those times when we resisted the will of God, and instead took the path of

our own choice? I am afraid we all focus too much on the “only ifs.”

The good news is grace.  Whatever poor choices that we may have made in

life, are forgiven, covered by God’s grace. It is often in those times that we

have taken the dark path, mis-spoken, that we have grown as a child of

God...deepened our spiritual journey...yet we continue to re-visit our mis-

steps, longing for backardsway, instead of embracing and experiencing the

gifts of forgiveness and grace.

Go today, in peace, knowing you are a forgiven and loved child of God!

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