Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursay, January 25,2018

TIM Good morning, I’m Tim Wise, Sanctuary Choir Director at Central. Despite the world’s greatest efforts, God is still present everywhere and in everything. They try to take Christ out of the government, schools, Christmas and still, he just won’t go away. Have you ever thought how Jesus overcame two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb? Jesus came into the world through a door marked “no room,” and he escaped the clutches of death by leaving through a door marked “no exit.” That first Christmas there was no room for him in the inn, and continually at Christmas and all times of the year, the world tries to rid itself of God, Jesus, Christ, and all things relating to him. Then the world tried to get rid of him by killing him and placing him in a sealed tomb to shut him out once and for all. God removed that stone and proved that Jesus can’t and won’t be shut out of our lives or out of HIS plan. One day, Jesus is going to intrude on history again. The way to be ready is to have an invitation waiting for him. The question is: will you shut him out or welcome him in?

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