Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

 Have you ever noticed how small ten or twenty bucks is at a store or restaurant, but so much when the offering plate comes around or when you are asked to give to charity? An old story goes that a man had grown up needy but then amassed great wealth later in life and never wished to be parted with it, even in the afterlife. He was a pious and good man, living righteously before God, so the Lord told him he could bring one carry-on through the Pearly Gates. He withdrew all his money and decided against a check or cash, so he spent all he had on gold bars and coins and filled a suitcase completely with the precious metal. When his time came and he arrived at the gates of heaven, the angel at the gate wished to see what he had brought. When he opened his case, the angel exclaimed “You could bring anything and you brought pavement? When we one day walk those streets of gold, wealth and possessions will be left behind. So why do we hold so tightly now? Exercise extravagant generosity this week, think of others beyond yourself and see the peace it brings.

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