Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

 A short time ago, my husband, Rick, had a health scare that required a procedure neither of us saw coming. It happened fast. Our three children were there. I was strong, carrying on conversation and laughing. But as they phoned from surgery one of the grandchildren asked his mother why B’s hand was shaking? I was embarrassed. They should see and feel my strength, not my fear. It later occurred to me that more than anything in this world, I have wanted my children to know of God’s presence and power in their life, yet I was afraid to let them see it in my own. When we keep our needs hidden from our children, how will they know our true source of strength? If we don’t allow our children to help bear burdens of those closest to them, how can they learn to live out this biblical principle? If they haven’t seen our reliance on God, will they forget who can rescue them from their lowest moments? As you enter this new year, are you currently in line for the Super Mom or Dad Award? Take it from a Mom who has had it wrong for many years - it just took a nine-year-old to make it clear - If we pretend to have it all together, have all the answers and strength, how will our children, no MATTER their age, know Who really holds US together? It’s just my thought for the day! Have a blessed one!

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