Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012


Good Morning:

It's time to say "Happy New Year" once again.  New Year is the most ancient of all holidays.  It was the Romans who first used January 1 as the beginning of the new year in 153 BC.  Symbolically, New Year signifies a renewal of life--discarding the old and worn out in exchange for a chance to revamp, rejuvenate, and start all over.

Today is an ending.  An ending to the year 2012.  It could be an ending for those things in your life which are holding you back from having all the good things God thinks you deserve.  Today would be a good day to think about those things, turn them over to God, and ask him to help you throw them away.  Let tomorrow be the start of a brand new you.  That's possible when you start your New Year with God at your side.  Happy New Year!!  Happy New You!!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012


“Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there. 1 Samuel 1:28

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you would do almost anything to see it happen? Hannah did. She was barren and getting older every year while her husband's other wife was having kids and rubbing it in her face. God heard her prayers and graciously gave her a son. But, what did Hannah do with that great treasure? She gave him back to the Lord, allowing him to be raised in the temple, set apart for service to him. Think about what you have been asking God for. Are you ready to give it back? Is that why you haven't received it yet? Remember, after Hannah gave her son to the Lord, he blessed her with more.

Everything we have comes from the Father, so we should follow Hannah's example by giving it all back for his use and glory. We'll be glad we did!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Good Morning:

Did you hear the story about the man who went on a fishing trip, but caught 4 deer instead?  It's a wonderful story of how God works in mysterious ways. True story...a man in Sitka, Alaska, had a fishing charter boat that he took out one day.  Well out into the water, he saw 4 deer swimming towards the boat.  Unusual, because a deer's natural instinct is go away from human contact.  As he got closer to the deer, he realized they were in distress.  He lowered the tailgate on his boat, and all 4 deer came aboard and collapsed exhausted on the deck.

Back on shore, he opened the tailgate and the first deer bounded off, stopped, turned and looked back as if to say thank you and then fled into the woods.  With a little coaxing the next two left the boat and the last one had to be carried ashore.  To me, God's hand was at work, placing that boat at just the right time and place to save those deer and to take away the deer's natural distrust of humans.  A fine example of God taking care of his creations.  He will take care of you, too.  Just trust Him.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Good Morning!

There were three crosses on Calvary's hill.  On one was a man dying in sin - he did not accept Jesus.  On another was a man dying to sin - he trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior.  And on the middle cross was One dying for sin.  He could die for others because He was God's Son and had no sin of His own.  The center cross made all the difference for those two men hanging beside Jesus - the difference between an eternal hell and an eternal heaven.

The whole world is represented by those two thieves and their responses to the Lord Jesus.  We should look in faith to the One in heaven who once hung on the middle cross.  And may our response and prayer be:  “Lord, remember me.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas! What a glorious day this is. You are perhaps surrounded this morning by bright tinsel, twinkling lights, a beautiful crèche, and the remains of wrapping paper from presents opened last night or first thing this morning. All is well, but I would encourage you to remember that the first Christmas was not nearly so beautiful or exciting. Sure, a choir of angels sang, but the only ones to hear, were a small group of smelly sheep farmers, sleeping on the ground.

The only ones with gifts to bring were foreigners - star-gazers - tired and confused after a long, long journey.

The only place for this newborn to sleep was in a feeding trough, and yet, this one born in such destitution did not seek gain for himself. Rather, he humbled himself to lift up the poor, the blind, the lost, the sinner. He even gave his life for such unworthy ones; and he calls us to do the same. How will you celebrate this kind of King today?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Today is Christmas Eve.  MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your loved ones!  Many of you will gather at places of worship to observe and celebrate this day in some way.

But if your congregation doesn't have an opportunity for Christmas Eve worship, or if you don't have a faith community you participate in here in Meridian, then I invite you to join us today at Central.

At 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00 this afternoon, we offer 3 services of Holy Communion.  We'll sing Christmas carols, hear the Christmas story from Scripture, have a brief message of hope and joy, and gather around God's table for Holy Communion.  The best times to come are at 1:00 and 3:00.

We invite you to join us today at Central as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Good Morning!

On this day in 1957, while spending the Christmas Holidays at Graceland, his home in TN, rock-and-roll star, Elvis Presley, receives his draft notice for the U.S. Army.  Though fans sent thousands of letters to the army asking for him to be spared, Elvis would have none of it. He was sworn in as an army private in Memphis on March 24, 1958.

After basic training, Elvis served in Friedberg, Germany, where an army buddy of Presley's introduced him to a young girl named Priscilla, whom Elvis would marry some years later. Ironically, the once despised singer was now seen as a model for all young Americans. After he got his polio shot from an army doctor on national television, vaccine rates among the American population shot from 2 percent to 85 % by the time of his discharge.

Thousands of years ago, another young man received a government notice. One that decreed he was to return to his birth place and register with the census. He too was accompanied by a young girl on his journey, but her name was not Priscilla, it was Mary.

By being obedient to the edict of King Herod, Joseph and Mary would play their part as role models in the birth of a king. No, not the king of rock and roll, but the King of Kings, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Good Morning:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders; and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.  Isaiah said those words approximately 750 years before the birth of Christ.  That prophecy came true, and the birth of that child is the reason we celebrate Christmas each year.  Christmas is not just a holiday.  It is a holy day.  Without Christ, we wouldn't have the promise of eternal life.  Without Christ, our sins wouldn't be forgiven.  Without Christ there would be no hope.  Without Christ, we wouldn't have this holiday.   Remember that as you celebrate Christmas this year.  Merry Christmas to you all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

One week from today is Christmas.  For many of us, that means gathering in warm homes around tables brimming with food surrounded by loving family and friends and stacks of beautifully-wrapped gifts waiting to be opened.

But for many others, that's NOT the way Christmas will be.  For some, this time of year is lonelier than any other because of the absence of loved ones.  Others face a bleak holiday, because they are unemployed or under-employed.  Still others already worry that after the Christmas gifts are open, the Christmas bills will be due.

Today, take a moment to remember that Christmas is about God's gift of love in Jesus.  And because God has loved us, today, if you are blessed, find a way to share your blessing with someone less fortunate.

Make this a GREAT day!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012


Jesus said, “The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." "Gushing fountains of endless life" really captures Jesus' message here. It corresponds with "River of Life" and "living water" in other places in John's writings. The Spirit is a living gift -- dynamic and powerful, not static and lifeless. While we may not get the full drink of this blessing now, the life we receive and the hope the Spirit gives and the assurance of sharing in the great blessings with the Father forever are more than anything in this life.

Remember these words: "never thirst ... artesian spring ... gushing fountains ... endless life." This is what the Holy Spirit means to us. This is what the Spirit of the Living God brings to our lives. This is the hope and power that the Spirit of Christ brings to us and makes alive in us! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012


What does Christmas Mean to me?

It's bright lights, and candles, a trip to the Christmas tree farm

It's hot coca -marshmallows and a fire crackling in the fireplace.

Christmas is a church choir

The phone ringing and one of my boys asking, “is it all right if I charge momma's present to you.”

It means passing cars with Christmas packages up in the windows as families go visiting

It's kissing kinfolks, some you want to kiss and some you don't

Christmas just means so much to me

Plenty of goodies laying around the house-

It's the utter pandemonium that is Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve and the peace of the still quiet house once all the young'uns are finally in bed

It's working with Wesley House, the Advent Fair, Stop Hunger Now, Christmas at the Cain's, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, and all the other things we do at Central Methodist

It's my boys coming home and asking, “Daddy can we do Operation Shoebox can we do it daddy, can we?”

Christmas is the expression on my boys' faces as they filled those boxes with stuff their money bought, put the lid on them, and sent them off

What's Christmas? It's helping other people know the love of Christ, that's the Spirit of Christmas

My it's great to be a Christian at Christmas time!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central!

Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath; how a towering warrior is defeated by a mere boy. It can remind us of the value of courage. But we can easily overlook David doing the seemingly impossible: defeating a great warrior with just a slingshot. In the end, David didn't win, because he had the better weapons or was the best warrior; his efforts weren't enough to win the day. He won, because it was God's will.

How often do we want to see people treat us better? But when we don't get what we want, we don't let God change things; we try to do it ourselves. We wield anger and manipulate to get what we want. We are trained to think that is the right way to get things done. But that is more Goliath than David. Anger and manipulation anytime something doesn't go our way is to not trust God. To trust God means even when what we want doesn't immediately happen, we treat someone with sincere kindness and will let God change what is needed. And we let God turn our meekness into strength.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Good Morning:

Today is 12/12/12.  Did you know that the number 12 is mentioned 187 times in the Bible?  For instance, there were 12 Patriarchs from Shem (son of Noah) to Jacob.  From Jacob, came the 12 tribes of Israel.

In the New Testament, Jesus first appeared to the public at the age of 12.  He had 12 Disciples during his adult ministry.  The New Jerusalem described in the book of Revelations has 12 gates of Pearl with 12 angels at the gates.  The wall of the city has 12 foundations of precious stones with the name of the 12 apostles on them.  In other words, the number 12 symbolizes perfection.

So, I am going to see today as a perfect day.  After all, this is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it!  I hope you will, too.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Tis the season. Shopping for gifts for the person who has everything, Christmas Cards forgotten, grocery shopping! If you have little ones in your home, your list is even longer!!! The excitement of Christmas morning, what Santa will bring, all this permeates the air. In the hustle and bustle of these last few days, don't forget to take the time with your children and yourself to focus on the real reason we celebrate this season.

Over 2000 years ago, there was the hustle and bustle of life, with no one realizing the gift that was quietly being given to us.  We have the privilege of KNOWING this gift.

During the days ahead, as families begin to come together, take time to worship, thanking God for the gift of His Son, your family, and all of our many blessing! Merry Christmas and have a blessed day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012


Good Morning!

A bored student at the University of Washington used an Internet auction site to sell his soul to the highest bidder.  As it turned out, the top offer was only $400.

Since the soul is immaterial, it can't be extracted from a body like a physical organ such as a heart.  The student had to admit, “I don't think the high bidder is going to be able to collect on my soul.”

That lighthearted offer calls to mind our Savior's serious question in Matthew 16:26, “What will a man give in exchange for his soul?”  As He challenged His listeners to think about a future day of judgment, Jesus said that the whole world fades in comparison to the valve of a soul.  Jesus died on the cross to pay the price to redeem us.  How much do you think you are worth to God?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012


What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to enjoy some wonderful Christmas music. At Central United Methodist Church, on Sunday, December 9th, we will be doing just that; and you are invited. At 8:30, members of our praise band will be singing and playing some of the finest contemporary Christmas music from the Trans-Siberian Light Orchestra and other contemporary Christian Artists.

At 10:55 our Sanctuary Choir will present a beautiful worship service of lessons and carols. Then at 6 o'clock that evening, Central will present a beautiful drama and ballet written by Helen Mortimer, a British dance instructor, in 1942 following the death of her son, Robert. It has been performed in St Paul's Cathedral and Albert Royal Hall in London and is being brought to Meridian by Caroline Carns.

Join us a Central United Methodist Church for a marvelous day of Christmas celebrations.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Good Morning!

You have probably seen some examples of angry impatience - a co-worker cursing and throwing tools around or a driver fuming while having to wait an extra thirty seconds in traffic.  All of us need to learn more patience.

Being patient doesn't mean standing around all day.  You were designed to be active to think up solutions, to do your best to make things happen.  But some things take time no matter how hard you push.  Sometimes you just need to pace yourself.

Trusting God is a large part of being patient.  You have to trust that god is going to make things work out.  You have to trust that given time, wisdom, and direction, a solution will be found.

In Psalms we read, “Be still and know that I am God.”  So have faith and patience.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We all hate to wait..whether it be at a stop light, in line at the store, or for someone to answer a door. We are just impatient.

While the world waited for years for Jesus' birth, we have this time of Advent to wait and prepare for the celebration of our Lord and Savior. All the while remembering, that because of that birth, over two thousand years ago, our world forever changed.

Close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath. Thank God for the many, many blessings He has bestowed upon you.

Then as you continue through your day, waiting in the long lines, in the traffic, remember this is a time of joyful anticipation of a birth that was foretold to a people desperate for hope and salvation. Is it really any different today? Paraphrasing the angels message to the shepherds - “For unto you, was born a Savior, Christ the Lord”.  Go in peace.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


The "Million Dollar Quartet" is the name given to recordings made on Tuesday December 4, 1956 in the Sun Record Studios in Memphis. The recordings were of an impromptu jam session among music greats Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash. It was arguably the first super-group in the history of American Music.

When the tracks were released, Cash's distinct voice is absent from the recordings. Music historians feel that Cash had come by the Sun Studios to collect on money owed him and that after receiving it; he left to go shopping for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Sadly, it is that way with many of us today. We spend so much time cleaning, cooking, shopping, and preparing for the arrival of Christmas, that when the day finally arrives we are too tired or distracted to enjoy the moment. Jesus, himself, once told Mary and Martha that they should spend time with Him rather than the things of this world that would always be here.

So during this Christmas season take a moment away from wrapping gifts, sit down with a refreshing cup of hot chocolate, pick up the Bible and reconnect with the source of the holiday. The packages will still be there when you return, I promise.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central!

As we approach the Christmas season, many of us will be entering a season of celebration as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. And it is a very joyous time, indeed, but we often times overlook the hardships of other people in this season. In the ever popular Christmas season movie “It's a Wonderful Life,” George Bailey considers ending his life on Christmas Eve. While the story ends up with a happy ending, all too often, people who are left to feel lonely or worthless during the seasons; many people do not have family or friends to celebrate with, and many people feel insufficient; because they do not have the money to purchase gifts for others.

Be sure to remember the needy in this season! You do not have to give extraordinary accommodations or gifts. When Jesus was born, he was placed in a manger... a place where animals were fed, of all places. Simply your presence and a basic meal can go a long ways to showing Christ's love to others. May God bless you!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012


It is, indeed, Christmas time in the city.  Meridian's annual Downtown Christmas Parade will take place tomorrow evening at 5:30 p.m.  Because at Central we are excited to be a part of Downtown Meridian, we are opening the doors of our church to the community.  We will open at 5:00, offering homemade soup, hot chocolate, popcorn, train rides for the children, along with a visit from Santa.

For those who are torn between the Christmas Parade and the SEC Championship game...worry not...we will have the game on the big screen in our Fellowship Hall. All of this is just our way of inviting you into our lives...a gift from us to the community.

Come join us as we celebrate the sights, sounds and smells of the season!

If you do not have a church home, we invite you to return and worship with us on Sunday morning.  We have two services...a Contemporary Service at 8:30, followed by Sunday School, and a Traditional Worship Service at 10:55.

We hope to see you tomorrow evening...and maybe again on Sunday!  Have a blessed day!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Good Morning!

The Bible speaks of Jesus Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  It's quite a daunting title - fierce and commanding.  And yet, Jesus told his disciples that He was “gentle and humble in heart.”  So, which description is true?  Each is true.

You may think gentleness equates to weakness.  But that simply isn't so.  Gentleness is actually controlled strength.  It is the ability to choose to reach out to another person with tenderness and caring when it is within your power to crush and destroy.

Choose to be gentle with those whom God has placed in your life - your spouse, your children, and your co-workers.  In that way, you will be following in the footsteps of Christ.

When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central!

“Ask and it will be given to you. Search and you will find. Knock and the door will be open.” These familiar words of Jesus are the very definition of what a prayer life is about. They speak of the expectation that if we come to God with our requests, we will find an answer. But for many of us, our prayer life is “one and done.” As a result, we may act as if Jesus says, “Ask once... search once... and knock once...”

But the Christian prayer life is a persistent, constant, never ceasing practice that always brings our requests to God.  The time we spend in prayer about something represents its genuine importance to us. Sometimes we pray for something simply because we want it at that moment or we feel obliged to because someone asked. But tomorrow, it is forgotten from our minds.

If something is important enough for God to do, it is important enough for us to make it a priority in our constant prayer.

May God bless you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hi!  I'm Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.  Last Friday was “Black Friday” - the official start of the Christmas shopping season.  Many businesses count on the weeks before Christmas to help them make a profit, to end the year “in the black.”  So they offer special sales and promotions to encourage us to shop.

In the midst of all this “hustle and bustle,” it's easy to get caught up buying things we don't need or things we can't afford.  It's a good thing to remember that “things” cannot bring us joy; true happiness and contentment come from living life simply, honestly, compassionately.  The Apostle Paul reminds us that “Godly living and being content with what we have” is a priceless gift.”

During this holiday season, may you find “space” to celebrate this season for what it truly means - a gracious God who stooped low and came down to earth to live among us.

Make it a GREAT day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012


Nehemiah's countrymen, the Jews, were living in destitution. The once powerful walls of Jerusalem were little more than scattered rubble and her great gates that once protected the people and welcomed their friends were reduced to char & ash. This broke him, and he began praying earnestly for God to work mightily on the Jew's behalf.  However, Nehemiah didn't stop there; rather, he started planning for the day when God would answer his prayer.

Many of us wait for God to work and answer prayer, like Nehemiah, but unlike him, we aren't prepared for when he does. God uses that time of waiting to prepare us, which he did with Nehemiah. Nehemiah served king Xerxes as a cup bearer, a trusted position. The king, sensing his brokenness, asked him, “Why is your face sad, seeing you are not sick?” Nehemiah didn't retell the sad tale, but gave the king a well planned solution.

Are we preparing for the day when God moves? Have we been praying for revival as a church, but not preparing ourselves for when it occurs? Start planning today for your answered prayers.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012


Good Morning:

Well, one more Thanksgiving Day under our belt...and I do mean under our belt.  If you are like me, yesterday was all about food, family, and fun.  Hopefully, you didn't forget to count your blessings and to give God thanks for all of them.   Often, we get so caught up in the food and family that we forget about God.

All of us, no matter our situation, have things for which we are thankful.  Psalm 62:1 tells us "It is good to give thanks to the Lord."  Psalm 100:4 says to come into His presence with Thanksgiving.  There are many verses in the Bible that tell us to be thankful and to thank God.  If you forgot yesterday, do it today.  Count your blessings.  Take the time to say, Thank you, God; and then remember to thank God for something every single day.  God, our Heavenly Father, loves to hear from His children.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012


How ironic I thought, that I would be doing a Reflection TODAY.  While I am VERY thankful, my family dynamic has drastically changed in the past few years.  My mother, my daddy, and now my brother have died.

Holiday family gatherings are different now. There are memories of past dinners. But now we also have 7 beautiful grandchildren...that INDEED changes the dynamic, and gives us a glimpse of the future.

While today is a NATIONAL holiday, as Christians, we are keenly aware of the many things God has given to us. God has given us family, friends, memories, futures - no matter what your political preference, your denominational affiliation - we are a blessed people. We are each a part of God's perfect plan. We are a part of God's future - as surely as Noah and Abraham.  And we have been blessed to be a blessing to others.  Let us ALL give thanks!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central!

In Acts 20:35, a phrase familiar to many of our ears is remembered from the mouth of Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” These are true words to remember for this holiday season. While we do give gifts to others on Christmas, we often spend more time anticipating what we are going to get rather than how someone will respond to the gift we give them. During the holidays, we are trained to give gifts to people to receive gifts back in return.

But the story of God becoming a human like us is a story of a gift that can never be fully paid back. In Jesus, God saves us when we cannot help ourselves, much less pay God back. Giving without expecting to receive is at the very center of God's heart... that is the great truth of Jesus' birth.

As you celebrate the Christmas season, ask yourself the question: is there anyone in need that you can give to without expecting in return? That is how we can fully celebrate the birth of our Savior.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and many of us will be gathering around for a day of food and family. And as the name suggests, many of us will be coming to the holiday with a mindset of trying to acknowledge the things we are thankful for.

Thankfulness is a good thing, but in Colossians 4:2, the Apostle Paul takes it a bit further: “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.” For Paul, being thankful isn't simply about having a celebration. It is about keeping our eyes and ears open to what is happening around us. When our prayers to God are focused on what God has done for us, we realize what we have is not truly our own. What God has given us is something God wants others to enjoy also. By giving thanks in our constant prayers, we become alert to give to others the very things God has given us.

So, when you give thanks for your many blessings, think also of the poor and needy. Be alert to how you can help them as God has done for you. After all, what God has given you is something God wants to give to someone else.

May God bless you!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Good morning!

In the very first chapter of the Bible, we are taken to the chaos before time began. In the formless and dark void prior to the completion of creation, we find the Spirit of God hovering over the chaos waiting for God to speak his creative word. This creative word set the power of the Spirit into creative work, ordering and making our universe and our world within it. Yet, isn't it so sadly ironic that in the chaos of our lives we so seldom cry out to God and ask for his Holy Spirit to come into our lives and bring the Lord's creative order?

Let's ask for God's Spirit, hovering above our messes, to enter into our world and lead us to where we need to be, and to bring the Father the glory he deserves! Only God can create order out of the chaos in which we live.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


Good Morning!

Now the rabble that was among them had a strong craving. And the people of Israel also wept again and said, “Oh that we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.” Numbers 11:4-6

There are few things in life more repulsive than ungratefulness. Whether it's a spoiled child screaming for more, or an adult who is unappreciative of another's giving, ungratefulness is ugly! Remember God's provision of manna for the Israelites in the wilderness? This food appeared every morning, except on the Sabbath, enough to feed the nation. If the Lord had not produced the manna, people would have starved.

Oddly enough, the people weren't grateful. They bemoaned that the “fish they ate in Egypt cost nothing”-nothing but their freedom. Gratefulness should abound when we witness God's provision in our lives. Next time you are compelled to complain about something, like your job, family, or anything in between, look at it in the light of God's provision.

Don't complain about your manna!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012



With Thanksgiving less than a week away, I asked my youngest son what were some things he was thankful for. He thought for a moment and said “the little things” like warm beds, socks, and electricity.

Thomas Edison created the Edison Electric Illuminating Company on December 17, 1880, to produce and sell electricity. This came after Edison made over 900 light bulbs that didn’t work. 900 times he went to all the trouble of making a light bulb, plugging it in, flipping the switch, and watching while nothing happened. According to Edison, every time he made a light bulb that didn’t work, he found, “one more way not to make a light bulb.” Eventually, he made a light producing bulb. As a result, he is known as one of the greatest inventors of all times.

So it is with our faith. Most Christians failed many times before arriving at where they are today. Even the Apostle Paul confessed when he said, “For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.” Thankfully, Paul like Edison never gave up. As Believers we must be committed to our faith and not give up, learning from our mistakes one more way not to live the Christian life.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hi!  I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.  Recently, our church installed two AEDs – automated external defibrillators – in case of an emergency.  The AED delivers an electrical charge to help “re-start” a heart that has stopped beating.  They can be the difference between life and death.

“Reviving the heart” is also language used in the Bible.  In Scripture, the heart doesn’t refer to the ORGAN inside our chests – but to the “center” of a person’s being.

Sometimes, our “hearts” can get HARD or OFF-COURSE and lead us away from God.  This usually happens when we live without allowing God to be part of our daily lives.  In those cases, our “hearts” need to be softened or “revived”.

How is YOUR “heart” today?  Does it beat with passion and desire for God?  Or has your heart become HARD?

Give God some “room” in your life – and make it a great day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston on June 18, 1865, along with 1800 troops and announced that the Civil War was over.

On June 19th, Granger read a proclamation which stated, in part:

“The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.”

President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. Yet two and a half years later, there were over a quarter of a million slaves in Texas who were unaware of their new freedom.

Celebrations broke out throughout Galveston and across the state. Today, we are surrounded by people who are slaves to sin, caught up in patterns of behavior that control their lives: lust, ambition, greed. Our task, therefore, is to embrace the freedom that Christ offers and announce that freedom to others. We need to help people see that slavery to our own desires is still slavery, and that God offers the only way out of that bondage.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

Many countries across the world today are celebrating World Kindness Day. Kindness is this great ideal that we long to see it in others. We designate a day for that very reason. But we desire it because we don't see much of it. We create a day because every other day is not a day of kindness. But it is easy to take one day of the year to be kind…and it is easy to work out at the gym only once a year. It doesn't cost a lot in the long run.

But consistent kindness is something nobler... and something harder. Trying to encourage people to do exactly that, the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility regard others as more important than yourselves.” This sounds foreign to some of our ears. But when we treat ourselves as most important, we are continuously feeding ourselves. Eventually, we get out of shape and cannot easily exercise love for others. Anyone can be kind one day. To learn to be consistently kind to others, we have to learn to regard others as more important. That takes time and training!

May God bless you!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


Granddaddy Cain was on up in years by the time this story takes place, and he didn’t go to many church business meetings anymore; because he thought the young folks, them in their fifties and sixties could handle the church business. But on this particular day, he got word from one of the other “good old boys” that the church was about to add some new program to reach folks outside the church, so he got his grandson to drive him to the meeting at the church.

When he walked in, the church body was already deep in discussion about starting a group for thespians. A woman said, “I move, sir, that we create the group and allow them to meet during choir practice. Someone else said, “I second the motion”. The moderator asked, “Is there any discussion?”

Granddaddy stood up, cleared his throat saying, “Brethren, I want everyone to know up front that if we allow these thespians to come into the church, they’ll try and take over. If we let them use the room and put up a sign I’m not sure anyone knows how to spell it. And most of all, I’m concerned that as bad as we need space, that if we let these thespians meet, then there won’t be anywhere for the church drama group to meet!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012


Good Morning!

God loves you and is intimately concerned with your life to the point that “the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”  And God was involved right from the beginning with the creation of your spirit, soul, and body.  Who you are is largely determined by your inherited genetic traits and your upbringing, but there is more to you than that.

Spirit, soul, and body, you are a unique creation of God – a person who is known by God and loved by God.  God designed you the way you are for a reason.  In 1 Peter 4:10, we read that each of us is given a special gift from God to be used in serving others.  If you have not discovered your gift, pray to God and ask friends for their thoughts.  Then use your uniqueness and special gift to spread joy wherever you go.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I often look at my family and wonder what fingerprints am I leaving on those who will come after me? I am, in part, who I am today because of the legacy my parents left to me. Legacies that were passed down to them.

Legacy is the wisdom, convictions, experiences, and values that have been handed down to us from generations before us. It shapes us, providing wisdom and direction for the next generation.

Legacy is powerful. It is a gift we are compelled to open, but after opening it, we are faced with challenges and choices. Will we accept it, share it, toss it, or rebel against it?

How has your faith been impacted by the legacies of those before, how will you impact the faith of those to come?

God gave us an example of perfect legacy through His Son, forgiving, reaching out to those in need, loving the unlovable.  No matter what our past, we all have the power to leave a Christ-like legacy for those yet to come. It is a sobering, yet powerful thought for today.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Good Morning:  “We give thanks to you, oh God. We give Thanks!” “It is good to give thanks to God.” “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless his name.” “Give thanks at the remembrance of His Holy name.” “Oh, give thanks to the Lord. Call upon His name.” “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” These are just a few verses from the Bible that remind us that for all the ways we have been blessed, we are always to thank God.

November is the month for Thankfulness. A time for remembering that first Thanksgiving Day so long ago. It has become the month that we take time to thank God for all He has done for us. This is the month of Thanksgiving. And that's good. But, how about the rest of the year? This November, let this be the start of giving thanks to God every day and all year long. After all, He doesn't just bless us in November. Count your blessings, give God the glory, and tell him simply, “Thanks, God.” Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


He was the first to answer the call of mission, the first to recognize the specialness, the first to tell someone else of the unique find.

Thirty years later he was at the mercy of the authorities and he must have known that this time his life would be taken from him.

Andrew became one of the four disciples most closely associated with Jesus, he was a speaker on the Day of Pentecost and then he traveled, mostly by foot. Eventually, to be tortured and crucified in the city of Patras on the Peloponnese peninsula of what is now known as Greece. The X shaped cross he was hung on has become known as "Saint Andrew's Cross." From that time by the Sea of Galilee, Andrew saw a lifetime fulfillment of Jesus' promise to make him and Peter fishers of men.

As exemplified in the life of Andrew, being a follower of Jesus is rough and costly, yet the outcome is never in doubt.

Are you following Him at all costs?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012


Good morning.  Life is certainly full of ups and downs.  We all go through them.  Nobody is exempt.  Earlier this year, my wife’s heart stopped beating without warning and life changed in an instant; and then life changed again one hour later when doctors were able to miraculously establish a heartbeat…followed by many more emotional turns during her amazing recovery.

Throughout our life, we lean on Friends, Family and Church to get by; and hopefully we’re leaning heavily on God as well.  It’s through these difficult times that we actually become stronger and better prepared.  This life is not easy, but it is preparing us for one that is.  Use this time wisely, because this life can change in an instant.  Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

Relationships with people can be difficult at times. Sometimes it seems that another person's frustration comes out of nowhere. We readily respond to them with anger. Or, in this time of the presidential election, it is like a powder keg; people can explode at each other with just the slightest spark of politics. Or in a few weeks, the Egg Bowl is coming up: Bulldogs and Rebels can move into heated arguments over whose team is better. We are programmed to respond to people the way they respond to us.

But in Luke 6:31, Jesus says “Do to others as you want them to do to you.” But this isn't simply an exercise in moral logic. It is a word of wisdom: if you want people to respond positively to you, do it to them first.  When we don't respond to anger with anger, bitterness with bitterness, but instead respond to anger with kindness and bitterness with celebration, then there is hope that the other person's tune will change and a godly, friendly relationship can grow.

May God bless you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hi!  I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Today is All Saints Day.  It’s a day Christians have long observed as a time to recognize the connection between God’s people living and those who have gone on in death and now live eternally in God’s presence.

This Sunday at Central, we’ll pause to remember those from our congregation who have died this year; we’ll also celebrate that the Church goes on as we recognize those who have become members in 2012.

On this All Saints Day – who have been the “saints” you remember?  Who influenced your life for good?  Who made a powerful impact on you?

Today – let’s give thanks for those who have shown us how to live as God’s people.  Today – let’s live our lives knowing that others are watching us.

Make it a great day!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Good Morning and Happy Halloween. Here is just a thought for the day.

Have you ever thought about how being a pumpkin is a lot like being a Christian.

We all start out like

pumpkins. When we say 'yes' to God, he picks us up out of the garden and he gently washes away the dirt.
Then He looks inside us and scoops out all of the yucky stuff - the seeds of hurt, rejection, all of the ugliness.

With our hearts clean, we begin to smile, to see the world in a different way, and before long, the light of Jesus shines from within us because Jesus has taken us out of the darkness and into His wonderful light. Now isn’t that a wonderful way to begin this day!

Go forward today in God’s love and peace!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I had walked too far, ending up in a neighborhood unfamiliar to me. A glance at my cell phone told me the battery had long since died. The streetlights came on, and I hurried from one pale pool of light to the next, desperately searching for some familiar landmark.

Finally, admitting I was lost, I approached a house where the movement of a curtain in the front window suggested someone was home. Hoping for directions or the use of a phone, I knocked on the door.

The man who opened the door appeared strangely pleased to see me, as though he had been waiting for someone he didn’t know. With a smile he ushered me into the dimly lit room. Responding to my confession of being lost, he said, “So, then no one knows you’re here.” And as he finished talking, I heard a key turn in the lock.

Do you ever feel lost and afraid in this world? In John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012


Good Morning:  “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.” Psalm 56:3. That's the Bible verse for the month of October at the Children's Center.

During the next few days, children all over Meridian will be hearing about ghosts and goblins and all kinds of scary things. At the Children's Center, we have been stressing the importance of having a good time during Halloween, but we also want them to learn about the difference between make believe and the real thing: God. There's nothing wrong with pretending. In fact most children learn a lot through play and in pretending. It's our job as adults to teach them what pretending is and give them an alternative. That alternative is the Love and Care of God for each one of us.

So, if you have fears in your life, just repeat that Bible verse: “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you” and teach that to your children. It helps when you are scared and feel all alone. It will remind you that you are not alone and through your trust in God, your fears can be erased. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012



The 7 sons of Sceva, a high priest, were traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of Jesus in their incantation, saying, “I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!” But once when they tried it, a demon replied, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.

The sons of Sceva were using the name of Jesus Christ as if the name alone had power, but they were NOT believers in Jesus Christ the person. They merely developed faith in His name, they believed the stories… but they didn’t have the faith in the PERSON.

Evil spirits didn’t cower at the name simply because it was said. It was the faith in the person behind saying the name that vanquished demons. For it says in Romans 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012


We live in an impatient, fast-paced world, where we want everything done immediately, if not sooner. We don't want to wait. We don't want to slow down. We don't want to be patient.

Maybe we need to listen to these words from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament: "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Be still. Be still and know that God is God.

Stop. Wait. Listen. God doesn't always respond in four seconds or less. While we won't have to stand in line, we may have to wait much more than fifteen minutes. The Bible says that for God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. We can't rush him, nor give him a deadline. But he will answer. He will respond. He will save.

All we can do is be still. Be still and know that he is God.

Stop. Be still. And let God be God of your life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October, 24, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

In Genesis, God tells Abraham that He is going to bless and make Abraham's name great. But more than that, God says that through Abraham, God would bless all the world. In other words, God isn't concerned about Abraham because Abraham is so great and deserves it. Abraham has done nothing to make himself worthy of such a promise. Instead, God blesses Abraham so that the entire world can experience the same blessing.

When God does something great for you or me, it isn't just about you or me. It is tempting in my spirituality to think God loves me because I am just so lovable and great to be around. But God is concerned about more people than just you or me. But if we hoard all that we get for our own use and benefit, we cut off the pipeline that God wants to use to bring peace to the entire world. By selfishly hoarding, we create jealousy and envy in others. And instead of a world of prosperity and peace, we live in conflict and destroy what God has given. But love does not hoard... it is generous and brings peace!

May God bless you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


With our 7th grandchild now here, I can easily tell each why they are my favorite.  I never understood how that could be until I became a mother, and now a grandmother.  HOW could I possibly love another child as much as I loved this one?  It is one of the wonderful mysteries of life that God imparted into our human form.

In the same token, on a MUCH grander scale, God does that for each of us.  HOW could God love the drug addict, murderer, money launderer as much as he loves the missionary who gave up countless comforts of life to go across the world to live in poverty? Because they, too, are His child.

Each of us have the distinction of being a child of God.  Whatever mistakes we have made or not made in our past, not one of us is more important in God’s eyes.  Our God is a God of the present and we are loved equally.

Acknowledging the gift of God’s grace is a wonderful way to begin this day! Have a blessed one!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

Power and rights are like a delicious meal. As Americans, we think if we can get stronger or if we can assert ourselves more, we can have a life of prosperity, popularity, and peace.  The Constitution is built on this idea. We build ourselves up so our life goes the way we want and people will listen to us. But like any food, too much is unhealthy and can destroy your heart. We can become imprisoned in the shackles of narcissism and only care about ourselves, not others.

But in the book of Genesis, God tells Abraham that HE will bless Abraham and make Abraham's name great; Abraham doesn’t do it himself. The only thing God tells Abraham to do is to go into a new land, instead of staying in his homeland where the security of his family resided. If Abraham is faithful to that call, God would bless and increase Abraham's reputation. Abraham could then act in love towards others instead of being self-absorbed.

Only when we are concerned more about God's concerns and not our own can we both genuinely love others and experience true blessing.

May God bless you!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012


I recently had our two oldest grandchildren, Will and Aubrye, with me.  Aubrye, who is six, began naming the pets in their family....  Dixie, Bear, Elmo, Stella, and Penelope.  Will quickly said, Aubrye, Stella died, she is not part of our family.  Aubrye replied, yes she is, we have her memories and that makes her part of our family.

How profound. What a comforting observation. Just because our loved ones may no longer be with us, they are no less a part of our family. It also made me think of how we, as families, need to be very intentional about taking time to make those memories with our loved ones.  In today's hectic world do we take time to slow down the pace of life and spend quality time with our families to talk around the table, take a walk spend time with our older relatives?

At creation, God realized the need for family and the relationships that evolve through family. If your family does not have a church home, I also would like to invite you to join my family, three generations, at Central this Sunday.  We would love to see you there!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Good Morning:  Do you believe that God sends animals to give us comfort? I do. I had a beautiful German Shepherd years ago named Teppi. Teppi was an outside dog and spent most of her hours lying on the front porch. She only barked when something or someone came into our yard. We lived next door to an elderly couple.

One night Teppi barked so much that the lady next door had to slam her window down to keep out the noise.

The next day, she let me know about it. This couple walked together every afternoon for exercise. One day the time came when the man died. The lady didn't walk for many weeks. On the first day that she ventured out on her own, she passed by our house as usual. Teppi got up from the porch, went out to the street, and fell in step beside her. That was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Every afternoon from that day on, my neighbor had a companion again to walk with her. Teppi sensed that our neighbor needed someone, and she filled that spot. I think it was a God Thing! Yes, God will use any of his creatures when there is a need. Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hi!  I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Last month I had the privilege of spending a night at sea aboard a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman.  Along with a group of others from Meridian, we toured the ship and observed the crew at work for 24 hours.  I was struck by the dedication and commitment of the crew to their mission of keeping America safe and of being a force for good in the world.

Jesus had a mission, too – to spread the news of God’s love and mercy to everyone he could.  And when Jesus couldn’t carry out this mission alone, he asked those who follow him to complete the task.  We are asked to be “messengers” of God in the world.

We’re all “messengers” for something or someone; who are you a messenger for?  What “messages” are you sending?

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


He knew that the asker already knew the answer, so to deflect blame and redirect the intent of the original question he asked one of his own. "Am I my brother's keeper?" And since that time, Cain's question has been repeated over and over by people who do not want to be responsible for the influence they have had on the actions of others.

Jesus said we are to be salt and light as well as His witnesses to those around us. We are responsible for those around us, responsible to help each other avoid those things that would separate us from God Almighty.

We are our brother's keeper. But, and this makes all the difference, we are to hold each other accountable to the teachings of Jesus as members of a family, wanting the best for each other.

Accountability is not difficult when those monitoring it and those who are experiencing know and understand that it's being done of their betterment.

Am I my brother's keeper? Absolutely!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012


Good Morning!

Fred Rogers, host of the long-running children’s show, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, died in 2003.  He was well known to children and their parents as a kind and gentle person who genuinely believed that each person is special, deep inside, just the way they are.  Because Mr. Rogers recognized the value of each person, he believed in being a good neighbor to all.

When Jesus was asked, “Who is my neighbor?” he told the parable of the Good Samaritan.  At the conclusion, the Lord asked, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”  The answer?  He who showed mercy on him.

Who in our neighborhood needs a kind word or an act of friendship today?  Jesus calls us to show love and compassion to others as we love God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle,  Associate Pastor at Central.

We live in a time where we are bombarded by many frightful and anger-arousing messages all around us: on the radio, the television, the computer, and even our phones. It is very easy for us to get obsessed about what is wrong and scary in life. We become hyper-vigilant, watching around every corner for the next threat. We become easily offended, finding insult in the slightest word. Bitterness, anger, and fear can easily consume us, because what we focus on forms who we are.

But in Philippians 4:8, the Apostle Paul encourages people to focus on different things. “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

When we focus on the good things in the world, like the things Jesus did, we can create a different perspective on life. Instead of bitterness, anger, and fear filling our lives in an obsession over evil, celebration, gratitude, and peace can define our lives and how we live with others.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2013


Good morning.  On January 29th of this year, my family experienced firsthand a true Miracle.  Without warning, my wife’s life was taken away when her heart stopped beating while at church…only to be given back when doctors established a heartbeat one hour later.  To me, it seems like an incredible waste to have witnessed a Miracle and not do anything about it.  To not share it with anyone that will listen.  To not self evaluate and determine how I can make a difference.

Everyday miracles can be small or large; and we all experience them, sometimes firsthand and sometimes secondhand.

Have you experienced a Miracle recently?  Have you heard God knocking?  How will you respond?  John 20:30-31 “Now, Jesus did many miraculous signs in the presence of the disciples…. recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God…..and that by believing in Him, you will have life.”

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wednesday, October 9, 2012



With Meridian having just hosted another successful run of the Queen City Fair, it seems only fitting to take a moment and reflect on the fairs of our youth. Do you remember going to the fair and walking through the maze of mirrors? Some would make you look like Danny Devito while other’s made us look as big as Shaquille O’Neal. Others just made you look plain weird and twisted.

To get a proper perspective about who we are, we have got to look into a mirror that will give us an accurate and truthful reflection. That mirror is the Word of God. However, when we walk away from God’s mirror, we have to remember what kind of person His Word wants us to be. That means when we look into God’s Word, we’ve got to take more than a casual glance, we need to look with a penetrating focus.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012


Good Morning:  Today is Columbus Day. It is meant to commemorate Oct. 12, 1492, the day when the Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, sailed from Spain and “discovered” the Americas.

One of the oldest holidays in the United States, Columbus Day, dates back all the way to 1792. In the last few years, there has been a lot of controversy about celebrating this day. In spite of the controversy, there is a deeper meaning behind this holiday. It really doesn't matter when people knew America existed. We already have a holiday for that. It's the Fourth of July. It doesn't matter who set foot here first. The fact is: Columbus Day is more about discovery. It's an idea that rings true even today; just as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ring true for every American, Discovery is the belief that the unknown is still out there. That kind of imagination and determination created a country where everyone is entitled to self-expression, freedom of religion, and the right to vote.

Where would we be today if we hadn't discovered our own America for ourselves. God bless America and have a happy Columbus Day!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012


Should I be afraid of God? No. Yes. Sometimes. In some ways. It depends on what you mean.

How's that for a definite answer? This example that helps me understand it a bit. I sit in an office day after day, surrounded by electricity. There are electrical cables in the walls around me and in the ceiling over my head. Numerous power cords are plugged in near my feet.

I'm not afraid. In fact, I'm glad that I have electricity in my office. It gives me light and lets me use my computer and other devices. I'm not afraid of electricity. But I'm not going to stick a fork into an outlet, either. I fear electricity and its power, but I don’t let it keep me from relying on it.

Likewise, I shouldn't live a fearful life, walking around thinking that God is going to strike me down at any time. That's not love. That's not what God wants. But I should have reverence for God and his power.

Do you fear God? Are you living a life of reverence? If not, then I don't think you know who God is.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012


My husband Rick and I often go to a local restaurant with another couple.  After only a couple of visits to this restaurant, we walked in, only to have the waiter who had served us before, look at each of us and quickly tell us our drink order.  It was a good feeling to know that our being there had made an impression, and we were remembered.

It also made me realize how paying attention to the small, relatively insignificant details can make another person feel special.

Jesus paid attention to what we might think small insignificant details - children, a woman who touched the hem of his garment, a small man in a tree.

I am often so focused, with tunnel vision that I miss not only the details, but the people along my path.  A very nice man in a restaurant quietly, unknowingly, preached a sermon to me, reminding me that details are significant.

I encourage you to join me in taking this gentleman's silent sermon to heart. To someone today, you could be the only person who seemingly cares.  To someone today, your attention to detail could be the world.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Good Morning!

A mild-mannered man was reading a book about being self-assertive and decided to start at home.  So he stormed into his house, pointed a finger at his wife, and said, “From now on I’m the boss around here and my word is the law!  I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal and draw my bath.  Then, after I’ve eaten and finished my bath, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair.”  “The mortician,” replied his wife.

Good leaders don’t rely on dominating others – not at home, in church, or in business.  They balance self-assertiveness with the principle of submitting to one another.  They listen respectfully, admit when they are wrong, show a willingness to change, and mix gentleness with firmness.  Submissive leadership requires a kind and gentle honesty that will attend to others’ needs and win their love and loyalty.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Good Morning:  I've told this story before, but it is so special to me that I wanted to tell it again.  A few years ago, our three year classes at the Children's Center had quite an adventure.  They were riding the elevator to the third floor when, all of a sudden, the elevator stopped and they were stuck between floors.  Mr. John was called to the rescue.  As he worked on the elevator from the outside, the children inside were being reminded by their teachers who they were supposed to call on when they needed help. Gracie folded her hands, and said, “God help us, Amen.” At that moment the elevators doors opened, and Mr. John looked down on them. One of the teachers laughingly said, “We didn't know that God looked like Mr. John.”

What a wonderful way to teach our children that God looks exactly like Mr. John. Any time we do something to help others, anytime we are kind to others, anytime we reach out to others, God is using us and showing himself through us. Remember that and have a wonderful day!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

In 1982, Sony launched the first electronic device that would use a CD. CDs contain so much information in such a little space. Never had such a density of information been made available to so many. Today we see that trend continue to develop. Except, we don't need to carry a CD; we carry around our phones to search information on the internet that has millions times more information. It is easy to always find something new to grab our attention.

It is easy to forget, then, that there is value in studying something we have heard and seen before. Our desire for novelty can make the 2000 year old Bible seem... well... boring. But just as a CD packs a lot of data in a little space, so too the Bible can pack a lot of wisdom in a few words. However, it takes time to explore it. It isn't instant like electronics. But it is that time to explore that allows you to absorb what you find in the Bible. Just how much do you really remember from all those YouTube videos you watched only once?
May God bless you!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012


Hi!  I’m Bob Rambo, Lead Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

During the month of October, we’re offering a new series of messages at Central we’re calling “TOTALLY COMMITTED.”  For four consecutive Sundays, we’ll explore what it means to be totally committed to God in our lives.  If you don’t have a place where you regularly worship, I invite you to join us at Central during October.

Also, on Sunday, October 7th, at 4:00 in the afternoon, we’ll be hosting a “Blessing of the Animals” in our parking lot on 23rd Avenue.  Animals are one of God’s good gifts; we invite you to bring your pet that day, and we’ll give thanks with you for God’s gift.  We also invite you that day to bring a donation of pet food, pet supplies, or money for EAST MISSISSIPPI ANIMAL RESCUE.

Make it a great day!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Good Morning!

Paul says in Ephesians:  “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the Saints.”  Today starts a week of prayer for Christian Unity.

A young man had been wandering around the country for eight years without contacting his parents.  After accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he decided to call them.  His mother said to him, “My dear son, you must have accepted Jesus Christ at the same hour your father went home to heaven.  Your father always prayed, “Lord, please save my poor wandering son.”

If you believe in the power of prayer, as I do, then pray this week for Christians all over the world.  Pray that we would love, accept, and support one another.  Pray that each of us would be guided by the Holy Spirit to be all that God has called and created us to be.  I am praying for you!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


When NFL running back, Arian Foster, recently signed a five year contract to the tune of more than 20 million dollars, he was interviewed concerning his success and about his early years when his mother sold her wedding band so he and his siblings would have food.

He was questioned about the prior year when his contract was a fraction of his teammates.  His reply:  "when you start comparing yourself to another man’s mirror, that is when negative thought begin to creep in.  My journey isn't anybody else's journey."

How often do we measure our life and success by that of our neighbors or other family members? In today's world where success is measured in dollars and possessions, we often forget we are made "in the image of God."  God knew us before our image was even yet formed. That should serve as a reminder to each of us of the importance and significance of OUR journey.  Go today seeing yourself in God's mirror.  Your journey is important. God thinks so...have a blessed day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



George Patton, one of the greatest army generals this country has ever known, once said while addressing his troops, “Your job is not to die for your country but to cause others to die for theirs.” Whether we realize it or not, as Christians, we are at war.

The bible refers to us as soldiers who must fight many battles throughout the course of our lives. This is not a time for believers to go “AWOL” on God.

The good news is that we don’t have to be afraid of any battle we face. God has given each of us an offensive weapon in our armor. It’s called the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. It’s time to stop admiring our sword, polishing it and carrying it around like an ornament. We’ve got to use it! When we speak the Word of God boldly in faith, that mighty spiritual weapon cuts through every temptation or spiritual opposition that comes our way.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012


We normally think of baggage as bad stuff… stuff that weighs us down and gets in our way. And while it's true that most of us have negative baggage, there is another kind of baggage that gets in our way as well: good baggage!

Good baggage is the stuff that we use to make us feel better about ourselves, stuff that makes us feel superior to others and gives us a sense of importance and identity. Good baggage can be degrees we've completed, cars we drive, neighborhoods where we live, the people who are our friends, the size of our bank accounts, where we vacation, or buildings with our names on them.

None of it gets us to God and to life that truly matters and to life that lasts in the face of death and decay. To gain that, we must give it all up build our lives on the truth that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. All that baggage is just holding you back.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012


Good Morning:  If my Mother were still living, I would be wishing her a Happy Birthday today. Instead, today is a day of remembering.  It's not a sad day, because  1. I know where she is and 2. in remembering, I focus on all the positive things I learned from my Mother.  She was very religious.  She made sure we were in the church every time the doors opened.  It used to drive me crazy!!  Guess what!?  That was one of the first things I did when our first child was born.

George and I didn't always get up and go to church, but when that first child came along, things changed.  We got up on Sunday mornings and began to raise our children in the church.  My Mom loved two things more than anything else:  God and her family. That was something else I got from her.  There are many other things I inherited from my Godly Mom, but nothing is more important than the Love of God and the Love of Family. That doesn't mean I never had problems, but it does mean that with God as the Center of my family, life surely is a lot easier.

Is God the Center of your family? I hope so.  Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central.

Why is it that Christians go to church? Some might say it is to worship. And there is some truth to that. But people can worship in private. There is a much deeper reason why going to church is essential. Hebrews 10:24-25 says: “Let us think how to stimulate each other to love and good works. Do not neglect to meet together as some habitually do. Instead, encourage each other, even more so as you see the Day approaching.” Going to church is about encouraging and lifting each other up.

It can be hard to care for others when our jobs can put strenuous demands on us and we see all the evil in the news. We can't love by ourselves, but we need each other to love others. The hope is in going to church, we come to be encouraged.

While this is not the case at all places, unfortunately, there are many congregations that do encourage each other. If you don't have a church home or have been burned by churches, I encourage you to come to Central at either 8:30 or 10:55 on Sunday mornings.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Good morning.  This year, more than any other year, I’ve spent a lot of time wondering…. Exactly what is my purpose here in this world.  You see, on January 29th, my wife’s heart stopped beating without warning while attending church.  It took just over 1 hour, but a heartbeat was miraculously established again.  This was only the beginning of a 26- day process to her amazing recovery.

Doctors cannot explain why this happened.  No medical conclusion could be drawn.  It is their belief that it was an act of God.  I would have to agree.  I believe it was a plan to draw everyone together.  A plan to draw us closer to family, closer to friends, closer to church, and most importantly, closer to God.  So, what is God’s plan for you?  Are you searching for His answer?  Are you listening to what He is trying to tell you?  Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Good morning!

Philippians 4:6 &7

states. “Do not worry

about anything, but in

everything by prayer

and supplication with

thanksgiving let your

requests be made

known to God.  And

the peace of God

which surpasses all

understanding, will

guard your hearts

and minds in Christ


Anxiety and

worry. The kind of worry that saps your life of energy.  It is easy to allow

ourselves to spend so much time worrying that we forget to focus on the answer to our worry...our

relationship with God.

Throughout the

scriptures God addresses our worries and fears. When God sent angels to both Mary and the shepherds, he began with “Do not be afraid.”Jesus told His disciples “do not worry about your

life, what you will eat,

or what you will wear.” We spend valuable time worrying about things that will never happen.  When hard times do come, no amount of worry will change them...that is when God carries us through.

So today...turn your worries over to your God and have a blessed day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012


Good Morning!

The other day when I was driving home from work listening to the news, a report came on about a mail carrier delivering mail on his route when a small, but loud barking dog proceeded to rush at him with visions of a leg sandwich. Before he knew it, the mail man had scooped the dog up by his back leg and threw him over a short fence into his owner’s back yard. Of course, the focus of the story was the lawsuit filed by the dog’s owner for abuse.

Now I don’t condone cruelty of any kind; animal or human, but I do see an interesting application to this story.

The devil has a lot of believers running scared as he barks and snarls out his threats when the Word plainly states that when we resist him, he will flee. The word flee means to “run in terror.” Why not start the week off right by putting the devil on the run today!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012


Hi, my name is Ashley Wren, and my family and I are members of Central United Methodist Church.

It seems that within our society today, schedules for both adults and children continue to be more demanding and hectic each year.  With school, sports, dance, homework, and countless other extracurricular activities now underway, our afternoons and evenings are not as calm as they were throughout the summer months.  Priorities begin to shift, and often family meals are on-the-go or in front of the TV.  Although it will take planning and careful consideration, I encourage you and your family to try to sit down together for a meal at least two to three times per week.   Sitting down together to eat with the TV, games, and cell phones off will encourage conversation and stability for the family.  My family starts with a prayer, and then we each share our high points and low points of our day.  Whether we are only able to schedule once a week or several times, it's something we all look forward to. 

I encourage your family to try it this week, and try coming to Central this Sunday!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Daily we are barraged with news from overseas and even within our country. The stories range from economic exploitation to racism. Or, maybe we aren't scared of anyone in particular; we are simply scared that we cannot find a job or won't keep our job with the way the economy has been. All of these things can be incredibly intimidating for many people.

The people of Israel were in similar circumstances to the news we hear. They endured a harsh slavery to the King of Egypt, Pharaoh. They cried out in agony over the injustice, but there seem to be no solution in sight.  But then, with little advance notice, God raised up Moses and lead the Israelites out of bondage.

The abused, the forgotten, and the exploited are close to the heart of God. King David sings in Psalm 9, “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” Remember that in tumultuous times, even if there is a delay, God is coming at the right time to protect you.

May God bless you throughout this day!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Good Morning:

Have you ever had these thoughts? I'm not perfect. I have all kinds of problems. I have no ability. I have no gifts. I'm just not worthy. Why would God want me?
Well, did you know that Moses stuttered and he was a murderer; Jacob was a liar; David had an affair; Abraham was old; Timothy was young; Jonah ran from God; Miriam was a gossip; Gideon and Thomas both doubted; Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal; Martha was a worry-wart; and Noah got drunk. The list goes on and on. But God loved them and used them anyway. He knows who we are and what we are and loves us in spite of ourselves.  Satan says, “You're not worthy.” Jesus says, “So what? I am.” 

No, we're not perfect, but God loves us no matter who we are, where we've been, or what we have done. Isn't that amazing?  Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Good Morning!

Our former Bishop, Jack Meadors, went to visit a lady who was celebrating her 103rd birthday.  After wishing her a happy birthday, he asked how she was doing.  With a deep sigh, she said, “Well, I can finally rest now.”  “Why do you say that,” he asked.  She said, “Well, I finally got all my kids settled into nursing homes.”

We find these words in Matthew 11:28:  “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”  How does Christ give rest?  He offers transfer of yokes.  Whatever your problems, share them and give them to Christ.  The result is rest.  With each turning toward Christ, the weary finds peace of soul.  Not idleness of hands or spirit, but peace, the deep calming of one's heart.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012


In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 it tell us to pray at all times. At it's very best prayer is a conversation between us and God. Conversation requires talking and listening. As we talk to Jesus we also learn to be still and listen as it states in Psalms 46:10. We can picture the gentleness in his eyes and the smile full of love as he gazes on us. We can be totally honest with Jesus as we tell him of our worries and our cares. We can open up our hearts to him as we tell him of our fears and our doubts. We can ask him to help us to place ourselves fully in his care, to abandon ourselves to him, knowing that he always wants what is best for us. This is Ryan Butler of Central United Methodist Church. God wants to be in conversation with you. Will you spend a few minutes today telling him about your life, your hopes, and your needs, and more importantly listening to him tell you of His plans and His dreams for you? Take time for prayer today.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012


Do you know what this is? It's my Daddy's deer horn. He used it to train his dogs to come to him after a deer hunt. He was known for having the best deer hounds in the Mississippi Delta, and never lost a dog in the woods due to his good training. Those dogs were pampered, loved, and trained to obey all his commands.

This may sound funny, but my Dad raised us kids in much the same way. He showed us extreme love, pampered and spoiled us, and here's the best part…he made sure we were brought up in the church and trained in the teachings of God and Christ Jesus. He never knew this, but his love and training kept me out of a lot of trouble. When I found myself in a tough spot growing up, it was almost as if I could hear my Daddy blowing his deer horn for me to come back. Technically, it wasn't the deer horn, it was his amazing influence on me that made me remember what was expected of me. I saw God in my Dad every single day.

Can your children see God in you? Think about that and have a wonderful day.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Good Morning!

Three friends die in a car accident and they go to an orientation in heaven. They are all asked, "When you are in your casket and friends and family are talking about you, what would you like them to say?

The first guy says,” I would like to hear them say that I was a great doctor of my time and a great family man." 

The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher, which made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow." 

The last guy replies, "I would like to hear them say ... Look, He's Moving!”

How is your life? Do you feel like one of the living dead just barely getting by or are you “moving”? I don't mean just going through the motions day after day, but really moving, getting the most out of life that you can.

If this is you, let me encourage you to get the most out of life that you can. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  Don't know where to start? Join us this Sunday at Central UMC as we work together on this thing called life!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

Have you ever been around someone with an infectious smile, and you just can't help but smile back yourself? This reminds me of a Liberty Mutual commercial a few years ago where someone would do a good deed for someone else, and then the person who had been helped would turn around and help someone else. This chain continues on and on. It is almost like a contagious cold that spreads with contact; but instead of us getting sick, it brings joy.

The Apostle John reinforces that wisdom in telling us that we love one another, because God first loved us. God loved us by saving us from our sins, and in America, by blessing us with great prosperity. When we turn around and give and help others in need as God has given to and helped us, we bring joy in hearts of people in the midst of darkness. And they might just do the same for someone else. Compassion is contagious!

May God bless you throughout this day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Good morning. "Faith is the bird that sings, while it is still dark, in anticipation of the dawn." I am not sure where I first heard this or even who first said it, but this quote has stuck in my heart. Faith is the tenacity that believes when believing isn't easy and circumstances are hard.

Unfortunately, we often approach faith as something fully accomplished and mature or it is not true faith. We ask ourselves, "How can I believe when I still have some doubts?"

Yet in the real world in which Jesus lived, faith was challenging, hard, dangerous, and always in process.

This is Doug and Maddie Kennedy of Central United Methodist Church.

Lord, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! This is the struggle of real world faith -- faith that admits to some doubts, but hopes in the powerful grace of God, notices the incredible love of Jesus, and has tasted the presence of God's Spirit. I pray for that kind of faith for me and for you.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012


Good morning. This is Bob Peden of Central United Methodist Church. When we come face to face with God it changes us. And at that moment it changes who we are. Even our name. It happened in the stories of the Bible. When Abram meets God and accepts God's promise he becomes Abraham. When Saul meets Jesus on the road to Damascus his name is changed to Paul. And though Simon had been in Jesus' band of disciples for some time, when he becomes aware that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, his name is changed to Peter. We, too, when we meet Jesus face to face take on a new name, the name Christian, one who is like Christ. But God wants us to not only take on the name of Christ, but to also take on the actions of Christ. If we are to live into the name of Christian we must show the kind of love, compassion, and forgiveness that Jesus showed those he encountered. We call ourselves Christian. How are we doing at living for Christ?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Good Morning!

Children have a tremendous capacity to be amazed and delighted by the simple wonders of life.  A baby carefully examines her toes and fingers, and a child laughs in amazement as she chases bubbles around the yard.

Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  We know that God's universe is wondrous to behold, and when we pause to consider the beauty of a sunset or the majesty of a clear, starry night, we are awed.

Sometimes, the demands of everyday life cause us to become preoccupied, and sometimes we fail to appreciate the miracle of God's handiwork.  When we find ourselves caught in the trap of the daily grind, we must stop, be still, and ask God to restore our sense of wonderment. Then, like children - we can see the hand of God in every miraculous fiber of His creation.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hi, my name is Ashley Wren and, my family and I are members of Central United Methodist Church.  This coming Monday, September 3, we pause to celebrate Labor Day.  Labor Day is a United States Federal holiday observed on the first Monday of every September that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers.

In the third book of Colossians, Verses 23-24, the scripture tells us, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  

As a parent and a teacher, I think it is imperative to teach our children the importance of work and its rewards.  Although many of us are receiving a three-day weekend or day off of work and are looking forward to it, it's crucial that we demonstrate pride and satisfaction with our career or specific trade towards our children.  Our jobs are an extension of who we are, and our kids are watching and learning everyday.  I feel that we should encourage our children to do everything possible to match their giftedness, passions, and abilities in their chosen career.  Instilling a strong work ethic will not only help them, but will influence the future of our community.

We would love to see you this Sunday at Central United Methodist Church!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

The start of college football is right around the corner. We are walking into another year of tail-gating on Saturdays and friendly banter amongst rival fans throughout the week. There is nothing that gets us so excited in the South as a great game of pigskin.  And the players put in incredible amount of time in the hopes of receiving the glory of victory and the praise of their fans. No matter how naturally gifted the athletes are physically, there was a lot of training that went into becoming a collegiate player.  Many of them have been playing the game since childhood.

The Christian life is much the same way.  The Apostle Paul says “Train yourself in godliness.” Following Christ doesn't mean you're perfect.  Even the best of us have many struggles. It entails making mistakes and learning from them daily.  We start off like children, but as we grow, we are able to perform at a higher level. And while the hard physical training receives the praise of fans, training in godliness receives the praise of God.

May God bless you throughout this day!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012


Good Morning!

Christopher Wren, the architect who designed St. Paul's Cathedral in London, wrote about the reactions of construction workers on the site who were asked what they were doing. Those workers who were tired or bored responded by saying, “I'm laying brick” or “I'm carrying stones.”  But one worker, who was mixing cement, seemed cheerful and enthusiastic about his work. When Wren asked him what he was doing, the man replied, “I'm building a magnificent cathedral!”

God did not create us to be bored or unfulfilled in our life's work. In fact, it is just the opposite. For Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012


Good morning! I am Owen Weddle, Associate Pastor at Central United Methodist Church.

In the Old Testament, when Israel came to worship, they did two things: they would remember the great things God had done for them and then they would long to experience God's presence. It is like you remembering a dear friend, calling them up, and inviting them to come over for dinner.

That is also the patterns of the followers of Jesus. We remember how God saved us by raising Jesus from the dead, and long to experience God's presence again in our lives. We are constantly barraged daily by messages of fear and temptation to selfishness, but when we remember and experience God's presence again; we are re-energized by the presence of someone we love.

If you don't have a place you go to regularly worship, I invite you this Sunday to join us at Central to remember what God has done and experience His presence.

May God bless you throughout this day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hi, my name is Ashley Wren, and my family and I are members of Central United Methodist Church.

Over the past 12 years, we have picked up and moved four times due to my husband's job.  That means four houses, four new communities, four schools, as well as four church families.  We have now been in Meridian two years, and from the moment we set foot here, we were welcomed with open arms.  Things rings especially true for Central United Methodist Church.  I certainly understand that new situations and visiting churches can be intimidating and often overwhelming.  However, our experience at Central made us feel right at home from the beginning.   Whether you are single or married, in your 20's or 80's, have children or not, come from a previous church home or denomination or none at all, enjoy a more traditional or contemporary service.... You will find a relaxed and satisfying place at Central. 

I would love to see you this Sunday at Central!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Good Morning:

Have you ever heard the song “Take My Hand, Precious Lord”? It was written by an African American named Thomas Andrew Dorsey. He started out as a blues pianist known as Georgia Tom playing in bars and living the kind of life that goes along with that kind of atmosphere. He lost both his wife and first child in childbirth. In his grief, he wrote that song, and thus Gospel music was born.

He wrote more of these gospel hymns, which were rejected by many churches who called it the devil's music. He formed his own publishing company and was founder of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses. Two things to note from this story: when things got tough, Thomas Dorsey turned to God, and he never gave up on his Gospel music. His songs were sung by many famous people, among them: Elvis Presley, Mahalia Jackson, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Aretha Franklin, and Roy Rogers. He is known as the Father of Gospel Music. So when things get rough for you, do like Thomas Dorsey did, turn it over to God, and he will bless you. Have a wonderful day!